FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

EA will literally be embarrassed by the the mods of unpaid kids :LOL:

Seriously, some of the facepacks and gameplay tweeks will be amazing. If a modder can gain access to propassing and actually switch that bastard on....
EA will literally be embarrassed by the the mods of unpaid kids :LOL:

Seriously, some of the facepacks and gameplay tweeks will be amazing. If a modder can gain access to propassing and actually switch that bastard on....

I know how to edit FIFA gameplay, i did it in the past, it's still the same method. problem is that you can only really change values here and there. Very easy btw! My concern is there's nothing in the game which represents passing accuracy.

It's an ongoing placebo effect really. I'll try to change it and see what i can do. I'm sure i can affect ball physics and CPU reaction times etc.. but i don't think i can properly implement individuality! There's not enough function there.
I know how to edit FIFA gameplay, i did it in the past, it's still the same method. problem is that you can only really change values here and there. Very easy btw! My concern is there's nothing in the game which represents passing accuracy.

It's an ongoing placebo effect really. I'll try to change it and see what i can do. I'm sure i can affect ball physics and CPU reaction times etc.. but i don't think i can properly implement individuality! There's not enough function there.

Can you also edit the same way on hacked PS3 or Xbox? I like the look of the ball physics changes on the PES PC patch...if you can change gameplay/ball physics on FIFA/PES then maybe it's cheaper to buy an xbox for offline only and forget about upgrading my video card and CPU.
EA will literally be embarrassed by the the mods of unpaid kids :LOL:

Seriously, some of the facepacks and gameplay tweeks will be amazing. If a modder can gain access to propassing and actually switch that bastard on....

this. the PES2011 PC mods are great and tweak the gameplay enough to make it seem like a much more polished game.

nba2k11 also has a great PC modding community that really adds to the game.
Can you also edit the same way on hacked PS3 or Xbox? I like the look of the ball physics changes on the PES PC patch...if you can change gameplay/ball physics on FIFA/PES then maybe it's cheaper to buy an xbox for offline only and forget about upgrading my video card and CPU.

Dunno mate, Someone would have to import it over.
I was just waiting for him to say; "Unfortunately, not of this actually worked." :( Shame.

I really don't think that having 2 examples is a 'lot of variety', either. It won't stop people spamming crosses & scoring easy headers online.
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That's another video similar to the many of last years videos. All counted for fuck all when the game was released. Wouldn't think much of it.

"So you remember last year we*What the f#$k did we come up with?! I never noticed when playing...Looks at keycards offscreen, Oh yeah.*...Personality+."

Sounds usual. I'll wait to see if it actually means anything before passing judgement.
Good in theory, but it's only really going to affect playing versus the CPU in the situation shown there, and they have a LONG way to go to make that enjoyable.

It'll probably just lead to the CPU scoring even less goals, as they're never much good at intricate/creative football, and the 1v1 aerial battles make crossing the best option most of the time.
That article

Precision Dribbling
Tactical Defending
Pro Player Intelligence
Impact Engine

This is the epitome of why i know Fifa will never change. Marketing, advertising, selling your product with shine. Aesthetical concepts which are more important then letting the gameplay speak for itself. I'm not knocking it though, it's business gold. It's a buzzword. Hey did you hear about that new [enter one of these] yeah it sounds sweet. When in truth they have no idea what difference it'll really make but it almost vindicates your decision to buy (or want to) the product because you believe that it will be completely different. I know this happens because i've heard these conversations in real life.

I don't think i'm looking too much into it either. Especially considering the past 2 iterations have been down this exact route and neither of the finished products have been satisfying. As Stuart said, it's the same every time. I don't mean what i say in an elitist manner either, it's just that you should have learned that the Fifa business model is all talk by now. Sports games are treated differently to almost any other genre of games. People want to like them because they like the sport in question and buzzwords, and ergo belief in evolution and change, help to enforce that. As i said before, the gameplay should do the talking, not the P.R. hype and marketing and all the fancy labels that EA gives things. It's not like i buy an RPG and it talks for 6 months about Precision Weapon-Dueling, it certainly won't put it on the back cover of the box in bold lettering.

I think i'm just a bit annoyed about reading the same lines from EA over and over. What they say has such little parallels with how the game actually plays. Atleast PES seems a little bit more cultured, rather than being overly positive about everything (with the exception of JonMurphy and Adam) and throwing fancy labels at most of the gameplay aspects.
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That article

Precision Dribbling
Tactical Defending
Pro Player Intelligence
Impact Engine

This is the epitome of why i know Fifa will never change. Marketing, advertising, selling your product with shine. Aesthetical concepts which are more important then letting the gameplay speak for itself. I'm not knocking it though, it's business gold. It's a buzzword. Hey did you hear about that new [enter one of these] yeah it sounds sweet. When in truth they have no idea what difference it'll really make but it almost vindicates your decision to buy (or want to) the product because you believe that it will be completely different. I know this happens because i've heard these conversations in real life.

I don't think i'm looking too much into it either. Especially considering the past 2 iterations have been down this exact route and neither of the finished products have been satisfying. As Stuart said, it's the same every time. I don't mean what i say in an elitist manner either, it's just that you should have learned that the Fifa business model is all talk by now. Sports games are treated differently to almost any other genre of games. People want to like them because they like the sport in question and buzzwords, and ergo belief in evolution and change, help to enforce that. As i said before, the gameplay should do the talking, not the P.R. hype and marketing and all the fancy labels that EA gives things. It's not like i buy an RPG and it talks for 6 months about Precision Weapon-Dueling, it certainly won't put it on the back cover of the box in bold lettering.

