eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

Puuuh...really past 2, 3 Top defenders?
Either I'm very bad or you too good

I'm playing v1 on top player, 15 min and I've never play better human like matches against the CPU. On v2 they've all played very similar. And every match the CPU get this one touch ping pong syndrom and that's not humanlike and feels cheated. It doesn't matter if its a low rated or top team. Every game, every team, sometimes in 90min get boosted.

In many many games in v1 nothing like this, not in one single game.
Furthermore it's much more physically game for me.
we have different experiences, physicality and fouls are no issue for me in 1.2 last few games I had I got 5 fouls not including advantages. My last superstar video I posted about an hour long shows no ping pong passes in my opinion in fact I'm sure there's plenty of mis placed pases
The award for happiest PES 2020 player on evo-web goes to...…………

[drum roll]…….

:APPLAUD: Thank you mate!!
I liked the drum roll a lot. Never had that before. And the feeling of opening that spoiler tag and finding my name.... priceless!! :D

But yes! I am happy as F!! I have not been that happy for a long time, playing football on a console!
I was good with what 19 brought to the table but the AI was lacking bad. Now it’s much better and I enjoy it. I even could let go of 17, wich had the best mix of all PS4 PES’s for me.

It will take some time till I get tired of the (for me) minor flaws that plaque the series for years. I know it’s there but the good outshines (?) it by far!! So I’m enjoying what’s so good. Life is short. :D
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PRO_TOO, how can you check which version you're playing?
I just know what I install (what’s on my system)! ;)
Check the start screen when the game is booting up. Where it says “press X”, the title screen has the info to the lower right side. Version and Data pack Info.

Edit: @Stringer and @slamsoze : someone needs to change that ava pic! I’m going crazy here. :LOL: On mobile it’s nearly the same.
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Hi dude, thanks for the detailed update. I am very glad you have such big plans, hope you are liking the game and get to play sometimes, too.

The J1/J2 and NT last year was my favorite patch of all time! For mobile, maybe the 19 database will work, since it's the same season still? But there are those new skills now on the other hand...

Yes, I know Huigoman too, he is a true master. It's great that you guys are joined forces. About face editors, besides you guys and Thiago I am not sure who else can be as good. There are many talented people out there of course, but I don't kow many since I mainly visit the same two or three forums...
I will say whoever made Crvena Zvezda on pesteam.it did an incredible job. I am sure Huigoman knows them, but also they probably have their hands full there. But check out the Crvena Zvezda faces - very impressive. Maybe you guys can trade some concepts :)

Oh yeah, Siuming and his friends make awesome stuff! Very unique league and really high quality. Do you know if they plan to make it again for this PES?
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we have different experiences, physicality and fouls are no issue for me in 1.2 last few games I had I got 5 fouls not including advantages. My last superstar video I posted about an hour long shows no ping pong passes in my opinion in fact I'm sure there's plenty of mis placed pases

That's not what I mean. I had fouls too and the bodycontact between two players feels good. It's an uncertain ending if two players with same strength fighting for the ball and in v1.2 it isnt. There are many situations you know before the tackling ends who win the ball. In my opinion it's the ball, which feels definitely more on rails than before. And more one rails result in a scripted situation like this. The same thing what I've say in earlier post and I don't say that the CPU constantly play ping pong. There are parts of a match where you can see it. I play it 2 weeks every day and saw it for myself and now after many hours on 1.0 not.
V 1.0 is much more free like a bird :BY:and less scripted than 1.2 which is a step backwards in relation to the gameplay.
And I don't want to say that the game is unplayable after the update but you've see clearly, after critics in social media the kiddies home, that they had to go this way. It's like many year the same procedure.
This talk about 1.0 is getting me worried. There are things that need to be adressed but honestly if the game goes back to something like vanilla it’s a step backwards. I’m really enjoying the 1.2 version, specially the challenge. I’m just worried that because of all this talk they might patch the game again and we end up with something worse. The truth is we never had anything as good as what we have right now so I would prefer to leave it this way.
Hi dude, thanks for the detailed update. I am very glad you have such big plans, hope you are liking the game and get to play sometimes, too.

