eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

Looks like I'll have to have a play around later on the different difficulty levels.

With regards to TS, agree with what's been said, it is a good idea in concept but I'm a Villa fan and remember when we signed Dion Dublin. Scored 2 on his debut, bullied Spurs and won us the game. You don't get that in ML, you could sign a 85 rated CF and he'd still be a slug against 67 rated CBs and not get a sniff.

It needs rehauling. On Superstar every game is a massive grind, even if you start with a good team.

I notched the game speed up to +1 yesterday. Christ, it was a goal fest. Every game ended 4-3 or 3-3. There are so many things in this game that totally change the way it plays. Even the camera settings. I used zoom 10 on the stadium cam and it was like the game glitches, everything wasn't smooth. Zoomed back out to 2 or 3 and it's fine again.

Konami are a weird bunch and we will never get what we want fully because I don't think people who understand football are behind the mechanics of the game.

And for anyone who wants injuries, set your advanced tactics to attacking full backs. I signed Rico Henry and he's got injured 6 times already and it's not even December 😂😂
I bet that most people don't even use the Dev's Facebook page to report anything anymore.
It's like, people prefer to complain to Adam via Twitter rather than using the new channel, which is what they've asked us to do, because is what the Devs will be looking at.

So all these things you guys are complaining about, could be sorted out MAYBE, if you did it through the right channels. And if you provided with a good video to back it up, even better.
I bet that most people don't even use the Dev's Facebook page to report anything anymore.
It's like, people prefer to complain to Adam via Twitter rather than using the new channel, which is what they've asked us to do, because is what the Devs will be looking at.

So all these things you guys are complaining about, could be sorted out MAYBE, if you did it through the right channels. And if you provided with a good video to back it up, even better.
When 1,000 people are posting all at once, and the system that makes devs take notice is "likes", and a huge factor on how many likes something gets is how soon it's posted... I don't think it would make a difference. Call me a cynic but that's just how it is.

Not to mention that nobody's going to give two shits about "the AI on Superstar forces you to play a certain way in order to be able to challenge it" when it's up against "Neymar's eyebrows are two inches too low".
Like in previous PES, their are moments where PES2020 is an absolute delight to play or even watch but way too often it's frustrating and a mediocre experience. Last night I played a 15min exhibition against Arsenal where I was awarded 3 fouls that clearly weren't fouls and then a clear penalty against one of my players even Mr Magoo couldn't miss but the PES ref did.
I give up with the Superstar AI, I want to play against a challenging AI but I'm sick of it making itself challenging by cheating. Clearly Konami aren't capable of making a challenging enough AI experience so they let it cheat to get goals.

I already posted yesterday where my keeper inexplicably ran into the net to gift the opposition a goal and now there's this great bit of goalkeeping where the keeper just stands there and watches as it goes in with zero attempt to save it. I'm not saying it should definitely be saved but some sort of attempt would be nice! Don't know why I waste my time.

Shouldn't be playing as FC Copenhagen. Problem solved. :APPLAUD:
When 1,000 people are posting all at once, and the system that makes devs take notice is "likes", and a huge factor on how many likes something gets is how soon it's posted... I don't think it would make a difference. Call me a cynic but that's just how it is.

Not to mention that nobody's going to give two shits about "the AI on Superstar forces you to play a certain way in order to be able to challenge it" when it's up against "Neymar's eyebrows are two inches too low".


When 1,000 people are posting all at once, and the system that makes devs take notice is "likes", and a huge factor on how many likes something gets is how soon it's posted... I don't think it would make a difference. Call me a cynic but that's just how it is.

Not to mention that nobody's going to give two shits about "the AI on Superstar forces you to play a certain way in order to be able to challenge it" when it's up against "Neymar's eyebrows are two inches too low".

Jokes aside, I think that we got a pretty good platform over here to support each other in these type of situations, mate..

In fact the comments in the Dev's Team page which you linked in your "If you.......... like this post" thread, have close to 250 likes.
I think that's pretty good.
For me , PES just hasn't been the same since PES 2013 really. It's been said before, but the freedom is lost because gameplay is locked into tactics. The game was built with a baseline of tactics first, then other elements of gameplay sprinkled in. Add in all the other ratings/identity variables, and you've got a confused bunch of players on the pitch.

For the most part, the game is still playable, but as you play it more you realize it is set in a pattern. As the user, you can change your own pattern, but the AI doesn't have that adaptability. Even if they try, they become even more rigid.

The other day I was trying to figure out the long ball tactic, and why the defenders instantly tried to send the ball up to the forward in the air. I left the controller alone and let the forward collect the ball once, and he passed it back to a midfielder, who then passed to an overlapping FB. All short passes, they even tried to walk it in.

