Should I have put you in that position? No. But I got a response out of them to address this issue. So with that I am happy. Years of frustration are not going to allow me to be the nice guy with EA any time soon. You all can do that (be the nice guy). I know now that being provocative will get them more inclined to respond sooner. Politics. All it is. They spew their propaganda about new features and I throw it right back at them if I feel they are not delivering with the hardcore fans.ant0n, that's fucking disrespectful to use my posts like that. Not only does your post give absolutely no context to what I actually said, it also says that I think pro passing has been toned down, when what I said in that post is that it's specifically the user skill part of the game that seems to have been cut down. I generally ignore your constantly aggressive posts but waving my name about without remotely describing the problem beyond "You suck EA lalalala you" is out of line and pretty twattish. I'm going to have to mop up your mess now.
But yeah in hindsight I shouldn't have done that to you. I should have generalized my statement more. For that I should apologize.
I got their attention though. I got no relations with EA and I really don't want to. I jusr don't want to wait 'til release and say, "does pro passing even exist?" just so EA can come in with one of their, "Yeah FIFA 12 will improve on Pro Passing even more. This was the first year of Pro Passing so we had to BLAH BLAH BLAH." Yeah it exists, but not to the extent we want for the most part. I want them to get it right the first time not 3 years down the road. Yeah it's hard to make a perfect game, but I want to feel EA did not take any shortcuts or that there was some short-sightedness with Rutter and Co.
Last thing I want to hear from EA is "FIFA 11 can only be patched twice due to limitations with the 360 and as a result we cannot improve pro passing until FIFA 12. But we promise we will get it right next year."
I think that's it.