Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

oh and what u want to do PIPA ? want to ban all who say bad words to ur lovely carroll ?

for me ur free to do and YOU know this ;)

for me hes same donkey who dont even know what football is and its one FAIL , like u or not mr. dalglish its not my problem

me i say what i think and what i see , that day he'll be good enought i'll say this i dont have problems

who feel provoke from that post here im sorry but its STILL THAT what i think ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

oh and what u want to do PIPA ? want to ban all who say bad words to ur lovely carroll ?

Pipa is specifically saying these words you put out as offensive and not acceptable in these forums: "f******* c*nt" so don't try to put it in another way, it's just the way you express your opinion that's being moderated.

We all know how Carroll operates so don't need to shout foul language here, he's here to stay so we might just have to lessen our expectation on him
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Jeez Valon had Fuck Off FIFA and Fuck off UEFA as his Signature in massive and i mean MASSIVE letters for weeks and now swearing's an issue?

well im going to back fuck off FIFA and UEFA and they politic , football dont need to be politic but THEY do and they dont permit my country to play on theyr competitions dont leave perons enjoy football for Politic thats something stupid so for me my Signature still continua fuckk off fifa & uefa both of them !
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Look Valon i realy don´t care what you personally think about one player who you don´t like for any reason.. i would also like to have Ibrahimovic playing there instead of Carrol in his age of 21, but the reality for us is different and either accept it or swear untill his career ends for our team...

the level of post´s is a matter of your personality so i don´t realy mind.. untill other won´t report it, fine..continue presenting your view of things..

@northstandhero there is a rule about how big the signature should be, and about the words inside..i also think it´s to big and realy not necessary, but if nobody reports it, i guess it´s allright with everyone.. i´m not the only mod here + i know not for 100% what type of swearing is accepted.. i know the f word is very much used everywehere but to call someone f... c... without having any reason except personal hate is for me different thing..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I don't care about the other stuff and he can think and say whatever he wants about a player but his signature is definitely way too big and annoying! I mind it and I'm sure I'm not the only one. There should be rules against it. Let's make that smaller!

Lol see what I did there! :P

And see how annoying it is?!
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Northstandhero, you are a big WUM.
You would never have posted this if PIPA was not a Liverpool fan...

I know this, you know this and we all know this. So maybe you should just crawl back under your rock and return to the MUTD thread...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It's the difference between being objective and subjective, something that doesn't seem to happen too much in here, and if I feel like posting in this thread I will regardless of what you think, and where do you get off telling me to crawl back under a rock? Out of order.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It's the difference between being objective and subjective, something that doesn't seem to happen too much in here, and if I feel like posting in this thread I will regardless of what you think, and where do you get off telling me to crawl back under a rock? Out of order.

Don't act innocent.
And what is your idea of being objective, your opinion is objective and everybody who contradicts you is subjective?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Ooh, can I throw some big clever words in here too??

People in here are mostly being obstropolous... There, that feels better. :OT:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

i realy hope we do, to imagine how other big teams strugle, it´s only our fault we are not already in top 4 right now.. becouse we mostly won against big teams...

hope we win against Cardiff...even if i like this Welsh team.. i would like them to win the cup as well tbh, but i support LFC so...just hoping for a good match and hope the better team wins it!!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Besides Chelsea, Liverpool are the highest ranked team in the competition(s). Stoke will be really tough imo, but Liverpool have already knocked out City, Utd and Chelsea this season and with it being one-off matches you would hope the small team syndrome would stay away.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Sorry, was actually being facetious - for me the double is THE League, and the FA Cup. ;)

Carling Cup is a bit of a nothing one.

If you win the FA Cup, that's an achievement though.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It would have meant a lot to Arsenal if they had won it last year. It's silverware.

True, but I don't think you can talk about 'The Double' unless you mean winning your domestic league and main cup competition. That's all.

I love the Carling Cup for getting the chance to see youth players, dislike it when teams like Man City play their first team.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

True, but I don't think you can talk about 'The Double' unless you mean winning your domestic league and main cup competition. That's all.

I love the Carling Cup for getting the chance to see youth players, dislike it when teams like Man City play their first team.

You can. I did.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Well Carling Cup is just a piece of silverware for me, nothing more than that... I didn't even bother to read what the Rat Boy had to say.

FA cup would be great if we make it to the final and those two cups would higher up the moral and confidence of the players and probably help us take the 4th spot.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Besides Chelsea, Liverpool are the highest ranked team in the competition(s). Stoke will be really tough imo, but Liverpool have already knocked out City, Utd and Chelsea this season and with it being one-off matches you would hope the small team syndrome would stay away.

Besides Chelsea......

I'm sure there's a higher ranked team left somewhere in the competition:SMUG:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Oh yeah, forgot about Spurs. They should be through aswell.

@ Ryan, agree that it's a nothing cup, but it's more the possible mentality shift that it can generate. There is a decent article on football365 highlighting that there isn't much to gain for Liverpool by winning it, but a lot by losing it.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

That was the case for Arsenal last year tik, they lost a lot against Birmingham. With hindsight that might have been one of the most important Arsenal matches under Wenger. If they had won, it wouldn't have meant much.

But i guess it keeps the fans happy, because after all, it is silverware.

And to be perfectly honest with you (and no offense), the FA Cup has also become second rate, just like the Euro League/UEFA-cup is second rate.

In modern footbal there are only two titles that matter: the League and the Champions League. FA CUP and Carling Cup become important if a club can win 3 or 4 of those trophees...

I think it's sad that both FA CUP and UEFA CUP have lost much of their magic and i blame managers like Ferguson and Wenger for it (well to be perfectly honest, i blame Ferguson for a lot of what is wrong with present football, he is extremely succesfull but he wins ruthless and very ugly, i don't like that...but maybe that says more about me than about Ferguson and i don't think Ferguson cares much about what i think...).
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

those cups became a perfect setting to bleed young players ,because lesser club will play it as a final in each match.
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