eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

Great post (the one you sent to devs)
The only thing I would add (and whats very important IMO) is that a lot of people, who complained about fouls, now realise and admit that it had been tweaked too far.

As I dont have facebook account anymore, id ask all those with such to give them feedback on it. Especially the ones who wanted fouls to be reduced and now are in agreement that there should be more.

Its not as much about the amount of fouls. The issue is that defending has been dumbed down. You dont need to be careful, you dont need to take your foot of the gas anymore as spamming X will do the job for you. Defending in the demo was one of most rewarding defending systems we ever had. Was it a side effect of strict referees? Maybe, but thats what made it.
They should only tweak collision detection when players are having an air battle and get tangled together while landing. And also the ones where player is kicking the ball and his animation is catching incoming defender causing foul. These stupid little fouls should go away, but all the others, caused by tackles should stay.

Now I still havent play it myself and Im just relying on opinions here, but things like timed tackles, pass errors, first touch error - these are the key elements that made this demo so beautiful and as close to a real match as we could get with current gen.

So hit them up boys and let them see how many of us is in there.

Add shoulder to shoulder challenges to that list that needed refined from the demo, too many of those were being called fouls when they weren't. But now we've got a situation were you just plough shoulder first into someone's back and get away with it!

You know I'm not sure you can rule out the possibility that Konami unintentionally & accidentally created more rewarding defending by just having broken refs... and now they've fixed them :LOL:
If you have the time, could you please test post patch on -1 gamespeed. I do believe it makes the passing and dribbling feel more like the demo, although i might be imagining things because i was pretty tired yesterday evening when i tried it.
but I play online so -1 is not possible. I can try it just to see though. The whole game feels weird, not just the speed. The Demo felt and looked like a completely different game
I would agree with this, but I think it's shooting more than superhuman goalkeepers - though it's a combination of both.

When I score, if I feel joy, it's because I've got through the grind of creating a chance versus 10 men behind the ball - not because of how great the shot is. The video I posted earlier is the first goal in, I don't know, 30 goals maybe, that I've considered worthy of recording.

In my opinion, and every PES is the same (going back to the beginning) - your shot is so clearly less about your input and your contextual interaction with the ball, and more "you're not supposed to score, so your striker hits it straight at the keeper".

Almost like Dungeons & Dragons football where you've got a bloke with a beard (I can say that, I've got a beard) going "mwahahaaa, you tried to score, but yet again you were thwarted!"

In one of the few matches I dominated in the ML, I had 20 shots. 7 were on target, but straight at the keeper. 13 were off-target and all hit the exact same spot, i.e. they missed by exactly the same degree. I lost 3-0 to the AI, all three goals counter-attacks, and I was ready to kill someone.

IMO, shot input is limited to three things - "straight at keeper", "six yards wide", "goal". With very, very little in-between.

This has stopped me from enjoying PES for a long time, but this year, the general gameplay and AI has been improved enough for me to enjoy it despite of this stuff.

In-fact, that's my overriding feeling - I'm enjoying this game despite of a hell of a lot of stuff. The awful presentation, cartoon player faces, "kill me now" commentary that's five years old, archaic animations that see players stop dead in the middle of runs and/or "stumble" when touched, not enough pass error (and sorry, the ball is NOT free, it 100% has to magnetise to someone after any deflection or tackle), zero shot variety and slightly superhuman keepers.

All of that stuff is utter garbage. But the good stuff... is really good.

(Of course, there will be certain people who say "solve shooting by using advanced/manual shooting". I can't get used to advanced - if I could flip the directions around I could, but otherwise, no, it's like being right-handed and forcing yourself to do something left-handed, some people can, I can't - and manual shots are all rockets IMO. So this isn't an answer for me.)

