Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)


Can we stop siding players just because we are fans of that team
no matter how much wrong they do ??

I am sick of seeing Liverpool fans being so BLIND !!

I am sick of seeing MORAL POLICE Man United fans and neutrals who
are having a go at Suarez !!

Evra DID want to shake hands with Suarez......ok good he tried to reconcile..

Suarez who did NOT shake his hand....unsporting at the worst.....not a big crime...
nothing for Evra to grab his hand....what a load of can't force anyone to shake
your hand...especially after he's had an 8 match ban.

Evra DID try to wind up Suarez by jumping around Old Trafford
like an idiot.....again very childish and stupid..

Suarez DID NOT react....which was the only good thing he did.

Ferguson said Suarez should never play for Liverpool......
the same Ferguson who supported Eric Cantona after his kung fu kick...
wonder why he never got rid of Cantona ???

Dalglish continues to support Suarez ...and says " I did not see that"..
if he cracks down on Suarez...he knows Suarez will leave...

.....wanting to defend their own players
and Egos......and their jobs

Nobody has come out of this with any dignity....
all a bunch of overpaid brats.....acting like 4 year olds !!!

LETS GET OVER least we as fans should not be as childish as these people.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)


Can we stop siding players just because we are fans of that team
no matter how much wrong they do ??

I am sick of seeing Liverpool fans being so BLIND !!

I am sick of seeing MORAL POLICE Man United fans and neutrals who
are having a go at Suarez !!

Evra DID want to shake hands with Suarez......ok good he tried to reconcile..

Suarez who did NOT shake his hand....unsporting at the worst.....not a big crime...
nothing for Evra to grab his hand....what a load of can't force anyone to shake
your hand...especially after he's had an 8 match ban.

Evra DID try to wind up Suarez by jumping around Old Trafford
like an idiot.....again very childish and stupid..

Suarez DID NOT react....which was the only good thing he did.

Ferguson said Suarez should never play for Liverpool......
the same Ferguson who supported Eric Cantona after his kung fu kick...
wonder why he never got rid of Cantona ???

Dalglish continues to support Suarez ...and says " I did not see that"..
if he cracks down on Suarez...he knows Suarez will leave...

.....wanting to defend their own players
and Egos......and their jobs

Nobody has come out of this with any dignity....
all a bunch of overpaid brats.....acting like 4 year olds !!!

LETS GET OVER least we as fans should not be as childish as these people.

Probably the best post written on this sorry issue.

It would be nice if this was the last thing read or heard of on this sad episode but people won't let it go.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

read this all united moralists:



think ya losing the plot kiddo.....
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

He definitely is Vann, but a litle objectivity would not hurt the Man Utd fans.
I just watched MOTD, it's the first time i saw Evra's provocations after the match. Yesterday during live coverage i already was thinking that Evra was exagerating, now i saw that he went performing his after match show not only right in front of "the" fans but (and that was his real intention) two metres away from Suarez. I hope the FA bans both players for the rest of the season.

And then the commentaries of bot Ferguson and Dalglish: sheer hypocrisy.

A point deduction for both clubs would not be a bad has to sting clubs like this where it hurts. I honestly don't understand how managers who are in their sixties and seventies can act so childish. I think Alan Hansen's comment on MOTD was spot on. This was a sorry spectacle and of course the media didn't help...

If both clubs really cared about ethics and fair-play, they would fire both players and have a good talk with their managers...but we all know better.

And most Liverpool fans will agree with me concerning United, where most United fans will agree with me concerning Liverpool. Both players are to blame, both managers are to blame and both clubs are to blame.

Let's end this sorry episode with sanctions for all of them.

A ban for the players.
The managers banned from the bench.
A point deduction for both clubs.
Can any more actually be said on the matter? Or is everyone going to keep going round and round and round and round (infinity)?
Move on children. It's fucking boring now!!!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

When I saw the incident close up I was wondering why has Evra got his hand so far back? it wasn't outstreched to shake Suarez's hand? (Like he did for the others) maybe Suarez thought he didn't want to shake and just moved on? So I can see where Pipa is coming from.

