FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

How does that manifest itself?

Also, how do you also teach them about passing inaccuracy, dodgy ball control, weaker footedness etc? I can see how you'd teach someone about positioning without a tutorial, but not gameplay mechanics like those.

Tutorials, a la GT and countless other sports games, are at least proven to work and are easily researched.
The brilliant thing with sliders is that it would completely eliminate the 'control-method' debate. All you'd need to do was be able to set up an online league, be able to agree on a set slider set & everyone plays to their skill level/their chosen team level. In theory, it would be perfect. Anybody could mix & match to however they want to play.
Imagine having those sliders implemented well....that is the dream....never gonna happen :((

My advice - Don't pay attention to big gaming websites when it comes to sports games. They're far less critical than anybody on here and in no way is that a good thing, that goes for this and PES before any bias creeps into play. It's a shame though because now is the season of anticipation and my salivary gland is pulsating.
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Not sure on all those sliders to be honest. Especially setting up something online where you need people to agree on all the slider settings. I think a more simple approach could work.

For example, if EA could get the stats to mean something they could have a simple slider with 2 or 3 options: Full sim (where stats play as much a role as they do in PES), Casual mode (where it's not really arcade but kind of how it is at the moment, maybe toned down a bit, so that kids and novices can pick it up, but if they get bored of the repetition, they can move to full sim mode). Maybe something in the middle if required.

I'm not sure whether EA can build the A.I. to switch between both modes but I think it's simpler from a game player perspective and could satisfy the wide range of FIFA players.

I don't really like the other idea about the "tendencies" type sliders. What happens if you set everyone's tendencies for shooting outside 18 yards to "high". All of a sudden you have Messi and Iniesta shooting from 30 yards and not playing like Barcelona. So you've varied the AI but you still don't have a football sim, because you can make every team play generically.
Sliders would be off line only, can't for the life in me see them working on...

The obvious solution would be to mimic Call of Duty and have a 'Hardcore' setting, which would be the group of settings to produce the most realistic FIFA - whereas the normal playlist would by whatever EA believe is best.

From there it could possibly be opened to more settings if there was a demand for them (like an arcade one).
How does that manifest itself?

Also, how do you also teach them about passing inaccuracy, dodgy ball control, weaker footedness etc? I can see how you'd teach someone about positioning without a tutorial, but not gameplay mechanics like those.

Tutorials, a la GT and countless other sports games, are at least proven to work and are easily researched.

You do it through match objectives, you then show the player where they went wrong or why a pass that "they actually" played was affected by footedness, control, body position/shape etc.

Basically you need and analyse and improve option that would run along side your "rating". So before seeing each match you can see where your last game let you down. Poor overall positioning, poor/rushed/inappropriate passing etc. Its more sophisticated than that but what it allows you to do is actually do a MOTD and see your performance and learn from what you actually do. This is not replay theatre but the game also explaining and showing why your performance is what it is.

Very loosely its a much more advanced version of the Madden level playback thingy in the holo-deck when you first start.

I am pushed for time so can't really elaborate as I would like to but, very much like real life you need to see what you are doing wrong and the context to understand and learn from it.
The issues holding that back are things like the X360 version of the game not keeping the whole match on the hdd, plus of course the work involved in developing a system that can assess the context and tell you that your positioning is wrong etc.

I'd be well up for an Opta / Guardian chalkboard style performance assessment tool, especially if it combined with match replays themselves, and that may be something EA are thinking about simply because of their current relationship with Opta. Plus of course the potential for uploading real world data into FIFA to be watched using the engine - being able to filter replays based on moments a specific player had, or just limit it to highlights etc.

The only thing with making such a system is that it can end up constantly chastising poor players for bad positioning or for passing at the wrong moment. That's the problem with forcing a training system, licences that you have to earn in orderto play online modes, or a performance coach onto the player. It is forcing people to learn, having a go at them for not succeeding when they might never be good enough. It's punitive to have things like required licenses to unlock Online Team Play, and it'd be an easy route to frustration to constantly tell the user 'you're not running back enough', when they do want to be more of a Patrice Evra than a Gabby Heinze. I'd be very happy with an interactive, adaptive coach that helps you based on match performance, but it's infinitely harder to get the assessment right and keep things fun, than a challenge training mode that goes with the carrot and not the stick.
Sliders would be off line only, can't for the life in me see them working on...

They work on NBA 2k. You can join a default setting match or a custom one. It's user's decision. It's easy to understand and do. To me, that would be great.

Besides, game sliders, player tendencies and team tendencies are absolutely key in the long term and are slider-based.

Game sliders: Thanks to that, for instance, I could tone down the level of dunks in the game to the desired and more realistic level. Those are sliders that lower or increase the overall chances of things to happen. So in a football game that could cover things like: rate of long and short term stamina effects, injuries, fouls, cards, etc...

Player tendencies: this is absolutely great to give personality to players. For instance: running to space, try risky passes, prefer dribbling, try to play first touch, hard tackler, etc... With this, we could be again sharing sets of tendencies that represent better real life players. If stats are baeed on physical and mental attributes, this would cover behaviour even in a more precise way than PES does right now.

