Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Charlie Adam at the moment indeed is twice the player Gerrard is. I've seen several matches of Liverpool with Gerrard this season. Each and every time i saw him, he was abysmal, whereas Adam has been decisive often...
Gerrard at the moment is the opposite of an asset for Liverpool, he holds them back.

I agree with tik about Evra, he is as big an idiot as Suarez and he behaved like that today. It was daft of Suarez to refuse to shake his hand, but Evra's reaction was not better...I see it like this: Suarez provoked Evra and Evra stupidly fell for it...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Maybe you could try to see things a litle in perspective...justice is a war criminal finally convicted, not some bloody football match between two football teams with overheated so-called fans from both sides.

I absolutely adore English football, but the concept of "rivalry" is absolutely ridiculous and barely understandable for somebody with half a brain.

Suarez is an immense cunt, and Pipa, just face the facts...i don't know what his family has to do with seem copmpletely brain washed now and then.

What an absolutely boring match this was. Piss poor football.

Poor Liverpool, their best player is the pariah of European football. Their club legend once again played and absolutely abysmal Charlie Adam once again proved that he is twice the player Gerrard is.
Poor Liverpool, their manager is absolutely clueless, against a keeper who is dodgy on high balls but fantastic on his line, he suddenly decides to play over the ground.

Poor Liverpool, their CF can(t give a decent pass over 2 metres (the one to Bellamy on the left flank) and can't controll the most simple pass.

Man Utd's win was thoroughly deserved, Wellbeck, Scholes and Giggs played very good matches and Valencia is one of the best players of the EPL for the moment.

Come back Roy!

brainwashed now, ok, i tell you something and to the rest of United fan base, i stick with Suarez becouse i think he is inocent and if he was guilty, show me the f....g prove.

I stand by the man the same way your manager standed behind Cantona´s famous kick and maybe other incidents if there was any in past...

I don´t care about individuals the way as i care about Suarez. Mind your own buisiness as you won, we lost... i hope this thread will return to discouse football not idiotic handshakes.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

brainwashed now, ok, i tell you something and to the rest of United fan base, i stick with Suarez becouse i think he is inocent and if he was guilty, show me the f....g prove.

I stand by the man the same way your manager standed behind Cantona´s famous kick and maybe other incidents if there was any in past...

I don´t care about individuals the way as i care about Suarez. Mind your own buisiness as you won, we lost... i hope this thread will return to discouse football not idiotic handshakes.

haha this is nearly as good as kk(k)'s post match interview!!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Regarding the match.....

I hope Downing is sold in the summer....a total waste...

Same with Henderson and Carroll.....

What a waste of money....

Don't know why Bellamy was not on earlier...

Regarding Evra-Suarez......
both are guilty in varying degrees.....

Suarez not only for the handshake....but the way he was diving
and kicking the ball away.....a disgrace.

Evra the way he celebrated in the end....a disgrace...

It's very very unfortunate that this has dragged on.....
I hope the clubs see sense and put an end to it.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Charlie Adam at the moment indeed is twice the player Gerrard is. I've seen several matches of Liverpool with Gerrard this season. Each and every time i saw him, he was abysmal, whereas Adam has been decisive often...
Gerrard at the moment is the opposite of an asset for Liverpool, he holds them back.

I agree with tik about Evra, he is as big an idiot as Suarez and he behaved like that today. It was daft of Suarez to refuse to shake his hand, but Evra's reaction was not better...I see it like this: Suarez provoked Evra and Evra stupidly fell for it...

Gerrard is no longer the man he used to be, but if played in the RIGHT position he would still be deadly.

It's getting boring watching our players being played out of their best position now.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Just another day to be dissappointed with football.

Suarez disobeyed his manager who said the handshake would be fine.

Evra was childish but at least he offered his hand and tried the high road.

Liverpool are back to being the reducers of Rafa times they just suck all the qualiity from matches. First half they played 3 defensively midfielders. Was Suarez's flukey goal Pools only shot on target?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Pipa, you know damn well that i'm not a United fan. I am a neutral, no i am not a neutral, because when Liverpool plays United i will always support Liverpool, but the thruth has it's rights too...
Suarez may well be innocent, you know damn well that i always had my doubts about his guilt. The fact is that by acting like a daft idiot he is doing everything to let this drag on (just like Evra by the way). There are idiotic fans enough to let this stupid thing escalate...IMO there are reasons to ban both players for the rest of the season...i know they are not footballistic reasons but moral reasons, and i also know that football and morality have less and less in common.

You are loosing all sense of objectivity pipa. I know you are a nice and decent person, but you are frankly blinded by your irrational love for all things Liverpool FC...
It's a shame that Liverpool's best player is a liability and that once again the way Liverpool are palying is just around that one player...just like with Torres (who never had the chance to rest and to let his injuries heel).
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Liverpool are back to being the reducers of Rafa times they just suck all the qualiity from matches. First half they played 3 defensively midfielders. Was Suarez's flukey goal Pools only shot on target?