Suarez didn't try to shake his hand though, so he is at fault. But Evra is a dick aswell :))
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Can any more actually be said on the matter? Or is everyone going to keep going round and round and round and round (infinity)?
Move on children. It's fucking boring now!!!

This has been the forum with the least discussion on the subject. Barely a page. Check another forum and you will see 10's even 100's of pages on the hand shake. Be grateful. :D

But everyone has the right to post their opinion.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Anyone remember Paul Scholes, Roy Keane, Roy Carroll not shaking the hands of Patrick Vieria? Back in 2005 at Highbury? No big drama then -it's just a handshake and it's upto people to shake hands with who they want. I would not shake hands with Evra because he disgraced the French team in 2010, and he has said bad things in the past about other nations he is how you say a deeply odious person.

No they don´t remember that obviously, and i don´t remember Viera making anything of it as Evra did yesterday grabing Suarez hand...and pointing out to cameras...Ferguson also don´t remembers that no other Premier league managers said Keane and Cantona should never play for United again after one kicked the fan and the second broke the leg of a player on pitch... this things are allowed only if it´s making coments from their side don´t you know? i mean also neutrals can see it... I hope the team responds to this comments and that Suarez will have the strenght to want move on with us...

YouTube - John Barnes: 'We are not the custodians of moral value in the world'
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

This handshake business is all petty crap everyone needs to move on there's been greater injustices that people have sufferred in the real world. Got to love the way this has overshadowed our poor performance this team is average luckily we've got a few top quality players to paper over those cracks. Forget 4th place winning a domestic cup or two is a better result for this season,, but questions will have to be asked at the end of it.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

When I saw the incident close up I was wondering why has Evra got his hand so far back? it wasn't outstreched to shake Suarez's hand? (Like he did for the others) maybe Suarez thought he didn't want to shake and just moved on? So I can see where Pipa is coming from.

Suarez didn't try to shake his hand though, so he is at fault. But Evra is a dick aswell :))

Imagine if Suarez got snubbed though... Suarez imagine wasnt tarnish from the snub yesterday just watch his next game someone will get kick, step on or maybe a bite in the face next? he has some choppers too :P

Evra is not like either but ... he is nowhere near Suarez I`m afraid :COAT:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The FA should know better. The players have a problem with each other, that's clear. So if it fired up any spat and fights between Liverpool and United fans this is FA's fault for not predicting this.

This is not bloody kindergarten, this handshake nonsense. Nobody is obliged to shake hands with anybody. Would you shake hands with somebody you clearly dislike?

Interesting that they cancelled Chelsea vs. QPR handshake ceremony, because of Terry and A. Ferdinand. Why not do the same today? Looks as if they're overexposing Suarez, who did his time already, while protecting Terry, who will still be judged after the Euros (and probably all this heat on him will have cooled down a bit by then and he could get a lighter punishment).

Suarez is classless for doing that, no doubt about it. But it's fair to say that he feels a bit hard done by that 8-match ban, which was an exaggerated punishment if you ask me. He did his time and then people expect him to shake hands with the guy who got him suspended in the first place?? That's ridiculous.

Having said that, you don't condone racism, it's horrible stuff that you don't even know where it comes from.

As for Evra, he's a known scumbag in football, known for his antics, his big mouth and for being a wind up merchant. His behaviour post-match showed it.
What happened exactly between him and Suarez last year, nobody knows. But while nothing justifies racism, let's remember it takes two to tango.

It's just plain wrong that a classic football encounter is overshadowed by this, and that could be easily avoided by the FA. But they left the players exposed to this embarrassment. Shame on the FA!

Spot on.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

LFC Statement

"I have spoken with the Manager since the game at Old Trafford and I realise I got things wrong.
I've not only let him down, but also the Club and what it stands for and I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I regret what happened.
I should have shaken Patrice Evra's hand before the game and I want to apologise for my actions.
I would like to put this whole issue behind me and concentrate on playing football."
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Ian Ayre: Luis was wrong

12th Feb 2012 - Latest News

Liverpool Managing Director Ian Ayre has today released the following statement.

