Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

probably best home performance, but deserved draw.

can´t wait for next match...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Definitely a point earned for us Spurs. We could have escaped with all three! Scott Parker MOTM for me, he was everywhere. What a trooper!

Best contribution of the match came from Whiskers the cat. What a purr-fect run! Seemed to find more space in the Spurs box than Carroll and co...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

eh, Carroll is the last who should be criticised tonight... he only get´s better...imho we lack wings and crossing again, piss poor in that area..

only Kelly delivered decent crosses, others like Adam, Downing, even Bellamy were very bad for Carroll to do something..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

eh, Carroll is the last who should be criticised tonight... he only get´s better...imho we lack wings and crossing again, piss poor in that area..

only Kelly delivered decent crosses, others like Adam, Downing, even Bellamy were very bad for Carroll to do something..

I know mate, he actually had a good game considering. Just for a split second, I thought Suarez had headed that Gerrard free-kick in, it was written:CONFUSE:

Also kind of knew Bale wasn't going to score that one-on-one with Reina, he looked too fired up with the Anfield crowd on his back, was thinking of glory and silencing the crowd before even scoring.

On reflection, that Suarez kick on Parker needs to be looked into by the FA, he clearly had no intention to kick the ball, he says drawing the ire of Liverpool fans everywhere.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

eh, Carroll is the last who should be criticised tonight... he only get´s better...imho we lack wings and crossing again, piss poor in that area..

only Kelly delivered decent crosses, others like Adam, Downing, even Bellamy were very bad for Carroll to do something..
Really ? He had another mediocre match. Instead of playing (which is already extremely difficult for him with all his weaknesses) he was paying more attention to moan and talk to the referee.
That play in which he did a foul over Parker and instead of keep seeing what was going to happen he started complaining to the referee and then Kelly did a nice cross that could have been hit by Carroll if he was actually playing a football match and not complaining all the time.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

No mention of Suarez looking straight at Parker, with the ball at head height (and also already gone) and kicking him in the gut? Course not, poor Suarez - I'd imagine Parker's gut insulted his non-existant sister.

Then Kenny after the game...

Everytime I thought my respect for the once great club could get no lower, they all grab shovels and keep digging. Pretty soon the only Liverpool fans in the world will be from Liverpool, because they're the only ones with close enough access to the Kool-aid to believe this sh*t.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I know mate, he actually had a good game considering. Just for a split second, I thought Suarez had headed that Gerrard free-kick in, it was written:CONFUSE:

Also kind of knew Bale wasn't going to score that one-on-one with Reina, he looked too fired up with the Anfield crowd on his back, was thinking of glory and silencing the crowd before even scoring.

good for Liverpool that Bale had a realy bad game tonight..otherwise we would have lost probably..

Carroll looks much better than few weeks ago, but honestly he can´t do anything alone.. tonight again he won the headers, he won the balls (if there was no foul at him) yet nobody was there in box to finish it (except Suarez at the end of the match).. i´m confident Carroll will deliver, the confidence is clearly back for him, he passes better and he looks more motivated than before.. what worries me is Downing, Kuyt and sometimes Adam... i expect a lot more from wings than Kuyt and Downing are able to produce...

Really ? He had another mediocre match. Instead of playing (which is already extremely difficult for him with all his weaknesses) he was paying more attention to moan and talk to the referee.
That play in which he did a foul over Parker and instead of keep seeing what was going to happen he started complaining to the referee and then Kelly did a nice cross that could have been hit by Carroll if he was actually playing a football match and not complaining all the time.

He wasn´t medicore tongiht, definetly not.. but your perspecitve is only based on how expensive he was.. so you expect him to score hattrick every game, then any game from him is bellow expectations basicly for you or others... for me he was our most dangerous striker tonight and created more chances for the others to score than anyone.. the Tottenham defence was great tonight, especially Dawson and Walker.. Walker looks realy as England top Right back together with Johnson, who on the other side didn´t had a bad match as left back either...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Probably tonight was one of Carroll's best matches for Liverpool this season. He looks to have gained the confidence back and seems more comfortable with the ball and has a better first touch. Bellamy didn't have one of his best games and in my book the reason for that was Walker, who is my first choice for England's RB comes EURO12. And I'm glad Bale became a "hated figure" tonight, cos' that somehow affected on his performance, otherwise the Bale we all know would have beaten the whole Liverpool defense with his speed. Draw was the best possible result tonight. Looking forward to beat the scums this Saturday...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Our midfield just does not support the attack....
and again poor service for Carroll..

Bellamy, Downing, Kuyt did not have enough threat today...
not much Carroll could do...

