FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

What is a life cycle? PES has played the same since PES 5.

PES actually went downhill after PES 5 and has never returned to those heights. I can still play PES 5 NOW and enjoy it. It was an immense game.

FIFA has got better since the dark days when it was awful. I remember playing FIFA 97 and it was HORRIBLE! Compare FIFA 16 to that and we can see how far the series has come.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

the ai keeps on hitting the bar, so weird seeing that happen, also one more thing is that the ai doesnt do skill moves, if i recall correctly only in pes 6 did ai do skills
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

IF EA turn this into a FIFA 15 speed fest then I AM OUT.

I will just happily play Phantom Pain and Star Wars Battlefront until next September.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

We need your posts. Come and join in.

Just responded. Hopefully EA knows the community doesn't want the gameplay to change. But maybe it's too late now and they are going back to the FIFA 15 route. The demo is now a misconception if the release gameplay is almost like FIFA 15.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Just responded. Hopefully EA knows the community doesn't want the gameplay to change. But maybe it's too late now and they are going back to the FIFA 15 route. The demo is now a misconception if the release gameplay is almost like FIFA 15.

Thanks mate, much appreciated.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

the ai keeps on hitting the bar, so weird seeing that happen, also one more thing is that the ai doesnt do skill moves, if i recall correctly only in pes 6 did ai do skills

this is shit. must be fixed !!
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

the ai keeps on hitting the bar, so weird seeing that happen, also one more thing is that the ai doesnt do skill moves, if i recall correctly only in pes 6 did ai do skills
I rarely see real footballers even do skill moves in real life.
FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

A lot of people are saying that the pace of the full game on all those videos are from FUT mode where pace is ramped up.

I think the pace will be kept same as demo
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'm trying to like this but it's too dull , the more I play the more it reminds me of 2015..I'm also seeing the AI hit the bar 3 times in one half (I upped the shot error and seemed to help a bit) also something doesn't feel right with the passing animations players and the AI seem to always want to toe poke it to each other ..I also saw a finesse shot on manual which was auto ..I scored side footing passed the keeper but I had no decision in it at all
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

After trying demo I must say FIFA looks and plays very very nice this year.

PES needs to show (I am playing on PC) something very special now to beat that.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

See I usually agree with you 100% but on this, I'm not in agreement - I've not had any problem with shooting whatsoever. I think the range of that power bar that now results in a decent shot has got smaller (e.g. the middle third of it as opposed to the middle half of it), and powering a shot enough to be a decent hit means a slight delay (possibly allowing a defender to nip in), but I'd argue that it results in a more realistic experience in terms of opposition pressure being too much to get a decent shot away. I hope they don't change the responsiveness or the shooting - anything to avoid a goalfest...

Passing, though - I think if EA rolled out a patch that reduced the pass accuracy by half, which meant that the players' attributes were more important, that would provide a less repetitive experience and a little bit more individuality between players.

EA have got a difficult job this year when it comes to their usual day-one/month-one patch - there's no consensus about the big problem(s), I don't think. What I find to be the biggest issue (passing variation) isn't the next person's biggest issue (e.g. game speed / shot power / responsiveness).

I really hope they don't make knee-jerk changes.

Well I don't know if this makes any difference, but when I say that shooting feels "off" for me, I don't mean to imply that it's necessarily broken or everything about it is poor. For the most part I think it's fine, but something doesn't seem right with close shots - players automatically are doing finesse shots without me holding down R1, which is throwing me off. Maybe that's a new, intended change, but right now it feels weird to me.

In terms of responsiveness though, players, especially agile dribblers, aren't handling as well as in 15 when just using the analog stick. Just to check I went back and reviewed my first impressions of the FIFA 15 retail release, and one of the comments I made was that dribbling was improved from the FIFA 15 demo to the full release. I'm betting that the same thing happens again.

For me, the game is just a little rough around the edges in the demo code, which is fine as long as it gets refined for the full release. People are worried that changes will result in FIFA 16 being FIFA 15 again, but I don't see that happening because even if the speed is increased, the fault for last year's goalfest lies with the deficiencies with defending, which it looks like they've largely addressed.

Each year we see a slightly faster retail code from the demo and I'd be shocked if this year is different. But it's not because EA are making some knee-jerk reaction to the casuals - it's because all the refinements that occur between the two codes lead to a slightly smoother, sharper, more responsive experience. For me, that's not necessarily a bad thing, even if FIFA's default pace is slightly faster than I'd prefer.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

It's been confirmed that FIFA 16 release gameplay will be almost exactly like FIFA 15 but with different crossing mechanism and defending covering. Midfield play seems to be removed as well from their feature list. It's confirmed from the guy who is actually playing the release version.


Dude, you just need to stop. It's like all you're interested in is fueling negativity with anything that closely resembles bad news.

Nothing is confirmed until all of us have the final code on our systems. And even then we'll all be arguing with our own different opinions.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

i love in the demo how when the ball comes to my player and i dont shield it or turn away from the opposition close by, chances are that they will get in a tackle or interception. its really punishing me into taking what possession i have seriously
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

guys, i'm still new to FIFA, I played FIFA 15 for two months and now 16 Demo, I still find it hard to get back possession, it's really hard to cut the ball from the opponent, what's exactly the right button combination? like in PES R1 + X.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

This game is TOUGH in Legendary but damn rewarding.

I have had to switch back to Tele Broadcast though. You can't see enough of the play in TELE for my liking.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Anyone knows how to prevent crashing due to controller? I've been playing normally since the demo dropped, but as of today, it won't run unless the controller is plugged out. Any ideas how to overcome this?
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

guys, i'm still new to FIFA, I played FIFA 15 for two months and now 16 Demo, I still find it hard to get back possession, it's really hard to cut the ball from the opponent, what's exactly the right button combination? like in PES R1 + X.

personally i dont use Contain at all because it just seems to warp me into weird positions. Jockey (L2) to go into defensive pose, Team mate Pressure (square) to close down, and Tackle (X) to tackle is what works for me

and Professional difficulty too. anything higher and AI just gets annoying with their possession

Man, say what you will about this game, but damn the variety within FIFA is just awesome.

its astounding :DD
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Streaming career mode, gonna give it a little watch. My current plan is to shut down all internet capabilities in my house when I get a copy of the game until I hear news about what the Day 1 patch does.

Don't watch that guy's stream. Doesn't know how to build up play and complains that he can't ping the ball from back to front.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Fuck me this guy can talk....20 minutes of him doing I'm not exactly sure what but he hasn't played a game, sod this.

Edit: Not very good is he, losing 2-0 v Newcastle, he even says that he's bad at it and it's totally different to 15 which is positive and it doesn't look very different to me compared to the demo from what I've seen.
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