Let's FIFA 11/12/13: Making the perfect football game.

Thats sounds like a really cool idea. That is something i would gladly pay for. Can you imagine having every Premiership ground in the game. Id like to see the stadiums play more of a role in Fifa. Maybe a small cutscene showing the ground or a tv style camera shot (blimp view). I wish they would get the dimensions right though. For example the huge space behind the goal at Anfield. Also the correct position for away fans. At Emirates the away supporters are in the corner, lower tier, but in Fifa they are behind the goal. Little things like that bring more realism to the game. And fingers crossed this year the Emirates pitch is given a proper pitch with no bare patches. I think the groundsman should sue EA :RANT:
What im hoping for Fifa Clubs Mode in Fifa11

  • A set control method for a Club, semi/assisted/manual, so all members play on set controls and match searches can be filtered
  • The overall speed of the gameplay needs reducing drastically
  • Pressuring needs to be punished by having stamina reduced heavily. At the moment players can press too much for 90 minutes
  • Less of a gap between the quickest players and the slower players. At present there is not much benefit of being a bigger player as the quick, nimble players just mug you up
  • Stat boosting should not be allowed after 50 appearances are made. Right now Clubs Mode is full of teams with 10 Ronaldo whores and are almost unplayable
  • Im fed up of listening to opposing teams chatting on their mics. The option to turn this off would be nice
  • Injuries to be included
  • Id like the 'any' to be removed. Shouldnt Be a pro be about controlling just 1 player. AI would need to be improved for this though.
  • Weather options to be selectable
  • Stadium to be selected as the clubs home ground, with a user defined name
  • No more using real life kits. A basic kit editor to be included where a template and colour scheme can be chosen
  • The download club members gamefaces to actually work. It never gets to 100% and freezes.
  • Instead of random players taking the positions of the squad when there isnt 10 players, why not have the Manager chose to fill the positions with real squad members pro's. There stats not to be counted though.For example, my be-a pro can be used even when im not online.
  • A Goalkeeper creator, so we dont end up with a 5'6" midget in goal.
  • Tournaments, like what we had in euro2008 and are about to get in the WC game. Also designated leagues for the clubs control scheme. Manual/semi/assisted. Fed up playing against assisted ping pongers in this mode

These are just a few things that would make Clubs mode, which for me is the best online mode in Fifa, a more enjoyable experience.
I think there should be an option to be able to rate your opponent at the end of a game. Not for ability but for gamesmanship. So it could go something like this. I win 5 nil against someone but he doesnt quit so i could give him a 5 star rating. Or, im winning and my opponent starts scoring own goals on purpose, i give him a 1 star rating. So it would be a bit like the buyer rating on e-bay. That way you could include this in your match search filter. No one with a low star rating. Should help out a bit in getting rid of the idiots online.
some of the best games of fifa i've had have been online against Shooto and Jaz, proper manual games, some of the things that happen i've never seen against the AI.
Maybe the qualifier there should be 'football games online against randoms'.. My best PES experiences were 2v2 with a random Dutch guy called J_A_M. Two footballing peas in a pod we were...

That said, Clubs matched with a FIFA built on solid fundamentals would blow all else out of the water..
While writing on the official forum I started to think about combining the stick tilt for shooting height (Trance Allstar) and the Low-modifier-button (Football Kingdom).

So it would then be something like this:

  • The Shoot bar that we fill up represent the power of the shot (just like it does for passes already).
  • By pressing only the shoot button, the player would aim somewhere between mid height of the goal (lowest) and under the crossbar (highest).
  • By pressing shoot + low-modifier would mean the player is aiming somewhere between mid height of goal (highest) and the ground (lowest). The low-modifier would probably be the Close Control button, that currently makes shots hard (wouldn't be needed any more).

The tilt of the stick would then decide where between these points you would aim. It's like a detailed aim. If you only tilt a little you would be closer to the "lowest" point and the more you tilt it towards goal, the closer to the high point it would be.

Obviously you can't have zero tilt as the lowest because you can't aim to the sides then. So I don't know, lowest starts from 40-50% aim? I think it can be that high amount of tilt because the different in height between mid height in goal and under post is pretty short.

And this does NOT mean that aiming a little ALWAYS will be close to the lower point, in the end it is all about how your player hits the ball (skills, position to the ball and so on). I can't stress this enough, because we are only aiming where the ball ends up if everything is perfect (which it hardly ever is, you will pretty much always have some errors and sometimes huge difference if we hit the ball very badly).

More explanation about this system:

The main reason that I want to still have the low-modifier and not only the tilt, is because I want to be able to tell the game in advance that it should get ready to try to do a low finish.

