Killzone 2


The guy keeps teleporting around the room and tries to stab you in the back? He said he knew where he was because of his surround sound so knew where to turn to. By his own admission he's crap at games and is wondering what the fuss is about with this guy. Maybe he got lucky?

Ah sod that i'm not buying surround sound just to kill him.
Wondering if there are any of you out there like me who play online with the HUD turned OFF. I don't like any clutter on my screen other than in game view. I've pretty much learned all the maps and locations so it doesn't affect me one bit to have it off.
I should be on around 8.30 9 o'clock if Rad dont set one up just join whatever we are playing on.

Anyone can host - I posted what setting I use about a page back.

Ah sod that i'm not buying surround sound just to kill him.

Stuff that - Here's how I did it.
Basically there are 4 waves of enemies before you can kill the boss.

Take out the ground guys first then when the up stairs opens run up and go to the end where the guns are kept and the flame thrower guys are (i pistolled them out from a distance as the flamer is shite)
Sniper or machine gun all of the enemies until the cut scene happens. After that you can kill Radec. Still on the 2nd floor run down the right side to where he was stood before and get your back into a corner, look 1 direction and when you hear him uncloak and see a slight flash turn to face the other direction and just unload everything.

I stood there turning left and right a few times and on the 3rd or 4th time he dropped down dead

What happens when you lot play online then? are you all as a team or against each other ?

It's team based all the way - Team death match or objective gameplay. At first it can be confusing what to do in the objectives games but if you see a pentagon shape on the radar then that's the objective. The rest will just click as you keep playing and see what everyone else gets up to. If you seriously are lost what to do - just kill the opposite team.

I played a game this afternoon that was full of top rank players and a lot of them had the top % colours. It was freaking insane especially with 32 people in there.

Everyone had fucking cloaking devices so it made playing a game about as easy and fun as trying to paint your house with a blind fold on.

Then there were the guys who had unlocked EVERYTHING already so could create their own classes. So they all too had the cloaking devices and machine guns and another tool.

I finished 2nd and 3rd in a few games but i was trying to get my sniper ribbons and turret ribbons so i kept finishing mid table. It wasn't fun really but i did manage to get my 8/8 for the turret kills.
It was basically stupidly hard.

But the good thing about this game is you can turn any of the classes of weapons or badges off so people can't abuse them. Then start your own game off with friends.

Or just play with friends and leave everything on as you'll trust them all not to spam the game with cloaking devices and make it shitty.

If we ever got a good number of us online regularly we could balance the teams ourselves easily so no team has an advantage of the other. So if one team has a guy who can sniper and cloak himself 99% invisible the other team can have 1 as well.
Full server tonight! At least when I got online at half 10.

I heard a few of the V3? clan moaning there weren't enough in the room but I thought with 16 we had a great amount. Not too many so it was insane all of the time but not too little so you're running around for 10 minutes with nothing to do.

There were a few games late on where 1 team obviously had the other under their thumb but then on the next map when the teams were mixed up that all changed.

Good stuff tonight.

Oh and i think i could become addicted to the spectator mode. when the game was full i was spectating and i noticed you can turn the HUD off. So all you see is the action with none of the pop up messages. Well i was gagging to whack my capture card in and start recording the game to put together a highlight package of what we all get up to.

Something for the future perhaps.

Taking the piss.

I charged my headset yesterday for 4 hours as i hadn;t used it in a while and it was completely dead. this is the second time ive charged it since getting it for my birthday on Jan 1st. And the thing is fucked i think. It has no indication of charging as it's supposed to so i have no idea when it fully charged. So after 4 hours i thought it must be fully charged now - which should give me 4 hours of use. At least that's what it says it should. I got 1 hour last night and 20 minutes tonight and then it died!

Fucks sake - Think ill be buying the official sony one tomorrow if gamestation have any in stock
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Dunno if I was overly tired last night, but after looking forward to getting on KZ2 all day, I could only play about 30 mins before getting totally fucked off with it. :(

Lots of spawn/die/spawn/die - which is fine, I need to stop rushing headlong into trouble, but my biggest problem is that I was UNLOADING into people who were standing there, then they would turn around, shoot me once and I'd be dead.

I was trying both the rifles and the shotgun, but nothing seemed to take affect. I'm not kidding, I had about 20 occassions when I had people dead in my sights from not that far away and my shots had no effect.

Really, really disappointing and I couldnt take it any more so bailed.

Hopefully was just a one off...
That used to happen to me in COD4 all the time :(

Then the Kill-Cam came on and showed that I'd hardly sprayed any bullets into him (despite my HUD clearly showing I did) and they turn around and blast me. I can only think it's something to do with lag I guess?

Too many times in COD4 I thought I shot someone as they came around a corner only for the KC to show they were around it before me?
C'mon Nick, just admit you're scared to play KZ2 online ...

I did manage to kill more than I died last time out, it still feels cack handed to me with a pad but I'll stick at it...

