This whole dribbling thing for me comes down to the ai simply being smarter and more aggressive which for me is a big improvement from the demo. In the demo you barely had to do anything to get the better of The ai.
In the demo all it took was a little movement to the left 10 metres away for them to be completely frown off and they would barely challenge you once you had gone by them. Now there is an aggression they actually want the ball but they don't always run in they hold off alot so then it becomes about you drawing them in and maybe shifting left then right and then noticing there slight unbalanced position and taking advantage of that.
In the demo all it took was a little movement to the left 10 metres away for them to be completely frown off and they would barely challenge you once you had gone by them. Now there is an aggression they actually want the ball but they don't always run in they hold off alot so then it becomes about you drawing them in and maybe shifting left then right and then noticing there slight unbalanced position and taking advantage of that.