Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Anyway....for the FA cup Semi-final...I think Liverpool will win 2:1
after Extra time....or with a winner in the last minute...

Can't see them bottling this game....but it will be very tight... the prediction pretty close :-)

First half we were bad...

I liked our 2nd half performance...when we really got at them..

Carroll and Suarez play well together....because the defenders
can't keep up with Caroll's height or Suarez' trickery...

Downing was good .....beating Baines ...and causing havoc
Bellamy good.....assist for winning goal
Henderson....ok...not sure why he is starting such important
games when we have an obvious goal threat called Maxi
Maxi almost scored......imagine if he is starting more games
Suarez...superb finish ....and too hot to handle for Everton's defence
after his goal....he was good in the 2nd half.
Carroll.....had 3 great chances...and took the one near the end.
Good aerial presence...and in general seems to be improving.

Credit to the team.....Dalglish still needs to polish
his team selection......if he stops stubbornly picking Henderson and puts Maxi
in his place....we can really finish this season well.

But Liverpool deserve the FA cup final spot....
Hope we get Chelsea.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

i don´t think we were bad first half untill Carra´s big mistake to gift Everton the goal..

Seeing Carra there i knew he is playing becouse of sentimental reasons.. not becouse he deserves it for this season.. even if he is a legend..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

23 years ago today 96 fans went to the game and never came home.

R.I.P. to all those who lost their lives that day.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I say huge praise for the way they played yesterday. Credit where it's due. It would have been very easy to just fold under the pressure of going behind and letting the occasion get to them. It would have been very easy to just buckle and shrug their shoulders and feel sorry for themselves and to just say it 'wasn't our day'. But no, they were brilliant, to a man.

At half time I thought we not no chance, I thought the lesser characters would have hidden from the game, but they all came out and gave it their best. Well done boys, you did the shirt proud yesterday. But looking at the games for the majority of the season one thing that keeps sticking out; we're absolutely having no luck whatsoever, no nice rebounds, no things falling for us in the box, no decisions going our way, plenty going against us etc etc. It's as if every team we play we have to beat them twice to have a chance of winning.

Take that Everton lad late in the second half with that challenge. It would have been a harsh double yellow, but if that was a Liverpool player with the season we've had, he'd have had his marching orders.

But great to see the boys fighting for each other. They're all in this mess together, it's up to them to find a way out and restore some pride for next year!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

in other news:

Posted on: Sun 15 Apr 2012
Chelsea Football Club is extremely disappointed that a very small minority of fans embarrassed the club today by not honouring the moment's silence before kick-off.

Chelsea FC believes all moments of respect should be honoured and today we pay our full respects to all those that suffered as a result of the Hillsborough disaster 23 years ago.,,10268~2736577,00.html

Luis Suárez to sign longer-term contract with 'supportive' Liverpool
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Sometimes one picture says more than 1000 words: just look at the picture with Suarez.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Big home game against West Brom.....

Can we start winning these type of games more often?

It's Roy Hodgson's first return to Anfield since his sacking...
so needless to say...his team will be up for it.

Carroll is looking better.....he needs to start more games
and have Downing on the left, and Bellamy on the right.

Maxi also deserves more time in the first team...

Can't wait for the FA cup final though......I feel optimistic
against chelsea......we've beaten them twice this season will be a fantastic final.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Really not sure about the final, when will the prem match be held? Might end up playing each other twice within a week.

@ Gerd,

Give it a rest, we get it, you don't like Suarez. But at the same time a photo of Kenny looks like he is ridiculously happy....what does that mean?! Nothing! It's a single photo, and your comment is pretty pathetic if you are trying to demonise Suarez based on it.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Why are you all so oversensitive?
I know what you mean, it's just a picture, a can be a coïncidence. But are you guys so biased or full of adoration that you don't see this guy refuses to adapt himself?
Everbody talks about Balotelli or Tevez, but IMO what Suarez does is much worse. He shows a blatant lack of respect for the way English people live football and on top of that he isn't even that good on a football pitch the last months.

I'm not trying to demonise Suarez (the fact that you speculate about that shows how biased you are), why would i demonise somebody i don't know personally (and somebody i truly liked as a player, his first matches for Liverpool were sensational)?

It was merely an observation, to me that photo is a symbol of the person Suarez is turning out to be...somebody with a blatant lack of respect for English football.

But i've understood it, i will give it a more comments about Suarez. From now on Suarez is the best player in the world, will not play a single bad match, is an example for youth players all over the world. I just hope that when he leaves Liverpool you guys will have the decency to do the same...because i'm pretty sure that day i will be the one who is going to defend him when Liverpool fans will "demonise" Suarez...

You are one of my favourite posters on this forum and in this thread, that was a pretty stupid reply for an intelligent person like you (with all due respect).
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

From now on Suarez is the best player in the world, will not play a single bad match, is an example for youth players all over the world.
that was a pretty stupid reply for an intelligent person like you (with all due respect).