"We are extremely disappointed Luis Suarez did not shake hands with Patrice Evra before yesterday's game. The player had told us beforehand that he would, but then chose not to do so.

"He was wrong to mislead us and wrong not to offer his hand to Patrice Evra. He has not only let himself down, but also Kenny Dalglish, his teammates and the Club. It has been made absolutely clear to Luis Suarez that his behaviour was not acceptable.

"Luis Suarez has now apologised for his actions which was the right thing to do. However, all of us have a duty to behave in a responsible manner and we hope that he now understands what is expected of anyone representing Liverpool Football Club."

Very disapointed by this statement and by the club.

I can´t belive it. Why should the club want him to shake his hand and not knowing for sure if Evra want to?

I mean how the club should know if Evra was willing to do so?

strainge, he is not the player who made LFC bad, media made him the victim...

It´s all far the best response to this was Barnes response...

If i was Luis i would already tell my agent after this statement to search for another club..

fucking hell...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Dude that statement makes me respect Liverpool a lot after the things that happened. The club took the high road. Stop trying to make Suarez some kind of innocent guy that has the whole world against him. He has been doing his antics years before joining Liverpool and has been part of all the clubs troubles with the FA this season. If anything, you should be kicking him out than him asking to leave. Good riddance.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Dude that statement makes me respect Liverpool a lot after the things that happened. The club took the high road. Stop trying to make Suarez some kind of innocent guy that has the whole world against him. He has been doing his antics years before joining Liverpool and has been part of all the clubs troubles with the FA this season. If anything, you should be kicking him out than him asking to leave. Good riddance.

Wait a minute, why was Suarez case all sorted by FA and not a court, if it was racism... where is the visuall evidence.. why Terry´s case is not punished the same way, 8 matches (!?) and forever whistles on all stadiums for Terry just for example..

Why the club backs the player and then say this shit, basicly agreeing all the media and Ferguson and most of all reasure that Evra in fact is the victim..

I don´t think Suarez deserved this stupid statement and that it was a push from our owners, realy bad move..we are laughing stock at the moment..and this basicly could as well mean end of Suarez career in England..

well done FA, Ayre and Evra. you must be proud at yourself now...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The club hasn't stopped backing him on his position with regard to the ban. They have told him that he can't go round and lie to club officials and then do something else.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Tik but of course he did something else by seeing Evra move his hand down only by Suarez approaching him, don´t get me wrong or don´t think i´m making this theory a conspiracy theory...but who sane would ask a player to shake someones hand without knowing if the other player want´s to do so.. Do you have the feeling that Evra wanted to shake the hand if you look on videos and pics - his hand went down a bit as if HE didn´t wanted...and in a situation where the players do this shaking in seconds.. I personaly would look on his (Evra) hand that is in low position and accept it as fact that he don´t want to shake my hand and move to next player...wich is what i think Suarez did...there is no need for eye contact, becouse this hand shakes are just temporarily or just very quick.. it´s nothing like a formal handshake where you have time to look on everyone for 3 seconds... i mean it´s even faster than hockey after match handshakes..

nevermind, what pisses me off is why the team even discouss the handshakes? wasn´t Suarez banned 8 matches..and his reputation was damadged? if he feels inocent he has all the right to not shake his hands.. and certainly Evra has no right to grab his hand as well...