I think i'm just a bit annoyed about reading the same lines from EA over and over. What they say has such little parallels with how the game actually plays. Atleast PES seems a little bit more cultured, rather than being overly positive about everything (with the exception of JonMurphy and Adam) and throwing fancy labels at most of the gameplay aspects.

It's the nature of the beast. Yearly sports titles have to at least be seen to offer something different to last year as a reason for people to upgrade.

What annoys me with EA (and it's not just Fifa) is how they highlight real basic, rudimentary elements of sports as clever new gameplay concepts, give them a catchy name and expect a pat on the back for it.

Pro Player Intelligence? Give me a break.
I don't mind buzzwords as long as it merits the hype from our perspective.

As Jamez says, it's the nature of the beast, particularly when selling to people who don't have the ability to notice more subtle gameplay changes like AI upgrades. The problem is when the hardcore, actively looking for these changes, don't notice them. Plus of course when the changes being made are isolated to these few areas.
I think it's because the community hated the homing missile tackle system so they new the best way to redeem this was to remove it, it obviously was broken beyond repair, and say 'hey we've now changed the homing tackle and now tackling needs to be tactical'. Even if the new system has absolutely no relation to defending tactically people will still take the word 'tactical' by face value and see this as some kind of evolution. I said it was a buzzword but it seems like a glossy phrase more than anything that doesn't mean what it describes. Sounds like EA are using the word tactical as a synonym for different, but to suggest that defending is now going to be tactical in some way is certainly going to be more appealing. Personally, and this is no means because of any vendetta against Fifa, but i can see this new feature being terrible until they find a way to balance it. FIFAs track record of adding new features and them working first time isn't exactly stellar. Personality+ and Pro Passing made such little difference last year even though it was all we heard for 6 months.
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It just kind of suggested that they're finally putting in effort now to sort out the defending, whatever that means as none of us have played the game but i would assume it's the new jockey system (which i am hugely sceptical of until i see it working well anyway). As you said it's a basic element of a football game which shouldn't be advertised as a revolutionary feature. It was EA who messed up defending in the first place after all, now they're giving it the full bells and whistles. I just think it's kind of sad more so than anything.

I know mate, it was more a question to EA. I mean why would they boast about tactical defending as a feature? That just says to me they never got it right in the first place.
I know mate, it was more a question to EA. I mean why would they boast about tactical defending as a feature? That just says to me they never got it right in the first place.

You quoted me before i edited my post but yes it's all a bit odd isn't it. Tactical Defending is the oddest one yet. It just draws attention to the fact that EA realised how broken defending was and had to change it. Then again i guess they're drawing attention to it, i.e. giving it a buzzname, because it's such a prevalent issue noticed by 'the community'. Part of me thinks EA just has a checklist of things to fix that the community has informed them about. They don't really understand the flaws and merits of their own game at all.

Speaking more about the actual new system though rather than question why EA feel it necessary to give it a fancy name, we've heard several people who've played some builds of the game say that tactical defending has numerous issues, such as perfect mirror jockeying by the defender. If it stays that way then EA haven't fixed defending/tackling at all. They will be dressing up the problem in a new costume and it won't be tactical as such and that will be the really disappointing thing about all of this.
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It annoys me as well how they make such a big deal out of the absolute basics, as Jamez says, it just says that they screwed up before.

It's a bit like when fat people get congratulated on losing weight - sorry, but I'm not going to think you've achieved something when it's your own fault it wasn't right in the first place.

Pro Passing was bigged up by EA for months before release, yet it was a massive failure - just to compare, PES has had the same feature, implemented infinitely better and has had it since the PS2 days and they don't make a big fuss about it.

Konami's Teamvision thing was also a huge fuck up, but at least they were trying to do something new and different.
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I know/hope it was just taking the piss but hell yes you should applaud if an obese person loses their weight, or if a drug addict or alcoholic manages to turn their life around.

It's when they give the impression they're pioneering not being fat / drunk / off their mash that you should raise an eyebrow.
It's when they give the impression they're pioneering not being fat / drunk / off their mash that you should raise an eyebrow.

Which, let's be honest, they haven't done/aren't doing. Most of what has helped Fifa improve has been stolen from PES and re-badged, other things have been done before in other football games.

The fact is until they get the basics right they can't claim to pioneer anything.
They do usually try and find their own twist on how to do things, but ultimately they're trying to replicate the end product that Konami have been putting in their games for years now. The thing is that in doing stuff their own way, it tends to miss the actual point of what they're trying to represent. Pro Passing, for example, or the contain system based on what we've seen and played so far. Technologically they'd certainly be right to be proud as far as football games go. But technology isn't enough.

Again, in the interests of fairness, Konami nick plenty of stuff off EA too. Just as all games nick stuff off rivals in the same genre, often at the fans' request. Whether Konami are less brazen about trumpeting these changes is because they were brought up well or because their marketing arm is little more than a finger compared to EA's, I'm not sure.
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I know/hope it was just taking the piss but hell yes you should applaud if an obese person loses their weight, or if a drug addict or alcoholic manages to turn their life around.

It's when they give the impression they're pioneering not being fat / drunk / off their mash that you should raise an eyebrow.
I'll try not to go too off topic, but that's the thing, I don't "applaud" people as such for those things.

They're idiots in the first place for becoming obese/addicted to drugs/alcoholic and "turning their life around" is just them actually acting like a normal person, doing the things that should be expected of them anyway.

And that's how it relates to EA - things like passing error and player individuality should be the absolute basics that the game should be formed around, so to get them so wrong is unacceptable really, and if/when they finally do get it right, it would of course be very welcome, but not something I'd commend EA for.
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