FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Seriously, people gotta stop judging the game from other people's vids. How many weeks of pre-release vids did we go through saying how fast the game looked only for the demo to come out and play at a much slower pace than it looked?
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread FIFA 16 full game. NOt demo. This is HUMAN vs CPU and its the SAME SPEED as the demo we are playing now. We really need to calm down. THIS vid is in 60FPS which is a massive difference in how fast the game looks. Compression on YT for 30FPS vids is horrible. Also, Im very sure those streams posted above were NOT in 60FPS. lol
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

pc demo is good, surely better than 15. Cpu ai and me made some goal variety. Nice. Moving players feels like same old Fifa, can not feel it enough on my gamepad.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

The game is super slow, even on normal speed. And some of you think it's TOO FAST? I really don't get it. And you can't compare real life with video games anyway. In real life football there's 11 players on each team, every player has his own mind. And they have to use their eyes and ears to communicate with each other. In a video game, you have control over every player in your team, and you know where everyone is, all the time. Of course it will be faster, what do you expect? Game speed may suit some of you with an oculus rift helmet and first person cam in be a pro, or something. That would be the closest way of "simulation". Get over it.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Have played the demo over a couple of nights now, with different teams and match settings. On the first game where it's semi-pro and normal speed, it's pretty easy to score some nice goals. Offline with mates, we play FIFA at Fast speed (their choice not mine) so I tried Professional/Fast with Dynamic Cam at 7 height and 10 zoom.

There's some nice things I see happening compared to FIFA 15 - more momentum, weightier feel when stopping and turning. First touch of the sprint button/acceleration seems toned down which is good sometimes and other times feels a bit sticky. AI plays the ball around a bit and hits some diagonal passes forwards/sideways and backwards...and you see the occasional mis-hit pass or bad first touch.

Ground passing seems too slow mostly however. You'll see the same thing in the training drills - the ball seems to take an eternity to reach the target. But then at times, a slight tap of the through ball button sees the pass move at warp speed to a player 40 metres away.

Have found the same with shooting sometimes - and hopefully these are just demo teething issues but based on FIFA 15 I'm not 100% sure - while the variety and shot trajectory is great, it usually feels like the shots lack proper acceleration. Needs a bit more oomph when it leaves the boot.

I like how they're using vibration feedback with certain tackles/tustles (I suggested something like that to Adam Bhatti over a year ago for PES but maybe FIFA were listening in :P).

Headers are good but hopefully don't become overpowered again. Had a nice moment where my striker hit an overhead from the penalty spot and Joe Hart deflected it onto the crossbar :)

Played the PES demo right after that and you definitely notice player's strengths more on PES. When certain players have the ball, you know what their strengths are - I wouldn't call FIFA players generic, but unfortunately I don't get that standout individuality. I might be in a lucky position since my friend will buy FIFA 16 for our weekly/fortnightly gaming night and I might buy PES 16 for playing at home.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread FIFA 16 full game. NOt demo. This is HUMAN vs CPU and its the SAME SPEED as the demo we are playing now. We really need to calm down. THIS vid is in 60FPS which is a massive difference in how fast the game looks. Compression on YT for 30FPS vids is horrible. Also, Im very sure those streams posted above were NOT in 60FPS. lol

The speed is fine, just as mine.

But i could understand why some people may say that demo speed is quite fast. I was, even after adjusting game to slow.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

This game is TOUGH in Legendary but damn rewarding.

I have had to switch back to Tele Broadcast though. You can't see enough of the play in TELE for my liking.

Yes i agree, i think this is the first time i really enjoy playing against the cpu in Fifa.

Also using Tele-broadcast(height 20 zoom 0) i think the game looks best in this view.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread FIFA 16 full game. NOt demo. This is HUMAN vs CPU and its the SAME SPEED as the demo we are playing now. We really need to calm down. THIS vid is in 60FPS which is a massive difference in how fast the game looks. Compression on YT for 30FPS vids is horrible. Also, Im very sure those streams posted above were NOT in 60FPS. lol

Thank goodness he did not say 'Hello my friends. Its bla bla bla. And didnt comment over the video'

The game speed is the same as demo. I knew it will be. Why are people so worried? And the game has been shipped to local stores people must chill :)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Thank goodness he did not say 'Hello my friends. Its bla bla bla. And didnt comment over the video'

The game speed is the same as demo. I knew it will be. Why are people so worried? And the game has been shipped to local stores people must chill :)

I think people have been worried because they have been wathing FUT games, i guess some still doesn´t know that FUT has always been a faster game mode.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Demo is too slow? No way!

