Killzone 2

I need to get to grips with the other game modes asap, most of my points are coming from Body Count.

EDIT: The stats are back on the site.
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Not sure I'll be keeping this to be honest. Had no real motivation to play it and when I have played it tonight, I just haven't enjoyed it at all. It didn't feel fun at any point and felt like I was playing for the sake of it and not because I was enjoying myself.

Might go back to COD4 I think.
Not sure I'll be keeping this to be honest. Had no real motivation to play it and when I have played it tonight, I just haven't enjoyed it at all. It didn't feel fun at any point and felt like I was playing for the sake of it and not because I was enjoying myself.

Might go back to COD4 I think.

Felt exactly like that 2 days ago, but last night felt more fun and involved. Think it depends what crowd you get in with.

I think its worth keeping as GG are gonna patch it (issue with the shotgun not being as effective for one) and the new maps/vehicles/possible co-op.

Still a very, very good game...
My eye's have been yanked away by the legends of wrestling game so i'll have to see how i feel about this when that is released in 2 weeks. I still enjoy playing online picking different classes and playing support to everyone else rather than attack.

The main thing dragging me down though is if i want the top % trophies i cant play support - you have to get stuck in and go all out assault, which takes the piss when the game is supposed to be about objectives and team work.

Maybe when my heart has given up on those trophies ill enjoy the online even more - but those bloody things are chipping away at my enjoyment every night when i want to pick 1 class but i know if i do ive fucked y chances at any best of the week awards.
I enjoyed the games tonight, equally as good as the some of the 30 minute Body Count games I had earlier.
Hows my mic working now i've played around with it - can you hear me clearly, or am i very faint or do i sound like a 11 yr old camp choir boy ?

I'm not sure if i should get an official headset or just keep this one.
You were a little quiet.
I remember killing yana once tonight and she groaned and seemingly out of nowhere you hear jay imitating her. :LOL:
So I'm in the quiet to fine range. Hmmm I'll try playing around with it once more. Unless I'm coming across as quiet because it's late and I'm not speaking that loudly.
I'll turn the headset volume up in game.
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No I couldn't hear you Tobi - I kept getting random 'kkkt' noises as if you were saying something but it was just like a static noise.
Probably the speakers behind me then, I'll have to the volume down a bit.
I could hear Tobi every now and again I think, Jay & Rad seem slightly quiet but to be honest I've noticed a lot of mics seem quiet in general on this game. I bet I sound like crap.
Haha... I heard Yana say something about him making noises and people thinking she's a tranny.

I've noticed a few quiet mics but then why is it always foreigners who have the loud mics? Some random guy will join and a few seconds later it's 'HABBAB JILLOW WILLO WILLO RIKKI.. (then some random whistling noises)'

I don't think I've been on your team Yana all week so I've only ever heard you talk when you've killed me - well when I say talk I mean I hear you laugh and then you run off. I've tried to move the volume in the options but the mic volume doesn't budge up or down for me.
I think on the audio device setting there's an option on the setting category to mess around with the voice volume, the "microphone volume" I think it's called, it's in numbers. I know you've most likely messed with it but I thought I'd say anyway...
nope ive not looked in there at any volume setting - only mic sensitivity.
Thanks I'll look tonight at that.
Well on their official Twitter it says "Alright, patch 1.20 for Killzone 2 has been deployed (in Europe - US to follow later today). A full change list will follow shortly." So hopefully they will update their site soon, I'm curious.
UPDATE; The patch (1.20) has been released, it is 16MB, full list of changes below;

* Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.
* Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.
* Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.
* Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.
* Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.
* The Ignore list functionality corrected.
* Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.
* Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.
* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on
* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.
* HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.
* Controller input tweaks and modifications.
* Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.
* Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.
via EU forums
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Interesting... keen to see what the controller 'tweaks' are :)

I could of course spin round 90-degrees and fire it up, but so fucking busy - you are all lucky I am even posting here now and then!! :LOL:
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