Why did FA didn´t allow handshakes in Chelsea vs. QPR match? and why they allowed them here? if the case was similar...? Why Ferguson speaks about Suarez as if he did something his OWN players didn´t do in past as well? I don´t remember him questioning his own players back then or other managers saying Keane or Cantona or Schmeichel shouldn´t play for United again!

this is what pisses me off most..the comments by Ferguson.. he has NO RIGHTS to talk about other than his players in that manner.

all those statements today are nothing more than push from our owners, simply brand image protecting....instead of manager or player Kenny´s case, why didn´t Ferguson appologised for his comment??? why no mention of that? what did Kenny said he should be appologising for...? why our club print´s t-shirts and now slams Suarez for let the team down by not shaking hand??? wtf is that shit?
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

and to be honest of course our rivals want us to get rid of Suarez, why didn´t they want us to get rid of Hodgson before? why every media was backing Hodgson as if he needed time and making Kenny a racist almost... It´s the same now with Redknapp backed by every other PL manager for the England job...wonder why? :) no need to explain why....

And back to us, why the media were not all over us with previous manager? Becouse we were almost in relegation zone FFS...with Hodgson we were tragic and with Kenny we are in two cups - one final, 4 points before Champions league place with not sure how many games to end of season... and all this achieved with basicly having our best DM injured whole season and our most talented striker banned for 8 matches...

If we give up now, it will only please our rivals... that´s why i think the club should move on and start by trying to make this season a succes, wich is either CL spot or cups.

We then deciede on other after summer.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Pipa....give it a rest....

Liverpool have done the right thing...

Suarez told Kenny he would shake hands...

Kenny said before the game that he would shake hands..

Ferguson also said that Evra was willing.....

Evra raised his hand...although a bit reluctantly...
but he was willing....and Suarez just bypassed him...

(Did you see how Suarez was standing there trying to shake Rio's hand which was downwards...
Evra's hand was much higher and was willing.......if Suarez wanted to shake Evra's hand
he would have atleast made an attempt)

It was Suarez who let both Kenny and LFC down
at that misleading them.

By the way it was NOT the FA who canceled handshakes for Chelsea-QPR.
it was the QPR team...
If Suarez was not willing to shake hands...the teams could have canceled it.

Why are you supporting Suarez and not the Club ?

If he leaves after all the support LFC gave him..
then fine....we will not die....better players like
Rush, Fowler, Owen and Torres who scored MANY more goals have left
and we have not done too bad...

There is no conspiracy against Liverpool....
Dalglish has spent a lot of money.....buying questionable
players.....he has defended Suarez 200% even when Suarez
has made mistakes...
So the media has rightfully attacked him....when he could have
been more dignified.

Ferguson....the reason he gets away with so much is because
of his success....nothing else.

Anyway this apology is the BEST thing Liverpool have done...
we can ALL MOVE ON .......

Hope we win the Carling Cup and get 4th place....
and get some good players in the summer...
irrespective of Suarez being here or not..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

see Matthews that´s why we don´t win anything for 20 years, accepting all shit thrown at us everytime and two faced judges..

but i don´t think you are right and i think the statements today were issued by our owners just to drow a line no matter what... we didn´t need to appologise, Suarez didn´t need to shake Evra´s hand, Club didn´t need to tell him he should and he shouldn´t or didn´t need to promiss he will or won´t...

we have loosers mentality again in this statements, instead of questioning statements of Ferguson towards Suarez...wich is unecessary again..

Now the media will try to link Suarez to move away unitll end of the me on that...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

You are totally wrong pipa.
By aplogizing Liverpool as a club finally did the right thing. If they had done this immediately (even if i tend to agree with you that Evra set Suarez up) then this would never have been an issue and yesterday's match would have been a "normal" match between both teams (far from normal but without extra pressure) and Liverpool would have had more chance to win it.

There is no conspiracy against Liverpool and Suarez. Suarez have only one big enemy in all this and that is...Luis Suarez himself.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

ok but when will Ferguson appologise making coments about why our player should never play for our club again..

will someone remind me why Dalglish has to appologise for yesterday? what exactly did he do wrong?

Why i don´t like this especially is the manner of all three statements from today, by Suarez, Dalglish and Eyre...all three are as if our owners ordered them just to draw a line and move on...but i don´t see anyone question other players that did much worse things before... no other manager questions or comments what players should or should not play for rival club first team... only his majesty Ferguson...

Let me tell you something, why would he not want to unrest Suarez... after his start with us... i hope he will stay despite this media pressure from beggining of his career here...

