Killzone 2

Press select the i think square on any one and it has options like MUTE or INVITE TO CLAN or GRIEF REPORT.

I'm jumping online now so I'll set up a room if anyone else is around and wants on - or we can join another game somewhere and i'll make sure i avoid using any of the overpowering classes. in fact i still need to get my 5 revive medic ribbon about 6 more times so i might do that tonight first.
I need to get a headset sorted, I can just make out Jay moaning and Rad on a kill fest.
Tried to get back in guys my other half pulled me off to sort a missing cat, Was saying less than 16 but still reading full...
Didn't see you for long tonight Nick! Online was great though, some good matches, really enjoyed the games & weird hearing you all. :P

Finished the 6th mission offline now, some great graphics and AI so far, you actually feel like the helghast soldiers have their own personalities unlike most FPS games. They are definitely the best enemies I've come across on a game like this anyway. Plus they look awesome.
the games tonight were lots of fun, but most of the time me and kradiation were on different teams with yana and jay. we should find a way to play some games on the same team.
Kthing was kicking ass last night - in nearly every game you had like between 100 and 150 points.
Cannot get in the Evo web games at the moment - surely there arent 32 of us playing it in one room? Are you allowing randoms in?

Can you keep a slot open for invites with KZ2?

Ended up having a good night with the OGC crew anyway and felt better than the night before. Also ranked up to medic, so thats something different.

I knew it was time to go though when on my last game, my team kills were -18!!!! :( Bloody cloak perk...

Least I could heel the ones I was shooting! :LOL:
we did that but then we kept ending up with only 3 of us playing all night and we just had to hope another evo-webber would see we were in a game and join us.
Works fine with OGC as the password just gets relayed to everybody by PSN. Most drop out and join in or might finish their games first if they want the points. Doesn't take long to fill up.

Had good crowds on every night so far. 12 - 20 so not too few or too many.
Works fine with OGC as the password just gets relayed to everybody by PSN. Most drop out and join in or might finish their games first if they want the points. Doesn't take long to fill up.

Had good crowds on every night so far. 12 - 20 so not too few or too many.

I usually send out invites to everyone online on killzone when we have passwords and when we don't and get nothing back from most. I think OGC has more players who want to play killzone than here which helps. If we password the game and pm everyone on PSN i think we'd still at best only get 4 or 5 players in the game all night.
I'm going to try and get online tomorrow / over the weekend. I've been having problems with my wifi connection (strange as the 360 is fine), but I'm off work tomorrow so can sort it out :)
Push left on the d-pad? I think it's the same for all of the "abilities"?
I'll be online in a few minutes, I may not be available later tonight.
I'm about to eat in a bit but I'll be on after that.

Times and maps are fine with me - maybe bump the players up to 20 ?
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