Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

i couldn´t care less what human he is in private life, you don´t know how Cantona is in private life, you know what you heard or read...

I try to care about how he is on field, he did mistake, he payed for it... what else has there to be said...?

He isn´t the only one who dives... he isn´t the only one who make gestures... if you hate him, just hate him.. i will defend him untill he playes for Reds...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The problem with Suarez is that he's playing in the wrong country. He should go play somewhere that the fans appreciate his diving/acting/cntishness. Because as per Lo Zio's brilliant post elsewhere on these forums, he's in the wrong country to behave that way on the pitch.

You clearly never watched Eric Cantona play football if you're mentioning him in the same breath as Suarez. Cantona was the consummate professional on the pitch, a combination of talent and sheer winning spirit that I've only really seen rivaled by Ronaldo in the past 20 years. Cantona was the man who would score in the big games, he's the man you want with that last chance 1 minute from the death. For all his skills, Suarez is not composed, he's not a winner and he's certainly not respected by his fellow pros the way Eric was.

Anyway, it's very nice that you'll support Suarez as long as he is at your club - but for me that's pretty weak. Do you support Gerrard for punching someone at a club, just because he's a Liverpool player? I don't like what Keane did to Hangaaland. I don't like Rooney for being a prick about contracts and stringing our club along - he'll never be a legend at United now. Nani is a very productive player but neither will he, cause he doesn't play the United way.

I think that's part of the 'special' nature of Liverpool football club. You're either part of it and therefore exempt from all criticism or you're not, and the butt of all criticism.

One day Suarez will move to Spain or Italy (where I think he'll thrive) and LFC fans will say what a prick he was.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

That is a very good post beachryan.
I've also said that Suarez doesn't adapt to the English football culture.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

One day Suarez will move to Spain or Italy (where I think he'll thrive) and LFC fans will say what a prick he was.

Agree...he will do better in La Liga....they would not mind his
theatrics there...since it's not such a big problem there.

It's only a matter of time....he will leave...
Liverpool are never going to finish in the top-4 and next
year the other teams will strengthen even more...

We are doomed to be a Europa league team at best.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Agree...he will do better in La Liga....they would not mind his
theatrics there...since it's not such a big problem there.

It's only a matter of time....he will leave...
Liverpool are never going to finish in the top-4 and next
year the other teams will strengthen even more...

We are doomed to be a Europa league team at best.

now , now... football result changes every week! Arsenal looked doom after losing Milan 4 nil n Sunderland 2 nil!!! facing Spurs and Liverpool I would say a result looks very dim. Liverpool face Sunderland (2 players suspended) then Everton things can change fast. Chels might turn for the worst once coach Roman/lampard take over. Only Newsc might have something to say , or tottenham could free fall. Nothing is promise and results happen within a match not before it :))
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I agree with Mathewss on Suarez and also on Liverpool.
This Liverpool is not good enough for the top 4.
Seeing them playing regularly, i don't think at the moment Liverpool is better than teams like Sunderland and Fulham.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The problem with Suarez is that he's playing in the wrong country. He should go play somewhere that the fans appreciate his diving/acting/cntishness. Because as per Lo Zio's brilliant post elsewhere on these forums, he's in the wrong country to behave that way on the pitch.
thanks again for your words ryan, but u see, i don't think things would be much different for suarez in italy or spain.
when i said that italian and spanish fans show more tolerance than english fans towards lack of fair play, i didn't mean "they appreciate diving\acting\cntishness".
italian and spanish fans will certainly be more lenient than their english counterparts with players like rooney or nani (picking man utd players was not intentional... i just couldn't think of any other "bad apple" in liverpool's dressing room), but a guy like suarez would get pretty much the same treatement he gets in england. infact italian media already expressed their position over suarez, after the latest incidents (the evra situation and the handshake situation)..... and trust me they didn't go easy on him... at all!!

however i believe all theese criticisms from the media can only be a good thing for suarez... eventually he'll realize that it's in his best interest to clean up his act. he doesn't have to become a saint or classy player, he just has to "take it down a notch"
afterall it's football players we're talking about. theese guys are supposed to be judged for their skills on the football pitch, not for their class or intelligence. given their usual background they're supposed to be "not particularly brilliant or classy", and as a matter of fact the average football player indeed is not brilliant nor classy. suarez only has to try not to drop even below the average standards in class for football players. and i believe in a few years he will.

disclaimer for liverpool fans: i'm not an anti-liverpool fan, i've got nothing against suarez, or liverpool, or daglish or whatever. i just thought it was appropriate better explain the point i made in the post ryan was referring to. that's it. :))
some of the people in this thread can be very "touchy" (that's an euphemism really), so i thought it would have been better to make it clear that this is not a rant nor an attack to anybody. just conversation. ;)
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Yes, fair enough - perhaps 'appreciate' is the wrong word - more turn a blind eye. I watch a fair amount of La Liga and Serie A - and there is definitely more of the fall and roll following a foul than in England. That's kind of what I meant, rather than the more S. American view of 'he's cheated, but what artistic cheating!'

