Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

There are rumours that both Liverpool and Arsenal are interested in Mirallas. Would be a typical player for Arsenal: small, technical, light. I'm not sure if he's good enough for the EPL. He was outstanding in Greece but flopped in France after he got transferred from Lille tot St.-Etienne.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rodgers "I want to bring more goals into the group"

Rodgers, who was appointed as the club's new manager earlier this summer, utilised a 4-3-3 system at Swansea last season and appears keen to implement a similar formation at Anfield.

Liverpool struggled for goals in 2011-12, managing little more than half that of the top two in the Premier League and finding the net on fewer occasions than relegated Blackburn.

Much of the blame was directed at the Reds' misfiring strikers with Luis Suarez frequently hitting the woodwork and Andy Carroll a figure of fun for some.

But Rodgers wants to see a fluid system that will see Liverpool's goals coming from a variety of sources.

"I want to bring more goals into the group," Rodgers told the Liverpool Echo. "That can help the group. That is what this season is about.

"People talk about the goalscoring last year. They talk about playing two strikers or one striker, but it's about your players.

"For a lot of last season the team played 4-4-2. People cry out about playing two strikers up front, yet everyone at the end of the season said we didn't score enough.

"With 4-3-3 you play with three strikers, depending on the types they are - whether it's one up and two wide or one up and two more narrow.

"That means the draws can turn into wins and the losses turn into draws. If we can get goals into the team and keep our stability from behind then hopefully we can fly."
Re: Liverpool Thread

Brendan Rodgers: Andy Carroll will not be allowed to leave Liverpool FC on the cheap

BRENDAN RODGERS has warned potential suitors that striker Andy Carroll won't be allowed to leave Liverpool FC on the cheap.

The Reds boss, who admitted he's interested in signing Fulham's Clint Dempsey but rubbished reports a deal has been agreed, branded the idea of allowing the club's record signing to go out on a season-long loan as “ridiculous”.

Liverpool will listen to offers for Carroll who cost £35million from Newcastle United 18 months ago but Rodgers insists the 23-year-old will only move on if the price is right.

Newcastle failed in an attempt to land Carroll on loan last weekend and no club has yet tabled a permanent bid for the big frontman.

“For us it's simple, the club have invested £35million in Andy and he's a player who is still part of this group,” said Rodgers.

“The only way we would even think about him going out is the same with any other player.

“If there was an offer to take him on a permanent deal then as a football club we would need to look at that.

“That's no different to any player but the thought of him going out on loan for one year is just ridiculous really.

“Unfortunately it's that part of the season when there's a game going on in football with agents and other people.”

In the absence of a sufficiently attractive offer, Carroll will fly out with the club's other England internationals to link up with the Reds squad in Boston next Monday.

“I've spoken to Andy and I was straight with him like I've been with them all,” Rodgers added.

“The reality is he will join us next week and he's a talented player.

“I'm looking forward to him coming back and then we will see what happens. We will review from there whatever comes in for him or any other players.”

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it´s bad treatement i think, everyone should deserve the chance to impress in pre-season as all the players did.. + Carroll quotes like this won´t make us sell him for the most highest fee possible, but the oposite, since everyone knows Rodgers realy want´s to get rid, i hate this way of dealing with things...

big minus for Rodgers just for not giving the lad a chance.. Once he moves to whatever club, he might turn out better and we will be a laughing stock, we already are for this deal, now let´s move him to Newcastle and wait for him to score them to top 4 spot and CL...

Re: Liverpool Thread

Why are you so disappointed Pipa? He's saying they WONT let him go for cheap or for a stupid loan option (which are the only two ways Liverpool will be laughing stock even more) and if a good enough offer doesn't come, he'll be part of the group.

His words have been quite good. He even said, it's the same for any other player where will evaluate a good offer. Unless you're worried that his words are the opposite of his actions or what he intends? I don't understand.