Yes, manual shots are rockets but you still have to hit them well to actually score. Better players then me might be able to pull it of, not me. Yet, as i said earlier, i would recommend anyone to try out manual R2 shots (disable power bar). For me it adds a bit of depth to shooting when you force yourself to make a concious decision to go for a more powerful shot or curl it around the keeper with R2. Most of the time i choose the latter, espcially if i have the player for it. Bad players can really screw up finesse shots.
One thing I’ll say about 2020:

It’s the closest they’ve ever got to replicating the golden age of PES games. Yes, someone might shout “PES 6 had better tactics”, and they’d be right, but as a package in its entirety PES 2020 gets a lot more right than it gets wrong than it has done for years.
IMO this feels nothing like the old PES games, this is something completely different.
First impressions;

- Gameplay is faster.
- Shooting is quicker, but less precise.
- Passing is more on rails
- Defenders mark their strikers better and they cover their area/zone a lot better

Now, combine these changes and you will feel like you'll play a completely different version of the game, compared to the demo. In the demo you really needed to think ahead and make use of the strategy applied. Dribbling was more and better presented. For example: when you created space around the 16 meters yard, and tried to find an opening, you could subtle move and dribble inside the box with Messi, or Suarez would make a subtle walk in space so you had the chance to pass. You needed to think, applie strategy, create openings. Player individuality was more present .

Now it feels more like a simplified version. To bad, because the demo was great and had all the I'm missing right now. Playing on Xbox.
you're spot on.
Could it be that the way the demo worked is just not possible for the full game because of memory/space issues with current gen?
but I play online so -1 is not possible. I can try it just to see though. The whole game feels weird, not just the speed. The Demo felt and looked like a completely different game

Yea, it only fixes offline which is a real bummer. I loved some of the demo matches online and met a lot of other fuma players the last couple of weeks. Was really looking forward playing matches with them but alas. My hope is Konami will listen to the fans, meanwhile ill try to have some fun offline.

Try it, maybe i am just in denail and want it to be true.
Do you think they’ll be sorted tomorrow with the Data Pack update?
Nope,I hope so,but I wouldn't count on it.
Probably in the first patch/dlc
Pretty empty in the boots department as well,plus Brescia (Brutie ) should be licenced too if I remember correctly.
But I think rosters are prio nr 1 right now,squads are all over the map as you know
I played the demo a lot but online mainly due to the longer matches so I can’t really comment on the pre-patch game against the cpu. However I’m enjoying patch 1.01 - it feels slightly faster but I love the cpu AI, very varied and you have to really work an opening.

I played a friendly online match last night and it was awful - so fast & really ping pong in nature. Far removed from online games on the demo.

If there’s anyone who fancies some online matches please add me ‘Villan2112’ on psn. Or if there any communities I could join?
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Do you think they’ll be sorted tomorrow with the Data Pack update?
There will be no Data Pack tomorrow. According to Konami's website, the Data Pack came out on release day yesterday. Tomorrow is just the weekly Live Update which only updates rosters.

My guess is that players that weren't in the game before like Pulisic, Jovic, Edson Alvarez will show up in the roster update with a generic face, after which we will have to wait yet a couple more weeks for updated faces.
There will be no Data Pack tomorrow. According to Konami's website, the Data Pack came out on release day yesterday. Tomorrow is just the weekly Live Update which only updates rosters.

My guess is that players that weren't in the game before like Pulisic, Jovic, Edson Alvarez will show up in the roster update with a generic face, after which we will have to wait yet a couple more weeks for updated faces.
Thanks for the info.
IMO this feels nothing like the old PES games, this is something completely different.
It feels very much like the older PES games. Feels like an evolution of PES 5 & 6 rather than the crap they put out in the last 10 or so years.

edit: I see you only play online, Yeah online feels like a totally different game to the offline one. You should give offline a go if you liked the older games.
I'm the very definition of casual gamer (only play offline, single player for PES) and I don't go on here too often so apologies if this has been covered.

I downloaded the demo a couple of days after it came out and wasn't impressed, to me it felt pretty much like a shinier version of PES 2019 which in itself I ended up detesting and giving up on after about a month. Pretty much gave up on buying the new one there and then for the first time since about 2001. I left it alone for ages and then a couple of weeks ago I just decided to have a quick match on the demo and it felt completely different, much more fluid and exciting to play.

