Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Of course FSG wont sell cheap but you have completely missed the point of the whole debate now..I simply said that Suarez will be off next year but you disagreed.

I never said that you wouldnt get good money, the sugar daddy clubs will pay big monies....

And you wont replace him with a CL quality player because they wont go to Liverpool if you are finishing in 6th-8th places.

Is Suarez "CL quality"? We signed him when we weren't in the CL and finished 7th the season before.
Re: Liverpool Thread

i agree, i took ferguson 4-5 years before he won a trophy. Rodgers deserves at least 2 full seasons before the knives can come out

Also, since Benitez left, LFC have spent more than every team bar Chelsea and City. So please don't make it out like Rodgers is picking up a bunch of Championship riff raff.

Anyway, I know some one here are sensitive, but this is magnificent:

Re: Liverpool Thread

I will be glad when the day comes where the focus is on football. I think Rodgers is digging a big hole by defending Suarez to the hilt. Even ex-Liverpool players like Aldridge, Hansen and Roger Hunt have said that Suarez needs to stop diving.

Rodgers looks like Dalglish part II when it comes to defending Suarez. Last year it was the Evra episode, this year it looks like the diving/acting.
Re: Liverpool Thread

its all very boring I agree Mathew.

no one seems to talk about football anymore. All I hear about or read is money, diving, racism etc....

I am falling out of love with the game.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Whats wrong with defending Saurez? No one fucking else is!

Its honestly pathetic and listening to the cretins of other teams who cant think for themselves and can only read the first few letters of a headline without being told by the other neanderthals what the current status quo is.

Im amazed at how spectacularly the point was missed about Brendan ROgers statement.

He didnt say Luis didnt dive, and im sure hell deal with it behind closed doors. What he said was the focus this weekend on a stupid arse dive was way off the mark considering some real dangerous foul play went on especially by Stoke. For fucks sake Whitehead cut down an 18 year old kid with a cynical two footed scissor tackle and then proceeded to tell him to get off the floor.

All i can say is that in this country, the current targeting of Saurez is nothing more than casual racism. Everything he has been involved in has been reported a hundred fold worse than someone similar. John Terry and racism, hardly a peep, Saurez and racism and everyone has their fucking pitch fork out. Saurez dives and its a dirty foreigner disease, Bale, Young and Wellbeck dives and its nothing. Its a fucking disgrace and i'm truly ashamed to be british currently.

As a nation we've always had this houlier than thou mentality, and that still goes on with the FA. Even ferguson last week, incredibly got away with saying foreigners are dirty divers, except Nani! Anyone else would be taken to task over that.

When the arse falls out of footy - and it will do soon, whether its the money, a euro superleague forming or some major scandal i wont shed a tear.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Whats wrong with defending Saurez? No one fucking else is!

Its honestly pathetic and listening to the cretins of other teams who cant think for themselves and can only read the first few letters of a headline without being told by the other neanderthals what the current status quo is.

Im amazed at how spectacularly the point was missed about Brendan ROgers statement.

He didnt say Luis didnt dive, and im sure hell deal with it behind closed doors. What he said was the focus this weekend on a stupid arse dive was way off the mark considering some real dangerous foul play went on especially by Stoke. For fucks sake Whitehead cut down an 18 year old kid with a cynical two footed scissor tackle and then proceeded to tell him to get off the floor.

All i can say is that in this country, the current targeting of Saurez is nothing more than casual racism. Everything he has been involved in has been reported a hundred fold worse than someone similar. John Terry and racism, hardly a peep, Saurez and racism and everyone has their fucking pitch fork out. Saurez dives and its a dirty foreigner disease, Bale, Young and Wellbeck dives and its nothing. Its a fucking disgrace and i'm truly ashamed to be british currently.

As a nation we've always had this houlier than thou mentality, and that still goes on with the FA. Even ferguson last week, incredibly got away with saying foreigners are dirty divers, except Nani! Anyone else would be taken to task over that.

When the arse falls out of footy - and it will do soon, whether its the money, a euro superleague forming or some major scandal i wont shed a tear.

Re: Liverpool Thread

Whats wrong with defending Saurez? No one fucking else is!