In real life you don't decide to shoot low the moment you hit the ball. You "plan" it in advance so that you can change your posture to hit the ball in a way so it goes low. We have to remember that when we control players in FIFA it is just like if we would shout directives to a player on the pitch in real life. If you yell "Shoot low!" the moment a player in real life is shooting, he will have no chance at all to adjust his body for a low shot. But if we a second before say "be ready for low shot" and then when he is about to shoot we scream "low shot!" he will be able to make this low shot.

So this is why I feel a low-modifier is so important. We have to tell the game in advance, otherwise it has no idea that it should prepare for a low shot.

Another advantage I see in this is that the amount of tilting the stick isn't as fiddly as it is if you control from ground all way up to the crossbar. We have much more room to tilt for precise aiming.

Works the same for headers and volleys.

Maybe I should also explain why I want the highest point to aim should be just under the bar. As I see it, what we are doing here is aiming where we want to try to get the ball to go. You would never aim to miss the goal (at least in height, you might want to aim away in sideway to bring in curl). The reason for football players miss the goal is not because they purposely aimed away from it, it is because of a mixture of their skills, position to the ball while striking it and so on.

Also while at it. This system is all about the AIM and not the result. It is not manual in the sense that you can learn how much to aim and then always get the same shot. Just like I mentioned earlier, in the end it is all about the player you are controlling, his skills, position to ball and so on. And if you for example press the low modifier to shoot while the ball is way ahead of you (bad timing) then obviously he won't be able to shoot low because he will hit the ball on the way up. Same with headers, you can't head the ball down in the ground if it only skims on top of your head.

Good or bad idea?
I said it earlier and i Say it again:

Having the EPL and La Liga license how come EA cant have a DLC stadium pack for the EPL and La Liga. 5 bucks each, and you get every team a stadium, after playing in the same stadiums in MM for a while it gets a little tedious. Or for Fifa 11, why not have WC stadium pack, so that we can download the WC stadiums, they are already made for the WC game and well you did all that art job for that one game that lasts 5 months. Might as well keep that art alive and lets us be able to download. Over time you can creat alot of stadiums and by fifa 2013 we could have, a Stadium packs for the top 4 Euro leagues, an International Stadium pack plus the stadiums that already come by default in the game.

Editing, let us edit kits in MM. I hate being three seasons in w/ the same kits. I understand that there are restrictions, but is it possible, and hear me out, that we can edit a kit's style. I will use Barcelona as an example. We can Edit barcelona kits in Nike templates of their kits, we cant remove the nike logo of the Barcelona shirt and we can't remove the sponsor (Unicef in this case) and we can move around the Team emblem on the front of the Shirt. So then we can edit alot of stuff on the kits on MM and have fresh new kits for new seasons. Let us do so for every team in MM, that way if we want we can edit every team in our league so we see them use new kits every season when they play my team.

There are a butt load of players that dont have faces in FIFA, let us edit those, lets use the fifa servers to insert them, like we do with our virtual pro. We could have alot of more player faces in the game.

Now, more into the game. Ive noticed that the Camera angles fifa uses are really cinematic in the cut scenes and replays. I think that helps PES give you that simulation feeling because it feels like TV. In Fifa cutscenes the players are not even near where they are standing when the game was stopped, let it all be continouos so that it feels like real life. Camera angles for celebrations should also be like a camera on the stands, not those super upclose shots from below the player, as if the cameraman was on the pitch.

The kits well, we all know whats wrong, get them right. Take advantage of the community in this respect. Many community members would be willing to help with this.

Again I know gameplay is more important, but this things can help keep a game fresh over a year.
DLC stadiums i would buy,but only pay like £1-2 for them as these fucking EA people should include them for free anyway.I think it's a case of "they'll buy it anyway" which pisses me off no end.Also we should have DLC of boots pack and kit.That way you can buy as in UT.Also i would like to see a button or stick that does a hard tackle like in Madden series,also you should be able to risk making a late challenge on the keeper as it was in earlier versions off fifa,nothing worse for me than seeing the keepers going unchallenged or unscathed.
The ball going out for a throw in and then taking the throw in should be in real time (like the quick free-kicks)
I've noticed a lot of people want real time throw-ins. In truth I think that the risk with this is that it'd speed the gameplay up further, and would lead to more of an issue with players out of position. I'd be happy if it was put in but only after making sure the rest of the gameplay was properly paced.
I think quick throw ins should be in, no doubt.

The problem with speed of the game is related to the stamina/fatigue system that is completely broken. We can't ignore good new features just because something else is broken.