Otherwise, I don't see what's wrong about what Rodgers said. He's saying Andy does have a chance and will be part of group and that he's even looking forward to him coming back (this part is BS lol).
Re: Liverpool Thread

There are rumours that both Liverpool and Arsenal are interested in Mirallas. Would be a typical player for Arsenal: small, technical, light. I'm not sure if he's good enough for the EPL. He was outstanding in Greece but flopped in France after he got transferred from Lille tot St.-Etienne.

He's definitely good enough in my opinion.

He did well at Lille despite a lot of other talent at club and him being really young back then and at St. Etienne, he did better than people like to admit. Olympiakos came in with a big offer and that was a great deal for both clubs and the player so all 3 parties benefited from it. Les Verts' loss was Olympiakos' gain.

I've seen him in Ligue 1 since he was a teenager and thought he has big potential and nowadays he's a lot closer to the ability we once expected of him as he's grown, matured and is physically and mentally stronger and not just another 'technical' player. He was talented even as a youngster but now is much improved and a real quality player.

Also, he's got good balance and isn't easy to knock off the ball so him being 'small' isn't really an issue. He used to be quite selfish but nowadays is less so even if he's still self-centered at times.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Why are you so disappointed Pipa?

i´m dissapointed he came up with this on first place, Andy should get the chance as all the players in US to show new coach his ability and then discous his future after the pre season tour, not before it... Now the player is not confident, other teams know we want to sell and his price again will be inflated, but the oposite way... to lowest possible..

Mirallas and any other quality attacking player would be welcome, after all we need to replace Kuyt, Maxi and maybe also Carroll and Bellamy in near future..
Re: Liverpool Thread

I see what you mean. By the way the opposite of inflated = deflated. :)

And yeah I think Mirallas would be a great buy especially given his low release clause and although Gerd a fellow Belgian himself may have doubts, I don't. After all he's better than Pennant, Maxi, Kuyt, Bellamy (these days) and Jovanovic.

For me he's better than Theo Walcott as well although Theo's EPL experience would give him the edge at this point before Kevin fully adapts to EPL which I think he will if given the chance.

Kuyt obviously has certain strengths that very few players in the world have such as iron will determination and CRAZY fitness levels but other than those 2 attributes, Mirallas again can be much more useful with superior skill and speed.

If all these players played for Liverpool, I don't see why Kevin can't.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Roger needs to make waves imo, everything goes atm. I wouldn`t take everything so hard. No one knows what he is dealing with. He said in an article it will take more than a few season to take Liverpool back on top.

Surely he wasn`t talking about position ,but more of the club`s past dealings post war stuff that`s still about. Kenny brought players like a bird matching shoes to outfits. Roger must be in shocked, with all that`s been done.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I agree with PLF about Rodgers on Caroll. I don't see anything wrong.
About Mirallas: i hope you're right.
We Belgians have the tendency to underestimatie our players. I never thought Kompany, Fellaini and Vermaelen would do well in England and i also have my doubts about Hazard (although he is together with Dembele and Vertonghen my favourite player) and Vertonghen.

IMO Dries Mertens is a better version of Mirallas and if you only look at our national team, Mertens is better than Hazard.

About Mirallas: IMO he is better suited to Arsenal's playing style than Liverpool's (but maybe this will change under Rodgers).
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think you definitely do underestimate the Belgians, Gerd.

I honestly thought Kompany, Fellaini and Vermaelen would do well especially Fellaini and all 3 definitely have. Dembele I wasn't as sure about but he's definitely put all my doubts away now.

I'm also very confident about Vertonghen and Hazard. They are both QUALITY players and quality players can do it anywhere. They're not guys who lack confidence either and in my opinion 'confidence' is what often makes or breaks and separates the best from the 'good'. Vertonghen will be an instant hit while poor Eden now has to justfiy that crazy price tag attached to him which as we've found is HARD for anyone but even then, I think he will. But Jan Vertongen will have an easier time initially I think but both will prove their quality sooner or later.

Mertens I haven't seen enough of so I can't really judge.

Again about Mirallas, I don't think he's GREAt or anything but like I said, look at the list of players who've played for Arsenal and Liverpool in recent years. They're not exactly world beaters. Is Kevin not better than Pennant who played for both those clubs in fact along with several other EPL ones? In my opinion, he definitely is! And considering the cheap release clause he has in his contract (I think only $10M US), it's a bargain considering how many clubs are paying double that for completely unproven talent.

