eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

The skills list menu is pretty poor at explaining things isn't it (shock! :D)

Auto-feint appears to work like this -
* makes basic skills all the same input and picks one at random.
* locks you out of the advanced skills completely
* BUT it makes intermediate skills much easier to do - because these are the ones that are most effective anyway that is why I believe most people will be perfectly fine keeping auto-feint on.

So, I'm sure you already know that the skills list changes depending on whether auto feint is on or off:

Auto-feint off Auto-feint on
The only skills this causes a problem with is basic step-overs because for some reason they're all the same input!

As far as I can work out all 3 of these are done completely at random with auto feint on, unless a player has a specific trait such as 'multiple step-overs', in which case they'll always do that.

When you get to the intermediate skills however this is where auto-feint is really useful.

Take the 'Marseille Turn' as an example, instead of having to spin the right stick around, with auto feint on it's nothing more complicated than View attachment 19685 on the right stick and View attachment 19688 on the left stick.

All the other intermediate skills work in the same way; point the left stick one way, point the right stick another, and each combination will do a different skill. Simple. To learn which direction does what it's best to just work them out yourself with a bit of trial and error, and the skills list is horrible at explaining it.

In case you're worried on missing out on something by turning auto-feint on; the only skills you'll be locked out of are ones like the '3 touch roulette' like this:

It looks cool, but the animation is so long, and pressure is so powerful that it makes skills like this totally uneffective in 99% of situations anyway, so you're really not missing out on them.
It looks like i gotta learn these tricks as while the game is like the PS2 titles the dribbling is much harder with it being 360 directions rather than 8.

Anyone else feel the dribbling was slightly better in the demo?
Having Juventus and Inter as my first two games on my restart with Genoa.
0-0 and 1-1
Love to defend in this game,really rewarding.
Also like how difficult it can be to score on this game.
If this keeps up (already had half a season on my first ML) this game will easily pass Pes 17 as the best current gen game.
Thanks for your advice, makes sense. My biggest gripe is the players response and their inability to attempt to go for the ball when it's stopped a yard away from them. Does this not happen in any other modes, is it just a myclub thing or something fundamental with the game mechanics? It's the only thing in the game which stops it behaving like proper football

In PES there is always an element of AI awareness lacking its always been an issue but really this one is alot better for that. Players block the ball with different parts of the body and attempt in more situations and defenders can intercept much better than before. But you will always need to use super cancel to fully feel in control and to mitigate some of those awareness issues. For me one of the things I love about PES is sometimes the battle isnt even on the pitch but you getting full control of your team, once you do you feel like a master.
Just changed video quality to recommended 8 bit instead of 10 or 12.
Ibrox now looks like it should
That worked? Great! 8bit is good for RGB 4:4:4. HDR uses 10bit 4:2:0 or 4:2:2.

Also make sure you're using the correct black level on tv, so you avoid crushed blacks and washed out pictures.
Eurogamer review is finally out, They call it a Brilliant, Broken and Bizzare game of football.

"There's a lack of responsiveness across the board here that sabotages refined dribbling. Andres Iniesta, one of the greatest midfielders of all time, was able to turn on a sixpence. He'd finish 90 minutes without a spot of dirt on his shirt because his markers couldn't get near him. How a football game on which Iniesta consulted ended up featuring players who play like they're hungover is anyone's guess"

I do feel they have made it more Fifa'ish in that its a passing game rather than dribbling game. Also i really get the hungover part after 35 mins or 70 mins it's like all the players are running in mud and they refuse to make runs at times.
That worked? Great! 8bit is good for RGB 4:4:4. HDR uses 10bit 4:2:0 or 4:2:2.
I did some other calibration as well, probably more likely those were the real reason
I got the tip on various sites to go for 8 bit (if you play both old and newer games SD/HD/4k)

Anyway it looks so much better.
Would you recommend 10 bit though?
It’s better than 17 and I really enjoyed that game.