It's just like the sprint speed problem in FIFA currently. They can't give correct sprint speed to lower league players because every player in FIFA have the ball control of Ronaldo when sprinting, which means that speed equals win in FIFA.
It's only a good new feature if it benefits the game. I wholly agree that other stuff needs to be fixed. I just think it needs to be fixed first. If FIFA 10 had quick throw-ins it'd be a worse game. If the FIFA 11 we all hope and pray for has quick throw-ins, it'll be a better game.

Once it goes in, it'd also have to be limited to cases where the ball only just rolls out, much like quick free kicks. I can't see EA adding ballboys any time soon!
They have to address the stamina issue if they want to have more realism,belting about the pitch for 90mins with little effect just makes it far too arcade for me.
Well the stamina problem is one of the biggest issues, so I'm pretty sure they will be looking at it for FIFA 11. If not, Rutter has to go and be replaced by Gary. Since Rutter was put in charge the game has become faster and filled with bugs. He doesn't seem to appreciate quality and realism that much.
Well the stamina problem is one of the biggest issues, so I'm pretty sure they will be looking at it for FIFA 11. If not, Rutter has to go and be replaced by Gary. Since Rutter was put in charge the game has become faster and filled with bugs. He doesn't seem to appreciate quality and realism that much.

What was the name of the guy that was in charge of Fifa 08? Leeds fan if I remember right. What happened to him?
Yeah but it's Championship Manager after Eidos fucked off SI and they went over to Sega. Eidos' Championship Manager post SI is hardly a legacy to be proud of.
What was the name of the guy that was in charge of Fifa 08? Leeds fan if I remember right. What happened to him?

Joe Booth, I think he is still at EA, but works with Nintendo games only if I'm not mistaken.

Gary Paterson is the only dev that has posted in the official forums that he wants to make this game more simulation based. But he did say that a lot of powers wants to make it more "fun". I really hope he can step up and take Rutter's role, because he work just under him now so it wouldn't be that big of a step for him. From all the interviews I've seen he seems to be a very sympathetic person too and not a snake oil salesman like Rutter or this new World Cup guy.

I think EA still doesn't understand why FIFA has become so popular. They can't seriously think it is because the game is more casual friendly than before?

I'm going to go a little off topic here but...

I might be wrong, but my theory about how stuff like this works is that the masses always follows the leaders. And just like the web developers made casuals start to use Firefox, we the old PES players made people go to FIFA.

The masses have no idea why they are using something over something else. Firefox became "cool to use" because the leader types started to use it. They did it because they cared about web standards and being able to customize their experience. The masses that use Firefox have no idea why, except that "Firefox is just good and IE sux".

It was the same with PES. We wanted the best possible football experience and we don't care who is behind it. And when all the leader types started to play PES instead of FIFA, the masses started to follow, because now PES was the cool game, or the game you had to play if you knew anything about football. I have "casual" friends that are like this. They use Firefox, Apple products and play PES and they don't have any good reason for it when you ask them about it. Always the same answer: "because IE sux" or "Mac just works and MS is shit" and so on.

I thought that EA really did understand this when they started going on how they were going to put their focus on simulation in their sports games, but I'm not so sure any more. There are a lot of talk from their side about how important casual gamers are, and they think they have to make the game "more casual" to keep them.

If a future PES that give a more sim feeling than FIFA comes out, all the leader types will start to go back to PES again and in a couple of years we will be back to pre FIFA 08 state. And EA will sit there with their two button control FIFA and wonder how come all people, including many casual players, abandon their product again.
It makes it all the more important that the ideas we suggest follow the mantra 'easy to pick up, hard to master'. By trying to make it more realistic with our ideas, we also need to think about what the casual player's experience will be. PES in it's prime had this nailed - the hardcore could really dig deep and learn more about the engine after years of already playing it non-stop, while casuals would have plenty of fun just by playing crude, direct football.

FIFA has been expanding too quickly with new features and buckets of ambitious ideas (Clubs and VPs can be utterly magnificent) but without the benefit of over a decade of experience, including making deep football games out of what was available on the PS1 (leaving SNES out just because I don't know if Seabass was involved there), they aren't buildding on the same solid foundation. Now is the time when they need to rearrange and rebuild what they do have, so they have a sturdy base from which to further grow the game.
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Joe Booth, I think he is still at EA, but works with Nintendo games only if I'm not mistaken.

Thanks, Gab.

He was in charge of Fifa08, which for me is the game that really changed the series - for the better. You could say Fifa07 was the start of the change (was Joe Booth in charge for that too?) but I thought it was a fairly poor game - particularly compared to PES6 on the 360, which was decent - and Fifa07 still played too much like PS2 Fifa.