Its honestly pathetic and listening to the cretins of other teams who cant think for themselves and can only read the first few letters of a headline without being told by the other neanderthals what the current status quo is.

Im amazed at how spectacularly the point was missed about Brendan ROgers statement.

He didnt say Luis didnt dive, and im sure hell deal with it behind closed doors. What he said was the focus this weekend on a stupid arse dive was way off the mark considering some real dangerous foul play went on especially by Stoke. For fucks sake Whitehead cut down an 18 year old kid with a cynical two footed scissor tackle and then proceeded to tell him to get off the floor.

All i can say is that in this country, the current targeting of Saurez is nothing more than casual racism. Everything he has been involved in has been reported a hundred fold worse than someone similar. John Terry and racism, hardly a peep, Saurez and racism and everyone has their fucking pitch fork out. Saurez dives and its a dirty foreigner disease, Bale, Young and Wellbeck dives and its nothing. Its a fucking disgrace and i'm truly ashamed to be british currently.

As a nation we've always had this houlier than thou mentality, and that still goes on with the FA. Even ferguson last week, incredibly got away with saying foreigners are dirty divers, except Nani! Anyone else would be taken to task over that.

When the arse falls out of footy - and it will do soon, whether its the money, a euro superleague forming or some major scandal i wont shed a tear.

how patronising is that post! We can think for ourselves. Suarez is a cheating, diving, biting idiot. The media didnt tell me That, I see it with my own eyes!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Is there any other thread on the internet where some people don't go into it for discussion but just to state how much they hate something? This thread has to be one of the best troll threads ever.

We get it, some of you thing Suarez is the devil. Repeating it several times a day might make you feel better but it's boring me and I guess some others might be a little bored of the same, repetitive posts over and over and over...

It seems Liverpool fans can't have much of a discussion in here without some fan of another club coming in and stating how much they hate the club/manager/players and ... what? What do these posters expect to achieve? Liverpool fans to all agree with them?

This might as well be the Liverpool hatred thread, there's so many non-Liverpool fans coming in here with their hatred of something or other. As I said, it's fine to state you don't like X about the club but bleating on about it is pointless.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Saurez has the same problem as Cristiano Ronaldo. Not only do they dive, but their whole on field demeanour screams of arrogance and indignation. As good a player as he was for United (and let's be honest, he's probably the most talented since George Best, possibly ever) I could never love him because of his 'the world is against me' schtick.

Suarez is the same, possibly even worse. He commits nasty, cynical, dangerous fouls on opponents. He acts, feigns injury to get players sent off and does the most annoying thing for me - the scream, roll around, grasp body part long enough for trainers to come on, then walk back on the pitch 1 second later. He waves imaginary cards. He yells at the ref. He bit someone.

And yet people wonder why no one likes him? I honestly think Liverpool could be the only club in England that would defend him so loyally, despite his transgressions.

I also agree, he'll go as soon as a big CL team comes in for him. The only question I have is who that could be. PSG is the only obvious place for me. Barca/Real don't need him. Italian teams have no money. Bayern possibly.

It'll be very good for LFC when he goes for good money imo.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Saurez has the same problem as Cristiano Ronaldo. Not only do they dive, but their whole on field demeanour screams of arrogance and indignation. As good a player as he was for United (and let's be honest, he's probably the most talented since George Best, possibly ever) I could never love him because of his 'the world is against me' schtick.

Suarez is the same, possibly even worse. He commits nasty, cynical, dangerous fouls on opponents. He acts, feigns injury to get players sent off and does the most annoying thing for me - the scream, roll around, grasp body part long enough for trainers to come on, then walk back on the pitch 1 second later. He waves imaginary cards. He yells at the ref. He bit someone.

And yet people wonder why no one likes him? I honestly think Liverpool could be the only club in England that would defend him so loyally, despite his transgressions.

I also agree, he'll go as soon as a big CL team comes in for him. The only question I have is who that could be. PSG is the only obvious place for me. Barca/Real don't need him. Italian teams have no money. Bayern possibly.

It'll be very good for LFC when he goes for good money imo.

There were teams interested in him during the summer, hence why the contract was rushed through so quickly. Not sure on the teams though.
Re: Liverpool Thread

how patronising is that post! We can think for ourselves. Suarez is a cheating, diving, biting idiot. The media didnt tell me That, I see it with my own eyes!