Suarez...for all his diving/cheating....
I doubt he meant to kick Parker intentionally....he's not crazy to try a stunt
like that....if you look at the replay...he was looking at the
ball waiting for it to was bad timing to hit Parker...
not malicious...just clumsy...

Rooney can tweet all he likes...first he got Kompany sent off..
and now he's after Suarez..........he should just focus on his own game.

United have no reason to complain..after the 2 soft penalties they got
at Chelsea...

I'm not a big fan of Suarez....but after seeing this comment
from Rooney...
I hope Suarez scores the winner at Old Trafford......seriously.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I too, would like to see Suarez score the winner.
I don't agree with you on what you say about the kick. Before i start my reasoning i will say that i haven't seen anything of the match...
So what i say i purely based on your last post mathewss.

IMO it doesn't matter wether Suarez did this on purpose or out of clumsyness. The infamous tackle of the Birmingham player on Eduardo (Arsenal) was not on was pure clumsyness. Kompany got sent off and got a match ban for a tackle that actually didn't touch if it is true that Suarez (unintentionally) kicked Parker, he should have got a red card. It is irrelevant that he did that on purpose or not...

Hell, no...i'm wrong. I'm thinking about what i said about Balotelli and Parker...i saw that one and was convinced that Balotelli should never have been sanctioned for that one... so i guess i should see what happened. I was too quick to judge Suarez here...i'm sorry.

PS: but i still want Suarez to score the winner against Man Utd.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

in all honesty i think Suarez kicked him just becouse he is "crazy" player in his own tell that this was unintentionally is not true imho..


I think it is highly irresponsible behaviour and having other ref, he might have been sent out...

i was hoping he isn´t, but i´m not 100% confident with him anymore... he is our best player, but also most irresponsible with behaviour...

just what i think... i only hope he won´t leave the team in trouble becouse of this, becouse other refs won´t tollerate this shit.

i hate to see LFC player do this kind of stuff... Diving for making the team chances time by time, who doesn´t do that? everyone does... but to foul as he did, after being rested 8 matches and after he should behave as angel on field + being rolemodel himself, that´s very worrying.

he should know where the line is, not appologise after such foul, it means nothing...he was lucky not to be sent off.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

should have been sent off, what a cunt suarez is, he also is always trying to get others sent off as well, and whining like a bitch
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Well, now that i've seen least you can say that it was a very bad miss for a technically gifted player like him.

This looks more intentional than Balotelli's stamp on Parker (poor Parker). But i would give him the benefit of the doubt.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

should have been sent off, what a cunt suarez is, he also is always trying to get others sent off as well, and whining like a bitch

That is also a valid point.
In my previous point i say that i would give Suarez the benefit of the doubt, but should a player who is also trying to get other players sent off, have the benefit of the doubt. There would be some justice in treating him by hiw own standards.

Of course this is a questionable precedent and not good for football justice...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I don't know how Kenny says he didn't see Parker, in a way yes he had his eyes on the ball, but come on he just bumped into him just before the kick. Poor Suarez he'll never win.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

in all honesty i think Suarez kicked him just becouse he is "crazy" player in his own tell that this was unintentionally is not true imho..


I think it is highly irresponsible behaviour and having other ref, he might have been sent out...

i was hoping he isn´t, but i´m not 100% confident with him anymore... he is our best player, but also most irresponsible with behaviour...

just what i think... i only hope he won´t leave the team in trouble becouse of this, becouse other refs won´t tollerate this shit.

i hate to see LFC player do this kind of stuff... Diving for making the team chances time by time, who doesn´t do that? everyone does... but to foul as he did, after being rested 8 matches and after he should behave as angel on field + being rolemodel himself, that´s very worrying.

he should know where the line is, not appologise after such foul, it means nothing...he was lucky not to be sent off.

The more I look at are looks bad...
he can see Parker coming and still kicks...

SORRY apologies to beachryan..

I will repeat this again....Suarez needs to be sold ....
he is not the type of player that should be playing
for Liverpool FC......

I can understand that no player is perfect...
but he is consistently a pain ....

what were Comolli, Dalglish and FSG thinking when we
signed such a player....they had seen what happened in Holland
and the World Cup.....

they cannot just look at his talent...
and ignore the garbage that he brings along ..

Suarez is digging his own grave...
it will not be too long before the next ban...
and then his "dream move" to La Liga.