I agree that Gary Paterson should take the reins of the Fifa series, he seems to genuinely want a deep and serious football sim like PES was in it's prime. While Fifa09 was good I think Fifa is heading in the wrong direction under Rutter, focusing on online modes and gimmicks rather than improving and refining the serious faults with the core gameplay. The offline game (including MM) should be absolutely solid before the attention is turned to other modes, but I feel that under Rutter the opposite is happening.

Trouble is, sales figures talk the loudest to the money men that make the decisions. Ultimate Team makes money, repairing the manager mode doesn't.
Thanks, Gab.

He was in charge of Fifa08, which for me is the game that really changed the series - for the better. You could say Fifa07 was the start of the change (was Joe Booth in charge for that too?

Yeah, I believe he was in charge for the whole process of developing the new engine.

I wouldn't be surprised if FIFA11 is Rutters last year as producer, EA usually don't keep the same one for many years on the same project (which I think is a good thing). However I also believe that Rutter has a lot less saying in the direction they are taking that a lot of you think and in my opinion he's done a decent job. Not so sure about putting Gary Patterson in charge, as a producer it's more likely that he would be able to contribute less to the game having to do marketing and other boring stuff.
Gary is the sort of guy you want right in the mix, sleeves rolled up and talking about what works and doesn't work. The interviews he did last year were really interesting, and I wish he'd do more to publicly discuss what's under the hood of FIFA.

No off-pitch suggestions then? I was hoping to be able to send a few to EA while they're still at the point where they can add stuff. What, assuming all the bugs are already being worked on, would you want to be added to MM to make it more enthralling? What are they getting wrong that they don't currently see as bugs? What would make transfers a lot more interesting? Should scouting look at real players rather than made up ones? How should the interface be changed?
Gary is the sort of guy you want right in the mix, sleeves rolled up and talking about what works and doesn't work. The interviews he did last year were really interesting, and I wish he'd do more to publicly discuss what's under the hood of FIFA.

No off-pitch suggestions then? I was hoping to be able to send a few to EA while they're still at the point where they can add stuff. What, assuming all the bugs are already being worked on, would you want to be added to MM to make it more enthralling? What are they getting wrong that they don't currently see as bugs? What would make transfers a lot more interesting? Should scouting look at real players rather than made up ones? How should the interface be changed?

TBH, I'd imagine 11 is all but set in stone as far as features go by now, maybe a few extra screens in the menus and stats are possible...
Once it goes in, it'd also have to be limited to cases where the ball only just rolls out, much like quick free kicks. I can't see EA adding ballboys any time soon!

I'd be made up if there was no 'fading' between the ball going out and someone warping into throw in position. I want the (nearest?) player to trot over and get the ball. No cut scene.
A good example is Arsenal's Emirates & Benfica's Estadio da Luz, which are very similar in design. In Fifa it would be nice to use the Emirates as Benfica's home ground. In PES is use Benfica's stadium as Arsenal's home ground. It would be nice to have the option, that's all.

I agree, this is something I've been thinking about too. Stadia as DLC could be a real money-spinner. We get map packs for FPS games, and new tracks for Forza, so why not stadia? I'd love to be able to fill my Hard Drive full of real-life grounds, it would add a lot to the experience and realism.

EA have said that it is a huge amount of work to model one stadium, but is it really? It's just a static 3D model after all.

I heard they have to take photo's of the stadium then take them back to EA canada then go through the modelling process, etc.. Someone said it takes 1 month just to model one stadium, i doubt it takes that long though.

Excluding generic stadiums there's only about 25 real stadiums in Fifa 10. Since Fifa 07 came out there's only been about 3 new real stadiums added on NG Fifa. I think of a couple of them were German stadiums and the other was the Bernabeu.

So EA must have modelled about 22 of the stadiums in one development cycle for Fifa 07 because they had to start from scratch when they developed the new NG engine in 07.

It would be good to know if outsourcing the work is a viable way forward for getting more stadia because it doesn't seem like EA have the desire to make many more stadiums and just want people to make do with generics but that doesn't offer the same level of realism at all. Have any other developers done a thing like this?

If EA could outsource the work to numerous companies, the possibilies could be endless. If plenty of companies can model the stadia to a satisfactory standard, could the dream of having every teams real stadium in the game become a reality.

Time restriction wouldn't be an issue because EA wouldn't be using their own time and disc space wouldn't be an issue either because the stadiums would sold via DLC. EA could even make profit because stadium packs would sell like hot cakes as DLC. They could make a Premiership stadium pack including 3 stadiums for about £7 or sell them for £3 each.
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