Anyway that spurred me on to buy the game in full last week and it arrived on Saturday (kudos ShopTo). I immediately loved it - I had probably 15/20 matches over the course of the weekend and every match felt fantastic to play. My players were making intelligent runs off the ball, no scripting, lots of great animations, goals felt rewarding (in fact I don't recall seeing the same goal scored twice), pace and acceleration of players were just visible for once, the weight/physicality side of the players felt spot on, the AI actually looked quite creative going forward, and there was so much unpredictability that every game I felt like I discovered or saw something new - in short, it was the best PES I'd played by a country mile.

Anyway, fast forward to earlier on in the week and I hurriedly skipped through the menus telling me about the new patch, and every match I've played since has been utter dirge. It feels much less responsive, a lot more rigid, like the AI are built to stop you from playing rather than being remotely expansive, and everything I listed above seems to have just reverted back to normal - it just doesn't feel fun at all and frankly just reminds me of 2019. AI pass error is all over the place too, I had a match against Luxembourg on top player earlier and I don't recall them misplacing one pass all match. Shambles.

Presumably this is all because of the patch, but god knows why (to me, anyway), Konami has decided to go in the opposite direction when they had a fantastic thing going for them. Did anyone else play the version pre-patch and does anyone else feel the same? Excuse what's probably a stupid question, but I can't go back to the pre-patch version can I?
I'm the very definition of casual gamer (only play offline, single player for PES) and I don't go on here too often so apologies if this has been covered.

I downloaded the demo a couple of days after it came out and wasn't impressed, to me it felt pretty much like a shinier version of PES 2019 which in itself I ended up detesting and giving up on after about a month. Pretty much gave up on buying the new one there and then for the first time since about 2001. I left it alone for ages and then a couple of weeks ago I just decided to have a quick match on the demo and it felt completely different, much more fluid and exciting to play.

Anyway that spurred me on to buy the game in full last week and it arrived on Saturday (kudos ShopTo). I immediately loved it - I had probably 15/20 matches over the course of the weekend and every match felt fantastic to play. My players were making intelligent runs off the ball, no scripting, lots of great animations, goals felt rewarding (in fact I don't recall seeing the same goal scored twice), pace and acceleration of players were just visible for once, the weight/physicality side of the players felt spot on, the AI actually looked quite creative going forward, and there was so much unpredictability that every game I felt like I discovered or saw something new - in short, it was the best PES I'd played by a country mile.

Anyway, fast forward to earlier on in the week and I hurriedly skipped through the menus telling me about the new patch, and every match I've played since has been utter dirge. It feels much less responsive, a lot more rigid, like the AI are built to stop you from playing rather than being remotely expansive, and everything I listed above seems to have just reverted back to normal - it just doesn't feel fun at all and frankly just reminds me of 2019. AI pass error is all over the place too, I had a match against Luxembourg on top player earlier and I don't recall them misplacing one pass all match. Shambles.

Presumably this is all because of the patch, but god knows why (to me, anyway), Konami has decided to go in the opposite direction when they had a fantastic thing going for them. Did anyone else play the version pre-patch and does anyone else feel the same? Excuse what's probably a stupid question, but I can't go back to the pre-patch version can I?
You can go back to the pre patch version if you have a physical copy.
Presumably this is all because of the patch, but god knows why (to me, anyway), Konami has decided to go in the opposite direction when they had a fantastic thing going for them. Did anyone else play the version pre-patch and does anyone else feel the same? Excuse what's probably a stupid question, but I can't go back to the pre-patch version can I?

Yes, lots of people are having these exact same complaints after the patch. Best you can do at this point is go to their shiny new feedback page on facebook and copy paste your text there in the hopes they will recalibrate things in a future patch: https://t.co/fCrupvsI5Y?amp=1
That's bloody beautiful. I am no graphic designer so have just been using pes masters kit creator to make mine. Do you mind me asking what program you used to make it and how you got that screen shot of it like that?

Thanks mate. I use photoshop and gimp to design the kits then when its finished i have a 3d photoshop model that I layer the kit on to for preview purposes
This makes no sense to me.
How can shots be less varied? Literally EVERY goal the AI scored in 2019 was via low cross.

Or even if you’re talking about playing online, advanced shooting is still the minority so that kind of goal wouldn’t even be possible by many of the people you’re against.

