eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

One thing I love about how physical the AI are (and there's a lot I hate about it) is that it encourages you to maybe take a shot on, as your next touch could lead to being dispossessed. It's been far too easy since forever to keep working the ball into a perfect shooting position, now you have to think about going for it while you have the space, or maybe take an extra touch to get into a better position but risk losing the ball.

Anyone have any dribbling/skill tips for beating a man? I feel like this is what i'm lack most at the moment.
Got my first penalty in international cup yesterday and scored, it was me shielding and the AI stand up tackle.

Fouls are there the ref is just to lenient to the AI, a lot of similar tackles i'm getting pulled up for.

Anyway thought i'd share this, its just a magic moment - not a screamer just a deflection and then a goal off the back of it.
The Thai league games play so good. PA 1 Ad Shooting and -1 speed
Very nice to see. Would you say the feel of playing a lower league is finally back all around?
* Do anyone know if your rating affects your chances to play other PA1- people in Divisions? Because when set to "similar settings" on PA0 I get paired solely other PA0- guys. But on PA1 it seems I get paired with PA2-3- users as well. You start with A and can work your way up to AAA, so perhaps the triple- A gives you a greater chance of other PA1- people? Confusing and annoying.

With filter set to similar, if you play pa1 you will be matched with anyone who doesn't play manual.. so you can face pa1, 2 or 3 users. It's sooo dumb.
For me though the biggest problem with PA1 isn't so much other people but the fact that it quite often just don't pass where I want
Can you try something?
I had same issue on Pes19 PA1. It got better once I figured out that power of the pass has a big impact to where the pass will go.
I dont know if you remember the conversation about passing trap zones, but my guess would be that this is exactly what is happening there.
So for example - if you want to pass the ball straight up, to your player in the middle, but you also have defender closer to you, who is slightly behind you - your player will pass the ball behind if you dont imput enough power to reach the guy in the middle (even if you are holding your direction up).
So consider power input when passing and adjust it to the distance between your player and pass receiver that you are aiming for.
I might be wrong here, but it worked for me on 19 and you have nothing to lose.
Can you try something?
I had same issue on Pes19 PA1. It got better once I figured out that power of the pass has a big impact to where the pass will go.
I dont know if you remember the conversation about passing trap zones, but my guess would be that this is exactly what is happening there.
So for example - if you want to pass the ball straight up, to your player in the middle, but you also have defender closer to you, who is slightly behind you - your player will pass the ball behind if you dont imput enough power to reach the guy in the middle (even if you are holding your direction up).
So consider power input when passing and adjust it to the distance between your player and pass receiver that you are aiming for.
I might be wrong here, but it worked for me on 19 and you have nothing to lose.

Great, will try that, thanks pal!
With filter set to similar, if you play pa1 you will be matched with anyone who doesn't play manual.. so you can face pa1, 2 or 3 users. It's sooo dumb.

Insanely stupid, it's such an easy thing to filter out too. My guess is most people just use the default option so it's not like it would be hard finding other PA1- players.
If you have the time, could you please test post patch on -1 gamespeed. I do believe it makes the passing and dribbling feel more like the demo, although i might be imagining things because i was pretty tired yesterday evening when i tried it.

Once I switched to a national team I soon switched to -1. But I have to play a lot more to find out the optimal settings.
One thing about the stadium cam is that sometimes when I change the angle, etc, I end up with the ball going off camera! Not sure which setting causes this.
The game has been tweaked fr Esports. Except they have tuned it far too much. No one playing esports or being a spectator don't want to see niggly fouls and stop and starts. They want to see end to end precise football, which is why all the so called pros play on assisted controls because they want EVERY advantage.

The patched game is not a disaster by any stretch, but once you've played with the freedom and unpredictability of the demo/pre patch its hard to accept anything else.

Its just another symptom of online gaming for me. Esports, always online connectivity, human cheating - I'll never understand what the draw is with multiplayer unless you play with like minded friends.