I think I try to stay alive too much, most players just charge headlong in fire fights where as I try to stay alive too much,on my first game I only died once and I was gutted but people on big ranks and points were getting kills to deaths scores of 23 -16...
I play the same way Nick. I try to loiter around and pick up kills without getting into the frenzied fights. But I get suckered in and see a bunch of the enemy and try to get the kills ... only for them to all turn and see me :(
Dunno if I was overly tired last night, but after looking forward to getting on KZ2 all day, I could only play about 30 mins before getting totally fucked off with it. :(

Lots of spawn/die/spawn/die - which is fine, I need to stop rushing headlong into trouble, but my biggest problem is that I was UNLOADING into people who were standing there, then they would turn around, shoot me once and I'd be dead.

I was trying both the rifles and the shotgun, but nothing seemed to take affect. I'm not kidding, I had about 20 occassions when I had people dead in my sights from not that far away and my shots had no effect.

Really, really disappointing and I couldnt take it any more so bailed.

Hopefully was just a one off...

If you were in a game with anyone with 1 stars or above (I think) they will have the 'Assault class' who has body armour. When I managed to join there were a few of them but I don't know how long they were there. So maybe that's why they didn't drop as easy as normal.

I find it's easier to get kills by just jabbing the shoot button a few times at someone rather than holding it down. So i spot someone move my aim at them and just tap tap tap while trying to keep my crosshairs on them and most times it gets the kills.

Though if you think it's tough and annoying trying to kill people who don't drop just wait until you enter a game full of people qith cloak devices and machine guns (created their own class). It's almost unplayable at times as everyone is bloody nearly invisible with guns that can kill up close easily except YOU!
If you were in a game with anyone with 1 stars or above (I think) they will have the 'Assault class' who has body armour. When I managed to join there were a few of them but I don't know how long they were there. So maybe that's why they didn't drop as easy as normal.

I find it's easier to get kills by just jabbing the shoot button a few times at someone rather than holding it down. So i spot someone move my aim at them and just tap tap tap while trying to keep my crosshairs on them and most times it gets the kills.

Though if you think it's tough and annoying trying to kill people who don't drop just wait until you enter a game full of people qith cloak devices and machine guns (created their own class). It's almost unplayable at times as everyone is bloody nearly invisible with guns that can kill up close easily except YOU!

Ah cheers Rad, didnt realise that at all - the body armour thing. How do I see that?

The game I was in last night was with some OGC, but not many were on so they were in another big match and I didnt know anyone - so they may have all be ranked up.
I'm not sure if you can tell if they have body armour or not. Erm.. im sure the class that has the ability on the ISA side looks a little like the main character from gears - big shoulders, no helmet. But other than that im not sure how you can tell. I've not seen anyone who ive known for sure is the assault class to be able to remember how they looked.

I'll have to select the class the next time we're online and then wait at the spawn point for a few seconds so you can look at me and then you'll be able to explain how i looked.
I've got a feeling unless you play nonstop to get the top classes, your gonna end up getting jacked off as you'll just be cannon fodder with your shots doing nothing...

You can just make your own game and turn some of the more powerful classes off and call it 'Noobs only' so you can't get players at top rank joining you to thrash you.

It doesn't take that long to get the top classes as well - I'd say about 3 - 4 total hours of online play. The assault class has the body armour but it should and doesn't make them overpowered. I've been the assault class and been taken down very easily and with no helmet head shots take them down instantly.
Definately wouldn't say 3-4 hours of online play for top classes. I'm an average skilled player and I think I've put in around 3 hours and I'm 30 points short of unlocking the medic class. Something like 300 points, right?

I'm reading for the sabateur class you need 2800 points or something?
Oh no, it's like Juggernaut all over again!! :LOL: I'll still play against em, just remember to try headshot the ones with that rank and higher. Ifyou really don't want to play against them though, and you're on your own, you can always search for "my rank only" games I think.
Yeah 'my rank' will omit anyone ranked highly above you so you'll not run into those until you're in that rank range and can do it yourself (or are just about to unlock the ability to do it yourself).
Does seem like it's going that way.
i dont really like fps games that have leveling up. prime example is when you just started playing it and most people are of a higher rank then you. not enjoyable :(

unless you started playing this game from day one, it seems that you will struggle to play with people that have all the cool perks and stuff.

a bit like world of warcraft, its rubbish if your a newcomer to the game.
i dont really like fps games that have leveling up. prime example is when you just started playing it and most people are of a higher rank then you. not enjoyable :(

unless you started playing this game from day one, it seems that you will struggle to play with people that have all the cool perks and stuff.

a bit like world of warcraft, its rubbish if your a newcomer to the game.

No, cos like COD4, the first few perk levels are locked to within your range - and even after that, you can specify 'my rank' so you can keep within your own supposed skill level...
Oh I don't know Jonney, not all FPSes are like that, I mean Call Of Duty 4 has new people playing all the time, even now and they play well against the people who are maxed prestige. Plus I haven't really had this problem on KZ.
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