Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Trust me, with the likes of Adam, Downing, Carroll and Henderson, it IS the players that are the problem.

i TRUST you i really do :D

from when we get them i know they are not for Liverpool , of course if we want to be on top 4 , but are good if we want to be in middle of table

im not agree selling Carra and Gerrard , u cant sell this players , Gerrard can go for a lot of money before and he dont did , we were happy for this , not that his a bit old u cant send him away like nothing , its really shame , I would say keep Gerrard and maybe if u have better options use him more bit , same for Carra , if there was Agger we wont use Carra at all , I also think coates from next season its going to get more matchs !

about manager I would love to see him back , give him some money and sure he bring some quality !
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

@gerd i belive the difference between the both clubs is much MUCH more than a single person.. Ferguson had to deal with lot´s of failure to stabilise his position for years and start to win matches, Dalglish manager starting point comes in different football age for a big club and the pressure is massive..

@PLF i think it would be the same as Hodgson.

my point is the whole club needs a RADICAL chainge with the fans mentality starting, not to say we should accept loses, but not demand wins as if this was 80´s and wanting to sack the manager after half year...ok if we are in relegation form it´s different thing, but i think the LFC needs more people fired or replaced before thinking of replacing Dalglish imho. Starting with poor marketing strategy, poor cheef executive, scouting, media approach people whatever... we can´t deal with such things as this year proved in Suarez case.. we wan´t to stay old school in new world of football, we are a 80´s club in phylosophy in 2012...

best example: Tottenham, club that i belive is on similar level financially, not in same level with support but does much better in all other aspects than us.. or even Fulham from the mid table teams..
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I agree with people who say that players are the main problem not the manger. If we roll some pages back in this thread we can read posts where we discussed about the new players failing to make an impression.
We have talked about Carroll's price tag and how much he sucks, the same can be said for the rest of the players who were bought last summer excluding J.Enrique.

I think we should clean the house this summer and sell the players who underperformed this season in cut-price deals.
I'd give Kenny another season even though I don't like his outdated tactics but still he seems as a manger who has put the team together and tries to keep everyone happy at the club.

I hope Liverpool will "bring it" next season and end this Premier League title drought.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I agree with people who say that players are the main problem not the manger. If we roll some pages back in this thread we can read posts where we discussed about the new players failing to make an impression.
We have talked about Carroll's price tag and how much he sucks, the same can be said for the rest of the players who were bought this summer excluding J.Enrique.

I think we should clean the house this summer and sell the players who underperformed this season in cut-price deals.
I'd give Kenny another season even though I don't like his outdated tactics but still he seems as a manger who has put the team together and tries to keep everyone happy at the club.

I hope Liverpool will "bring it" next season and end this Premier League title drought.

and Coates ;)

Premier League title drought won´t be ended, we can compete but we are not there yet at all.. The other thing Liverpool fans mostly don´t realise is that currently there is a much harder thing to compete for the fourth place than it was 20 years ago to win the title imho.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I think the biggest problem at the moment is that the players' mentality is gone. After the Arsenal and QPR matches everyone knew the league was over and now they are playing like it, not wanting to get injured for the FA Cup match. For the first half of the season Liverpool were mostly the better team but failed to convert their chances and that seems to have really gotten to the players, which combined with the lack of fight now present for the league is resulting in this terrible run. It's an odd situation, as before the above mentioned matches the team was doing mostly well, but after those matches they have really gone off the boil.

Not sure if there is a solution or that there is a malignent problem. The current run seems more a result of the circumstances. Next season if Liverpool can strengthen and make sure they have pre-season shooting practice (and this seasons new players can up their game / develop) it might be a very different story.

Ofcourse you can question whether it is acceptable that this run could even happen in the first place, irrespective of league positions, euro qualification or cup matches. And that is something Dalglish can be held accountable for. I do think there might be more pressure needed from the manager, as he seems very protective (ala Wenger) which has resulted in similar situation as what Arsenal have had over the past few seasons. Don't think changing the manager this year will help anyone tbh. There seems to be a latent anger residing in the fans which developed with H+G which isn't going to help the club.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It´s all about the next transfer window to judge Dalglish, yes..i know he bought for some "british mid table players" but he bought players also United bought Young, they were thinking of Adam, he wanted Jones, but United got him instead..he bought Coates as replacement.. My point is, that Dalglish first transfer window was about replacing underperforming players that are squad players with better players but not for sure starters if we manage to get a top talent such as Suarez or Coates for example.. even if Carra is playing ahead of Coates, the youngster time will come hopefully very soon..

