Killzone 2

Traded mine eventually today and got £22 which was more than I was expecting seeing as it sold really well and then had a lot of negative comments.
Thats bcos the used copies are flying off the shelves and the condition of used bluray discs are always good as new.

And there are shit load of playing daily
hmmmmm y?
because they suck and the prime reason why i didn't buy the game. its bad enough how awful fps games are with a joypad but to further make it more difficult to aim and control is unacceptable to me no matter how sexy the game looks.
because they suck and the prime reason why i didn't buy the game. its bad enough how awful fps games are with a joypad but to further make it more difficult to aim and control is unacceptable to me no matter how sexy the game looks.
Luckily you guys are in the minority

The controls are good for me, if they mess with the controls just to suit a small amount of ppl they run a risk of causing a bigger problem.

I dnt know if this has been posted, forward to the 9:00
how do you skip forward without downloading it first?

Never mind I let it play out and then skipped to it. They basically say they're listening to people talk about the aiming/controls but can't promise they'll do anything.

I got used to the game pretty quickly and loved it but there just wasn't enough fun in there for me to keep me interested. Just watching the video reminded me of the annoyances though, the way you'll aim at someone, fire your gun and if they move to the side slightly it takes ages to pull the aim back down and you overshoot then you move left and as they move right you overshoot again. Too much inertia.

People will try to patronise me by saying 'Oh you're just into twitchy Arcadey shooters then' - No I'm into games that I can control, I wouldn't call COD twitchy or halo or half life. There's no way they could have given people this level of inertia and control style on the pc and got away with it.
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Luckily you guys are in the minority

The controls are good for me, if they mess with the controls just to suit a small amount of ppl they run a risk of causing a bigger problem.

I dnt know if this has been posted, forward to the 9:00

a huge chunk of people feel the same way.

Newsflash, this game diddnt sell well in america(over 600k it sold OK but nothing ground breaking for a very hyped up game:RANT: plus many here have sold this game already :S :(
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The Steel & Titanium downloadable pack is now released on the PlayStation Store globally for £4.79.
what happened to the days where a full blown mod of a game was free to download? Now you gotta pay for MAPS? LOL
Thinking about getting into this one again.

See the 1.27 patch was released the other day - anyone tried the new control scheme yet? Is it more COD and not so much 'lag'?
Tried it, no difference as far as I can see.

Said to you before in another thread, there's no way they'll do it now because it's been too long. If they changed it there'd be complaints from the kids ranked top that they're "rooined teh gaem". Which is a bastard because it would be one of my favourite games if they fixed it.
Ah damn, I thought the new option was going to make it more responsive and remove the lag. I read that they included the option to keep the old style as well so anyone who likes it as it is now can keep it that way and anyone who wanted the changed style can just go into the options and change it and keep that.

I was curious to see how it balanced out though with guys moving slow and guys moving much quicker.
Perhaps I'm thinking of an older patch, was there one between the 1.24 one and this latest one? Hold on, I'll fire it up... Give me ten minutes or so.
Sorry, I didn't have the latest patch installed, I was thinking of the last one they released.

But either way it's still the same as always. There's a SLIGHT improvement when you switch "high precision" on in the control options, but it's just the equivalent of sticking the axis sensitivity up to max as far as I can tell. Just played a quick game against the bots now and the lag is definitely still there for me (perhaps others disagree, loads of people have never been able to notice the lag in the first place which I find really odd, so perhaps it's just me).

EDIT: Nah it's definitely still there, if you move the stick around like a mental for a few seconds and then stop, it carries on moving for quarter/half a second. Definitely still lags. They're bastards they really are, such a great game totally ruined for me, I honestly don't understand how anyone plays it the way it is now.
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Finally got this :D

Enjoying it, can't say I notice the lag much, but then I havent played a FPS for months. Found it far worse playing demo whilst playing COD4 at the time.

Is the AI somewhat broken? The reason I ask is because in level 2/3 youre standing on one side of a road with the "whatevertheyare" on the other side shooting and its going on for ages, so I flank and all of a sudden they are nearly all gone and my lads are running across. Seemed very much a scripted trigger going off because I was on their side and ended the fight very abruptly. Just checking so I know not to do those moves.
Been playing this again for the last few days (and was stupid enough to get the DLC as well), it's really pissing me off now and it's getting beyond a joke. If it was any other game it would have been traded in by now, hence why it annoys me so much; it's so close to being one of my favourite games and I just keep playing it thinking "well lag aside it's brilliant". But because of the lag, it's a pile of shite, it really is.

I know some people don't notice it or don't have a problem with it and that's fair enough but it's definitely there, and it's not just the controls - I shot someone in the head on it last night and for three seconds I watched the guy walk around happily. Suddenly, it made the noise that means you've got a kill, and he falls down dead.

Because of that you get loads of instances where two of you die at once - it registers that you've killed someone but in the time it takes to register that, he kills you. It's woeful.

Went on it again today after ranking up to medic (which isn't much fun), and everyone was walking around with rocket launchers - I don't know why but in the games I'd been playing previously it wasn't an issue, then suddenly literally every player was walking around with a rocket launcher and I couldn't get near anybody.

And yet I keep playing it - it reminds me of the older Pro Evos, playing the CPU on six-star and getting beat in the 90th minute five games in a row. It made you smash up pads and made you want to stab people, and yet you kept playing it in the hope that one day, it'd magically fix itself and give you a chance.
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I bought the first one and I've hardly ever seen it used online, I would say no but if you love the game then obviously it's a different answer...
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