We'll see. I'd like to think he'll clear up his act but it won't be under this Liverpool regime. Not a hint of contrition from the powers that be.
I'm sorry but in Italy if you dive like Suarez two things will happen

1) the opponent you dived against will be in your face
2) they will crack you when the ref is not looking
3) the opponent will dive later in the match, LOL
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Arsenal have signed Podolski for 11m....
could be a great signing....

Can't help but think what would have been if he had signed better players at Liverpool last summer
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

no we played more like: 4-5-1.

Suarez record in Ajax means nothing for Liverpool FC.

my lovely manager is not the fault we can´t score, he did pretty good with the team, cup won..chances created, today the players are to blame for not scoring from more than 5 clear chances + penalty, not the coach.

Suarez is not a CF. at least he shouldn´t be our only option in that area, especialy in premier league..


go on know you want to...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Surely Henderson's more useless than him, and we know how ineffective Carroll when he's a substitute. And yet still somehow Kenny plays Suarez all alone in the front. I say put Carroll back on as a starter, he need games and we need him to produce, not like now.

It's all gone downhill since Suarez came back from that suspension and Carroll demoted to the bench again.

Is it just me or Suarez is always looking for the foul and the ref didn't even give him a "look"? Falling down all the time, or "it's handballlllllll ... ok it's just me" moment. Especially in the last minutes.

I think it's time to bring Maxi back. And drop Adam and Henderson as they're not producing good performances.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I think Dalglish has completed his job....he has steadied
the ship since the terrible days of Roy Hodgson when
we were flirting with relegation...

And I'm thankful for that....he has united the club
last January and rescued Liverpool to a commendable 6th spot.

But after spending so much money on mid-table signings
who will not get much better.....
Dalglish+Comolli have shown that they are not the management
to take us any further than top-8.

We need to go to the next level....and get in a talented
continental manager who is more tactically aware...
who has a better eye for players....
we dont need a football does not help.

I'd take Benitez back any day......he is available...
or even go for AVB and give him the power to ship out the dead wood...Carragher, Adam, Downing, Carroll,
Henderson need to be sold.....I'd even add Suarez to that list that we can rebuild with good non-controversial players....

Dalglish has had his glorious reunion with the Liverpool fans..
and even the glory of winning a trophy...albeit a small one...
But this is where it should end.....

thank you Dalglish...

BUT now let's move on to new manager and new players
if we want Liverpool to be back to it's glory of 2005-09.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I agree with mathewsss about Suarez.. I'd sell him any day if we were to get Cavani and Lavazzi ..
I knew from the beginning that with players like Adam and Henderson we weren't going to qualify for CL... just take a look at Tottenham's midfield and you can see that Adam and Henderson pale in comparison to Modric-Parker.
If you don't have visionary midfielders, you're most likely gonna play down the flanks which Liverpool do quite often and it's ineffective in most of the cases.
We need to take out the trash asap, I thought we had already but I was wrong.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

we are in trouble team wise and spirit wise..

summer will be hot and bussy, it realy needs to be... not sure if the owners like this situation...

we were extremly unlucky this season, but now the players gave up basicly..

i lost hope for us after today
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

again unlucky pipa ? man unlucky its 1 , 2 , 3 matchs but not just 2 matchs won on 9/10 matchs at anfield cmon

season its gonne i think , so i dont care more to change manager till the last of season , but next season we have to start with new one

i really would like to see Rafa back , with new owner with more money in his "heands" i would like to see what he can do

busy summer ? i hope not with Kenny coz will be same bad players , same wrongs !
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Carroll must die...

That sounds like the title of a 'slasher' movie...:P

Where do the owners go from here though?

They have trusted and invested in Kenny's 'plan' and it clearly isn't going to work. Do FSG give it another season or say goodbye at the end of this campaign?

Cup wins can often be achieved with one good performance on the day but it's glaringly obvious that good league form is not achievable with this squad and management. This is paramount for Liverpool and what the fans crave.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

no one's gonna pull out the "if kenny had started the season with us" table now eh?ass clowns...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

yeah Misfit, you should be the coach of are the best candidate for the job by knowing everything..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

god i start to hate football, it´s march and there is 4 months untill summer transfer window..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Suarez going to PSG would be the best news possible for Liverpool. That means that they will get tons of money for a player who will never be as good as he was in his first matches and somebody who will always cause controversy because he's the biggest asshole in the universe.

Now get rid of Dalglish, Gerrard and Carroll and the future looks very bright for Liverpool. There is a possibility to catch lots of money foir Gerrard and with the money you will get for Carroll i still think it must be possible to buy a player who is better than Caroll.

