Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

the only difference then between you and andy carroll is he is getting 80 grand a week!

Yes I despair at what these players are paid... I merely earn a paltry £79,999 per week... Oh for that extra pound...:P

Back on topic, Rodgers needs this AND next season to mould and build the squad... The rot was setting in at Anfield during Rafa's last few months... Time to give youth a chance and let Gerrard, Carra etc blend into the background... Hate to say it but Man Utd blooded Scholes, Giggs, Butt, Nevilles, Beckham etc and built from their natural youthful hunger. That hunger has stayed with them and is why they still play and win now.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Can't find a West Ham United thread, and being about Andy Carroll I guess this is the best place to post:

How annoying is is to have seen Andy Carroll play fairly well for West Ham on his debut yet because he got injured, the media start discussing how much he cost already, barely mentioning he looked a decent addition.
Re: Liverpool Thread

thanks for the interview mate, i enjoyed it..

btw, looks like we can expect Suso and Pacheco in our upcoming europe league matches...

it´s better to risk young players for this competition than play old players or buy someone like Owen if you have young talent..

i won´t mind us risking this competition over taking it seriously and seing another match with Carragher on pitch and Coates on bench...
Re: Liverpool Thread

i don´t know but i asked this myself as well...must be something with his contract not being signed yet and risking him going for free..he is just 18, maybe he didn´t signed yet his contract and had everything in his hands basicly... but i realy don´t know the background of this move..

might be similar to what Pogba, Morrison and Fryers did to United actually..
Re: Liverpool Thread

Probably just Hyypiä doing his old club a favour.

you realy think that he pushed one of the brightest Germany talent´s out of the club he is coaching? he has someone above him that is in charge of the players wages and contract´s, a manager, and Rudi Voller :) he would be fired if what you say is true...Sami i believe is a professional, he was as a player and i´m sure he is now as a manager..

in my view it´s ridicilous to even think that Leverkusen couldn´t hold on Yesil if they could hold on to much biger talents over the years... probably he demanded something more... as i said, maybe some german friends would have a better informations about it..

or maybe this time we have a clever talent finders that can spot a good talent for good price avileable? finally perhaps...?!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Not forced him out but got a better deal as a result, assuming both clubs came to an agreement over the price.

It helps with transfer negotiations if both parties are on friendly terms.
Re: Liverpool Thread

tbh, i never even knew we are going to bid for Yesil, and i was surprised, mostly becouse i thought he is bound to be Leverkusen player for long time...

but knowing Rodger´s and FSG phylosophy, now i´m sure we can expect young players coming in instead of older ones, untill at least we build something..and erase the mistakes of those who gave big sallary´s to players sitting on bench or players made of glass...

so after all Yesil might have been scouted not playing for Leverkusen and from Hyypia´s point of view, but from those who knew his Germany NT performances in various tournaments..and thought his value will go up..

what happend between the clubs is something i realy don´t know.. i don´t see that much in to this move...

he was bought to play for the reserves first, but with no striker coming in the window, i think he might get a chance in Europa League or perhaps even Premier League...
Re: Liverpool Thread

So apparently the fans of Bayer Leverkusne blame Rudi Voller for putting a 1 million clause in Yesil´s contract, they don´t blame Hyypia. It was not his decision. German clubs have a different system of operation compared to the traditional English one - the head coach (Hyypia) does not have the final say on transfers but instead concentrates on tactics and training. A director of sport/football is in charge of player acquisitions, departures, and contracts. Rudi Völler is the director of sports at Bayer Leverkusen. Sami did talk with Yesil about Liverpool, but it was not his decision to sell him.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

I think it's great that players like Suso and Yesil will get chances. This could be a blessing in disguise to have a shortage of first team strikers, so that Rodgers bloods youngsters of which Sterling has made a promising start. Could be the beginning of good things.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Wallcot started to play for England at the same age..

Sterling is only called up, doesn´t mean he will play + he is good for his age so he deserves the call.
Re: Liverpool Thread

a future for England:

--------- Rodwell --- Wilshere ----------

Sterling -------- Cleverley ------------ Oxlaid-Chamberlain

----------------- Rooney ------------------

not bad at all..
Re: Liverpool Thread

So Sterling has what, 120 minutes of first team football and he's been called up?

Not like the English to over-hype players early is it?
Re: Liverpool Thread

you overreact, Sterling might be called, but that don´t mean he will actually play..

besides why shouldn´t he be called up, is there a reason he shouldn´t be..?

and even if it might seem i back this call up, i would be happyer for Sterling to concentrate on the club, i also think he has time for senior national team...but this call up might be a way to prevent Jamaica call up...
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think any player that has only played 2 senior matches in his life should be playing for a major footballing country.

He has looked talented, and I'm sure one day he'll be a consistent full international but to pick him after 2 matches? How reactionary are we these days?

Your final point is, presumably, the only real reason he's there.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think any player that has only played 2 senior matches in his life should be playing for a major footballing country.

He has looked talented, and I'm sure one day he'll be a consistent full international but to pick him after 2 matches? How reactionary are we these days?

Your final point is, presumably, the only real reason he's there.

I agree with beachryan. I was also shocked to see him called up. He's barely started in Liverpool's first XI for few games.
Also to see Gerrard getting all excited does'nt help. But this is the same Gerrard who likened Cole to Messi.

But the English always over-hype their players, and I hope that Sterling is guided in the right way.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sterling is not better than Downing. You can't judge a player on two or 3 matches.

I'm with Beach here.

Above all, this is a bad thing for Sterling himself: Walcott, the Ox and now Sterling; massive expectations and they will never be able to live up to the hype (although a player like Walcott is very good, but nobody sees it because he was so hyped).

In England it's all or nothing. Hazard was written off before he even played a match. Then he played 3 very good matches and he's considered as the next big thing. There were even articles along the line of: he may be the best foreign player ever in the EPL. Poor Hazard...after barely 3 matches.
Re: Liverpool Thread

The media are crazy. Everything is so short-sighted. If you read the Guardian there are so many blogs about Liverpool. Some people were saying that Liverpool are in a "crisis" after 3 league games. I mean get a grip !!
The same media will over-analyze every performance to death. Over-hyping or over-the-top-criticism. Nothing in between.
Re: Liverpool Thread

guys you argue about things that are unecessary to argue about..the thing is, he is avileable to play for Jamaica.. if he is called up now, it´s definetly to prevent Jamaica to snap him before the English NT... btw, i´m for playing all the players in qualification who are in form atm, Sterling is despite his age in form, so he should help his national team...after all it´s a long qualification and long way to go...Steven Davies from Bolton also played a match if you know what i mean... to be called up now doesn´t mean he will be in final 23 men WC squad... it´s just to give him a game in senior team.. before Jamaica will...
Re: Liverpool Thread

If Sterling wants to play for England all he has to do is not playing for Jamaica. You make it sound like some Jamaican thug will come and kidnap Sterling to Jamaica to play with that country.

There is no reason whatsoever to select Sterling.
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