Killzone 2

i dont really like fps games that have leveling up. prime example is when you just started playing it and most people are of a higher rank then you. not enjoyable :(

unless you started playing this game from day one, it seems that you will struggle to play with people that have all the cool perks and stuff.

a bit like world of warcraft, its rubbish if your a newcomer to the game.

i love games that have ranks - it gives you something to aim for and a sense of reward from playing.
and if anyone gets the game late and still wants to have fun without being owned by the top ranked players then you select 'my rank' and you WILL NEVER have to play with ANYONE at top rank if you're at the bottom. You can also just make your own server turn off all of the top ranks and play with your friends with low ranked classes.

So say you leave on the medic, the turrets and the tactician classes. Both teams now have a good balance of classes with no 'super power' class that can own everyone. You can then rank up yourself while playing with top ranked players and your friends without worrying about being owned by the invisible sniper.

Did anyone ever pull the guy up fromn AVforums who said he was a fanboy but hated the game and then listed a few bullshit reasons like 'no one talks' and 'if you dont get the game now you'll be owned by those who got it early'?
FPS's are rubbish without ranks now, as long as the top ranks aren't TOO powerful. COD4's perk system was brilliant in how it kept you coming back to have one more round to get that next unlock. It also encouraged you to use every gun in the game as well.
FPS's are rubbish without ranks now, as long as the top ranks aren't TOO powerful. COD4's perk system was brilliant in how it kept you coming back to have one more round to get that next unlock. It also encouraged you to use every gun in the game as well.

I think KZ2's top ranks are ok. Sure the sniper can cloak himself invisible but then when he moves or fires he uncloaks. If you fire your gun and hit someone you are forced to uncloak for a short amount of time and can't recloak until then. AND even when they are invisible you can still see the blue or orange glow of their lights.

Most maps are useless for the snipers as well - only the bridge map offers the snipers a huge advantage, the rest of the maps seem to have the action around close quarters areas so engineers, medics and the standard soldier to me are the best classes.

The only class I feel has an unfair advantage is the saboteur class. If you're playing with FF on then it makes it 10 times worse because by the time you've hesitated shooting them you're dead.

But turrets can see through the disguises giving them away - the same with cloaked snipers. And even if you are disguised as an enemy - as soon as someone sees you are and shoots you you lose the disguise and everyone will have their sights set on you.

So it does give that player a slight advantage but the weakness is it's a bit of a suicidal class. There's no point disguising yourself as the enemy and then hiding and picking them off - and if you did then as soon as you fire your gun and hit someone you lose your disguise. So to use the class you have to go into the enemy spawn areas or get yourself in an areas where they are. But as soon as you fire you reveal yourself and so everyone sees you on the radar and gets you.


Once you go into 'create you own class' games though everyone has the cloak ability so we're best off just turned 'create your own class' off and sticking with what the developers intended as they should be balanced well against each other.
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i love games that have ranks - it gives you something to aim for and a sense of reward from playing.
and if anyone gets the game late and still wants to have fun without being owned by the top ranked players then you select 'my rank' and you WILL NEVER have to play with ANYONE at top rank if you're at the bottom. You can also just make your own server turn off all of the top ranks and play with your friends with low ranked classes.

So say you leave on the medic, the turrets and the tactician classes. Both teams now have a good balance of classes with no 'super power' class that can own everyone. You can then rank up yourself while playing with top ranked players and your friends without worrying about being owned by the invisible sniper.

Did anyone ever pull the guy up fromn AVforums who said he was a fanboy but hated the game and then listed a few bullshit reasons like 'no one talks' and 'if you dont get the game now you'll be owned by those who got it early'?

yea his in love with the game now mate. his running a 60+ clan in avf
It doesn't take that long to get the top classes as well - I'd say about 3 - 4 total hours of online play.

The last thing I did last night was unlock Medic after 7 - 8 hours. That means you are twice as good as me :)

@ Snatch (I mean Dags), I too was emptying bullets into people without them dying. Very frustrating but I then just tried playing the game a bit differently.

I even managed to drop off one of those propaganda speakers last night! I'm getting better...
The last thing I did last night was unlock Medic after 7 - 8 hours. That means you are twice as good as me :)

@ Snatch (I mean Dags), I too was emptying bullets into people without them dying. Very frustrating but I then just tried playing the game a bit differently.