The J1/J2 and NT last year was my favorite patch of all time! For mobile, maybe the 19 database will work, since it's the same season still? But there are those new skills now on the other hand...

Yes, I know Huigoman too, he is a true master. It's great that you guys are joined forces. About face editors, besides you guys and Thiago I am not sure who else can be as good. There are many talented people out there of course, but I don't kow many since I mainly visit the same two or three forums...
I will say whoever made Crvena Zvezda on pesteam.it did an incredible job. I am sure Huigoman knows them, but also they probably have their hands full there. But check out the Crvena Zvezda faces - very impressive. Maybe you guys can trade some concepts :)

Oh yeah, Siuming and his friends make awesome stuff! Very unique league and really high quality. Do you know if they plan to make it again for this PES?

Thanks! Noticed 3 or 4 errors while recopying :JAY: One player with 40 in Stamina, the others i forgot to put the GK and stamina still to 80... There's few players, so you may found them with a research, correct them with Pesmaster.
My PES 2019 is practically fully remade, so many corrections that i can't count them.
I will try to reproduce it with our team on PES 2020, but for now on the goal of the "boss" is to complete the whole fakes teams slots, and then polishing... That's not the way i'm doing things but well people wants to play ML with real teams ASAP. Polishing will came after.

About Asia section, i've noticed there's practically 8 to 9 fakes teams participating on AFC on Master League... And having 9 Japanese teams is not really realistic, i wanted to create 6 best J2 teams for the remaining PAS clubs, but i think there will be 2 J2 teams in more (promoted), and 4 others Asia.

Yeah still great members on PESteam, probably new ones too, didn't checked their work, neither the others guys in my team for now on.
We got also a great facemaker, Gronkoglan, he will do Crvena.
Thiago, you mean ThiagoPES? Well, his faces doesn't looks bad from the front... But take a look from the side face part: they're a very "distorted", chin or nose too long etc.
It's sad because he's talented, but looks he forgot to make a player rotation to check if everything is right when editing faces.
Tryied to tell him but he didn't understand well in english.

About sharing concept, yes, but we can't really share exports, except if some guys allow us to do it.

Siuming also plans to do HK league like each year, and compatible with Pesuniverse, also helping me with AFC of course.
This talk about 1.0 is getting me worried. There are things that need to be adressed but honestly if the game goes back to something like vanilla it’s a step backwards. I’m really enjoying the 1.2 version, specially the challenge. I’m just worried that because of all this talk they might patch the game again and we end up with something worse. The truth is we never had anything as good as what we have right now so I would prefer to leave it this way.
Something in between would be ideal.
Loosen the ball a little, but keep the AI aggression. No one wants passive AI.

Also - polish the referees, obviously. make it fair for both. As it is - looks like all refs were paid of.

I just spent two hour playing on current version and its still a very solid game.
Shots are more varied, AI is more challenging, there is still randomness there and fun to be had. It just feels a bit constrained in compare to vanilla.
There is less "anything can happen" moments, which also doesnt mean they are not there.

One thing surprised me and made me wonder..
I didnt play in ML, as im waiting for pesuniverse V2 to drop. I played Europa League instead.
Last time I played current version - my players were all over the shop. Complete, uncontrollable mess. This was the final nail and the main reason I returned to 1.0. Not fouls, not AI defensive pressure, not dribbling. I could live with them.
Now I played whole group stage, which was what... 6 matches? No issues whatsoever.
Dont get me wrong - there are still moments where my players have a bit of troubles understanding where they are and what are they doing, but its at the same level as on 1.0. Manageable and not head wrecking..
Which brings the question - is Team Spirit to be blamed for that?? To fuck this up so much?? Anyone else noticed big difference in player awareness between one-of cup and ML? If thats the case - its reasonably easy fix. Just nerf the paralyzing effect of TS.
I feel like they could more ball bounces off deflections, or just add bouncing ball scenarios in general. Its such a joy to see a deflected bouncing ball at perfect height ready to be laced 30 yards outside. For some reason, i still see such opportunity more in retro pes than in 2020, thus resulting in more variety.
This talk about 1.0 is getting me worried. There are things that need to be adressed but honestly if the game goes back to something like vanilla it’s a step backwards. I’m really enjoying the 1.2 version, specially the challenge. I’m just worried that because of all this talk they might patch the game again and we end up with something worse. The truth is we never had anything as good as what we have right now so I would prefer to leave it this way.