The referees will be out to get him ....
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

damn i miss this moment coz i watch in streaming so it blocks , it look so bad and he JUST back from 8 match ban , WTF have in mind this guy ?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Well , Carroll dives way too much and Bale did too! Both were embarrassing.There's no name to call what Suarez did,lunatic comes to mind :). Really can't wait to see the weekend match vs mutd ...what headlines btw Suarez,kenny,evra and fergie .
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Glad we can at least agree. I watched the game on a massive HD tv and was just blown away by Suarez there. He initially tries to bump him out of the way slyly, and then - not looking at the ball at all - realised it'd be a good time kick him.

Knowing Suarez, I'm surprised he didn't go down holding his face afterwards.

Detestable little human being. I could care less about his ability. As I said with his assualt on Kompany against City - it's one thing to cheat and roll around and get players sent off - you're not hurting anyone. But he also has a history of nasty, dangerous actions on a football pitch.

And for the love of God why do people make out that he is the f*cking victim in the Evra case? I could not believe the commentators saying it would be a 'fairytale' if Suarez scored yesterday. No. It. Would. Not. He called Evra a Negro while in a confrontation with him, and was banned for 8 games as per the rules of the league he plays in. He's not some f*cking martyr he's a spoilt little brat with a modicrum of footballing ability that is lucky to be playing at the most blinded club in the world. I've given up trying to understand die-hard Liverpool fans but when the 'neutral' commentators talk like this I just want to give up and stop watching this disgusting sport.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Lol, I saw that live against poor Parker! Nowhere NEAR the ball!

Guy comes back and has 25 mins to score, but misses a good chance (the header should've been a goal but he hit it right at keeper) but doesn't 'miss' in causing more controversy! Should've been sent off.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Yeah it was ridiculous, would have been sent off if all of the other stuff hadn't of happened imo. It was so blatant.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

That's one guy, One ignorant fuckhead of a guy.

I'd like to agree - but it's worth noting:

1. The only reason that term is even known is because of misinformation spread by LFC. The term Negrito was never used by Suarez/Evra/anyone.

2. LFC coaches and players chose to wear t-shirts essentially promoting the same idea - that Suarez did no wrong. And Kenny maintains this.
Found this just now. Racist arrests everywhere but just carry on and on about Liverpool. Yawn.
Dispicable behaviour by the fans. Some it appears are worse than others.

This is days old but Stay Classy United Fans...

57 year old Man United fan charged with racism at Old Trafford: - 3rd such arrest since start of 2010-11 season

Since 2008-09 most racist chanting arrests made by club supported: Bolton: 7, Spurs: 7, BRFC: 6, Villa: 5, Stoke: 5, MUFC: 5, Chelsea: 4

Since 2008-09 fewest racist chanting arrests made by club supported: Fulham: 0, Man City: 0, Sunderland: 1, Liverpool: 1, Everton: 1

The stats are from the Home Office's Football-Related Arrests files

Can't this record ever get changed? Change the bloody subject FFS. Too many double headed preachers in here. Does my head in. Don't know if it's been posted before or even if it is true but jeez, talk about something else perleeeeease.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Found this just now. Racist arrests everywhere but just carry on and on about Liverpool. Yawn.
Dispicable behaviour by the fans. Some it appears are worse than others.

This is days old but Stay Classy United Fans...

57 year old Man United fan charged with racism at Old Trafford: - 3rd such arrest since start of 2010-11 season

Since 2008-09 most racist chanting arrests made by club supported: Bolton: 7, Spurs: 7, BRFC: 6, Villa: 5, Stoke: 5, MUFC: 5, Chelsea: 4

Since 2008-09 fewest racist chanting arrests made by club supported: Fulham: 0, Man City: 0, Sunderland: 1, Liverpool: 1, Everton: 1

The stats are from the Home Office's Football-Related Arrests files

Can't this record ever get changed? Change the bloody subject FFS. Too many double headed preachers in here. Does my head in. Don't know if it's been posted before or even if it is true but jeez, talk about something else perleeeeease.

I expect a few fans to be idiots.

I do not expect football managers, club websites and official channels to be the same.

Anyway, you're right moving on.

I would definitely start Carroll this weekend if I were Pool. United look most vulnerable against route one, plus it served you well last weekend. It's not pretty, but it's effective and Liverpool have one of the best defenses in the league. So if I were them I'd keep it tight, negate United's creativity and hoof it at the big man. Ugly, boring but it'll probably work.

All I hope is that the game gets decided on the pitch. Not by the ref, or the fans, or KK or SAF.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Liverpool can play Carroll up front....


in a 4-5-1 he needs support from the midfield......

We need Bellamy, Suarez and Gerrard playing off Carroll up closer to him..

with Spearing and Adam in central midfield shielding the back-four..

Kuyt blows hot and not sure when he will play well..

Maybe KK will go 3-6-1.....

I hope we win....
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