FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

When you can play an overhit or awkwardly bouncing or skied pass to any player and they all control the ball with the same nonchalant ease, except in a handful of situations where the animation dictates the control rather than the situation to which it's being applied. That YouTube video is a perfect example of the control and touch being wrong. You see situations like that on a very regular basis in FIFA. It's not a one-off; it's the fundamental structure of the game's ball control system in action. Even if you added a better ball control and first touch system to the game now, you would feel a difference. It's impossible to tell that from FIFA alone because it doesn't have the system there for you to see that not all passes (esp in semi and manual) are actually 'perfect' for reception. It's the perfect first touches that paper over the hairline cracks and make the game even less textured.

I've said that a few times now so I think I'll stop before we bore people again.
Its not a unique situation because....yeah because passing is well finite in FIFA.....the reason it's not unique i's limited reception animations and because your player always positions to take them correctly. Bar driving it at them or them interception passes incorrectly first touch and trapping are hardly an issue....
What animation that plays doesn't really matter, you can't notice if the ball hits 1 inch to the side or if the foot is angled to the ball with a couple of degrees difference. You can have the same animation and applying error in length and direction anyway.
Gab it is easy to receive a pass of your not having to move or stretch to get it. How else do mediocre players trap and first time pass the ball?

One touch passing is not the preserve of barca, they just do it better for example.
When I say apply error, it doesn't mean the ball will fly all over the place every time. You can receive a pass, not trapping it perfectly but still turn out good enough to keep going. Error is all from hardly noticeable, to completely losing control of the ball. It's all about the situation. Stats are used to simulate the randomness of errors, not just touches but every action in the game. Also an attribute of 50 doesn't mean every touch is rubbish, like it is always "50" whatever it means in that context. It's just an abstract number used in calculations in randomness basically. Even with "50" you can get "80" plenty of times, but the harder the situation, the more likely it will be more bad than good, if you know what I mean.

And who said only barca can do one touch passing?
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Maybe if they applied momentum/inertia the players couldn't float into perfect position all the time to receive the pass with ease :SMUG:
Another big "discussion" opposing the same intervenients with no agreement whatsoever? This place is starting to look alot like Pesgaming comments section :CONFUSE: Please don't.
Oh puhlease. People aren't using this thread for anything else, might as well talk about FIFA.
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Give me a break. People aren't using this thread for anything else, might as well talk about FIFA.

That's the purpose of this thread yeah, I'm not telling you not to discuss, but notice that both in this discussion and the previous momentum/inertia issue, those who disagree never get to agree, and those who agree never get to disagree.
You do know that happens in online ranked because of the regular AI? Makes passing easier, the game is faster. Defenders complete idiots and all sorts of dub downs. There's more to the game than online ranked or MLO even!

Shame you didn't play many games using top player or professional mate.

Just saying best to judge a game on the whole perspective and try to find the route of the problems and any why you believe on their and the others say different.

Yes..i hate the pace of the passes in online matchs, but not as much as i do in regards to AI positioning, reaction times and its lack of awereness of the ball.

But even with all thess problems, i had much more satisfaction playing pes 2011 online than i used to have with fifa 09 and fifa 10. Actually these latter don'tgive me satisfaction at all.
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Neil has the last laugh it seems.

post of the month. Hilarious :WORSHIP:
He is indeed, quite a few other players are very overrated as well - Luis Garcia (former Liverpool) and Solano are both rated like they're still in their prime...

Both games need to sort out the the accuracy of the attributes given to players - FM seems to have fairly good ones that I agree with for the most part.
Sadly the Pires attributes were ripped out of PES 4 or something. He's seriously overrated.

I'd say they are the same from PES5/6

His sprint speed and Acceleration should really be in the low 60's. he's incredibly slow now!

Same with Adriano who had good stats for some reason in PES 2011 (surprise, surprise) others like Mido, Luis Garcia (former liverppol man) Valeron.

konami need to really upgrade some of their ratings for old washed up players!
There's a confidence in Simon Humber which is simply don't have with Rutter!

That world cup game was fun. Highly arcadey but playable and enjoyable. The game made you laugh out load at times. Online was madness, fun, not well balanced but very free and just fluid really.

Mind you i didn't lose a match on online ranked in that game (did lose in the online world cup)
The thing is that WC2010 is indeed seen as arcadey, whereas EA think the FIFA series is realistic. But what the WC game offered to a greater extent than FIFA 10 or 11 is balance. It wasn't perfect of course, but it was more open to good passing play and simple dribbling. I loved using Croatia and Belgium in that game on semi controls.
I think most of the issues that have been discussed here, like the absence of realistic momentum preservation, arcadie first touch, manual passing/shooting, etc, would definitely make this game a far more authentic football experience - as most of you do - and to some degree I actually believe EA Sports are very much aware of those subtleties as much as we are.

Now with that in mind take a look at your average FIFA opponents, most of them are in their early teens if you re lucky, - I myself started playing FIFA at the age of 11 - and most of those well thought decisions, strategies and careful considerations you wish you could take on this game would make the game nearly unplayable to the vast majority who simple wish the be in the shoes of Rooney or Ronaldo.

That being said, I wish EA would break away from the current 6 minutes module and start developing a second more in depth module with us in mind,- not that custom match mess we have this year - where they could implement the so called realistic simulation to our hearts contempt, instead of forcing us to go through the horrible mess of the current one.
I know that most FIFA players you encounter online seem to be early-teens with no idea how football is played, but even if you made the game realistic, they would still buy it as it's called FIFA.