+ the players like Kelly, Spearing, Flanagan will be again one year older and more experienced, i just hope to see more of them next season in europa league, this matches will help them a lot, also Sterling and possibly other reserve players who might get a call up...

not sure what the club will do with Carroll to be honest, i think we sell him as soon as we have the chance, but it depends if we buy a striker before we need to sell him or if he agrees to sit on bench.. couse he is player who either starts or don´t need to be in team otherwise i belive.. he is to young to sit on bench most of the time and would get maybe time in other teams like QPR etc..

but if Dalglish insist on buying Jarwis over Hazard if we have the chance to sign him (just plain example with this names) then i say, OK, he has no clue...but otherwise i trust him despite the horryble last results.. becouse i belive no other manager would fix the bunch we have now...

We will see how we play against Everton..that match could show our true form or what we are capable if 100% motivated, wich i hope we will be..if not, sell everyone who doesn´t give 100%..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It´s all about the next transfer window to judge Dalglish, yes..i know he bought for some "british mid table players" but he bought players also United bought Young, they were thinking of Adam, he wanted Jones, but United got him instead..he bought Coates as replacement.. My point is, that Dalglish first transfer window was about replacing underperforming players that are squad players with better players but not for sure starters if we manage to get a top talent such as Suarez or Coates for example.. even if Carra is playing ahead of Coates, the youngster time will come hopefully very soon..

+ the players like Kelly, Spearing, Flanagan will be again one year older and more experienced, i just hope to see more of them next season in europa league, this matches will help them a lot, also Sterling and possibly other reserve players who might get a call up...

not sure what the club will do with Carroll to be honest, i think we sell him as soon as we have the chance, but it depends if we buy a striker before we need to sell him or if he agrees to sit on bench.. couse he is player who either starts or don´t need to be in team otherwise i belive.. he is to young to sit on bench most of the time and would get maybe time in other teams like QPR etc..

but if Dalglish insist on buying Jarwis over Hazard if we have the chance to sign him (just plain example with this names) then i say, OK, he has no clue...but otherwise i trust him despite the horryble last results.. becouse i belive no other manager would fix the bunch we have now...

We will see how we play against Everton..that match could show our true form or what we are capable if 100% motivated, wich i hope we will be..if not, sell everyone who doesn´t give 100%..

I can't see Dalglish succeeding at Liverpool...
it would be one more season down the drain if he spends
again in the summer...

We are not going to get money for Carroll or any of the other

Suarez ...will not get us anything more than 25m....
if anyone paid more than'd have to question their thinking.

Kuyt, Maxi will be gone in the summer....

We need to make a radical change this summer....and go for
a modern tactical manager who has a good eye for a player...
and not just splashing out the cash...

It's so sad...that we had such a lot of money after such
a long time.....good owners....
and to see how Dalglish wasted it on such average players....such a waste !!
Forget it...Liverpool's chance of glory has gone....
unless we make changes this summer....this is our last chance.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Yeah he wasted the resources, but he wasn´t at point 0 maybe as Mancini if you know what i mean..

he sold more players to get us the better and i would repeat my previous post basicly..

he got us players that should replace the ones bought by Hodgson, comparing to Hodgson, his signings are better imo..

i don´t think it´s about youth of manager.. AVB was young, it´s about the clubs fans expectations as i mentioned, 100 m. spended, not mentioning anything else puts a lot of pressure on coach and team.. fans want top 4 not looking on the fact that there is another 5 teams strong enought to fight us for this... Champions? we have no chance untill we start beliving we can...untill each player belives and focuses on that matter..

It´s not our last chance, don´t be so pesimistic..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Yeah he wasted the resources, but he wasn´t at point 0 maybe as Mancini if you know what i mean..

he sold more players to get us the better and i would repeat my previous post basicly..

he got us players that should replace the ones bought by Hodgson, comparing to Hodgson, his signings are better imo..

i don´t think it´s about youth of manager.. AVB was young, it´s about the clubs fans expectations as i mentioned, 100 m. spended, not mentioning anything else puts a lot of pressure on coach and team.. fans want top 4 not looking on the fact that there is another 5 teams strong enought to fight us for this... Champions? we have no chance untill we start beliving we can...untill each player belives and focuses on that matter..

It´s not our last chance, don´t be so pesimistic..

Hodgson didn't have as much money as Dalglish had, and I hope Kenny doesn't make the same mistake twice this summer and he should really consider changing his tactics because they're making me sick to death.
As for champions, there is no way in hell we'll win premier league with players like Spearing, Adam and Carroll.
But if we bring in 4-5 world class players such as Cavani, Gaitan etc. then why not.
Consistency is the thing we lack most, its like we're scared to keep a winning streak up and running.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

it´s not much about the money, Dalglish would probably recieve the same amount as Hodgson if he didn´t sell Torres for record amount...that money helped him to buy two players.. it´s more how much money he had and who was avileable at that time, and to think it was very short period of time..