Team tendencies (coach tendencies in 2k11): This affects the behaviour of the team as a whole. It's similar to the "tactical" options we have now in PES.

Without this, I expect all the teams and players to continue to be almost identical in behaviour. Plus, if you put this, instantly the AI teams start to look different, something they won't be able to pull out if they go on like in the last 4 years, basing it all in the tactical options, that are quite laughable in terms of definition and mostly in terms of actual effect on gameplay.
WC is less realistic, naturally "in my opinion"

All of the parts that made it "realistic" were emphatically the parts that made the game exploitable and very repetitive quickly.

With regard to tutorials, they wont work. A new mode wont work. The only way to do it is to make it a pre requisite to VP development. Much like I said in the GC forum, people "get" why you need to know how to do kick ups before you can hocus pocus at will.

There is already a development philosophy in VP's on and off line. What this needs is to be developed organically, possibly limiting who, where you can play until you have shown an appreciation and a level of maturity. Thats not to say you need to be ace a football, just understand and feel rewarded for whatever job your having to do on the pitch.

Basically I think its a great idea, just needs more talk and a way to introduce it in a unobtrusive way that feels "part" of the VP development process.

I just posted something similar in the GC forum. Basically I agree with Glen: I like the concept but I don't see it being a marketable idea in the form of an "Academy" mode or tutorials. Rather, like Glen, I think the "Football Academy" idea would be more likely to succeed (and gain traction at EA) if it were to be slipped-in with upgrades to the VP feature.

In short, you make the VP development process deeper than it is and adjoin the "tutorials" to the accomplishments. It'd be a much easier sell that way (both to EA and the market) and would meet several goals at once.

EA SPORTS Delivers Player Impact Engine to FIFA 12 On PC
Electronic Arts announced today that EA SPORTS has developed the Player Impact Engine for FIFA 12 on PC, delivering a new physics engine, and the award-winning gameplay and features to PC fans around the world. For the first time ever, FIFA 12 on PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360 videogame and entertainment system, and PC will have the identical game engine and feature set when the game launches September 27 in North America and September 30 worldwide.

"This is the moment all PC gamers have been waiting for, as they are finally going to fully experience the award-winning FIFA gameplay on their preferred platform," said Kaz Makita, Executive Producer of FIFA 12. "PC fans are going to enjoy the highest quality gameplay, deepest game modes and truest graphics ever developed for the platform, including our new live service EA SPORTS Football Club."

FIFA 12 on PC brings to the pitch the game-changing new Player Impact Engine that delivers real-world physicality in every interaction on the pitch. Fans will experience the way real-world players challenge each other for the ball, win possession and test each other physically. Enjoy an infinite variety of natural and believable outcomes in every collision. Players feel more resilient, push and pull during the fight for possession, and recover from light challenges more easily.

Revolutionary gameplay innovations make FIFA 12 deeper and more engaging. All-new Precision Dribbling creates a higher fidelity of touch on the ball for better control in tight spaces, more time to make decisions on attack, and more control over the pace of the game. Innovations in attack are balanced by a re-designed defending mechanism, making it as skilful and meaningful as the real-world game. With all-new Tactical Defending, positioning and intercepting passes are as important as tackling. Tactics and timing are crucial. Plus, CPU players have been infused with Pro Player Intelligence, a self-awareness that enables them to behave and make decisions based on their own skills and tendencies, and gives them the aptitude to understand the strengths and weaknesses of teammates in every situation.

EA SPORTS Football Club—the heartbeat of FIFA 12—is a live service at no additional cost, connecting players to the real-world game with fresh, new content all the time, enabling them to support their favourite club and connect and compete with their friends, rivals and millions of other players around the world.

Transformed to look and feel fresh and new from pre-match to final whistle, FIFA 12 delivers an all-new Career Mode driven by the storylines from the real-world sport, an authentic match day experience, faster and easier navigation with a brand new menu system, and more than 500 officially licensed clubs. To pre-order FIFA 12 visit

For the latest news on FIFA 12 join more than six million fans in the EA SPORTS FIFA community at or follow us on Twitter at

FIFA 12 will be available in stores September 27 in North America and September 30 worldwide for the PlayStation®3, Xbox 360®, PC, Wii™, PC, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Nintendo 3DS™, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, iPhone®, iPad™, and iPod® touch. The game will also be available for digital download on PC at Additional feature details will be revealed in the months ahead.The game has not yet been rated. Screenshots are available at and on the EA SPORTS FIFA Flickr channel.


Thank god for that, this game is gonna be 10x better on pc thanks to patches and mods

With gameplay there's not too much i think we can do. If you look at the discussions, it's pretty much impossible to create proper AI commands and implement the individuality. Although tweaking values will make difference for stamina, sprint speed etc...

With graphics there's loads you can edit. Especially with Rinaldo around. There will loads of new leagues, competitions etc.. Hopefully the player models wont be rubbish like they are now. Even that can be edited.
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