That's hardly a coincidence that people saying that are all Premiership fans :)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

There is something to consider though about full game pace, even if it has the same pace as the demo, that doesn't mean anything until patch comes. Last year, ı played Fifa 15 full game with early Access (EA Access) and it was stunning. But when game released pace gone crazy and game became the Fifa 15: Doumbia Edition we all know and hate...

Wait until 1-2 days after release to judge the game pace..Right now , it means reallly nothing..
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Had a lovely moment last night where Hazard was trying to catch up with Costa to offer support and he went down holding his calf. He went off with calf strain.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I think people have been worried because they have been wathing FUT games, i guess some still doesn´t know that FUT has always been a faster game mode.

I wish FIFA had an uninstall feature like on phones where you can uninstall apps. I would delete this crap!

All the linces FIFA has and to play with generic teams wearing generic kits where you use real money to buy players to play some generic tournament! It almost proves you don't need licenses.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread FIFA 16 full game. NOt demo. This is HUMAN vs CPU and its the SAME SPEED as the demo we are playing now. We really need to calm down. THIS vid is in 60FPS which is a massive difference in how fast the game looks. Compression on YT for 30FPS vids is horrible. Also, Im very sure those streams posted above were NOT in 60FPS. lol

I think this looks fantastic. Perfect speed.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Still loving the demo but do agree with comments seen in this thread.
I also notice a slight delay / input lag sometimes.
I wrote earlier about more pressure from the cpu. But it is not so bad as before fifa15.
Perhaps it’s just the cpu positioning it’s players better which makes it more difficult for me to find teammates.

I also agree with someone who said that the real top players like Messi and Ronaldo are not so good at dribbling as in 15. I don’t think this is a bad thing, but would like to see more difference between players like this and average players.
I’m absolutely in love with the shooting. It takes time to get it right. To know how much power to use in which situation. I was running diagonally towards the goal with Bale yesterday, pressed the shooting button too long and he missed a chance that should have been an easy goal.
This to me is very realistic. I’ve also had moments where I didn’t give enough power and they were easy saves for the goalie.

Also noticed the players sometimes doing a finesse shot without me pressing the shoulder button, hope this gets removed.
Momentum of players is great.
I see some passing errors from me and the cpu, this is on the default sliders.
I think we can improve the game more with the correct sliders.
Less pass accuracy, less acceleration. It worked on 15 and I’m confident it will work on 16 as well.

I was pretty good at defending on 15, and first thought it was easier on 16.
Now noticed that this is not the case. Teammates do a better job positioning, but it’s harder to get the ball with a tackle. This is due to the fact that the cpu passes the ball around much better.
As someone wrote earlier : best chance to get the ball back is on your own side of the pitch.
I don’t mind this at all, but hope it depends also on which team you play against.
Would be great if teams didn’t all play in the same way.
This is one of my biggest fears.

Played some matches on semi-pro and win them all easily.
Switched to pro yesterday (I play world class in 15) as Chelsea vs PSG.
It was a great match, I attacked a lot but only got off a few shots.
Then PSG countered and scored after a beautiful 1-2 combination.
I went all out looking for the equalizer. Some dangerous moments happened before my goal on PSG counters. PSG played great, patient not looking to attack to much but only counter to try to get the 2nd goal.
I finally scored with Costa in the 87th minute. Great feeling and made me pump my fist!
Then we went into extra time, classic way. I scored the 2-1 again with Costa.
Then noticed that PSG changed their game. Seeking the attack, lots of long balls to Ibra. Trying to force the goal. And it was suddenly me playing counter football.
Match ended in 2-1, it was a great game.
I think it will be a long time before I can move to world class level.

Sofar, despite some small things, I absolutely love the game.
Hope the final version is a polished version of the demo, without too many changes.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Finally played around 5 games of the demo last night. For me, it's still too fast but there's actually something I really like about the general pace. I feel like the game's pace (not speed) can be easily dictated by your play style. The best success I found (admittedly only on professional as I enjoy just relaxing when playing footy games) was to be patient and then when I got the opportunity, use 2 or 3 quick passes to split the cpu open. With those quick passes, the game seem to just pick up quickly, same when they countered.

