eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

just for context for anyone lurking like I used too, just to see what the game is like. You’ll honestly have to play it. I love it. I’ve never had the Cpu score a free kick once I realized by pressing L1 and pressing the right stick in to change to the keeper, wait for the run up to start and move to the corner they are more than likely to shoot in, which results in a save every time. The great thing was, when I moved before the run up, being lazy, they pinged it in the other corner.
I also enjoy dribbling, it’s what I would want from a game, in context, small areas with tricks, feints or dummies as the instigator of the dribble, like in football. Step over or feint to send the defender one way and then sprinting into space and changing direction.
That’s not to say anyone who isn’t enjoying it is wrong, just different tastes and preferences.
I’ll be playing it all year and spent more time last night on master league than I’ve spent on Pes combined.
So glad someone else is as annoyed as me, this is what I was going on about yesterday. They do this every few years with the R2 dribbling in terms of rebranding it but it hasn't changed since the ps2 days. Except, of course, that this year they've gone a step further by moving it to right stick which for me has made it less accessible and has come at the expense of short knock-on and made some skills more complicated. It's an utter shambles of a decision by konami.
Exactly. It worked so well before, if they’d just added the new R2 finesse touch to the old R2 dribbling that would have made so much more sense. Would have worked really wel.

guys, we need to know, is the game worth the 60 usd slapped on to it?all i hear here is people who bash the game and then there s someone, says best pes in years, you guys are making us confused, i don t wanna buy another pes 2019.5!!! i wanna know what to buy, someone respond plz, i wanna know if i buy fifa 20 or pes 2020 ?
Only you can answer that question mate my playing it. We can’t tell you whether you’ll enjoy it or not
Why did they change the demo code.

Defending is a joke now, just constantly players running through the back of you. No timing or thought required. Doesn't help they've also reduced the responsiveness so you can barely shift the ball out of feet before getting hit.

Pack the box, block, block, block, block, blockblockblockblocbkblock


Every second post is about bringing back the demo gameplay on their FB page. If this isnt make them do it, nothing will.
Played a couple of games (exhibition and ML)!! Had the AI shooting several free kicks (guess about 8-15) not one went in! :D
Just let the wall jump (did not move my keeper manually)!
Fouls I have enough. It’s not as detailed and pronounced as in the demo, but enough for me (on average 2-7 per match on both sides). :D

But I couldn’t score myself from a free kick yet, though. ;)

I had 2 penalties awarded to me during ML (scored the second one), one penalty I gave away to AI. Had the AI dive in my pen area as well.

Red cards: 1 for AI, none for me!
Yellow cards: some on both sides! I like that an intentional foul isn’t always a yellow card!

Besides a little physicality missing and defending being a little to easy... I’m still in love! :D

Edit: I really like the little additions to ML! Shortcuts to menus that where hiding deep, stats section and such... minor stuff, but it’s a revamp as promised, imo!!
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Im not being funny here but this is the patched version right?

Look how straight and fast the passing is. 90% of the passes are at the same speed. Look how its just a steal fest at speed. That isn't how football is played, thats how basketball is played.

The unpatched version at least has pass variation in speed, spin and the cpu bend passes and through balls.

I just don't know how people don't feel its 2019 with some slight improvements here and there.
sorry I just don't have any issue with the passing and I'm on manual. Hated 19 love 20, also not conceded more than 2 freekicks, have no issues with dribbling and fouls can be won but needs improving. I can go back to v1 if I want to but I don't
Love this place, but this is really the time of the year where I will consider cutting down on Evo Web.

I know this is what we are here for. Debating about the game.. But I am enjoying PES so much - and I'm not strong enough not to take care about others opinion.

No.. What I'm scared of is to find something here that will take my focus from enjoying this to get frustrated about something else, and really.. This year I don't want that. It's so rewarding finally enjoy it again.

It will be less frequently from here and I will scroll quick through it.

It's a game. Sometimes we should remember it. I see people calling it broken all the time.. Really. It's not perfect, but I don't think that much is broken. In my Master League it's close to perfect and it's a massive update from the last couple of years.

The individuality is toned a bit down compared to the demo, but I do think it really stands out. Kessies physics is a gamechanger. Suso and his technique. Piatek and his finishing, but more importantly also the lack of quality on my team. Biglia is too slow. Calhanoglu and Suso also. It's real. It's good.