As if United's football is least Liverpool have Suarez, Bellamy and Henderson (yes Henderson) with sparks of brilliance. United have Rooney in a good day and Nani...the fact that Giggs and Scholes were among the best players on the pitch says it all. And the injured players (apart from Nani) would not change much concerning attractive football.

United win matches and in the end they end up winning the EPL, a deserved win, but please don't pretend that they play attractive football. Swansea, City and Spurs are playing attractive football.

You will answer that it's not about being attractive, but about winning. I agree, but you brought this up.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Yeah, Suarez has been tainting his imagine ever since that WC hand ball. It`s been down hill since , he`s the Lindsay Lohan/ Brittney Spears rolled in one. Shame too such a quality player!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

As if United's football is least Liverpool have Suarez, Bellamy and Henderson (yes Henderson) with sparks of brilliance. United have Rooney in a good day and Nani...the fact that Giggs and Scholes were among the best players on the pitch says it all. And the injured players (apart from Nani) would not change much concerning attractive football.

United win matches and in the end they end up winning the EPL, a deserved win, but please don't pretend that they play attractive football. Swansea, City and Spurs are playing attractive football.

You will answer that it's not about being attractive, but about winning. I agree, but you brought this up.

That's ridiculous. We scored 3 goals last week. 18 in the last 5 home games. Some of the interplay between Rooney Welbeck and Valencia was scintillating. Did you even watch?

Spurs and City play great football too, but Swansea? Tons of 5 yard passes and keeping.possession is admirable but if it was that wonderful they'd of scored more and be up the table.

I you'd trade Suarez Bellamy and bleeding Henderson for Rooney Nani and Valencia you're mental. Liverpool have scores less than Blackburn. Ffs
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Swansea play superb football......with players who are on lesser
wages and who have unknown names......amazing....

Spurs...also a great credit to the game...

Liverpool....well...I did not expect Dalglish to become so defensive..
but that is what the Newcastle fans have said when Dalglish was
in charge.....with Keegan they were a cavalier attacking team..
with Dalglish they became more defensive...and had players all
over the pitch out of position....with center-backs as full-backs..

We are really no better than Rafa's last season in charge...
the cups will seem the only bright spot...
but not good enough if we finish out of the top 4...
which looks increasingly possible.

Gerrard....yeah today was crap.......Spearing and Henderson
made mistakes for the goals...Enrique was shaky...
Downing was horrible.....

We need a major overhaul....
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

brainwashed now, ok, i tell you something and to the rest of United fan base, i stick with Suarez becouse i think he is inocent and if he was guilty, show me the f....g prove.

I stand by the man the same way your manager standed behind Cantona´s famous kick and maybe other incidents if there was any in past...

I don´t care about individuals the way as i care about Suarez. Mind your own buisiness as you won, we lost... i hope this thread will return to discouse football not idiotic handshakes.

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Suarez refuse to give heand to evra so what ? Do one movie about thais now , dont see it so tragic as some "angels" do here , they have theyr problem and guy paid 8 match out for this so WTF u want more ,
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

But that's the whole point Valon, the issue isn't whether Suarez feels aggrieved or whether he was guilty / Evra made more of it and that that is the reason for the non handshake. With the Terry courtcase and all the media coverage they need to take a step back and realise that there are far more important issues going on and none of them should be doing anything that could give either side (and I'm not talking about Liverpool vs Utd) any more reason to act like idiots than they already have.

Instead the pair of them act like petulant kids.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I always read this thread avoiding commentaries, but this time I couldn't resist.
Yes, I'm uruguayan. Yes, I'm a LFC fan since I have cable TV in my home.
In Uruguay my nickname is "El Negro" (google translate if necessary) and I think that FA is ok about anti-racism politics, I don't think Saurez is racist. But FA has a terrible xenophobic issue, while Luis pay his 8 match ban, John Terry-Anton Ferdinand case is frozen.

BTW. Did you see this video? Sometimes a different angle is needed. I think Evra just is playing the victim role to

YouTube - Evra refuse or Suarez refuse?

Hope the Reds awake from the decadence they are since 2006
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The more I see it....I don't understand why Evra acted that way....

So what if Suarez declined to shake hands....who cares....
Evra should have just ignored's almost as if Evra
was offended.....he over-reacts way too much.

What does Evra expect.....the guy just got banned for 8 games...
does he expect Suarez to come smiling to him...and shake his hand...
Suarez already got his punishment...and he will never forgive Evra.

I agree Suarez was wrong...and should have been careful ....
but Evra's reaction was also stupid...trying to grab his hand...ridiculous..
you cannot force anyone to shake your hand !!!

When Terry was snubbed by Bridge...I did not see Terry getting angry
and trying to wind up Bridge...

This entire handshaking thing needs to be makes no
sense since it is not sincere and just a charade.....
the players are not becoming big friends or anything....

They are all a bunch of overpaid people who are not mature enough
to handle that kind of money or fame...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

evra its one piece of shit and me too i'll not give hand if he do like that , great now this forums show all persons smart and genius , also all angels , but seems non of them have ever playd football , coz if they did they all have sitataion like this , but in internet seems everyone PERFECT
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The FA should know better. The players have a problem with each other, that's clear. So if it fired up any spat and fights between Liverpool and United fans this is FA's fault for not predicting this.