It's just a rigid game overall. I wrote that article on pesuniverse couple years ago and I was hoping to be proven wrong, but it's just the same limited, trying too-hard, basing gameplay via tactics, mentality that is resulting in a brilliant PES 2020 to suffer the same fate as 16 thru 19 did. With that said, I'm still playing it and somewhat enjoying it. I think there are some tactical adjustments that can be made to help, but it won't be without more sample size and then more work to modify in the edit screen.
For me , PES just hasn't been the same since PES 2013 really. It's been said before, but the freedom is lost because gameplay is locked into tactics. The game was built with a baseline of tactics first, then other elements of gameplay sprinkled in. Add in all the other ratings/identity variables, and you've got a confused bunch of players on the pitch.

For the most part, the game is still playable, but as you play it more you realize it is set in a pattern. As the user, you can change your own pattern, but the AI doesn't have that adaptability. Even if they try, they become even more rigid.

The other day I was trying to figure out the long ball tactic, and why the defenders instantly tried to send the ball up to the forward in the air. I left the controller alone and let the forward collect the ball once, and he passed it back to a midfielder, who then passed to an overlapping FB. All short passes, they even tried to walk it in.

It's just a rigid game overall. I wrote that article on pesuniverse couple years ago and I was hoping to be proven wrong, but it's just the same limited, trying too-hard, basing gameplay via tactics, mentality that is resulting in a brilliant PES 2020 to suffer the same fate as 16 thru 19 did. With that said, I'm still playing it and somewhat enjoying it. I think there are some tactical adjustments that can be made to help, but it won't be without more sample size and then more work to modify in the edit screen.

I don't disagree with your overall findings. But by letting go off the controller, you're putting the AI in an 'unexpected' situation. This isn't a real-world expectation for the AI to have to deal with. So it's unsurprising it acted strangely at that point.

I can't even remember which football game it was (it was at least 20 years ago). But there was one where the AI ONLY closed you down if your player was moving. I suspect it used simple vectors generated by the movement to calculate intercept courses (angle of indecent maths). So you could easily retain the ball by playing it like Netball instead. The programmers simply didn't consider a human would try it. This problem is still partially a problem in PES this year. Not quite as simplistic, but you could still retain the ball too easily at the back in league games when ahead only a couple of patches ago (as it's an exploit I don't try it, so I'm unsure if it's still present).

There's only so much testing you can do in order to catch this sort of thing, but the problem of 'instant' patching these days is they don't always seem to bug test 'fixes' sufficiently. So they fix one thing which breaks another and so on.

I still don't think it's a very sound development ethic. But then I don't have visibility of their bottom-line, margins and external pressures. So it's hard to decide who to blame for that one!
how are you setting this? By editing the team tactics in the edit section?

if so, I wonder what @klashman69 's opinion is on this - should I be changing all the edited teams to have this setting on?

(O/T but is the "download asset data" happening more often then it was pre-patch. the more i see this pop-up the more i get suspicious of game manipulation. yep - i'm konaminoid )

Edit : @Jimi_Zuko Just played my recent usual Spurs vs Shaktar with the settings on for both teams, CPU now has more order like in a real match and Kane finally feels like a threat - previously he hasn't for me. More of the gameplay in the final third. of the pitch. Lost it 2-0 but it was a btter match than some of the ones I've played recently. Thanks
Yeah has definitely improved the game for me, good to hear your having a similar experience.
For me , PES just hasn't been the same since PES 2013 really. It's been said before, but the freedom is lost because gameplay is locked into tactics. The game was built with a baseline of tactics first, then other elements of gameplay sprinkled in. Add in all the other ratings/identity variables, and you've got a confused bunch of players on the pitch.

For the most part, the game is still playable, but as you play it more you realize it is set in a pattern. As the user, you can change your own pattern, but the AI doesn't have that adaptability. Even if they try, they become even more rigid.

The other day I was trying to figure out the long ball tactic, and why the defenders instantly tried to send the ball up to the forward in the air. I left the controller alone and let the forward collect the ball once, and he passed it back to a midfielder, who then passed to an overlapping FB. All short passes, they even tried to walk it in.