And how many players have dived and cheated at Inter over the years? Tell me it has never happened at Inter and ill let you have your way. Inter were at the centre of corruption in the late 60's including one game with Liverpool. So dont give me any of your lark sunshine.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think fans or managers from other clubs have a right to blame Suarez or Liverpool when their own players are diving or cheating in other ways.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Whats wrong with defending Saurez? No one fucking else is!

Its honestly pathetic and listening to the cretins of other teams who cant think for themselves and can only read the first few letters of a headline without being told by the other neanderthals what the current status quo is.

Im amazed at how spectacularly the point was missed about Brendan ROgers statement.

He didnt say Luis didnt dive, and im sure hell deal with it behind closed doors. What he said was the focus this weekend on a stupid arse dive was way off the mark considering some real dangerous foul play went on especially by Stoke. For fucks sake Whitehead cut down an 18 year old kid with a cynical two footed scissor tackle and then proceeded to tell him to get off the floor.

All i can say is that in this country, the current targeting of Saurez is nothing more than casual racism. Everything he has been involved in has been reported a hundred fold worse than someone similar. John Terry and racism, hardly a peep, Saurez and racism and everyone has their fucking pitch fork out. Saurez dives and its a dirty foreigner disease, Bale, Young and Wellbeck dives and its nothing. Its a fucking disgrace and i'm truly ashamed to be british currently.

As a nation we've always had this houlier than thou mentality, and that still goes on with the FA. Even ferguson last week, incredibly got away with saying foreigners are dirty divers, except Nani! Anyone else would be taken to task over that.

When the arse falls out of footy - and it will do soon, whether its the money, a euro superleague forming or some major scandal i wont shed a tear.

Every now and then a post stands out for all the wrong reasons. This is a fine example. WIth all respect, but this is among the most stupid posts i've ever read.

I agree with you on what you say about Suarez and the dangerous tackles of Stoke and other players.
But can't you see that the focus will always be on Suarez because Liverpool treats all of this so very clumsy (and that is an understatement). Is Suarez a football villain? Objectively and unbiased: no. He's a class act.

Yet i completely agree with beachryan when he compares Suarez with Cristiano Ronaldo. The only difference is that Ronaldo was and is playing for a winning team while Suarez plays for a team that does not win enough. Ronaldo could afford to be an arrogant diving prick, Suarez can't because the results aren't there.

Is Suarez a bigger villain than John Terry? No of course not. John Terry should get a life time achievement award for being the biggest arse hole in English football (and there are many outstanding challengers). Yet, Chelsea handled the racism thing very low key (they handled it badly, but they did it low key). Liverpool was very vocal in it's unappropriate defense of Suarez and they keep on defending the undefendable. Like i said in an above post: Suarez should get permanent guidance from the club. Someone should tell him to stop diving for a start.

And then there is Dags post about the supposed hate against Liverpool in this thread. I guess that includes me. I can assure you that although Liverpool are not my favourite team, i really like Liverpool. When Liverpool challenged Man Utd under Raffa, i even became something of a fan of the club. Every single time they played the CL final i wanted Liverpool to win.

But just like the club Liverpool handles criticism rather badly, it seems as if Liverpool fans on this site are extra sensitive (and this is a polite understatement) towards criticism against their club (that is the reason why some of the better posters on evo-web avoid this thread, i refuse to do this because there is already an undercurrent in this thread that only Liverpool fans should come here and maybe only the ones who accept everything).

Lets try to make myself clear with a(n) (hopefully) fictional example. If John Terry would come to Liverpool and if i would say that he was an asshole, some people here would say that i hate Liverpool because IMO Terry is an arsehole. Some would even suggest that i would be a WUM. As John Terry is IRL not a Liverpool player, all of you will agree with me.

It's good to support your favourite club, but don't be blind for shortcomings. IMO that is the problem with Liverpool: they have lovely fans, perhaps among the best in the world, but there is too much adulation...That is also the reason Dalglish got too much credit...
Re: Liverpool Thread


[Evo-Web Liverpool Thread Meltdown]

And there's another post. Cheers, Gerd.