Also there is a lot of variety in the games I'm playing. Still not perfect, because I'm not sure that I think I can truly feel how the teams are playing compared to real life. But each game have its own life. It's hard to predict and I'm getting surprised of how each game develop. It's fun and rewarding.

Also I want to mention scripting. Although there still is problems with the free kicks I don't feel cheated at all on superstar actually. I am punished from my own mistakes.
When talking on AI I also need to address the huge difference between the best, the similar and the worse teams you are meeting. In ICC I lost every game against superior teams and I have also had trouble against less good teams because of creativity problems.

Again.. It's rewarding, because I need to change my approach and do the right thing.

I really think that this addition is incomparable. Completely. It is by far the best football game on ps4. There still is small problems - although I don't have as big trouble with fouls as a lot of you guys. It's a bit unbalanced, but they are there. It's better.

Small things will improve longevity of Master League. After a lot of testing with Milan before starting the "real" save, I must say that it's much better. Release clauses is a problem, but the players I could sign or better NOT sign was completely perfect in terms of Milans position. It will give the mode some perspective and I can see myself play a lot of seasons.

I think I will play this all year. Of course there are small things I hope become better and more like the demo (in some areas), but if I should choose between "maybe" getting the PERFECT game and the risk of loosing what we have now, I think it would be a easy choice.
The AI free kicks are a joke. They score every one.

How do I make the wall jump?
Nothing personal really (you know me), I just take that comment as an example:

“That freaking car is a joke. Not doing more than 16 mph and other drivers are passing me all the time.
How do I change gears?”

Edit: thought of it again... and i can’t leave you guys like this. Would it be helpful to visit the doctor?! :D
I mean, I could be Dr. Pro (the doc PES players trust), and have a live chat with you guys on PS4 (while streaming) to answer Q’s and give a helping hand...

Not that I know it all but I could think of this being helpful. Just an offer! :BYE:
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Love this place, but this is really the time of the year where I will consider cutting down on Evo Web.

I know this is what we are here for. Debating about the game.. But I am enjoying PES so much - and I'm not strong enough not to take care about others opinion.

No.. What I'm scared of is to find something here that will take my focus from enjoying this to get frustrated about something else, and really.. This year I don't want that. It's so rewarding finally enjoy it again.

It will be less frequently from here and I will scroll quick through it.

It's a game. Sometimes we should remember it. I see people calling it broken all the time.. Really. It's not perfect, but I don't think that much is broken. In my Master League it's close to perfect and it's a massive update from the last couple of years.

The individuality is toned a bit down compared to the demo, but I do think it really stands out. Kessies physics is a gamechanger. Suso and his technique. Piatek and his finishing, but more importantly also the lack of quality on my team. Biglia is too slow. Calhanoglu and Suso also. It's real. It's good.

Also there is a lot of variety in the games I'm playing. Still not perfect, because I'm not sure that I think I can truly feel how the teams are playing compared to real life. But each game have its own life. It's hard to predict and I'm getting surprised of how each game develop. It's fun and rewarding.

Also I want to mention scripting. Although there still is problems with the free kicks I don't feel cheated at all on superstar actually. I am punished from my own mistakes.
When talking on AI I also need to address the huge difference between the best, the similar and the worse teams you are meeting. In ICC I lost every game against superior teams and I have also had trouble against less good teams because of creativity problems.

Again.. It's rewarding, because I need to change my approach and do the right thing.

I really think that this addition is incomparable. Completely. It is by far the best football game on ps4. There still is small problems - although I don't have as big trouble with fouls as a lot of you guys. It's a bit unbalanced, but they are there. It's better.

Small things will improve longevity of Master League. After a lot of testing with Milan before starting the "real" save, I must say that it's much better. Release clauses is a problem, but the players I could sign or better NOT sign was completely perfect in terms of Milans position. It will give the mode some perspective and I can see myself play a lot of seasons.

I think I will play this all year. Of course there are small things I hope become better and more like the demo (in some areas), but if I should choose between "maybe" getting the PERFECT game and the risk of loosing what we have now, I think it would be a easy choice.


Considering (sadly, because I love this place) to cut down time on Evo Web as well for your same motivation. I just played an England (me) Belgium which was.. wow, just lovely.. ton of fouls (4-6), ton of physical duels, Hazard even did some sweet moves (saved some, maybe I'll up them later), and even if the game was definitely fast I LOVED IT all the same.. because I think it's wonderful this year we have low rythms when there are small teams, and higher rythms with big ones.. it may not be perfect, but if you feel something different and varied for each single game according to who is on the field, to me it's something of absolute value, not the opposite..