I mean the fact that Konami BLOCK you from importing without a patch even when connected to the internet in 2019 is bloody ridiculous.
I mean the fact that Konami BLOCK you from importing without a patch even when connected to the internet in 2019 is bloody ridiculous
That is ridiculous but I dont think its Konami doing it deliberately. This is just side effect of legal issues. They cant let you import offensive stuff, so they need to verify your account and age.

As for final version - I keep saying give them a chance. This is basically day 1 patch. Last year day 1 was diabolical. They had feedback about fouls, they acted on it and went a bit too far. So gather your examples, clips and keep feeding back that they went too far. They already said to few people that if feedback is that they went too far - they will adjust it again. We just have to keep pushing it on twitter.
That is ridiculous but I dont think its Konami doing it deliberately. This is just side effect of legal issues. They cant let you import offensive stuff, so they need to verify your account and age.

As for final version - I keep saying give them a chance. This is basically day 1 patch. Last year day 1 was diabolical. They had feedback about fouls, they acted on it and went a bit too far. So gather your examples, clips and keep feeding back that they went too far. They already said to few people that if feedback is that they went too far - they will adjust it again. We just have to keep pushing it on twitter.

Would it really be that crazy to have a gameplay slider for offline? Online with the latest patch at all times, but an ability to choose version for offline. Maybe. I'm not a programmer
Finally I had a match on the full game.

I picked Palmeiras against Bayern (picked that quite a lot in the demo) and a friendly game with the same settings as in the demo: speed -1, full manual, 20 mins, professional, except for the cam.
I played with a modded fanview cam in the demo and here I had to use the stadium cam on 0,10,2.

it feels different. I don´t wanna get much into details as many on here stated them already but it´s definitely not the same gameplay as in the demo.
It´s something with the connection between players and the ball.
It´s not that ball physics or player movement is crap now...but it doesn´t feel the same as it´s been before.
Something has been tweaked and it feels like that the reason is, to make it easier.

And this is damn annoying!
When I started playing the demo, I wasn´t sure about the game at first.
It felt good and I liked it, but it clicked after 30+ matches.
I just wish I could go on with that feeling for the full game.

But no, it´s like everything is reset and I have to spend my time again on the full game to know whether I´m fine with this game or not.
What´s the demo good for anyway, if it´s ALWAYS like this with this company?
Bring out a demo and then the full game which plays differently. I´m sick of this.

I didn´t have a chance to play the unpatched full game. Already started with the patched version and there is a difference.
I don´t say that this game sucks now. But I´d prefer to play exactly the version we had for the demo.
That is ridiculous but I dont think its Konami doing it deliberately. This is just side effect of legal issues. They cant let you import offensive stuff, so they need to verify your account and age.

As for final version - I keep saying give them a chance. This is basically day 1 patch. Last year day 1 was diabolical. They had feedback about fouls, they acted on it and went a bit too far. So gather your examples, clips and keep feeding back that they went too far. They already said to few people that if feedback is that they went too far - they will adjust it again. We just have to keep pushing it on twitter.

The game was straight up broken at release last year. AI was completely effed, always attacked the same exact way and would even turn down a one on one chance to run down the wing instead and do a low cross. Compared to that, this year's day one gameplay is legendary.
And I think you are right, we might be able to nudge the gameplay into a direction via feedback. And should absolutely try to do so. Last year's game was only partly fixed but Í still played quite a bit of it.
Slighly off-topic post (sorry).
Had a bit of a false start with PES2020.
Turns out i must have the game for a few days, it was delivered in our garage and yesterday my wife saw that she had destroyed the game because she rode over it with the car. She immediately went after a new copy and gave that to me. This morning she confessed… i wondered because i had no download code for the My Club things, but basically i don't care because i never play My Club.

Stupid of the livery company to put the package in the garage without letting us now. My wife parked the car in there the day before yesterday round 10 PM...must have happened then.