All what you've said in that post, you said last week. And the week before. And six months ago.

The posts in here from non-Liverpool fans are groundhog day. With all due respect, it's barely worth reading these kind of posts as I've read them a hundred times already.

As I said, we get it. You don't like Suarez. You don't like how the club handles some things. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Coming in here with paragraphs upon paragraphs repeating what you told us months ago is meant to achieve what exactly? Do you expect us all to turn and say "Sorry, we've seen the light and now we agree with all of you!"?

Liverpool fans have said in here numerous times that we know Suarez dives, we know he's a cheat (and no, Ronaldo doesn't get a pass for cheating because he's at a successful club. Possibly the most ridiculous thing I've read in here and that says a lot), we know the club handles some things poorly.

So why the huge posts telling us why you hate certain things so much? Either we agree or we don't, that's it. It's a waste of everyone's time posting things from January 2012 where you also said you hate Suarez.

This isn't necessarily all aimed at you Gerd as there's people like Benni posting the same things every day. My point is, why not just copy and paste what you said six months ago and save yourself some time if you're bothered enough to tell us about your hatred for Suarez and annoyances at Liverpool?

Just to clarify, I have no issue with non-Liverpool fans coming in here. It's not a private thread or anything, it's a public forum and that's great. But posts "groundhog" posts are serving no purpose and have no point and it just clogs up the thread, is annoying repetitive, repeats what we already know, are sometimes condescending and patronising, and sometimes (although this has gone down a lot, which is good) are just plain out to wind people up.

At least try and post discussion posts with something fresh? Beachryan does sometimes repeat himself but he's probably the best non-Liverpool poster in here for some good discussion. Unfortunately others just recycle their old posts and these don't offer anything to the thread.

All my opinion, of course. I'm aware that I'm probably/am known as the "sensitive" one and all that but it just annoys me that this thread can be great at times for some discussion. More often than not though, it's mind-numbing.

Anyway, early morning rant over.

Edit: Also I feel it's unfair to come here and tar other Liverpool fans with the same brush. I'd probably say the likes of myself and Pipa are more supportive of the club than not. You've got the likes of Tik and MatthewSSS who are more balanced with their posts, then the likes of Liverbird and Misfit who just slate the club regardless and only appear to post angry posts about the club.

So to say that Liverpool fans in here are "extra sensitive" or any particular way of viewing things is a bit disrespectful.

[/Evo-Web Liverpool Thread Meltdown]
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Re: Liverpool Thread

You completely misunderstood my post and perhaps all the other ones.
Why is it that every bit of criticism is perceived as "hatred". If i have to believe some fans on Evo-web i do hate a lot of clubs and players. There is only one club that i don't like (not "hate") and that is Real Madrid.
I keep repeating myself?
Suarez keeps on diving and Liverpool fans keep on complaining about the fact that he doesn't get penalties and the club Liverpool keeps on handling thing in a bad manner.

Maybe the "haters" would stop if what Suarez does would not be a weekly issue and talking point (also from Liverpool fans).
Two Liverpool fans complaining that once again Suarez did not get a penalty is objectivity, a non-Liverpool poster pointing out that he dived again is hatred.

Liverpool fans complaining that the club didn't score is justified, other people pointing out that a penalty not given would be academic if Suarez and co wouldn't have missed sitters is hatred.

Come on dags, you are more intelligent than that, surely.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You completely misunderstood my post and perhaps all the other ones.
Why is it that every bit of criticism is perceived as "hatred". If i have to believe some fans on Evo-web i do hate a lot of clubs and players. There is only one club that i don't like (not "hate") and that is Real Madrid.
I keep repeating myself?
Suarez keeps on diving and Liverpool fans keep on complaining about the fact that he doesn't get penalties and the club Liverpool keeps on handling thing in a bad manner.

Maybe the "haters" would stop if what Suarez does would not be a weekly issue and talking point (also from Liverpool fans).
Two Liverpool fans complaining that once again Suarez did not get a penalty is objectivity, a non-Liverpool poster pointing out that he dived again is hatred.

Liverpool fans complaining that the club didn't score is justified, other people pointing out that a penalty not given would be academic if Suarez and co wouldn't have missed sitters is hatred.