Dribbling seems a bit off. I love the no touch dribbling but players seem to have too many buggy touches. I like that it's much more difficult to dribble round players but still possible, just needs smoothing out. Hopefully just a demo thing.

So far I love the shooting, not sure what people's issues are with this. The variation in ball physics seems very very good and body shape a lot more important. Haven't had the finesse issue yet but only played 5 games.

Keepers seem spot on, no longer superhuman but still make the odd great save. How anybody (and I have seen it) can suggest PES keeper's aren't' far away from FIFA's is beyond me. Objectively, FIFA's Keepers are a mile ahead. A huge bg bear for me though is that they don't commit one on one. The satisfaction of just lifting over the keeper on PES is one of the best things. I remember back in the day when you'd tap R1 just bewfore you shot and your striker would almost fake as it changed animation and dink it low over the rushing keeper. I miss that badly.

Lofted through balls seem much better replicated both in physics and the way the AI react. All passing is nice as always, I've never had problems here. Good players will put a bit of bend on it etc which is nice. I haven't really messed with the passing with purpose or whtever it's called. In principle it's a great idea but I find just putting extra power on a standard pass has the same effect and is more rewarding as it's higher risk.

Individuality is ok for me. You can feel the difference between better dribblers, passers, shooters enough to satisfy. I don't think this will ever be amazing but it's enough for me. Same goes with team styles. City absolutely ripped me to shreds, their passing was so much better than the Sounders' and was also much more penetrative. Again, because I play the game just to recreate an upcoming match and try play in a way that I want to see a team play, I'm not too fussed about team styles. I rarely play leagues etc so it's not too much of an issue to me. FIFA gives me almost unlimited options in terms of what I can do with the ball and that's what I enjoy most.

Lighting is very nice, not got too much of an issue with player models from afar. They can obviously be better but the overall look is fine in gameplay cam for me.

Finally, AI. Such a welcome change to the AI for me. There may be a cycle of what they do (yet to play enough) but the CPU AI seem to finally change their approach based on what you do. I don't mean in terms of their play style but in 15 it was - try and dribble until you get crowded out then hoof. Now, they look for a pass, try and dribble if there's no pass on, hit it long if there's no option for either etc etc. It means defending has to be done using pressure/moving to cut passing lanes of and thinking a couple of steps ahead. Could get easy if the patterns become obvious but for now at least, they seem to be varied enough. Your team mate and the CPU defending AI is so much improved in dealing with through balls both grounded and lofted. It culd easily have been PR crap from EA but the covering does work and it has a big impact on the game. Through ball opportunities still present themselves but only after creating with passes, quick 1-2s etc. 1-2s also seem harder. Could get infuriating because it seems the CPU just decides you can't complete a 1-2 even if it's an easy one. On one hand this will combat spamming but it may get very annoying.

So that was pretty long and there's a video below of a couple of highlights from my 5 games. There's a quick iniesta no touch at the end that looked brilliant in real time. Shame I messed the pass up. Not sure how to embed.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Guys, do tactics really matter in fifa 16? I find it gameplay very smooth and natural. I like the animations too. I am new to fifa and can't find if tactics matter, all teams looks like they play the same tactic..
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

After i watched some retail footage from fifa and some demo videos from our demo i have a feeling that they changed some things that made the demo great at least for me....i hope that am wrong but i see increased turning speeds and less momentum on the players and also that the incresed the ball speed...also i feel they toned down the contact fouls and how players control the ball.if thats the case the game will be a lot different for the worst.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Had a lovely moment last night where Hazard was trying to catch up with Costa to offer support and he went down holding his calf. He went off with calf strain.

Had the same thing with Reus, when I played Dortmund vs Gladbach.
But Reus came back after a couple of mins and had no injury anymore.

Finally been able to make a few more games on PC and I gotta say it´s growing on me slowly.
Just the Bundesliga scoreboard adds so much of the atmosphere, it´s great.
CM is gonna be a real joy, I guess.

I don´t know but imo the PC demo seemed to be slower than the PS4 one.
Or maybe thats just me, but a couple of hours after that I made a quick game on PS4 and even on "slow" it felt faster than on PC.

Players really have so much weight that it makes me pressing the buttons on my controller so hard that my fingers hurt after that :).

Even if I - and obviously most of y´all - love this game speed, I just can´t imagine it is gonna stay like that in the full game.
But I still have hopes.

I´m sure many kiddos complain the players move like tanks.
Well I love that weighty feeling.

Let´s hope!
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