This is not bloody kindergarten, this handshake nonsense. Nobody is obliged to shake hands with anybody. Would you shake hands with somebody you clearly dislike?

Interesting that they cancelled Chelsea vs. QPR handshake ceremony, because of Terry and A. Ferdinand. Why not do the same today? Looks as if they're overexposing Suarez, who did his time already, while protecting Terry, who will still be judged after the Euros (and probably all this heat on him will have cooled down a bit by then and he could get a lighter punishment).

Suarez is classless for doing that, no doubt about it. But it's fair to say that he feels a bit hard done by that 8-match ban, which was an exaggerated punishment if you ask me. He did his time and then people expect him to shake hands with the guy who got him suspended in the first place?? That's ridiculous.

Having said that, you don't condone racism, it's horrible stuff that you don't even know where it comes from.

As for Evra, he's a known scumbag in football, known for his antics, his big mouth and for being a wind up merchant. His behaviour post-match showed it.
What happened exactly between him and Suarez last year, nobody knows. But while nothing justifies racism, let's remember it takes two to tango.

It's just plain wrong that a classic football encounter is overshadowed by this, and that could be easily avoided by the FA. But they left the players exposed to this embarrassment. Shame on the FA!
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The clubs took the decision to cancel the pre-match handshake in the Chelsea/QPR instance, not the FA, just thought i'd point that out. Don't wanna add to the "conspiracy".
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Then it doesn't make sense from Liverpool's point of view. If Kenny Dalglish had told Suarez to shake hands with Evra, then Suarez was too much of an idiot not to stop him and say he wouldn't... or he said he would just to have the chance to snub Evra? I don't know. I don't want to add to this crazy "conspiracy" either.

I just think the sensible decision would be to cancel this pre-match handshake nonsense when you know you could have a problem like today.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I say...we as fans get more carried away with all this nonsense...

while these players are earning millions of pounds for playing a "GAME"...
...remember it's a game....a sport....
not being in the Army or Police or a Doctor or a scientist......

I am more worried about how crap Liverpool were in this match
and the last game against Spurs...

Our 2nd half display was pathetic till Adam came on......

Still we are only 4 pts behind 4th spot....with 2 out of 3
of our contenders losing (Chelsea/Newcastle)

But our next 3 matches are CRUCIAL
- Brighton (FA cup)
- Cardiff (Carling cup final)
- Arsenal (home)

We have to beat Arsenal.....if we don't then we can kiss 4th place
goodbye....and we will never be able to sign any good players...
we will have to live with watching average players at this club.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I definitely agreed with the decision to cancel the handshake in the QPR game, but there was seemingly no hope of any hand shake there, and Anton's team mates had also suggested they wouldn't shake Terry's hand either.

Whereas in this case all signs pointed towards Evra and Suarez shaking hands, I think before the game Daglish had said Suarez intended to shake hands and SAF said Evra had told him he'd decided to shake Suarez hand also. So I guess at that point cancelling the handshake would of been a wasted opportunity to help put the incident behind them.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Wow, I can't believe some Liverpool fans are taking still images and one camera angle to try and show Evra not shaking. Every single sane person that saw the incident saw Suarez go straight to De Gea, and Evra angrily react. The delusion is monumental.

I think Rooney (for once) said it best. He said he was disappointed, because in the end they're all professionals and they should shake hands.

For me this was Suarez's defining moment in English football. If he'd shaken hands and played the game in good spirits, then we could have all moved on. But by blanking Evra and then being pretty awful all match (including twice belting a ball into the crowd for no reason) he's shown his true colours. It sucks, because he has talent, but I fear much like his Dutch career, his time in the league will be overshadowed by his c(ntishness.

And Evra is a prick whose ego doesn't correspond to his skill. He's been a liability for 2 years for United at left back, so all the kissing the badge and so forth doesn't really help anyone.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I think clearly Suarez refuse, and Evra didn't like it, and he did well not to react to Evra's showboating. We got beaten so we deserve some stick, no problem. Wish we had Lucas here.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Yeah, who'd of guessed Lucas would be such a big miss 2 seasons ago! He's your Makele, no doubt.

I was shocked by Downing today. I've seen that much of him, but I genuinely forgot he was playing when he fouled Rafael. He wasn't a world beater but at least looked a handy player Boro and Villa.

Also, thought Pool should have been more direct once Carroll was on. Evans is hardly a giant and Rio can't jump anymore. Tactics seemed really confused towards the end from Daglish. I'd of been pinging it at the big man and having Bellamy/Suarez trying to latch on to flicks.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

read this all united moralists:


Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Anyone remember Paul Scholes, Roy Keane, Roy Carroll not shaking the hands of Patrick Vieria? Back in 2005 at Highbury? No big drama then -it's just a handshake and it's upto people to shake hands with who they want. I would not shake hands with Evra because he disgraced the French team in 2010, and he has said bad things in the past about other nations he is how you say a deeply odious person.
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