I meant that, compared to the demo shots in the full game seem to have less variety in trajectories.
But I'm not so sure anymore having played this whole evening. I think, what I felt was off with shots, was that they were pulled off too quick like the animation of player swinging his leg was shortened and were too powerfull.
I think this is the case in general, that the full game is much more responsive and therefore feels faster compared to the demo.

This game though has definately grown on me, especially after I started a league (Spanish with Betis). Even shots feel better in league mode and I recommend anyone who's disillusioned with the full game to try it if they've only played exhibition.

Only bummer so far playing the league is that my first win in my 4th game was away to Barcelona. It was the easiest match of the 4 and the game again felt too quick, light weight and with too much space all around the pitch.

Besides that it seems that AI dribbling has almost disappeared which is a real shame!
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I'm the very definition of casual gamer (only play offline, single player for PES) and I don't go on here too often so apologies if this has been covered.

I downloaded the demo a couple of days after it came out and wasn't impressed, to me it felt pretty much like a shinier version of PES 2019 which in itself I ended up detesting and giving up on after about a month. Pretty much gave up on buying the new one there and then for the first time since about 2001. I left it alone for ages and then a couple of weeks ago I just decided to have a quick match on the demo and it felt completely different, much more fluid and exciting to play.

Anyway that spurred me on to buy the game in full last week and it arrived on Saturday (kudos ShopTo). I immediately loved it - I had probably 15/20 matches over the course of the weekend and every match felt fantastic to play. My players were making intelligent runs off the ball, no scripting, lots of great animations, goals felt rewarding (in fact I don't recall seeing the same goal scored twice), pace and acceleration of players were just visible for once, the weight/physicality side of the players felt spot on, the AI actually looked quite creative going forward, and there was so much unpredictability that every game I felt like I discovered or saw something new - in short, it was the best PES I'd played by a country mile.

Anyway, fast forward to earlier on in the week and I hurriedly skipped through the menus telling me about the new patch, and every match I've played since has been utter dirge. It feels much less responsive, a lot more rigid, like the AI are built to stop you from playing rather than being remotely expansive, and everything I listed above seems to have just reverted back to normal - it just doesn't feel fun at all and frankly just reminds me of 2019. AI pass error is all over the place too, I had a match against Luxembourg on top player earlier and I don't recall them misplacing one pass all match. Shambles.

Presumably this is all because of the patch, but god knows why (to me, anyway), Konami has decided to go in the opposite direction when they had a fantastic thing going for them. Did anyone else play the version pre-patch and does anyone else feel the same? Excuse what's probably a stupid question, but I can't go back to the pre-patch version can I?

once the scripting was added the game died
You can praise this mess all you want...but the cherry on top that the cpu doesnt even dribble anymore! Im playing the same game, exhibition/Barca-Juve and Dybala and Ronaldo just pass the ball as soon as they get it, it was never a case in the demo, both player were a selfish a-hole. They killed the dribbling player id too.

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Seems a fair enough review, even though for imo the 2 negative aspects you mentioned are really a game changer (for the worst)
What difficulty do you play? Is v1.0.2 on console the same as pc only version?

1- Game Changer for the worst? I'm not sure I'm following you.
2- I play on Top Player. And yes, I don't see why v1.0.2 would be different from PC to consoles?.
1- Game Changer for the worst? I'm not sure I'm following you.
2- I play on Top Player. And yes, I don't see why v1.0.2 would be different from PC to consoles?.
1- I mean that less freedom and less mistakes are 2 things that made the demo gameplay different compared to the previous versions of pes, so it is really disappointing that they tuned them down for the final version; they removed the main things that made a difference from previous years
2- Until now I can agree that top player is the best, more balanced level for the final version; sadly they made legend level once again robotic, not human and also superstar is much more scripted than top player. For the version I mean that in pc we have 1.0.1 not 1.0.2!!
You can praise this mess all you want...but the cherry on top that the cpu doesnt even dribble anymore! Im playing the same game, exhibition/Barca-Juve and Dybala and Ronaldo just pass the ball as soon as they get it, it was never a case in the demo, both player were a selfish a-hole. They killed the dribbling player id too.

Mate I don't see that at all. I've seen many players dribbling against me. Doing skill moves and bursting with pace past my defenders on superstar and on legend difficulty.

AI is the best it's been in a long time.
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