How sweet of her...
Insanely stupid, it's such an easy thing to filter out too. My guess is most people just use the default option so it's not like it would be hard finding other PA1- players.
This and no team filter is a kind of game breaker for me. I love playing online, but the match making in PES divisions is ridiculous. It would be so much fun to play e.g. only vs opponents with pa1 and low ranked national teams.
I’ve gone back to pre-patch..

Played a game last night against Chelsea edited..It was one hundred mph blitz football and i uninstalled the update immediately..The dumbing down of passing just makes the gameplay to fast(pa0)..I can only imagine what it’s like using pa1..

In town now buying the Xbox one version for my X..

Pointless on the PS4 without a option file..So I’m going out of the box(physical)with the version that runs on hardware that doesn’t sound like it’s going to explode(PS4 pro)..Atleast I get the better gfx and Loading times...plus the elite controller.

The fact we can’t apply a option file to version 1.0 is criminal..

I can live with a reduction in fouls but for me Version 1 is superior..It’s just a more dynamic and enjoyable game of football.

Post patch some games are more like street fighter turbo..it’s insane for default game speed.
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not bought this and not in a rush because of konami track record

can anyone please confirm if scripting is still in online divisions? Do players lose their physical attributes randomly and cannot shield ball or win headers? does catch up bug appear? are there lots of goals before half time and full time? kick off goals still a thing? do you start losing when close to clinching promotion? or does it fabricate a relegation battle by putting you on a run of losses? all known issues with online play in pes 15-19

this is vital so appreciate anyone that takes the time to check for me.
I’ve gone back to pre-patch..

Played a game last night against Chelsea edited..It was one hundred mph blitz football and i uninstalled the update immediately..The dumbing down of passing just makes the gameplay to fast(pa0)..I can only imagine what it’s like using pa1..

In town now buying the Xbox one version for my X..

Pointless on the PS4 without a option file..So I’m going out of the box(physical)with the version that runs on hardware that doesn’t sound like it’s going to explode(PS4 pro)..Atleast I get the better gfx and Loading times...plus the elite controller.

The fact we can’t apply a option file to version 1.0 is criminal..

I can live with a reduction in fouls but for me Version 1 is superior..It’s just a more dynamic and enjoyable game of football.

Post patch some games are more like street fighter turbo..it’s insane for default game speed.
Mate, please, for your own health and ours - just stop. And I mean this with kindness, and hugs.

But please - just stop :LOL: :)
Would it really be that crazy to have a gameplay slider for offline? Online with the latest patch at all times, but an ability to choose version for offline. Maybe. I'm not a programmer

What they've done with fouls and physicality from demo -> 1.02 is the biggest, best, undeniable argument for either being able to choose your offline version gameplay i.e. 1.00, 1.01, 1.02 etc or fully fledged sliders that allow gameplay customization like PC users can get via modding.

There's no reason not to do it, it has no effect on the all-important Myclub cash cow that can have it's 1000mph one touch no look no fouls gameplay and everyone else offline gets what they want too. Just do it ffs Konami!

I'm done with the updated version, just running around ploughing through the AI with sprint + X winning the ball back with laughable ease is just braindead and boring.
Demo felt so free and this release is like in rails. What an earth did they do?
Animations were also so fluid and feels like they took away from there to improve responsiveness.
My son who had played 5 years fifa told me when playing demo that it is the best football game. Period.
And after full game release said it moved more towards fifa.
Hard to believe why they did it because demo was so well received. So disappointed now.

There is no difference for me, I don't get what people are seeing, the demo and the full release are pretty similar from the experience I've had.

It almost feels like some are creating a problem that isn't there, I don't know. Yes fouls have reduced in a way but I'm still getting plenty in most matches, the physicality is superb as players really fight for the ball with their bodies.
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So the game is fine without the patch, is that it? But its possible not to installing it in PS4 version?

Good morning everyone.
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