Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I agree about the bad job...Raffa won you a CL and did very good in Europe, but in the EPL he was a big failure...

rafa a failure?as previously mentioned by mathewss.5th,4th 3rd,3rd,2nd and the final year under twit and twat 7th.always in cl.feared around europe with literally no money to spend.yet you go on bout the likes of o'neill??a monkey could manage celtic as proved by that ginger cunt lennon.scottish league is a flip of the fuckin coin.he has achieved nothing in his career,the over melodramatic ape.youve gone senile old man.have a lie down will ya?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I'd love Rafa to come back and then do exactly as bad a job as he did first time round.

ya mean bitch slappin ya lot in your own backyard?didnt you get your annual bitch slappin this year by THE TEAM in manchester?
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

rafa a failure?as previously mentioned by mathewss.5th,4th 3rd,3rd,2nd and the final year under twit and twat 7th.always in cl.feared around europe with literally no money to spend.yet you go on bout the likes of o'neill??a monkey could manage celtic as proved by that ginger cunt lennon.scottish league is a flip of the fuckin coin.he has achieved nothing in his career,the over melodramatic ape.youve gone senile old man.have a lie down will ya?

Oh jesus, that is not the most intelligent post.
If fans of the club who claims to be (or wants to be) the biggest club in England are satisfied with 5th, 4th, 3th and 2nd...who am i then to say Benitez failed? But stop reacting furious every team a Man Utd comes gloating in this thread that Liverpool are a failure. I know one thing 90% of the United fans would not be happy with 5th, 4th, 3th and second...

And your reaction on O'Neill and Celtic is even worse. Somebody said that O' Neill was not a manager for a big club. Well, in Scotland Celtic is a huge club, bigger than Liverpool in England. The pressure for a Celtic manager is gigantic...the pressure is worse than in Liverpool since Liverpool fans are quite happy with a manager who gets them 5th, 4th, 3th and second place. Celtic fans would not be happy with these results.

Now if this was a manager who had only had success in Scotland i could understand you (and even then, Mourinho had it's first success in Portugal, Hiddink in Holland, and i could give you dozens of other examples), but O' Neill was splendid with Aston Villa...

No disrespect, but i'm afraid you haven't got a clue...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Hahaha...I never try to bring that 4-1 win into memory...since United won the Title...

That is why Man United are champions every year...
they lose 6-1 to City....and now are surely going to be champions...

Whatever you say...Ferguson has moulded the winning spirit in
30 years at that club......

gerd,.....of course I dont want to finish 4th every season...

But with Dalglish in charge....I can't see us even in top-4...
we're going backwards ever since Benitez was sacked.

My point was that...there was no point in sacking Benitez,
sacking Hodgson and going for Dalglish....
when Benitez was a manager who had us playing in top-4 and CL
most of the time.

Of course, if we get someone like AVB or Van Gaal or Ancelotti
who can make us Champions...I would prefer them.
But chances are low since our club is becoming less attractive
every passing season outside the top-4....
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

You got to give Benitez credit. The Liverpool squad from 2004 to 2007 wasn't that spectacular in terms of players compared to United, Chelsea, and Arsenal but was always a force in the CL.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Yeah even I can't deny that you basically knew Liverpool could come up against anyone in the Champions League and beat them.

People talk about Juve and Chelsea, etc on the way to the final in 2005 but I had absolutely no doubt that you'd beat them and progress.

