Premier League
Hi Pap,This game has in my opinion the most human like AI in any football game. The ratio of dribbling/passing by the AI is really similar to another human. They sometime dribble when they should not. Also, It is really rare to see more than two first time passes in a string. They are missing passes when under pressure and sometime just out of the blue. They also sometime miss the target when you already think you will have to go to get the ball in the back of the net.
What is also highly appreciable, is that the error proneness depends on stats more than any other game I have played. Bad teams are bad and more often than not, playing a lower division team is a walk in the park which makes those games quite relaxing to play. Good teams are good and there, you need to be constantly on your toes to get something, as it should be.
The variety in the tactical approaches of the teams is also really good. I have seen team playing short intricate passing play (Arsenal), others pressing you hard to get the ball high up the pitch and kill you in 2, 3, passes (Totthenam), others letting you the possession and sending long ball in your back to their strikers (Chelsea). Lower sides have difficulty escaping pressure and are giving back the ball.
Animation wise, it holds up really well for a frostbite game. There is still some clipping, but there is not too much sliding.
I only wish the ball was bigger.
Really solid game!
always appreciate your reviews and how do you see different games and also your Effort a.e. the Fifa 20 GP Lab. Right in the last days I get back from some "Attempts" to play Fifa 21 again, but it´s just lost IMO. Now I am back with Fifa 20 and testing me through the GP Lab which you started last years. It´s really enjoying what all the Contributors have find by studiying the massive amount of GP related Files with Frosty Editor. It´s really fun at the moment to test the different Combos of the GP Lab.
Anyway, this time you speaking about Fifa 17. I am agree with you it´s the most different Frostbite game of them all till date. I also like to play it because of it´s less scripted GP consider to the other Frostbite Fifa´s. I have the Feeling there are much good old Engine DNA from Fifa´s before in it like Fifa 16 or maybe 15. Of course the different Engine where the games are build is huge. Fifa 17 where out of luck because there are only less mods for it because of the late release of Frosty Tools. But GP wise it´s really motivating to play. I had a time where I tried to mod the game with Fifa 18 mods which was no Problem to use it for Fifa 17. But it ends with lack of real Faces amount in the Game. That´s the only Point I often lost Interest to play it longer than a couple of weeks.
What is really awesome feature in Fifa 17 is the flat finesse shot with your Player you are able to execute by double clicking your shoot Button and holding the finesse shot button ( in my case L2 ) on my Dualshock 4 Controller. It´s a finish for an goal which looks awesome realistic. Just like real Strikers in Football when there are in the box and have this shooting chance. It´s also able in Fifa 18. But after 18 EA makes it unneccessary difficult to shot that flat finesse shot. From Fifa 19-21 when you are holding Finesse shot Button and double execute shoot button the ball just go higher in the air.
I guess it would be interesting to search Fifa 17 GP Attributes if they are differ to Fifa 20 GP Lab findings. But on the other hand if we playing Fifa 17 there is no need to fiddle around with the Gp. The Vanilla GP in Fifa 17 is best what EA created for an Frostbite Fifa. I just had thoughts to take some GP from Fifa 17 a.e. into Fifa 21 if that possible to make the game more enjoyable.

Anyway, I am just afraid of the Future about Fifa because of Fifa 21. If EA stays in that direction we need to stay with old Fifa´s. But I am annoyed to imagine playing Fifa 16 or 17 in the year 2030!