Hodgson made the decisions to buy Joe Cole, Poulsen, Konchesky.. Jovanovic and Wilson were i think Rafa´s players. Hodgson made the decision to let Aquilani go on loan to Juventus i think, then he bought Meireles, wich was his best move undoubtly, but still he lost the players, he lost Mascherano to Barcelona if i remember good, he lost Torres, Reina was on brink of joining Arsenal wich club stoped etc.. we were playing miserable and i was feeling bad atmosphere at the club... it was going nowhere..

at least now with new owners i kind of look forward to the summer, becouse in fact they only allowed money to be spended, but after all everyone who know this will agree we would never need to spend that much were it not for Torres decision to leave at the end of transfer window.. this let us in big pressure and we dealt with it badly...but it´s not just Dalglish fault, i belive whole club just took a big risk in Carroll that didn´t paid off so far... it was massive risk but i won´t say failure if he stayes with us a long time, he will deliver... but all the players need more to sort their heads, becouse i saw us playing wonderful football even without Suarez and Gerrard in the team this season... i know we are capable of that... and i know we can make it with Dalglish as well.. people just need more patience.. let us reflect at the end of the season i guess.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

"I know what failing to live up to a big transfer fee feels like, so can empathise – and Liverpool's previous problems with strikers from outside suggest part of the fault lies with their system.

Don't all rush to agree with me, but I would like to make a case for the defence of Andy Carroll.

My empathy for Liverpool's £35m striker comes from having suffered quite spectacularly in the wake of a big‑money move of my own. Admittedly there is a certain amount of morbid curiosity that accompanies watching such a public failing, but I would like to see Carroll come good, not because I have a particular affinity for him or because I am a fan of Liverpool (though I've always liked them) but because I know how utterly humiliating it can be.

That Carroll is the eighth-most expensive player in world football should not matter; transfer fees do not equate to success or in many cases, strangely, even reflect talent. Much of that huge fee was tied up in Carroll's potential – he is, after all, still only 23 – but the question is, how long can Liverpool's patience for the return of their glory days last while the confidence of the man tasked with bringing them back continues to head south?

My overriding thought after 20 games for my new club was that I was letting down everybody that had ever helped me get this far and, worse, that I could do absolutely nothing about it. There were many factors – moving to a new location, style of play, my mental state, and the list goes on – but nobody wanted to hear the reasons just as much as I didn't want to make excuses.

Above everything else, though, something that weighed very heavily on my shoulders at the time was a horrible feeling that my peers thought I was shit (you'll have to take my word for this, but that wasn't the case) and that with each game I was actually damaging my reputation. By the end I was doing a very poor impersonation of a footballer until finally the manager put me out of my misery.

"It's not really working is it mate?"

"No gaffer, I'm afraid it isn't," I said. I honestly could have cried at that point had I not tripped over a training aid that was on the floor behind me as I turned to slink away.

In many ways it's a rock and a hard place for Liverpool and Carroll but, in spite of the transfer fee, Carroll's potential and the expectations of the Liverpool supporters, there is a much bigger picture. Nobody would deny that under Dalglish Liverpool are a work in progress and he would have needed a huge amount of luck, as much as anything else, for a new attack to gel instantly. Carroll has been joined at his new club by Luis Suárez, Charlie Adam, Stewart Downing and Jordan Henderson whom, as we know, have all come under suspicion for the size of their transfer fees.

At the time I remember holding my tongue and seeing what this new lineup could do because on paper it was certainly interesting. Add to the mix Steven Gerrard, Dirk Kuyt and Craig Bellamy, and Liverpool fans could be forgiven for being optimistic, especially under King Kenny.

But clearly it isn't working out as expected. So far in 2011-12, Liverpool's new signings have 23 goals between them, with Suárez leading the way on 12, Carroll with six, Downing and Adam each on two, while Henderson has struck once.

The Liverpool fans I speak to always tell me that there is a certain style of play expected where their team is concerned and that Carroll sticks out because he isn't a typical Liverpool centre-forward. But if we retrace the path that Carroll now treads, a familiar pattern starts to emerge. Up front, only Fernando Torres can claim to have succeeded in recent times. Before him, Peter Crouch took 19 games to score his first Liverpool goal while Robbie Keane managed five goals and was eventually sold back to Tottenham after 19 games. Kuyt, bought initially as a striker from Feyenoord for £10m, also struggled to fill that same role at Anfield and decamped to the right side of midfield.

It does seem that unless a forward has been brought up in the Liverpool mould, the adjustment is just too great. Robbie Fowler and Michael Owen both succeeded after coming through the Liverpool academy but didn't exactly set the world alight after leaving.