This is the best PES since 2013.

2013 and 2011 are still my favourite games since the golden years. Both because the passing was great and free. If Konami just freed up the passing to PA0.5 this would easily elipse both of those since the other areas of the game are soo far ahead.
Eurogamer review is finally out, They call it a Brilliant, Broken and Bizzare game of football.

"There's a lack of responsiveness across the board here that sabotages refined dribbling. Andres Iniesta, one of the greatest midfielders of all time, was able to turn on a sixpence. He'd finish 90 minutes without a spot of dirt on his shirt because his markers couldn't get near him. How a football game on which Iniesta consulted ended up featuring players who play like they're hungover is anyone's guess"

I do feel they have made it more Fifa'ish in that its a passing game rather than dribbling game. Also i really get the hungover part after 35 mins or 70 mins it's like all the players are running in mud and they refuse to make runs at times.

This whole response thing is always a matter of opinion. Its like the cod vs battlefield debate. Some people want it to take a second for the player to properly control the ball and move, others want the player to move immediately forgetting inertia or physics.

For me I just prefer there being a level of realism. So for example if I spray a cross field pass I want the player receiving the ball to have to take it down maybe it bounces up a bit and he has to control it again before moving forward.
I learn it playing on the pitch. No way to have more succes dribbling if you're able to look to defenders foots instead of yours.

But what I am saying is that there is no set rule for dribbling, style and reactions are unique to each person.. so I get what you are trying to point out in your comment, but you cannot put PES down for having bad dribbling / defender reactions to dribbling based on set guidelines.

Infact if PES had set 'rules' implemented for dribbling, it would get boring very quick as people would suss out what input would be a success more than what wouldnt.
This whole response thing is always a matter of opinion. Its like the cod vs battlefield debate. Some people want it to take a second for the player to properly control the ball and move, others want the player to move immediately forgetting inertia or physics.

For me I just prefer there being a level of realism. So for example if I spray a cross field pass I want the player receiving the ball to have to take it down maybe it bounces up a bit and he has to control it again before moving forward.
I don't think the issue is responsiveness. I think responsiveness is mostly fine, everything has a good level of heft and weight.

The issue with the dribbling is that the defenders often respond too well to your jinking and change in momentum, and then the reduction in the amount of shielding combined with the lack of fouls and the bias of physicality in favour of pressuring defenders means AI defenders routinely win most duels.

So it's not responsiveness of controls, it's that the AI knows what you're going to do and, once their defender is in contact with your dribbler, you're going to lose the ball.

Again - it just needs tweaking, and we just need to hope Konami use judgement to recognise what the real problem is, rather than make dribbling super speedy and kill the weight of the game, just because lots of fans have identified the right problem but the wrong solution.
View attachment 19686
1/ Fouls & physicality. In the demo, pressuring by holding Square or X was punished heavily. If skilful enough, players could anticipate the tackle and shift bodyweight to evade it. We know that some foul decisions were wrong in the demo, but in the Day 1 patch, players now tackle through the back or side, often knocking over the ball carrier, without any fouls being given. The demo’s physicality gave players more time on the ball, allowing them to use the wonderful new finesse system. Unfortunately, on the latest build, finesse touches are punished by opponents who quickly press, without fear of giving away fouls.
Also cpu not dribbling in final version should be highlighted
In PES there is always an element of AI awareness lacking its always been an issue but really this one is alot better for that. Players block the ball with different parts of the body and attempt in more situations and defenders can intercept much better than before. But you will always need to use super cancel to fully feel in control and to mitigate some of those awareness issues. For me one of the things I love about PES is sometimes the battle isnt even on the pitch but you getting full control of your team, once you do you feel like a master.

I don't think that's what Im trying to express, I get that control is down to me if I press actions without cancelling etc and I can see the interception situations. All look good, it's the unresponsiveness in unforgivable situations which I certintly didn't see in 2016 and I haven't seen in Fifa. Certainly not to the extent which maddens me in this.