There is stuff that I loved about the demo but I'd never pick it over this, especially the no-pressing/kinda situationally unaware CPU.
Guys, this may have been discussed already and i've have searched the forum for the answer, but is there no free training? Where are tutorials?
Good to see some positive reactions here. I genuinely think that if they fixed a few things with the game, you'd have the best PES this generation by far on your hands.

I think that's what a lot of people feel, which almost ups the ante of the complaint – we're on the cusp of greatness here.
Good to see some positive reactions here. I genuinely think that if they fixed a few things with the game, you'd have the best PES this generation by far on your hands.

I think that's what a lot of people feel, which almost ups the ante of the complaint – we're on the cusp of greatness here.
I’ll just come here now every day and say the positive stuff over and over again!! :LOL:


Edit: 9.2 at metacritic with over 300 user ratings right. Started with 9.5 and about 50 ratings. Just saying. :)
Good to see some positive reactions here. I genuinely think that if they fixed a few things with the game, you'd have the best PES this generation by far on your hands.

I think that's what a lot of people feel, which almost ups the ante of the complaint – we're on the cusp of greatness here.
Yupp,if it were 100% crap people would just roll over and die,but since we're close to a great game,it's pretty annoying atm
I just hope that their Facebook group is no media bullshit and they actually listen. Most of the comments are stupid imho.
"More licenses" etc. How is that supposed to help them?
"Referees are bad". Yeah wow, please don't elaborate more...
After all this time, fatigue matters now. Last year it was more visual, but now the players who look knackered actually are. I have made quite a few subs just because I suddenly saw someone trudging along the pitch like they were about to fall over.
Players completely knackered after 40 mins is all kind of wrong. Second half you see players with no stamina left after 70 mins. Matt Le Tissier was more fit than half of these guys.

Then you bring a sub on and they are like a wasp having just hoovered up a line of prop. Speeding past everyone else on the pitch. Bringing Douglas Costa on after 80 mins is one of the weirdest things ive ever seen. Hes like twice as fast as everyone else .

Its far too exaggerated.
On AI free kicks :Just press L1 R3 (the right analog button) and you can position your keeper in the middle of the goal.

Right before they take the free kick switch it back to normal and make your wall jump

A general thought on the game so far:

More user fouls need to be called, i did win a penalty which was a clean tackle and got an injured player due to fatigue on top player ML.

AI is still one dimensional and score one identical goal which is turn and shoot, I can counter it but it gets repetitive after 25 games.

I believe sorting out the AI tactics will save this game, It’s a very very good game so far offline.

i coudlnt disagree more.here is a video of 100 clips of AI attacking in a variety of ways

Players completely knackered after 40 mins is all kind of wrong. Second half you see players with no stamina left after 70 mins. Matt Le Tissier was more fit than half of these guys.

Then you bring a sub on and they are like a wasp having just hoovered up a line of prop. Speeding past everyone else on the pitch. Bringing Douglas Costa on after 80 mins is one of the weirdest things ive ever seen. Hes like twice as fast as everyone else .

Its far too exaggerated.
Hm... i don’t have that problem.
I don’t use much sprinting and I have a look at the offensive/defensive level.
Playing on red1 the whole game surely drains them empty. Sprinting all the time surely drains them empty.
Using both wisely, it’s just a joy and shows how good the stamina system works in 2020, imo.
Love this place, but this is really the time of the year where I will consider cutting down on Evo Web.

I know this is what we are here for. Debating about the game.. But I am enjoying PES so much - and I'm not strong enough not to take care about others opinion.

No.. What I'm scared of is to find something here that will take my focus from enjoying this to get frustrated about something else, and really.. This year I don't want that. It's so rewarding finally enjoy it again.

It will be less frequently from here and I will scroll quick through it.

It's a game. Sometimes we should remember it. I see people calling it broken all the time.. Really. It's not perfect, but I don't think that much is broken. In my Master League it's close to perfect and it's a massive update from the last couple of years.

The individuality is toned a bit down compared to the demo, but I do think it really stands out. Kessies physics is a gamechanger. Suso and his technique. Piatek and his finishing, but more importantly also the lack of quality on my team. Biglia is too slow. Calhanoglu and Suso also. It's real. It's good.