So if Carroll doesn't fit at Liverpool then why is he there? Perhaps the club's director of football, Damien Comolli, could offer a clue. Comolli is credited with the signings, if not the discovery, of players such as Kolo Touré, Gaël Clichy, Gareth Bale and Younès Kaboul during stints at Arsenal and Tottenham respectively. But at Liverpool Comolli has relied more heavily on the so-called "Moneyball philosophy" (which, irritatingly, has also infiltrated my club), which argues, among other things, that a team that wins more than 40 headers, or crosses the ball more than 30 times or makes 12 regains in the final third, will nearly always win. This is all very well if the team is set up to play for those goals in the first place.

Whatever you really think of Carroll as a person or a footballer, there seems to be enough evidence to suggest that his start to life at Liverpool was never going to be spectacular. But with a prevailing wind, plenty of work on the training pitch and a complete overhaul of Liverpool's entire football culture and philosophy then it could yet work out. Then again, there is more chance of Kenny Dalglish admitting that he may have got something wrong."
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Just when we need Carroll he's on the bench. Kenny should have considered Carroll for this match knowing how weak A.Villa is from set-pieces.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

fair play we are shit..

Anfield again, what happened to the fortress that was Anfield

1-0 down already

we look very average although could of been a handball and was it over the line?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

WOW I mean he's doing MUCH worse than Woy was and no one's saying anything. I think he'll surely get the sack now? Surely.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

i think he'll sucked after match finish , and i really hope so , bring rafa back
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

lol Valon :P

i thought the match today was progress, still better than to loose...

roll on to Everton..

the PL season is over for us anyway...sadly.

btw, i realy hope once we deciede to get new manager it won´t be Rafa.

some of you feel nostalgic about the big succes with Rafa but you forget the bad times and bad results..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

if you put into perspective what raffa did considering the owners he had - i thought he did a good job

much better than what we have had since
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I'd love Rafa to come back and then do exactly as bad a job as he did first time round.

I agree about the bad job...Raffa won you a CL and did very good in Europe, but in the EPL he was a big failure...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I'd love Rafa to come back and then do exactly as bad a job as he did first time round.

I bet u like more now than rafa days ;) special u like more now than beating u at home 4-1 ;)

I would like to see rafa back lets see us playing on europe wining 1 CL going to one other final why not bring rafa back
Beating real madrid 4-0 , beating barca on bow camp 2-1 ohhh what days where those....
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I bet u like more now than rafa days ;) special u like more now than beating u at home 4-1 ;)

I would like to see rafa back lets see us playing on europe wining 1 CL going to one other final why not bring rafa back
Beating real madrid 4-0 , beating barca on bow camp 2-1 ohhh what days where those....

We can still beat Real Madrid 4-0 on PS3 :P
Those were golden days when we were actually considered as one of the most powerful teams in Europe.. but now Liverpool is on shit-mode, still struggling to find a way to make it to the big stage.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Although rafta didn't win the league, he got us in champs league regularly and we were feared across Europe

We also came a close 2nd in the league

He had to work under some right idiots and had a constant battle in getting what he wanted, for example missed out on signings like dani alves etc

He has a passion for Liverpool fc, donated money to hillsborough,lives near by and I am sure is respected by most Liverpool fans

I think he would do a good job with the right owners, resources etc
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Dalglish said he was delighted with the Reds...
after drawing at home to Aston Villa.....a team in 15th place...
who were missing their main players like Bent.

So much for ambition.......we're a joke.....
that includes Dalglish and the players.

Dalglish has to the end of the season.

I hope the new owners are looking for a new manager.

Was Rafa was a failure in the some of you claim ??
(He finished 5th, 3rd, 3rd, 4th, 2nd and 7th)

And he did this by consistently being Successful in the Champions League !!
winning once, and reaching a Final, a semi-final,

We're not talking about Carling Cup like Dalglish...
Rafa was balancing CL football against top European teams
and the Premiership...

So if Rafa was a failure...
then please tell me what is Dalglish ???

He's a super-failure this season....having had one full season
to manage this team with his new players bought on huge fees ...
playing people out of position, bad tactics, no motivation of players,
misguided support of Suarez, terrible media relations...
constant excuses about refs, luck,'s terrible.

The problem is who will the owners go for.....
who would want to manage this mess ???
Which big manager will come here....unless he's given a huge transfer
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I took at delighted w/ the way Liverpool kept up on the attack . Honestly, them lots were unlucky! Suarez clear penalty not given, Kuryt was 2 yards and missed an open net,TWICE. Seeing Lichaj getting a yellow for diving and he was tripped inside the box :CONFUSE: 3 penalties could of been given 2 (LFC)1 (Villa) When, you see the Chels game they gave them 2 offside goals. When it rains it pours come to mind...

oh , Hansen said on MOTD that if Pool get 2 trophies it will be consider a good season. Then, it went quiet and they just moved on :JAY: w/ the next match.
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