Come on dags, you are more intelligent than that, surely.

So because Suarez dives, he shouldn't actually get a penalty when he is legitimately fouled in the box? I think that's the misunderstanding here.

He dives and we ALL agree on that, there's no debate there. But that doesn't excuse that fact that he's being stamped on and having MMA-style elbow attacks committed on him and he's not even being given those decisions. His reputation is going before him with referees and that is plain wrong. Clearly his reputation is going before him on here too, as because he's a diver then he shouldn't ever get a foul.

He gets stamped on, that is assault and violent conduct, agreed? But because he dives (again), that's more newsworthy to the media and to other fans rather than the fact that violence is surely worse than cheating? The media here were obsessed with the dive, yet gave the stamp (which left bruising on Suarez's chest) barely a mention.

And what happens on this site is that we mention he's not getting decisions from incidents like being stamped on or elbowed and the only response from some people is "But he dives!" like that's a valid excuse for not flagging up blatant fouls on him. Each decision should be based on its own merit, regardless of his reputation.

Think of it the other way. Say you have a player who never collects a booking. But then he stamps on someone and the referee turns a blind eye to it because it's only X player whos's so clean-cut that he'd never commit a foul so it couldn't possibly be a foul.

Then you have Suarez who does dive and has a massive reputation for diving. He goes to ground and refs, media, other fans, all immediately think he's dived. It takes video replays to show whether it was or wasn't but the fact is that people's first thought are that it's a dive. Was it Lee Mason who reffed against Stoke? If another player had gone down and been stamped on, I'm pretty sure Mason would've had a proper look at the situation. But because it's Suarez, who cares?

That is our point. Because he dives, it doesn't excuse refs from actually looking at each incident with a clear mind that two players were involved in an incident, regardless of the name on the back of the shirt. Instead, it's Suarez, he must have dived.

Regardless of missing "sitters", not giving a penalty for a clear foul is wrong and that possible penalty could have won the game. Or are we also going to change the rules and say that goals scored from penalties that win games only count if you don't miss sitters during the match?

Suarez does need to cut it out and maybe that will help with future decisions. But at the end of the day, referees should be basing their decisions based on the specifics of that incident and not based on prejudice regarding a certain player.

Anyway, not sure why I bothered posting all of that and my earlier post. I've just committed the same thing I complained about before, repeating what I said months ago. At the end of the day, people are set on their opinions and huge posts like these aren't going to change anyone's mind anyway so that was a waste of time :LOL:

Hopefully it gets my point across at least but in any case, there's no point continuing with this as we both have our own beliefs and not likely to change them based on what some post on here says ;)
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Every now and then a post stands out for all the wrong reasons. This is a fine example. WIth all respect, but this is among the most stupid posts i've ever read.

I agree with you on what you say about Suarez and the dangerous tackles of Stoke and other players.
But can't you see that the focus will always be on Suarez because Liverpool treats all of this so very clumsy (and that is an understatement). Is Suarez a football villain? Objectively and unbiased: no. He's a class act.

Yet i completely agree with beachryan when he compares Suarez with Cristiano Ronaldo. The only difference is that Ronaldo was and is playing for a winning team while Suarez plays for a team that does not win enough. Ronaldo could afford to be an arrogant diving prick, Suarez can't because the results aren't there.

Is Suarez a bigger villain than John Terry? No of course not. John Terry should get a life time achievement award for being the biggest arse hole in English football (and there are many outstanding challengers). Yet, Chelsea handled the racism thing very low key (they handled it badly, but they did it low key). Liverpool was very vocal in it's unappropriate defense of Suarez and they keep on defending the undefendable. Like i said in an above post: Suarez should get permanent guidance from the club. Someone should tell him to stop diving for a start.

And then there is Dags post about the supposed hate against Liverpool in this thread. I guess that includes me. I can assure you that although Liverpool are not my favourite team, i really like Liverpool. When Liverpool challenged Man Utd under Raffa, i even became something of a fan of the club. Every single time they played the CL final i wanted Liverpool to win.