I think at this price, Mirallas would be a gain to any team be it Liverpool or Arsenal and prior to Rodgers' arrival, I fully agree that he's much better suited to The Gunners but like you said, now we'll have to wait and see. If Liverpool start playing like Swansea did last season then I think he can fit in just fine. Of course going to Arsenal, he would not only fit in there but he'd have Vermaelen as well and quite possibly as next Captain which would help though I don't know the relationship or possible friendship between those two.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Given the fact that Swansea has already signed Michu who plays in the same position as Joe Allen, I think Liverpool should make a bid for Allen which is likely to be accepted.
Dempsey should officially be a Liverpool player by Friday so I think it looks pretty good so far.

Gaston Ramirez would be the icing on the cake if it happens.
Re: Liverpool Thread

What's Dempsey's contract situation? He's pretty important to Fulham, not sure they'd really want to sell. Obviously Liverpool are a 'bigger' club, but London is also a much nicer place for an ex-pat to live. Plus, with Borini, Carroll, Suarez all at LFC, he wouldn't be guaranteed a place in his preferred position.

All that said, the fact that he's American and almost 30 lead me to believe only LFC would make a sizeable bid for him, so it could happen.
Re: Liverpool Thread

trophy winning training team that Joe Cole was talking about :D

Agger with Rodgers by the statue of John Harvard
Re: Liverpool Thread

Beachryan, i'm a bit bewildered about your last post about Dempsey.
I understand that his age might be a reason why there aren't many clubs interested in him. But him being American? A good player is a good player...a manager or club who rejects a good player (and Dempsey is very good) because of his nationality is an idiot. Or am i missing something (and this isn't meant to be sarcasm, it's an honest question).
Re: Liverpool Thread

The US isn't known as a soccer/football country so there's a stigma on players, is what I think he was going for. Maybe teams don't think he can cut it somewhere 'big'.
Re: Liverpool Thread

The US wasn't known as a cycling country yet Lemond and Armstrong won 10 Tour de France's and 2 WC's between them...
Re: Liverpool Thread

I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant.

I think (he will correct me if I'm wrong), he meant that since Liverpool's owners (Fenway Sports - John Henry and co.) are Americans, they are EVEN more attracted to Clint Dempsey than maybe Daniel Levy would be for example. Not that, they wouldn't be if he wasn't American or that he can't cut it, etc.

Just that, because they are also Americans, his acquisition would probably please them even more than another player of the same calibre who wasn't American and that of course his capture can be good for merchandise/popularity of the game back home in US since a Top US National team player now plays for arguably one of the biggest clubs in the world.

So I think he didn't mean it in a bad way or to question Clint's ability which would be unwise, but just saying that they are especially keen to get him because not ONLY is he a quality player but that's a compatriot as well and can give Liverpool a more American identity and possibly bring them more American fans and hence more sales, etc.

Can't say I disagree IF that's what he meant. Of course I'd buy Clint Dempsey to play for my team whether he was American, Arab or Chinese. He's just a quality player.
Re: Liverpool Thread

As for the question Ryan posed, he has a year left on his contract. I would say no more than 7,5mil (seeing as Arsenal have been offered 15mil for RvP) would be a good buy. Besides his quality, he could push quite a few shirts aswell in the US. :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rodgers signed with the reds to take over all the transfers, the owners liking Dempsey has nothing to do with the fact they want to go for him while Rodgers doesn´ fact Rodgers want this player becouse he rates him, not becouse owners want him and definetly not becouse of his nationality..

he said in his interview that he doesn´t care about the nationality of his players as long as they get the value of this club and work with him thinking of this values..

watch more interviews...

EDIT: that "more shirts sold when buying Dempsey" situation is ridicilous, did Everton sold more shirts in US when Donovan played there? i don´t think so.. Soccer in US is popular, but if we realy wanted to sell shirts we go for an asian, player from India or Malaysia etc... or someone like Dong Fangzhuo if you know what i mean ...
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