This ^^^ is a stupid reply, (with all due respect):OOOH:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Why are you all so oversensitive?
I know what you mean, it's just a picture, a can be a coïncidence. But are you guys so biased or full of adoration that you don't see this guy refuses to adapt himself?
Everbody talks about Balotelli or Tevez, but IMO what Suarez does is much worse. He shows a blatant lack of respect for the way English people live football and on top of that he isn't even that good on a football pitch the last months.

I'm not trying to demonise Suarez (the fact that you speculate about that shows how biased you are), why would i demonise somebody i don't know personally (and somebody i truly liked as a player, his first matches for Liverpool were sensational)?

It was merely an observation, to me that photo is a symbol of the person Suarez is turning out to be...somebody with a blatant lack of respect for English football.

But i've understood it, i will give it a more comments about Suarez. From now on Suarez is the best player in the world, will not play a single bad match, is an example for youth players all over the world. I just hope that when he leaves Liverpool you guys will have the decency to do the same...because i'm pretty sure that day i will be the one who is going to defend him when Liverpool fans will "demonise" Suarez...

You are one of my favourite posters on this forum and in this thread, that was a pretty stupid reply for an intelligent person like you (with all due respect).

Let's not get carried away guys, we're supporting the same team. Yes it's sort of disrespecting but it's nothing that big really. Why would he do that to his team's history if he intends to stay long long after? It's not his intention to hurt Gerd's feelings :))
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

This ^^^ is a stupid reply, (with all due respect):OOOH:

If you quote me, then do it correctly.
It's pretty obvious that i was being sarcastic, you omitted the one part that was serious, how convenient...

But you are entitled to your own opinion of course.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Why are you all so oversensitive?
I know what you mean, it's just a picture, a can be a coïncidence. But are you guys so biased or full of adoration that you don't see this guy refuses to adapt himself?
Everbody talks about Balotelli or Tevez, but IMO what Suarez does is much worse. He shows a blatant lack of respect for the way English people live football and on top of that he isn't even that good on a football pitch the last months.

I'm not trying to demonise Suarez (the fact that you speculate about that shows how biased you are), why would i demonise somebody i don't know personally (and somebody i truly liked as a player, his first matches for Liverpool were sensational)?

It was merely an observation, to me that photo is a symbol of the person Suarez is turning out to be...somebody with a blatant lack of respect for English football.

But i've understood it, i will give it a more comments about Suarez. From now on Suarez is the best player in the world, will not play a single bad match, is an example for youth players all over the world. I just hope that when he leaves Liverpool you guys will have the decency to do the same...because i'm pretty sure that day i will be the one who is going to defend him when Liverpool fans will "demonise" Suarez...

You are one of my favourite posters on this forum and in this thread, that was a pretty stupid reply for an intelligent person like you (with all due respect).

Gerd, the fact you use a still to try to argue that he is showing a complete lack of respect is the point I am making. How do you know? It's just a still picture, in one of the photo's it looks likes someone farted, in another it looks like Gerrard is trying to stay awake, etc etc. It's pointless to try to prove anything with a still photo most of the time. I agree that Suarez is a bit of a tw@t and have stated it enough times in this thread that it should be obvious. However walking with you hands in your pocket doesn't show a lack of respect to me.

I just find your continued posting to try to get people in here to agree with you a bit tiring, which is why I reacted like I did. I consider you one of the better posters in here, so would rather have a decent discussion about football than whether a guy is disrespectful based on a pretty meaningless picture. Ofcourse we could have a discussion based on his antics on the pitch, but it would be pretty short as I think we agree on most elements of his "play".

As for the bias, I'm not biased towards Suarez, it's that you have a history of negative posts regarding Suarez, and I assumed this was another one. Which you later confirm. That's not bias, it's memory. :P
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Suarez is hated by all except Liverpool, Uruguay, Ajax, Groningen and Nacional fans... guess why? :)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Suarez is no angel......I personally don't like his antics...

but he is very skilful and is one of the better players in our squad..
now he has scored 5 goals in his last 7

The reason he is loved is because he gives 100% for the team, has a lot of skill
and seems to have a connection with the fans...

a connection that even Michael Owen did not have.....who was a more prolific scorer.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Interesting Carroll interview.....

reading between the lines....I feel he was not Dalglish's first choice...
but more of Comolli's choice...
given how many times Dalglish has not started Carroll....

Maybe that explains why Commolli has gone.....35million pound reasons
for that......FSG probably could not bear to see such a waste of money...

but who knows.....Carroll beginning to gain confidence
which can be a good thing....if he ends us replicating his Newcastle form..
with better service he may yet do that....unless FSG plan on selling him
in the summer.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

no idea..

if anyone can link me where to find legit tickets at legit prices please let me know
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