But just like the club Liverpool handles criticism rather badly, it seems as if Liverpool fans on this site are extra sensitive (and this is a polite understatement) towards criticism against their club (that is the reason why some of the better posters on evo-web avoid this thread, i refuse to do this because there is already an undercurrent in this thread that only Liverpool fans should come here and maybe only the ones who accept everything).

Lets try to make myself clear with a(n) (hopefully) fictional example. If John Terry would come to Liverpool and if i would say that he was an asshole, some people here would say that i hate Liverpool because IMO Terry is an arsehole. Some would even suggest that i would be a WUM. As John Terry is IRL not a Liverpool player, all of you will agree with me.

It's good to support your favourite club, but don't be blind for shortcomings. IMO that is the problem with Liverpool: they have lovely fans, perhaps among the best in the world, but there is too much adulation...That is also the reason Dalglish got too much credit...

Sorry Gerd but you consistently show yourself up as having no knowledge of the game. ive been watching liverpool since the late seventies/early eighties and i've seen that change for the worst that football has gone through.

If you understood my post and if you read it correctly rather than simply shooting from the hip you'd see that i wasnt saying Saurez doesnt dive. We all know he dives, we all know he has a rep. The same rep as Ronaldo. The same rep as Rooney. The same rep as gerrard.

Im talking about constant victimisation and bullying thats gone on since Ferguson and his LMA pals decided to bring this up as a hot topic last year. Its casual racism. I've seen worse attempts at cheating by Rooney, Young, Wellbeck and Gerrard over the years, but they are always glossed over. If you read the Suarez racism report from the FA (all pages of it which i did) you'd find that what he was found guilty on was a farce and has since had to put up with a lot of character assasination. Meanwhile John Terry who was actually caught and witnessed to saying his comments to ferdinand had a lenient sentance dished out and has been treated pretty well by the media because hes an England lion/darling (delete as appropriate).

And as for other fans, as someone has posted above, the hypocrisy from other fans is staggering.

So its you Gerd that needs to take a step back and stop posting crap in a thread, get a brain and a real opinion and stop following the herd.
Re: Liverpool Thread

So because Suarez dives, he shouldn't actually get a penalty when he is legitimately fouled in the box? I think that's the misunderstanding here.

He dives and we ALL agree on that, there's no debate there. But that doesn't excuse that fact that he's being stamped on and having MMA-style elbow attacks committed on him and he's not even being given those decisions. His reputation is going before him with referees and that is plain wrong. Clearly his reputation is going before him on here too, as because he's a diver then he shouldn't ever get a foul.

He gets stamped on, that is assault and violent conduct, agreed? But because he dives (again), that's more newsworthy to the media and to other fans rather than the fact that violence is surely worse than cheating? The media here were obsessed with the dive, yet gave the stamp (which left bruising on Suarez's chest) barely a mention.

And what happens on this site is that we mention he's not getting decisions from incidents like being stamped on or elbowed and the only response from some people is "But he dives!" like that's a valid excuse for not flagging up blatant fouls on him. Each decision should be based on its own merit, regardless of his reputation.

Think of it the other way. Say you have a player who never collects a booking. But then he stamps on someone and the referee turns a blind eye to it because it's only X player whos's so clean-cut that he'd never commit a foul so it couldn't possibly be a foul.

Then you have Suarez who does dive and has a massive reputation for diving. He goes to ground and refs, media, other fans, all immediately think he's dived. It takes video replays to show whether it was or wasn't but the fact is that people's first thought are that it's a dive. Was it Lee Mason who reffed against Stoke? If another player had gone down and been stamped on, I'm pretty sure Mason would've had a proper look at the situation. But because it's Suarez, who cares?

That is our point. Because he dives, it doesn't excuse refs from actually looking at each incident with a clear mind that two players were involved in an incident, regardless of the name on the back of the shirt. Instead, it's Suarez, he must have dived.

Regardless of missing "sitters", not giving a penalty for a clear foul is wrong and that possible penalty could have won the game. Or are we also going to change the rules and say that goals scored from penalties that win games only count if you don't miss sitters during the match?

Suarez does need to cut it out and maybe that will help with future decisions. But at the end of the day, referees should be basing their decisions based on the specifics of that incident and not based on prejudice regarding a certain player.