It's just a rigid game overall. I wrote that article on pesuniverse couple years ago and I was hoping to be proven wrong, but it's just the same limited, trying too-hard, basing gameplay via tactics, mentality that is resulting in a brilliant PES 2020 to suffer the same fate as 16 thru 19 did. With that said, I'm still playing it and somewhat enjoying it. I think there are some tactical adjustments that can be made to help, but it won't be without more sample size and then more work to modify in the edit screen.
i disagree i find vanilla version the best since 2013 and closest to that gameplay but anything but 1.0 i dont like.are you playing on 1.0? curious
For me , PES just hasn't been the same since PES 2013 really. It's been said before, but the freedom is lost because gameplay is locked into tactics. The game was built with a baseline of tactics first, then other elements of gameplay sprinkled in. Add in all the other ratings/identity variables, and you've got a confused bunch of players on the pitch.

For the most part, the game is still playable, but as you play it more you realize it is set in a pattern. As the user, you can change your own pattern, but the AI doesn't have that adaptability. Even if they try, they become even more rigid.

The other day I was trying to figure out the long ball tactic, and why the defenders instantly tried to send the ball up to the forward in the air. I left the controller alone and let the forward collect the ball once, and he passed it back to a midfielder, who then passed to an overlapping FB. All short passes, they even tried to walk it in.

It's just a rigid game overall. I wrote that article on pesuniverse couple years ago and I was hoping to be proven wrong, but it's just the same limited, trying too-hard, basing gameplay via tactics, mentality that is resulting in a brilliant PES 2020 to suffer the same fate as 16 thru 19 did. With that said, I'm still playing it and somewhat enjoying it. I think there are some tactical adjustments that can be made to help, but it won't be without more sample size and then more work to modify in the edit screen.

if you don't mind It would be better if you explain it in videos.. i don't know what actually the problem :P.
Hey guys, just a quick one (but not really) from me. Been testing DP2 (?) a lot recently and it’s definitely an improvement (although there’s still stupid moments where the opposition forget the ball, but much much less) and the game is better since. I’ve not been a huge fan of the default speed since the update though, so I’ve bumped it up to 1 because that feels like the default pre DP, to me. Anyway, I picked up the game today, I’ve just created a league mode (not master league) with Man United and I played a Europa League game against PSV (20 minutes, advanced shooting, manual passing). The game felt so sluggish and slow, it was odd because it didn’t feel like this yesterday (whether it’s because PSV don’t have custom tactics, whereas the prem teams do, I’m not sure just yet), but I bumped it up one more to 2 (I know right, I’m insane) but it felt great! It’s so satisfying to have the in game action react instantly to what you do on your controller, fast players are fast (as they should be) and there were some really great battles in midfield, instead of just having acres of space to roam in as the AI sluggishly try to close you down. It’s not as zoomy as I was anticipating, as I was expecting it to look like I’d hit the fast forward on the remote, but no. It felt like a real game* and watch any game, it’s quick, it’s snappy and your reactions have to be first class. I won 1-0 if you’re wondering also, thanks to a Rashford header, which I was delighted with because I’m trying out this advanced shooting and it still feels very alien to me.

Anyway, if you’re also feeling like the game is a bit sluggish and you’re getting frustrated with the slight delay, I’d definitely recommend trying this out and see how you find it.

Have a good one, guys!

*I should note that my camera is quite zoomed out with full angle (think of a live game at the Nou Camp) and I know that the speed changes dependant on your camera, which is odd, but that’s PES for you.
I don't disagree with your overall findings. But by letting go off the controller, you're putting the AI in an 'unexpected' situation. This isn't a real-world expectation for the AI to have to deal with. So it's unsurprising it acted strangely at that point.

I can't even remember which football game it was (it was at least 20 years ago). But there was one where the AI ONLY closed you down if your player was moving. I suspect it used simple vectors generated by the movement to calculate intercept courses (angle of indecent maths). So you could easily retain the ball by playing it like Netball instead. The programmers simply didn't consider a human would try it. This problem is still partially a problem in PES this year. Not quite as simplistic, but you could still retain the ball too easily at the back in league games when ahead only a couple of patches ago (as it's an exploit I don't try it, so I'm unsure if it's still present).

There's only so much testing you can do in order to catch this sort of thing, but the problem of 'instant' patching these days is they don't always seem to bug test 'fixes' sufficiently. So they fix one thing which breaks another and so on.

I still don't think it's a very sound development ethic. But then I don't have visibility of their bottom-line, margins and external pressures. So it's hard to decide who to blame for that one!

I should've explained better (problem with typing at work), but I didn't necessarily just drop the controller, more so I just didn't place any input to tackle them or try to get the ball. Basically playing passive. This can be easily recreated though, which is why I think the trigger is dependent on their ball possession location on the pitch.

AI not closing down sounds like FIFA, actually even saw this on FIFA 20 the other day, no slider modifications. Think I've seen it a couple times in older PES, but can't put my finger on it.

