Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Suprising news, I guess FSG compard our season to Newcastle and thought something ain't adding up.
If Kenny was to stay threre is no way he's being left in charge of transfers, no way FSG are spending big
money on more british dross again. Kenny's position will be reviewed heavily in the summer.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

What? All he needs to do is lift his hands and the ocean (meaning defenders & keepers alike) opens up, tap in !

Carroll would still miss those! :LOL:

But seriously though, you should be glad Comolli is gone. I don't think he had a clue on what he was doing for the most part.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

See tik's post and his quote.
According to that post Commoli merely went for players chosen by Dalglish and did his job very well...
If that is true, it's Dalglish who is clueless.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Unfortunately, Dalglish was given a vote of confidence by Tom Werner and I fear we will have to stick with Dalglish for another season.
Unless they change the transfer policy things will be no different after the axe of Comolli and with Dalglish in charge.
If I were in charge, I'd ship out half of the team and build a new teams with Non-British players whose pricetag is reasonable, lets just take a look at Newcastle and players like: Cabaye, Ben Arfa, Ba and Pappis Cisse.
Such players who can live up to their pricetag is what Liverpool needs.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I think they are going to sack Dalglish once the season is over. No way they are planning to throw 120M again.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I can only think that the owners do not want to
further derail Liverpool's already bad season
by sacking Dalglish so soon before the FA cup semi-final....

I think they will keep Dalglish till the summer and
probably get a new manager then...

because it is clear to anyone that Comolli did not push
these players upon Dalglish....
It was Dalglish's decision....negotiated by Comolli..

I think Dalglish will be gone unless the form really
improves and we win the FA cup...
As Tom Werner hinted...."we need to finish strongly".......that's the warning for Dalglish.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

And if he stays he is going to have no decision over transfers. That is pretty much clear.
It seems that the structure the yanks mounted gave Commolli total control of transfers. Instead of that he let Dalglish decide everything and he just negiotated transfers and contracts. Im glad a guy like that, that has no determination is out of our club.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

But the price tags were really high. Isn't that Commoli's job? I mean Dalglish said he wants these players who, like Juve did, could be a good young base for the team to start adding quality players next season. But the difference was the huge prices Liverpool got the players at.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

So if the owners sacked Comolli for over-paying on average players
like CHAD.....
then what does this say for Dalglish....since he's the one who
wanted them...

Will these players now be sold?
I can't see Dalglish doing that...since he is known to have a lot
of patience for his players....especially his own signings.

Seems like the owners wanted to get rid of Comolli in time
for the summer transfer have a new Football Director
in charge....who will be scouting players ??
If Dalglish survives till the summer....then he won't be making
any decisions....that's it...they're forcing Kenny to resign
after installing a new Director who will sell Dalglish's signings
and get his own players....leaving Kenny no choice but to resign !!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

BBC reporting that Cruyff is being linked with the role. Not sure I would be happy about that tbh, the latest situation with Ajax was one big soap opera ending up in court! It's either Cruyff's way or nothing.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Liverpool are in a very tricky situation now, and it's all their fault to be honest. I believe that the vision was to buy Carroll because of his aerial prowess and goals at Newcastle as a long term future investment, supplemented by service from Downing, creativity from Adam, whilst Henderson would 'learn the ropes' alongside Gerrard for the midfield role for years to come. Fine I guess, so long as the gameplan matched, and it was played repetitively over and over again.

The trouble is Liverpool are stuck with all sorts of problems with their systems, and this is where Dalglish HAS to take a lot of responsibility. I'm all for backing the manager, but Dalglish has to grow a pair and pick a team and stick with it, and the trouble has been a total clash of ethos within the side. Liverpool are neither playing a wide crossing game, or a short creative passing game because of the mix of the players just isn't right.

How can you fit players into a system whereby players like Bellamy and Suarez and Gerrard are touch players, creative, fast thinking, impulsive, and like to play a tight dynamic game, whereby Carroll is slightly cumbersome, Downing cannot keep tactical discipline and stay outside, and Henderson doesn't know where he's coming or going. The result is a total clash from start to finish, and I don't know how to solve the problem sometime soon.

We also have a clash of personalties, thus giving Liverpool no identity. Players like Henderson, Carroll and Downing are not snarly growly players, they are the more modern player (pampered, nice temperament) etc etc, and you're trying to fit these into a team of workers and just players who have a bit of nasty to them (winners) like Kuyt, Bellamy, Suarez, Gerrard. It's just not working.

They are still playing like lost kids in a playground, I think Suarez is dying to shout at some of these players to just raise their f'kin game and become a bit more nasty, but that's not their personality. Meanwhile weeks are going by and because of the lack of team chemistry it's making Gerrard look shit and Suarez as they are constantly forcing the issue. Liverpool are totally rudderless at the moment. Liverpool need to decide one way or another; and quick. Dalglish is obviously an arm round the shoulder type of manager who is defending his players to the hilt (the Liverpool way), but where has that got Liverpool in the last 20 years, league wise? They haven't got the belly for a long term campaign, and haven't had it since the 70s and 80s. The new generation Liverpool I'm afraid are seem as the soft touch, and when you get your biggest rivals Man Utd say the are starting to feel sorry for us, then it's a sad day for football. They too want the old rivalry back, but we are unable to provide a challenge.

A new hard-line manager would have to weed all the signings out from top to bottom I'm afraid, tell the directors that it's money wasted, sell them for cut price and move on, but the new strategy has to be built around an ethos, gameplay and player traits. You cannot mix winners like Suarez, Bellamy, Kuyt and Gerrard in the attacking sense with mild mannered soft bellies like the new signings.

