Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Beachy Ryan is spot on. LFC as a club condone racist assholes, i.e. suarez. It's fairly pointless to bring up random
Manu fans .
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Beachy Ryan is spot on. LFC as a club condone racist assholes, i.e. suarez. It's fairly pointless to bring up random
Manu fans .

I completely agree. And there is absolutely no need to turn this into the 54.564th row between Liverpool and Man Utd fans....i'm sick and tired of this. It's only football.

About Suarez: the biggest moron in football, Liverpool should sack him before he does any more damage to club that has a class reputation, but is doing everything to loose that good reputation. Along with Suarez the idiots that damaged the reputation and the image of Liverpool should be fired.

And it saddens me to say that i start doubting Dalglish too. When he was a player, he was my absolute favourite player. After Hillsborough i was happy and proud to be a Dalglish fan, what he did there was class. Now i'm doubting. Dalglish does not seem to see the big picture. He goes along in this useless tribalism.

Valon, you should never have posted that picture. Why did you do that?
Beachy Ryan is spot on. LFC as a club condone racist assholes, i.e. suarez. It's fairly pointless to bring up random
Manu fans .

It's pointless spouting shit like that aswell. If one of your "children" did something stupid, would you throw them to the wolves? No you wouldn't. You'd re-educate. I read things about SAF deflecting things away from his players, I believe Liverpool are doing the same. Anyway, let's keep going over and over the same thing again yeah?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Beachy Ryan is spot on. LFC as a club condone racist assholes, i.e. suarez. It's fairly pointless to bring up random
Manu fans .

So now he's a racist? Hope you haven't ever speeded while driving, we'll have to call you a criminal from now on...

He made a comment that in all likelyhood was racist, he got banned and served his time and he's a bit of an arsehole. Can we keep from stating other shite that isn't actually true?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It pissed me off too, to be honest. I don't want to hurt anybody feelings, but it only takes two idiots to provoke a row...and a third like me to get pissed by it.
Can't some mod delete that picture, it does injustice to all that are involved in the Evra-Suarez saga...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It pissed me off too, to be honest. I don't want to hurt anybody feelings, but it only takes two idiots to provoke a row...and a third like me to get pissed by it.
Can't some mod delete that picture, it does injustice to all that are involved in the Evra-Suarez saga...

as my english isnt good i dont understand good what are you saying , but i hope ur not saying me idiot !

its one pic that its done on anfield and its not my montage i did or anything and i dont send u a private msg saying look this ok ?

same as before put someone suarez gif shoting at parker , now u have to com here and say take off or anything ? was not against u or against anyone , its what happen like u or dont like i dont give a shit ok , if its so problem for u this one go and cheek for this guy at anfield
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I think it was not the brightest thing to post this picture. Why did you post it? I would really like to know this. Does it add something?
This is one isolated idiot. Are you proud of him? I hope not...

So what i was saying in that post was that you did something idiotic, not that you are an idiot. And don't care, i do plenty of idiotic or stupid things. The imortant thing is seeing that you made a mistake and to learn from it.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Liverpool Football Club were today deeply saddened to learn of the death of Jessie Paisley, wife of legendary Reds manager Bob.


rest in peace.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I'd like to agree - but it's worth noting:

1. The only reason that term is even known is because of misinformation spread by LFC. The term Negrito was never used by Suarez/Evra/anyone.

2. LFC coaches and players chose to wear t-shirts essentially promoting the same idea - that Suarez did no wrong. And Kenny maintains this.

I thought someone else, from a report or something used the term, as in that was what he thought Suarez said.
And they wore the shirts to support their (presumably) innocent player. Hindsight shows that was incorrect obviously.

It's just unfair to me to lump all of a teams fans together because one dickhead thinks he's being funny or creating a meme or something.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

@Valon: Great t-shirt, tell me where can I buy it ??

dont really know this , and same i cant buy online and here we dont have this f*cking option yes , so i made a "similary" graphic and gonna print it in any shop here for myself
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

here is how i have done it , well not so good but not so bad too :P

going to print it tomorrow

btw template wasnt so good :P

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

It's funny how Ferguson, Rooney and Ferdinand all want Redknapp
to be England manager.........shows how much they fear Spurs as
genuine title challengers.

And Dalglish cheekily has suggested that Ferguson get the job :-)

For tomorrow's big game.....I really hope Liverpool win this one...
I am quietly optimistic...we seem to do well in big away matches (Arsenal, Chelseax2, Man City-cup-semi)
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

yeah he is an absolute cunt, ok let´s establish that and get over it..i realy am fed up reading how a bad person he is... father of small family with gorgeus woman and little girl, who realy has no problem with whistles i guess.. what about Giggs, is he a less cunt than him?

nevermind, let´s talk more about football, at least i hope we will...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Suarez being a family man has no bearing on the fact that he is a petulant little child who had an opportunity to bury the hatchet with Evra yet he chooses to stoke the flames even further.