Agreed, we do not know their bottom-line, etc. We're also not working with a static product anymore.
i disagree i find vanilla version the best since 2013 and closest to that gameplay but anything but 1.0 i dont like.are you playing on 1.0? curious

Sure, but that's not what is being discussed. This is what I mean by not working with a static product anymore. It's not out of the box, it's a different version (sorry I haven't kept count). We are introducing so many variables in even discussing the game - state of affairs!

if you don't mind It would be better if you explain it in videos.. i don't know what actually the problem :P.

I think I can do that. It's been on my mind.


Also, I saw a couple mentions about the Offside Trap set to On and how it can help the defensive line. Not to over-promote, but here's the video reference again if anyone wants to try. I still find that it does exactly what I want it to do. I'm still working on overall tactics to better gameplay though, but I think that value being set to On is crucial to get the defensive line to act more zonal:

Game Speed +1
Top Player
Advanced Shooting
PA1 Passing
Stadium Cam 2/6/10

Having the best time yet with this game, after my frustrations yesterday, this is a joy.

Speeding the game up has increased foul count, fast players can rip apart a defender and the game has a bit more zip to it.

Advanced shooting, I've just scored from 35 yards with the Barca RB. Laid it out to him and wallop, curled like a banana into the far corner, hell of a goal.

Top Player is giving me a great balance. I can dominate weaker teams playing as a stronger side but just played Boca v River Plate and my GK was insane and I won 1-0. Nice to have a balance, on superstar, even weaker teams were getting 5 or 6 great chances per game. Played Barca v Apoel and they had 1 shot to my 15 and I won 3-0, very realistic I'd say.

Fingers crossed I've found my settings!!
Game Speed +1
Top Player
Advanced Shooting
PA1 Passing
Stadium Cam 2/6/10

Having the best time yet with this game, after my frustrations yesterday, this is a joy.

Speeding the game up has increased foul count, fast players can rip apart a defender and the game has a bit more zip to it.

Advanced shooting, I've just scored from 35 yards with the Barca RB. Laid it out to him and wallop, curled like a banana into the far corner, hell of a goal.

Top Player is giving me a great balance. I can dominate weaker teams playing as a stronger side but just played Boca v River Plate and my GK was insane and I won 1-0. Nice to have a balance, on superstar, even weaker teams were getting 5 or 6 great chances per game. Played Barca v Apoel and they had 1 shot to my 15 and I won 3-0, very realistic I'd say.

Fingers crossed I've found my settings!!
I scored a cracker with Rojo on advanced shooting too, but my mind just cannot adjust when I’m one on one or when I have an open goal, I always forget about aiming low because pushing the analog stick down when shooting feels so odd and bizarre.
Probably already said but this is £23 on PlayStation Store now. Well worth that price - really it’s what the game should retail at from day 1.

I currently own the Steam/PC version but I usually end up getting PES on on PS4, eventually if the price is right. I don't currently have PS+ so it would cost me around £30 after purchasing PS+ which I don't feel the game is worth. I'll wait another few more weeks when it's on sale again for around £20 but thanks for the heads up
Ive done all the premier league, plays great not that I didn't enjoy it before, finding more one on one's with faster players
Yeah iv also had heaps of one on ones, the auto offside on is one part, I also had to increase the defensive line for teams to play a bit more higher up as well, it’s a bit of work considering how lazy Konami are with tactics and strategies for each team but after also incorporating klashmans tactics, who’s done a top job by the way I get a lot more intense midfield battles too, yeah definitively a great game in there.
Yeah iv also had heaps of one on ones, the auto offside on is one part, I also had to increase the defensive line for teams to play a bit more higher up as well, it’s a bit of work considering how lazy Konami are with tactics and strategies for each team but after also incorporating klashmans tactics, who’s done a top job by the way I get a lot more intense midfield battles too, yeah definitively a great game in there.
Have you increased every team equally or some more than others I'm using klashmans tactics with the offside edit
Anyone notice improvements to the AI with the full release? I'm most interested in the awareness issues players have in the demo, especially with loose ball situations. Any improvements?
Yes definitely a difference, do you k ow if master league keeps track of the number of goals players score, not just for the season you are in but over multiple seasons, it used to be on the older games and was great to keep note of how many players had scored over 2/3 seasons
I had put this game down because of being so frustrated since dp2. I kept playing my ML game vs Chelsea they were unbeatable. I gave a shot to normal league like the past years, enjoyable games in TP. Will test more tomorrow

So for the I-dont-know-what year in a row...ML you are dead to me due to scripting. And Konami, you owe me a controller. I'll have to stick to basic league competition
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