Seriously weird given the relative struggle for success in the league but in Europe Liverpool were the team to beat. Hell, even today's Barca would have a tough time against a Benitez Liverpool side.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Rafa was a tactical manager who knew how to win cups mostly..but during his spell he managed us, he had some very boring global he was ideal for the fans who wanted instant success, becouse he won us CL, still with being 7th in domestic league that was a mirracle we won it and we all know it could have ended in disasteur.. the second final we had best team in 20 years, even without Torres.. but since we got Torres we played to much the same team, he didn´t gave lot of chances to youth as other managers...first he came with the rotation, but then he barely chainged players..

but he made our oponents very nervous at times wich is a sign we were doing great with him on helm..

for the new generation of fans who support just to see their team win but not loose, not looking at the matter from higher perspective, Rafa would be good option, but i don´t think the fans will ever like someone to give him something called TIME. Some were asking for AVB before the season, he go to Chelsea... our fans are almost the same as theirs now, the owners didn´t yet made their move..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Rafa was a tactical manager who knew how to win cups mostly..but during his spell he managed us, he had some very boring global he was ideal for the fans who wanted instant success, becouse he won us CL, still with being 7th in domestic league that was a mirracle we won it and we all know it could have ended in disasteur.. the second final we had best team in 20 years, even without Torres.. but since we got Torres we played to much the same team, he didn´t gave lot of chances to youth as other managers...first he came with the rotation, but then he barely chainged players..

but he made our oponents very nervous at times wich is a sign we were doing great with him on helm..

for the new generation of fans who support just to see their team win but not loose, not looking at the matter from higher perspective, Rafa would be good option, but i don´t think the fans will ever like someone to give him something called TIME. Some were asking for AVB before the season, he go to Chelsea... our fans are almost the same as theirs now, the owners didn´t yet made their move..

Dalglish was an instant failure. AVB on the other hand wasn't bad in terms of tactics and had Chelsea play some amazing matches and Abramovich made a very hasty decision on firing him.
It was AVB's first season and it takes time to get adapted in Premier League but I bet my money that he'd be a big hit in England next season if he remained Chelsea's manager.

Dalglish was aware how things go in Premier League, had the power to pick his summer recruits and also had more than one full season in his disposal but FAILED.
Sincerely, he has to go.
You can beat us 4-1 every time we play if we carry on winning the league. ;)

I'm a Liverpool fan but you are spot on with that! Misfit walked straight into that one!

Rafa was a boring manager. I prey he doesn't come back. Thanks for the memories but not for the style of football... especially in the league.

As for Celtic manager having more pressure on him, not sure about that. Celtic are big fish in a small pond. Pressure to beat Rangers and that's about it. They've got history but the league nowadays is a farce.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

You don't get it do you...
Managing a big club is also about having to win.
That is what Celtic managers have to do, "pressure to beat Rangerfs and that's about it"...well then the Bundesliga and Ligue 1 are the most difficult leagues in the world.
EPL is also "only having to beat Man Utd"
La Liga is also "only having to beat Barcelona and Real Madrid".

The level of a league has nothing to do with the pressure (or vice versa).

Regarding O' Neill: right at the moment O' Neill has more reason to look down on Liverpool than vice versa...

And concerning misfit...he's not the brightest tit on this forum...

But maybe i should use Lo Zio's disclaimer...
I get it fella. There's more pressure on a Liverpool manager than a Celtic manager though. Barca and Real is basically a two horse race but they also have Champs Lge pressure. Celtic have to beat Rangers. Sorry but that is it. Win a poor league. The Spanish league has quality footballing teams that are good but nowhere near as good as the big two. The rest of the SPL are poor poor teams. Don't know how you could think any different tbh. Oh well. Each to their own.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Can't fathom why so many think Rafa was poor lol. I thought he was tremendous for us. It's always the same though, managers are generally judged on the one bad season (normally the one before they get the sack) as opposed to all other seasons of success.
err Nope. Not one season. The way the team played for the majority of the time was boring under him. I'm talking for years. Yes I can't deny that results were mainly pretty good but performance wise I was bored watching the team play. Still had some great nights watching them play in Europe and the FA Cup final was good too. The runners up 2nd half of season the team played a lot better footy but overall they weren't enjoyable to watch. Too robotic with nowhere near enough creativity for my liking. That still hasn't been rectified tbh though.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It would be better for Rafa not to come back
simply because he will have tremendous media opposition
and also as some people say his brand of football is not the best...
it is very effective...but not very pretty on the eye...
a bit like Mourinho...but a little less successful.