Also there is a lot of variety in the games I'm playing. Still not perfect, because I'm not sure that I think I can truly feel how the teams are playing compared to real life. But each game have its own life. It's hard to predict and I'm getting surprised of how each game develop. It's fun and rewarding.

Also I want to mention scripting. Although there still is problems with the free kicks I don't feel cheated at all on superstar actually. I am punished from my own mistakes.
When talking on AI I also need to address the huge difference between the best, the similar and the worse teams you are meeting. In ICC I lost every game against superior teams and I have also had trouble against less good teams because of creativity problems.

Again.. It's rewarding, because I need to change my approach and do the right thing.

I really think that this addition is incomparable. Completely. It is by far the best football game on ps4. There still is small problems - although I don't have as big trouble with fouls as a lot of you guys. It's a bit unbalanced, but they are there. It's better.

Small things will improve longevity of Master League. After a lot of testing with Milan before starting the "real" save, I must say that it's much better. Release clauses is a problem, but the players I could sign or better NOT sign was completely perfect in terms of Milans position. It will give the mode some perspective and I can see myself play a lot of seasons.

I think I will play this all year. Of course there are small things I hope become better and more like the demo (in some areas), but if I should choose between "maybe" getting the PERFECT game and the risk of loosing what we have now, I think it would be a easy choice.
I feel exactly the same as you. Good post.

There are issues and minor things that p*ss me off about the game but, man, PES hasn't felt THIS good in a very long time. And this is from someone who wasn't feeling it at first.

I'm enjoying this game a HELL of a lot. It's far from perfect, but PES was never perfect anyway. We could do with a few more fouls every match and the CPU not to be so effective from free kicks but apart from that, it's a damn good game of PES this year.

And Master League is massively improved too. They've made progress with the game this year, make no mistake about it. And I've been hugely criticial of Adam, Konami and the PES team for years now.

I was already fed up with PES 2018 and 19 by now. They were shallow, empty experiences. This is on a different planet to those games.
I feel exactly the same as you. Good post.

There are issues and minor things that p*ss me off about the game but, man, PES hasn't felt THIS good in a very long time. And this is from someone who wasn't feeling it at first.

I'm enjoying this game a HELL of a lot. It's far from perfect, but PES was never perfect anyway. We could do with a few more fouls every match and the CPU not to be so effective from free kicks but apart from that, it's a damn good game of PES this year.

And Master League is massively improved too. They've made progress with the game this year, make no mistake about it. And I've been hugely criticial of Adam, Konami and the PES team for years now.

I was already fed up with PES 2018 and 19 by now. They were shallow, empty experiences. This is on a different planet to those games.
I still remember your post in the demo thread that announced you were done with the game and that the post would be your last for a long time.

Things have definitely changed!
Looks fishy. So many users there with their first ever rating. Could just be Konami employees.

EDIT: For example: https://www.metacritic.com/user/Tyyf
Yeah. Could be. That’s right.
Just noticed it fits the overall reactions, including mine, and I’m a very “in detail” person.
And in comparison: wasn’t the prior versions (17, 18, 19) more in the 7.xx department?!

Edit: nope, it was more like 6.5 - 7.3!

Edit: I really like the little additions to ML! Shortcuts to menus that where hiding deep, stats section and such... minor stuff, but it’s a revamp as promised, imo!!

I am not still used to the menu. The purple-dark colors are making my sight harder, i cannot find the "Missions" menu and the most useful tab, "INFO ON ENTERED COMPETITIONS" is again buried this year inside another sub-menu. Also in the "home menu" there is nowhere stated the date, i only check it through the schedule, i hope it is stated somewhere outisde and i am missing it till this moment.
I still remember your post in the demo thread that announced you were done with the game and that the post would be your last for a long time.

Things have definitely changed!
I was done. I just predicted that it would be PES 2019.5.

The Master League this year is so much fun. Yes some games can be frustrating and the script rears it’s ugly head in Super Star but it’s no way as intense and ‘cheaty’ as recent PES games.

I’ve had some moments with this game over the last 24 hours where I have stopped and said “Wow, THAT was cool.”

The CPU does attack in different ways now. Earlier I was playing v Bayern and their winger (his name escapes me) ran from the byline taking on my left back, then he did a step over and got past my CB and cut in, shot with his left foot and it ricocheted off the inside of my post and went in.

Even though the goal was against me, I loved it. I haven’t seen the CPU try stuff like that in PES since...I actually can’t remember!
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