He is no saint, but enough is enough.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!) just don't get it...

The problem about this latest incident is Suarez misleading his own club.

Suarez told Dalglish that he would shake hands....

Then Suarez goes out on the field and refuses to shake hands..

Dalglish says that Sky are out of order for suggesting
that Suarez is to blame for the events of the match....
and then he accuses the media of causing problems...
when it was Suarez who did the his refusal to shake hands.

Ian Ayre's statement was perfect....
Liverpool said that Suarez misled his Club (employer)
and his Manager refusing to shake hands
and ignite the situation which led to the half-time incidents
and full-time incidents..

Read this

Despite the intervention of the club's owners, it is understood Dalglish changed his stance on Suárez completely after watching a replay of the incident with Evra and, as the statements reflect and his close friend Alan Hansen suggested on Match of the Day on Saturday night, he feels badly let down by a striker he has defended to his own cost throughout the affair.

"I was shocked to hear that the player had not shaken hands having been told earlier in the week that he would do," Dalglish said. "All of us have a responsibility to represent this club in a fit and proper manner and that applies equally to me as Liverpool manager. When I went on TV after yesterday's game I hadn't seen what had happened but I did not conduct myself in a way befitting of a Liverpool manager during that interview and I'd like to apologise for that."

I salute Liverpool Football Club and the Owners if indeed they did anything for taking this stand...

I wish we had done this earlier ....

This chapter is now closed...

Now we can focus on the football......where we have 1 win in the last 6 games if I'm right...
and we MUST WIN the next 3 games...
- FA cup vs Brighton
- Carling Cup final
- League game vs Arsenal..
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

i know Suarez told him he will shake hands mate, but from what i think Evra was the one who made his hand not avileable as for the other players before Suarez... if i was on Suarez place and saw that + having few seconds to move on...i would also move to other player despite previously wanting to shake hands...

also Evra had no right what so ever to make drama out of it....

but yeah, let´s crucify him for not shaking hands...everyone is against him atm...even his own club who is affraid becouse of it...and make stupid statements basicly say everything against the previous statements... and making Evra the victim of everything...


Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

i know Suarez told him he will shake hands mate, but from what i think Evra was the one who made his hand not avileable as for the other players before Suarez... if i was on Suarez place and saw that + having few seconds to move on...i would also move to other player despite previously wanting to shake hands...

also Evra had no right what so ever to make drama out of it....

but yeah, let´s crucify him for not shaking hands...everyone is against him atm...even his own club who is affraid becouse of it...and make stupid statements basicly say everything against the previous statements... and making Evra the victim of everything...



How are you a mod?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

There is something beautiful and unprecedented about 'hardcore' Liverpool fans like Pipa - like the posters on the website RAWK. The logic is astounding:

1. Evra made the whole thing up.
2. Suarez said Negrito, which is a loving term of endearment.
3. Okay, Suarez said Negro, but Evra insulted his sister (he doesn't have a sister)
4. Okay, Suarez said Negro, but he only got banned because of Ferguson. And Evra lied about the number of times, so really Suarez is fine.
5. Actually, we're all linguistic experts, and the actual linguistic experts the panel hired are corrupt and ignorant.
6. Come to think of it, that independent judge found against LFC. He's corrupt and ignorant too. We have a better understanding of the law.
7. Love Kenny giving it to everyone. He's like us. He supports Suarez cause he did nothing wrong.
8. It isn't that Suarez didn't shake Evra's hand. What actually happens is if you look at this one still image from one camera angle, you can clearly see Evra's hand is like half an inch lower, it was Evra who didn't shake hands!
9. Okay so Suarez admitted to not shaking his hand, but we still know it was Evra's fault.
10. Okay so King Kenny admitted Suarez acted like a prick, but we still know Suarez is innocent, and really why should he shake his hand anyway?
11. Rafa would have handled this better.

It blows my mind. It's like they exist in some strange alternate reality. I wish I lived there. The real world sucks.
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