I'm sure we'll get Kenny condoning the refusal for not shaking Evra's hand in the post match press conference.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Kenny's tactics kinda cost us the match, how comes he benched a creative player like Adam and went for Spearing instead whose mistake was decisive in this match. Carroll was worthless too, it kinda funny seeing guys like Rafael jump higher than him. The best team won nonetheless and at the end Suarez got owned by Evra, who was excitedly celebrating in front of him.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The sad thing is that the fans are fighting in the stadium because of these two idiots.

Dalglish's stubbornness to rely on Carroll and Downing is going to cost him.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Maybe you could try to see things a litle in perspective...justice is a war criminal finally convicted, not some bloody football match between two football teams with overheated so-called fans from both sides.

I absolutely adore English football, but the concept of "rivalry" is absolutely ridiculous and barely understandable for somebody with half a brain.

Suarez is an immense cunt, and Pipa, just face the facts...i don't know what his family has to do with seem copmpletely brain washed now and then.

What an absolutely boring match this was. Piss poor football.

Poor Liverpool, their best player is the pariah of European football. Their club legend once again played and absolutely abysmal Charlie Adam once again proved that he is twice the player Gerrard is.
Poor Liverpool, their manager is absolutely clueless, against a keeper who is dodgy on high balls but fantastic on his line, he suddenly decides to play over the ground.

Poor Liverpool, their CF can(t give a decent pass over 2 metres (the one to Bellamy on the left flank) and can't controll the most simple pass.

Man Utd's win was thoroughly deserved, Wellbeck, Scholes and Giggs played very good matches and Valencia is one of the best players of the EPL for the moment.

Come back Roy!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The sad thing is that the fans are fighting in the stadium because of these two idiots.

Dalglish's stubbornness to rely on Carroll and Downing is going to cost him.
Two idiots ? suarez just needed to shake Evra hands and it's finish
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Suarez should be off in the summer. It's obvious he believes Evra stitched him up and got him banned, but really they both need to see the bigger picture. Suarez will be the most hated player in the league, and not even for his skill. As for Evra, he looked more happy then when he won the CL. I can understand his pleasure at the result (especially with how the match started off), but at the same time it was in bad taste and only riled more fans up from both sides. Younggun's post about "Justice" only highlights how thick people can be. Sorry to pick you out Younggun but as Gerd already said, justice for what? It's poor behaviour from both sides (Liverpool's handling of it in general and now Utd's small digs) and they should both be better.

As for the game...p!$$poor and they deserved nothing. Even behind they couldn't be bothered to make a run and create some space for each other.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Maybe you could try to see things a litle in perspective...justice is a war criminal finally convicted, not some bloody football match between two football teams with overheated so-called fans from both sides.

I absolutely adore English football, but the concept of "rivalry" is absolutely ridiculous and barely understandable for somebody with half a brain.

Suarez is an immense cunt, and Pipa, just face the facts...i don't know what his family has to do with seem copmpletely brain washed now and then.

What an absolutely boring match this was. Piss poor football.

Poor Liverpool, their best player is the pariah of European football. Their club legend once again played and absolutely abysmal Charlie Adam once again proved that he is twice the player Gerrard is.
Poor Liverpool, their manager is absolutely clueless, against a keeper who is dodgy on high balls but fantastic on his line, he suddenly decides to play over the ground.

Poor Liverpool, their CF can(t give a decent pass over 2 metres (the one to Bellamy on the left flank) and can't controll the most simple pass.

Man Utd's win was thoroughly deserved, Wellbeck, Scholes and Giggs played very good matches and Valencia is one of the best players of the EPL for the moment.

Come back Roy!

I don't usually both replying to most of what I see in this thread, but this I had to point out. Do you take drugs?

Charlie Adam puts a ball in the box that looked dangerous, for the first time this season and the declining Ferdinand couldn't deal with it.

Nobody knows the full story or what happened between Suarez and Evra and nobody ever will.

Someone posted a video of Evra being racist - this seemed to get swept under the carpet....anyway...I wouldn't shake his hand either.

All this fuss over a handshake, the most worrying thing about today was that two players over the age of 36 made the these so called younger world class players look average. Scholes should be knighted.

PS - We tried to rely on Suarez again - just like we did with Torres...sigh
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

damn how bad midlefield we have henderson , downing dont even merit to be a LFC player , Gerrard was most bad player in field today shame how bad he was

carroll bad too , i just like our defender on this match and in general we have to change much !
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