I even managed to drop off one of those propaganda speakers last night! I'm getting better...

:LOL: I did a speaker too yesterday I think! brilliant when I get one - I have the technique absolutely nailed:-

1) Grab speaker

2) Let out an audible 'yelp'

3) Spin around 720-degrees

4) Look up and then down - maybe reload gun or melee by mistake

5) RUN!!!! .... into a wall... turn around.

6) RUN!!!! .... into a dead end - amazed still alive

7) Break out of the indoor area and can see the target in the distance - suicide run and jump off of a platform

8) Land in bloody-screen situ and start hyper-ventilating - I swear everyone is watching me and laughing

9) RUN!!!! .... right direction, target approaching.

10) See a load of bad guys, now I adopt what I like to call my "Wide Receiver" mode - run and try to jump over the batch of baddies to the 'endzone'.

11) Touchdown!!! Speaker delivered. Get shot in face. Dead.
The assault class is the best for propaganda speakers. They have a 'boost' ability which means they can sprint at super speed. Very handy for grabbing the speaker and then legging it across an open area.
How do you obtain the "boost" pill for the Assault class?

And how do I unlock the knife?

Also, I've seen in single player campaign how some enemies perform over the shoulder behind obstacles shooting. Is this possible online?

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The boost pill i think is unlocked as you rank up... i can't really remember.

The knife isn't available online

You can'd do blind fire or take cover online.


Quick question for some of you - on the clan list a few of you have the colours for top % of the week. I'm sure trance, billhouse and someone else has them. Do you actually have them or is that just a glitch?
what rank and score do you have or did you have to get it?

My all time rank is something like 4000 my last week rank is N/A - my last month rank is 300,000 somehow
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The rank system is messed up on at the moment but im currently Leiutenant. Maybe it was a glitch then, because your a higher rank then me, or maybe I just done something different?

How old do you have to be to qualify as an Old Git? I'm 23 on Saturday and I'm already looking for those grey hairs. I swear I saw one the other day :CONFUSE:.
im a member of OGC but i am nowhere a old person ;)

im sure SJ will sort u out an invite
Got my official headset today took me ten mins to get on and it really hurt, i opened the book and had it on the wrong way.:DOH:

Anyway getting a few more points now unlocked the medic although im running around putting plasters on people instead of fighting. Anyone use the light machine guns are they worth trying?
Got my official headset today took me ten mins to get on and it really hurt, i opened the book and had it on the wrong way.:DOH:

Anyway getting a few more points now unlocked the medic although im running around putting plasters on people instead of fighting. Anyone use the light machine guns are they worth trying?


The guns, they're pretty good but you really have to be careful not to hold the fire button down or they fly all over the place. I've found they're pretty good though at cutting men down when you're defending an area. So as guys run out of a door you just start spraying left and right (as long as FF is off)

Or if you crouch down and zoom down the aim at a door that the enemy are coming out of you can cut them down before they have a chance to fire back at you.

It's pretty handy on that map that has the lightning strikes if anyone knows the one I'm talking about. When it's S&D on that map there are 2 doors that people fight over - sitting with your gun aimed at them can rack up easy kills.
I've unlocked Sergeant Major but I don't see the light machine guns anywhere, where are they?

The map you speak of is my favourite,
it's the map that this screenshot is from
The boost pill i think is unlocked as you rank up... i can't really remember.

The knife isn't available online

You can'd do blind fire or take cover online.

Oh man, that sucks. I used to love knifing people in COD4. Used to love the sound of the knife as you sliced someone's throat.

I miss that in Killzone 2.

You can however, use the knife in single player though which makes no sense to me.
It'll be because that slot in MP is used for perks like first aid kits or air drones or the repair tool
I'm thinking of a different map.
I think that may be it.

I had a game today on the first map you posted and I hated it but it was more due to the fact that some guy (who was clearly ranked higher than everyone else in the room) used us as dummies to rack up the points.
You should have grief reported him via the select menu as cheating or something because he is basically joining games with low ranks to boost his stats
I didn't realise you could do that, I should read the manual.
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