Plus the fact that they are matched up against each other more often than not means that both of them will play it in a way that doesn't resemble football, and neither will be able to defend properly, meaning that their unrealistic anti-football would probably still be effective and lead to loads of goals anyway.

Either that, or they would learn to adjust and almost learn the game of football via what works in the FIFA, which you could argue would improve the quality of the actual football played by kids in real life, such is the amount of time they seem to spend on FIFA these days!

You can still play unrealistically in a realistic game, it just shouldn't be rewarded.
The thing is that WC2010 is indeed seen as arcadey, whereas EA think the FIFA series is realistic. But what the WC game offered to a greater extent than FIFA 10 or 11 is balance. It wasn't perfect of course, but it was more open to good passing play and simple dribbling. I loved using Croatia and Belgium in that game on semi controls.

The people who believed that couldn't be more wrong if they tried.

The world cup game was a little better in core changes but better by quite some margin in as you said, balance, not just in realsim, but mostly to the point... Playability.
The world cup game was the one in which I experienced more diversity in scoring, last pass was a joy (too easy, though) and stats were more than subtle (you could tell the difference between Torres and Klose, for example). It wans't what I would call a sim in any aspect, but what strikes me is that practically all the things that I loved from it (not many) were totally stripped away in the next Fifa iteration. That's what I can't understand.
The world cup game was the one in which I experienced more diversity in scoring, last pass was a joy (too easy, though) and stats were more than subtle (you could tell the difference between Torres and Klose, for example). It wans't what I would call a sim in any aspect, but what strikes me is that practically all the things that I loved from it (not many) were totally stripped away in the next Fifa iteration. That's what I can't understand.
Nah it wasn't a sim. Too many overpowered arcade elements. The way i could destroy people online with my Jamaica was kinda 'silly' for me. Very, fun, playable but silly that Shelton, Daley and co. Pace and strength was too important. Honestly online and offline there where elements i think rom talked about where Xavi was more effetivce when pasing comapre to other players and his ball control was more precise in area's. But the main differences i only ever saw from players was pace and strength.

take my My world cup offline with Russia. Pavlycenko was completely useless! His stats were good but he didn't have great pace or strength Yet Pogenyak because of his strength was the main striker for me, he just barged defenders out of the way. At times i forgot who was actually playing in my midfield. it didn't really matter. This shows that EA's gameplay has serious balance issues, many elements need to be looked at.

I mean it had more individuality that any other EA sports football game i think i've played, it's also along with FIFA 08 the best game they have brought out on this generation and i would still play it now if the xbox had not crashed (I'll probably bring it over to my mates when i got back up north) but still. All players ran the same, moved the same way, never had to alter my playing style to suit my team. But it wasn't a bad game at all. I liked it.
WC2010 did have better dribbling as well. Agile players like Modric and Krasic were very useful. Pace and strength were still too important though.

I was wondering if maybe FIFA could afford to be bolder in reshaping itself if it had a proper tutorial mode. Like GT5's licenses (though not to the point where you need a license to play certain modes), or the old training challenges in PS2 PES but with online leaderboards and VP attribute boosts as incentives to the user. Maybe even getting some real footballers/coaches to do some commentary/vid clips for each topic, like GT5 with NASCAR and Rally driving?

The idea would be to teach people how to play football, as much as how to play FIFA. The problem with the game now is that people are left to their own devices to learn how to play. The game isn't realistic so people learn bad habits like exploits / holding terrible defensive lines because that's what the AI does. But EA can't change the game to play that differently because it'd be too different to what the fanbase knows. So the game never gains enough depth.

So, can you imagine EA creating an 'EA Football Academy' like this, aimed at showing people how to play football, with a view to improving the general footballing IQ of the userbase and allowing room for deeper gameplay? Would it help? Can you incentivise it enough for people to use it and accidentally learn a bit about defending/possession play/making clever runs etc?

Putting cynicism and defeatism aside for a moment! I appreciate that the gameplay needs to change at the same time in order for this to work, but I do feel that a lot of the problem is that the game doesn't really show people how to play football, directly or indirectly. Even the penalty system is bloody easy to use, but people don't bother to learn, so they complain that it's broken and that itneeds changing back. A proper tutorial mode would have sorted everyone out, no problem.
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A mate of mine believes FIFA uses an "action" engine for Euro/World Cup games and reverts back to the other engine for yearly iterations of FIFA. Not sure where he got that idea from but definitely the overall package of world cup 2010 was fun and playable. Right from the fresh commentary to the fanfare before and during the games.

But they had some ridiculous exploits, like making some of the English and American players as fast as Usain Bolt.

Then again I had a full manual match where I lost 6-4 to Spain...and I was Kazakhstan. I scored a goal from about 45 metres out and the guy sent me a message "Wow" haha. I was up 4-3 at one point :(

I did love someone's comment on here the other day....along the lines of, if you've played FIFA too long you start to believe that real football is played that way. When I moved to PES I thought the running was clunky but after several months, PES looks natural and FIFA's flaws became more prevalent. If they fixed some of the issues you guys talks about, it would be just as playable but at this point, I cannot stand to play against the AI on FIFA for that stupid dribble in a circle motion they do...back and forth, back and forth. Have a freaking shot from outside the box!!!
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