With the money you get for Suarez and Gerrard you can buy very good players. Next season Downing, Henderson and Adam will be better...the future looks so bright you gotta wear shades!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Suarez going to PSG would be the best news possible for Liverpool. That means that they will get tons of money for a player who will never be as good as he was in his first matches and somebody who will always cause controversy because he's the biggest asshole in the universe.

Now get rid of Dalglish, Gerrard and Carroll and the future looks very bright for Liverpool. There is a possibility to catch lots of money foir Gerrard and with the money you will get for Carroll i still think it must be possible to buy a player who is better than Caroll.

With the money you get for Suarez and Gerrard you can buy very good players. Next season Downing, Henderson and Adam will be better...the future looks so bright you gotta wear shades!

Liverpool need to rebuild with a proven manager....
and need to ship out all the dead wood (Carrol-Hendo-Adam-Downing-Suarez)
and the powerful players in
the dressing room (Carragher, Gerrard) who are frankly not that great
any more.

We need a manager who can build his own squad with good technical
I look at Bilbao, Swansea !, teams in the Bundesliga and I just
think why are Liverpool so crap ???? Why do we keep messing it up ??

I was just thinking....if we had kept Meireles and Aquilani
and Shelvey...and played Maxi more often...
.we would have had a quality midfield....with a lot of goals and assists.

Dalglish destroyed our midfield and attack....
trying to sign "his" players...and it backfired so badly.

I can't see any of them improve...because they never
played for any top-6 teams before....they are average players
at best....and are'nt going to improve..
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Acquilani, Shelvey and Meireles?! Fuck me! I've heard it all now. Fair enough you don't like what's here now but you want those 3?!
Christ, I don't half read some shit. Best I avoid reading it as I just cannot believe what comes out of some people's keyboards... Think they need to replace them as surely they are outputting the wrong letters?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

...and of course it didn't help that lots of people are comparing Liverpool to that fantastic Swansea team who plays the best football in England now...

That must grate PU6HY (now i did it at once)...

I agree grosso modo with mathewss, although imo it's too early to write off Henderson, Downing and Adam. Especially Henderson and Adam showed sparks of talent and creativity.

Sometimes i had the feeling that Henderson who plays with lots of one time deflection passes, is too good for his team mates...and of course it doesn't help if the fans expect too much and start moaning and targeting the wrong players after a couple of matches. Players like Gerrard and Carragher will never get stick, despite the fact that they are dead wood. Suarez gets support from the fans despite the fact that the last months, the only influence he has on the club is very negative... But new players don't get the support they deserve...

Almost everybody agrees that things are going bad with Chelsea because of dressing room troubles and the role that is played by the likes of Terry, Lampard and Drogba...Liverpool is doing worse than Chelsea...but players like Gerrard and Carragher are heroes. Sometimes fans are blinded by worship.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

...and of course it didn't help that lots of people are comparing Liverpool to that fantastic Swansea team who plays the best football in England now...

That must grate PU6HY (now i did it at once)...

I agree grosso modo with mathewss, although imo it's too early to write off Henderson, Downing and Adam. Especially Henderson and Adam showed sparks of talent and creativity.

Sometimes i had the feeling that Henderson who plays with lots of one time delection passes, is too good for his team mates...and of course it doesn't help if the fans expect too much and start moaning and targeting the wrong players after a couple of matches. Players like Gerrard and Carragher will never get stick, despite the fact that they are dead wood. Suarez gets support from the fans despite the fact that the last months, the only influence he has on the club is very negative... But new players don't get the support they deserve...

Almost everybody agrees that things are going bad with Chelsea because of dressing room troubles and the role that is played by the likes of Terry, Lampard and Drogba...Liverpool is doing worse than Chelsea...but players like Gerrard and Carragher are heroes. Sometimes fans are blinded by worship.

It's not grating me at all. If they were a bunch if carthorses I'd be more annoyed but in all fairness to The Jacks, they are playing the game the right way and credit where its due. Good luck to them. Hope we can join them soon.

I agree with the rest of the stuff you say. I've been saying Gerrard is done now. Still a good player but obviously not what he was... but he's still better than Aqua, Shelvey and Meireles!... for Liverpool anyway.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Ok fair enough. Argument (if there ever was one) over.
Hat off to you PU6HY...(but search another nick please).
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The Suarez story has no clear base, just "he said .." nothing concrete, so speak about it all you want. It's press creating stories.

Shelvey and Hendo has a long way to go. Just that Dalgish doesn't know where to play Hendo with Adam Gerrard Lucas etc. We all knew he's only good as a CM, so when Liverpool bought Hendo and Adam while we already had Gerrard, Lucas, Spearing, Shelvey, I thought gosh too many CMs with only 2 places to play on every game.
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