Rafa did leave a bad taste in his last season when he was just
not able to motivate the team enough...and you always
wonder even if he does come back....will it be 2010 all over again
or 2005-09....

When Ancelotti was sacked at Chelsea...I was hoping he would come here...
he also says he loved England and wants to come back.
His teams play some good they win trophies...

AVB also is a good coach....and who knows he may do well at Liverpool...

Hiddink may be good too....but his recent lack of success is a bit
bothering....(Russia, Turkey)

I think we should stay clear of untested managers like Brendan Rogers
or Paul Lambert.....

Anyone who takes over from Dalglish will need to be a strong manager
with a good reputation.....someone the players will respect
and also that there's no chance of player power...

O'Neill is good at over-achieving at clubs....can surely take us into top-6...but I can't see beyond that..
Although his Celtic record and also he took Celtic to UEFA cup final..
maybe indicates he is due a big English team to manage....and Liverpool
fit well...a team on the decline....and needs someone to come in
and shake us out of this slumber...
but again...will he find and attract good players from foreign leagues..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Rafa was a tactical manager who knew how to win cups mostly..but during his spell he managed us, he had some very boring global he was ideal for the fans who wanted instant success, becouse he won us CL, still with being 7th in domestic league that was a mirracle we won it and we all know it could have ended in disasteur.. the second final we had best team in 20 years, even without Torres.. but since we got Torres we played to much the same team, he didn´t gave lot of chances to youth as other managers...first he came with the rotation, but then he barely chainged players..

but he made our oponents very nervous at times wich is a sign we were doing great with him on helm..

for the new generation of fans who support just to see their team win but not loose, not looking at the matter from higher perspective, Rafa would be good option, but i don´t think the fans will ever like someone to give him something called TIME. Some were asking for AVB before the season, he go to Chelsea... our fans are almost the same as theirs now, the owners didn´t yet made their move..
Wrong. You have to give time to good managers and good projects. For example, Roma has to give time to Luis Enrique and his projec, Valencia to Emery´s project.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It's too early to say that Roma has given time to Enrique...he is still in his first season.
Giving time is giving a manager atr least 3 seasons to settle and to work on a project.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

And Kenny's project doesn't seem to be working for at least 5 years lol, we can't afford letting that happen cos' catching Man UTD in titles would then become a Mission Impossible 5.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

rafa a failure?as previously mentioned by mathewss.5th,4th 3rd,3rd,2nd and the final year under twit and twat 7th.always in cl.feared around europe with literally no money to spend.yet you go on bout the likes of o'neill??a monkey could manage celtic as proved by that ginger cunt lennon.scottish league is a flip of the fuckin coin.he has achieved nothing in his career,the over melodramatic ape.youve gone senile old man.have a lie down will ya?

Watch what you say. This isn't a pub.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Wrong. You have to give time to good managers and good projects. For example, Roma has to give time to Luis Enrique and his projec, Valencia to Emery´s project.

That´s very subjective thing to say.. comparing someone from different leagues + different curcomstances and different rivals, money needed..

i don´t back Dalglish, he is a coach, but at least compare his work with the work of other coaches who were not coaching for 15 years or so... and how they started or would start, i don´t care it´s our problem we have him, i care about how you can tell that L. Enrique´s or Emery´s projects are better...becouse it´s as if say i think chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla.. it´s just what i might think, not what is 100% truth or valid..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I had a feeling this "weakened" team would do better than the first choice line up.

Edit: hmm there goes Doni...
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I don't get it.

Maxi seems to score every time he plays (usually more than once in a game as well) and yet he very rarely plays.

Meanwhile the rest of your team can't score for shit.

What gives?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Yep, tidy in possesion makes good runs, has a great understanding with suarez and scores quite a lot aswell. As for the match, its a bit typical really, one of the few games that was looking like it would be simple and the tesm incontrol and they shoot themselves in the foot.
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