What I'm seeing in this really is unforgivable. A ball closer to my player who does nothing even with time to spare only for an opponent to eventually run in and pick up the ball. It happens a lot, way too much and really does break the immersion to the point it's not enjoyable.

Clunky is a word I would use to describe it.

I really want to love this game, it has so much potential. I can excuse a niggle, but when you can't take control of a player next to the ball, or the ai refuses to see and act on ball when the player is closest to it (Very often in a game) it stops being a game of football.

If this gets sorted, it's the best footy game ever. But even though Fifa is an inferior game, without this issue it's more enjoyable to play.
Can't comprehend the praise this game is getting. It's one scrappy, ugly match after another for me.

Continues exactly where PES 19 left off on it's mission to drain the fun out of the game.

I hope you guys who aren't getting (as much) enjoyment from it will continue to play and post - otherwise the forum will have a skewed opinion that.

What could be the cause of the different opinions? Is it related to version? Is it mode? Is it team level? Really hard to tell.
right, starting an ML now on the work PS4 Pro with the pesteam.it OF. wish me luck :D i might bring back the ML stories if it goes well!

enjoyable, but going to take a lot of messing around with tactics until i get something that i like i reckon. trying to get an old school 442 to work is going to be tough i reckon
Finally played two games.. well, a game and half.

First was derby, top player, Lazio (me) vs Roma. I lost 1-2 but it was a very nice game, balanced, with a lot of fouls and some very nice things in the field. Loved the Roma build up when I was defending, the way they moved the ball around felt very very realistic.

Then an Urawa Red- Real Madrid, to try some lower stats, just a little lesso of half a time.. and wow, it indeed really feels like handling a small team, my guys really slow and clunky, Blancos pressed me all time and tried to score in any possible way, but I kept it 0-0.

Good vibes from this small beginning. Can't wait to play it again.
I hope you guys who aren't getting (as much) enjoyment from it will continue to play and post - otherwise the forum will have a skewed opinion that.

What could be the cause of the different opinions? Is it related to version? Is it mode? Is it team level? Really hard to tell.

I'll certainly keep trying, I really want to love this game it has so much promise. I'll try other modes and I'll also try to video the frustrating parts with unresponsiveness to see if other people are getting this. I'm on ver 1.2
A question regarding double touch @OBH

As we have to consider whether we are attacking right or left when pressing the sticks, do we also have to consider whether we are going up or down the pitch, or even at an angle?
I got my mind made up.
I'm going to start a Master League with Inter tonight.
Alexis Sanchez-Lukaku-Lautaro Martinez... too much firepower to pass on.
I'm going to need to build the team from the front to the back. Because some good midfielders are much needed.

We'll have more on this story as it develops.
Scored a pretty neat goal in my ML (top player, pa01) against one of the poorest sides in the league last night. I got this guy, Gamboa, Costa Rican RB, in on a free - and he's been ace to have down the right. Scoring here, and had an assist in the game before.

This is what i'm most worried about losing when we keep asking for the demo back. I hated it at first but the more I play it, the more I realise that it's for the better and makes playing much less about going through the motions and more about thinking.

The main thing we need from the demo really are those fouls I think.

I agree, Ive been going back and forth between the full game and demo and there are parts of the demo i like, but i honestly believe it's because the AI are easily tricked by every skill move/feint you do. You have so much more time to input the moves and think about what you're going to do. The game is harder now.

Pre patch there's no aggression really, so yes, it feels great when everyone is able to play like Weedens or Spoony and have all these skills pay off but post patch is still good, you'll just have to really be good at the game now in order to get away with what you were doing in the demo, yes it's slightly zippier but going -1 for game is a no no for me. It felt way too slow, slower than the demo.

All i want is more fouls. When i beat a man with skill and he barges me off the ball i want a foul called like in pre patch. Obstruction needs to be called more.
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