It also pains me to say this but if we want to get the best out of Adam, then Gerrard simply has to listen to instruction and be the holding player along with Henderson or whoever. He simply cannot go round wandering all the time, this then will free up Adams to do what he does best, and that is create and score goals from range. The lad's confidence is obviously dented. And I think this is a trait with a lot of Liverpool signings that play around Stevie G, because he is so influential and embodies Liverpool. He's a hero. But every once in a while heroes have to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, and Stevie G has to recognise this in Liverpool's transition phase.

Either way, if I was the manager/directors I would be having a team meeting, and telling lots of players that their futures are on the line.

Listen, I like Downing, Carroll etc, but they are soft lads at heart, I don't think anybody can change them. You look at Man Utd over the! Giggs, Scholes, Butt, Keane, Beckham, Solsjkaer (sp) I could go on and on. These players had devil in their belly. Gifted? Yes. Great footballers? Yes. But they had that naughty side to them, that winning means everything mentality. For Liverpool, it seems it's just about the taking part.

If you are going to change the players around, then bring in a new manager, get rid of this lot of time wasters, and start again, with a hard-line disciplinarian. If you want Dalglish then he HAS to make up his mind what his best team is and stick to it! How is Maxi feeling right now, the guy's goals to games ratio is sublime, and yet he's on the bench behind these flops week in week out. Kuyt? He embodies everything I love about a Liverpool player, work rate, team ethic, and he scores vital goals. What the fk are these two doing on the bench all the time?!?

Liverpool aren't gifted enough to play through teams, so they have to go back to the drawing board and devise a structured gameplay! If anybody (including Stevie G) breaks this tactic set down by Dalglish, they get subbed and on comes someone that can hold their positions.

I believe Liverpool have to start playing a wide game again. This would be my team -


Downing (LW) Maxi/Kuyt (RW)

Gerrard (DMF)

Enrique Skrtel Agger Anybody but Flanagan

Anyone not red carded

They need to play this system over and over and over again. If Downing keeps coming inside, you sell him and find a proper winger. I don't even care if he's our luxury player who doesn't track back, his role is to stay out wide, take people on, and deliver crosses from the by-line. All game. You can interchange certain players throughout the season, but essentially, this is what I would like to see. Lots of crosses, lots of knock downs, and getting Carroll and Suarez in and around the penalty area. Gerrard can't go wandering, his Roy of the Rovers days need to be curtailed for the team project.

So it's either this guys, or sell the lot of the new signings and start over. Either way, they need to start showing some heart, some spirit, and some fight, and they need to grow a pair from somewhere too, or their P45's will be in the post.

Now onto the back four - as we all know it's not just as straight forward here. Having good defenders doesn't necessarily mean you aren't going to concede goals, issues further up the pitch and impinge greatly on the defensive side. Skrtel is having one at the moment lads I hate to say, he's all over the shop, and costing us dearly. Agger? Not sure. I'm always seen him as a bit of soft touch. Coates. Too soon to judge. I think he'll get massacred by small technical runners to be honest. Flanagan? Early doors, but I don't feel he has it. In almost every game he has played over the last couple of years, he's looked ropey and shaky. Enrique? Has he put on weight? The lad needs to get working on losing a few if you ask me, players are getting by him far too easy lately.

I don't think the back four is THAT bad, obviously confidence and winning game breeds defensive confidence. BUT, there are too many times this year when Liverpool have dominated the opening 20 minutes of games, and then the defence leak that one effort the opposition have. It's uphill from there, in our desperation we force the issue, and sometimes we get caught for the second. Also, Dalglish has to be tactically aware when we are winning games. Do a Mourinho for fk's sake at 2-0, and just play ultra defensive and protect the lead for the last 20. Sustained pressure like this is what the back four need. Again defending for long spells will breed confidence that they can hold out against all sorts of teams, bring off the creative element, and get the work horses on.

That's about all I have to say on the matter. I'm a Red to the core, and I'll follow and support no matter what. I'm a realist, and I'm not one of these throw backs that say we should be a top two team, that's just laughable. But in a season where almost every side has shown great inconsistency, the Reds should not be where they are now. Not with the players and squad at our disposal. SO anyway, here's hoping for the semi tomorrow!
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

i think kenny work depens from FA now , if we are going to win it im pretty sure hes staying for 1 season more , i also read that "ex Football Director" of Arsenal (cant remember name) guy has bring big names on arsenal from viera till fabregas/van persie
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Anyway....for the FA cup Semi-final...I think Liverpool will win 2:1
after Extra time....or with a winner in the last minute...

Can't see them bottling this game....but it will be very tight...
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Cruijff = troubles and conflict and sometimes also success.

Cruijff would be a catastrophe for Liverpool, he is as out of touch as Dalglish with this generation of players...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

that was a 35m striker goal.

made up for everyone, every single LFC supporter... we are in the final again!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Not the best match but important we win and we are in final again i want chelsea there coz i see them more easy to beat than spurs
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Congratulations and the second winner in a week by Caroll...will everything come good at last?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

that was a 35m striker goal.

made up for everyone, every single LFC supporter... we are in the final again!
I dont know about that but he did play a very good match. He was excellent in the final 30min.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

carroll was buy of kenny , and he save his ass today , he need to do this also in finale :D

when is going to be final ?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I think Carroll is saving his own ass not Kenny´s with each goal..becouse his form here didn´t move up rapidly as expected.. and he didn´t progressed since his Newcastle season in PL.. where he was realy one of best strikers in league or at least looking like become one very fast..

Kenny´s ass is saved according to the owners words, read the official page more ;)

I´m glad that he is playing, he creates space for Suarez that isn´t the same without him on bench..Suarez needs someone to win the ball for him and Carroll was doing this today.. just hope to see him playing in each game..
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