Anyway, not sure why I bothered posting all of that and my earlier post. I've just committed the same thing I complained about before, repeating what I said months ago. At the end of the day, people are set on their opinions and huge posts like these aren't going to change anyone's mind anyway so that was a waste of time :LOL:

Hopefully it gets my point across at least but in any case, there's no point continuing with this as we both have our own beliefs and not likely to change them based on what some post on here says ;)

Brilliant Dags. Really well put. Its like they have their hands clapped on their ears and screaming, they just dont want to know.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Well you are both obviously very biased.

To dags:
I never said that Suarez should not get a penalty if he really was fouled. What i keep saying is that his reputation as a diver does not do him any good when there is doubt (and there is almost always doubt).
I've said countless times in this thread that he should stop diving and then he eventually would get penalties, but he just keeps on trying the most ridiculous and obvious diving (like the gif in this thread).
Di Matteo criticized Hazard openly because he fell too easy against Norwich (and IMO in one case it could have been a penalty). That is the way to handle this as a club.

But like dags said: let's agree to disagree. I didn't mean no harm (i never do).

And i would be glad if Liverpool would compete for a CL place or better. I'm convinced thatRodgers is the right man for that job.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Brilliant Dags. Really well put. Its like they have their hands clapped on their ears and screaming, they just dont want to know.

We are entitled to opinion.

Suarez is an idiot and I hate the guy. Just like John Terry.

You dont like to admit because you are proud, he is your player. If he played for your blue neighbours, Chelsea or Man Utd, you'd also hate the guy. But he plays in the red of Liverpool so you refuse to move on the subject which is acceptable.

and Gerd seems like a very knowledgable poster. get off his case just because you dont like what he posts.
Re: Liverpool Thread

We are entitled to opinion.

Suarez is an idiot and I hate the guy. Just like John Terry.

You dont like to admit because you are proud, he is your player. If he played for your blue neighbours, Chelsea or Man Utd, you'd also hate the guy. But he plays in the red of Liverpool so you refuse to move on the subject which is acceptable.

and Gerd seems like a very knowledgable poster. get off his case just because you dont like what he posts.

For your interest i dont hate anybody. I dont care about other clubs players either, but i dont hate them. I concentrate on my own club and if i feel they are getting unfairly targeted i will say so.

I hate cheating. And i hate dirty tactics. And in every team that happens. Its just everyones holier than thou attitude that grates. You'll probably see someone like Sneijder or Ricardo Álvarez dive next week to gain an advantage. but that will be ok wont it?
Re: Liverpool Thread

For your interest i dont hate anybody. I dont care about other clubs players either, but i dont hate them. I concentrate on my own club and if i feel they are getting unfairly targeted i will say so.

I hate cheating. And i hate dirty tactics. And in every team that happens. Its just everyones holier than thou attitude that grates. You'll probably see someone like Sneijder or Ricardo Álvarez dive next week to gain an advantage. but that will be ok wont it?

They dont do it 100 times every match.

They dont bite other players.

The dont pretend they have been shot every other match.

They dont racially abuse opposing players.


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Re: Liverpool Thread

They dont do it 100 times every match.

They dont bite other players.

The dont pretend they have been shot every other match.

They dont racially abuse opposing players.

Did Suarez racially abuse Evra? Go and read the report.

And regardless of if they act like they are shot or not, ive seen Sneijder dive manay a time. A dive is a dive whether you do swan lake or make it look masterful, its both cheating.


What Saurez did with the bite was wrong but was punished for the crime and hes served his time on that.

Do you hate Roy Keane? Do you hate Eric Cantona? Do you hate Schumacher? Do you hate Materazzi?

i could go on.
Re: Liverpool Thread

They dont do it 100 times every match.

They dont bite other players.

The dont pretend they have been shot every other match.

They dont racially abuse opposing players.

But ronaldo was never a racist. at least he has something going for him ;)

Bale doesnt do it every match he plays.


Don't feed the troll. I'm just going back to posting the odd bit of interesting info, some things never change here.
Re: Liverpool Thread

i LOV schumacher lad hence it was my username previously

suarez likes to hit the deck too easily and too often imo. then again the toon we have players who like to take a tumble from time to time and it pisses me off too.
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