All konami needs to do is allow an option for 1.0 gameplay on the top menu - offline only/no kits etc.

Just give the digital purchasers the same privileges as their disc purchasers and honor what they advertised with the demo.

However, if they change gameplay for the worse then 1.2 fans will blame 1.0 fans.

Anyways,if they truly muck this up, like I said before - my plan is for digital refund and keep an eye on a cheap disc in future. The ball is in konami's court but this should not have been an issue served up in the first place.

Btw 1.2 is "okay" for me (I play exhibition only and stay away from all other modes because they just bring me frustration) but I liked the demo more.
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Yes a good balance between demo v1 and v 1.2 were a perfect game for all of use. When I get it right Adam said something like this in his tweets a few day ago.
Something in between would be ideal.
Loosen the ball a little, but keep the AI aggression. No one wants passive AI.

That's one thing I don't understand. Why no one wants a passive AI? Not every team play with a high line tactic and disturb you in your own half or the whole time. A lower rated team plays defense and wait for perfect momentum. Or they playing counter attack.
In v1 I've seen player get exhausted on both side and it ends in many failed passes on both sides. But it makes me happy because it was at the end of a game and you see low rated players on the flanks failed crosses, whereas good rated exhausted players have the possibility to cross on point in the 90 min. Sorry I don't see it after patch
That's one thing I don't understand. Why no one wants a passive AI? Not every team play with a high line tactic and disturb you in your own half or the whole time. A lower rated team plays defense and wait for perfect momentum. Or they playing counter attack.
In v1 I've seen player get exhausted on both side and it ends in many failed passes on both sides. But it makes me happy because it was at the end of a game and you see low rated players on the flanks failed crosses, whereas good rated exhausted players have the possibility to cross on point in the 90 min. Sorry I don't see it after patch

But they don't on 1.2 you just can't run through the whole CPU team with your centre back on the update, plenty of teams still do park the bus depending on the team tactics. Passive AI relates to the CPU reaction to your attacking not it's position on the pitch.
When I was talking about passive AI in v1.0, I mostly meant their attacking mentality. The CPU has the ball at feet in their own third and when they attack, a lot of times they started walking with the ball for too long. This gave me a lot of time getting the ball back from them. Their was some urgency/awareness missing...
On Professional difficulty that was.
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Long time offline PES gamer, since pes 1 i been stuck. A few years on ps3 i didnt enjoy it. But last few years its been good. Im 31 now

Havent bought the game yet, i will wait. Wont have much time right now cause of 2 small kids at home and new house.

But im really curious. Liked the demo even tho its hard to tell of such short version.

I really enjoyed 2019, could still play it.

So all of you that liked 2019, is 2020 a big step forward?

If you didnt like 2019 im not really intrested if u say its bad, cause we obviously got different opinions.
Nearly every comment in this department is mentioning CPU pressure. Even in v1.2 it still is too forgiving and unnatural passive at times. Going back to 1.0 levels would just fake a slower gameplay by giving space and time in unrealistic amounts, resulting in a boring and somehow "assisted" gameplay.

Exactly. I bet they are working on a solution but not getting my hopes up.

It seems they are running against restriction of the collision and foul system. That to fix the fouling, they needed to nerf at least the nearby encounters and reverted some chances back to the old system where these encounters follow certain sequences instead of being handed over to the physics engine.

This would explain the big difference in gameplay just by nerfing fouls. It might also mean they wont be able to fix it in this version, let alone with this engine.

Yes a good balance between demo v1 and v 1.2 were a perfect game for all of use. When I get it right Adam said something like this in his tweets a few day ago.

Possibly you mean this tweet:
I just know what I install (what’s on my system)! ;)
Check the start screen when the game is booting up. Where it says “press X”, the title screen has the info to the lower right side. Version and Data pack Info.

Edit: @Stringer and @slamsoze : someone needs to change that ava pic! I’m going crazy here. :LOL: On mobile it’s nearly the same.

Castollo and Sir Kazuki Ito the same? Oh what a blasphemy!!! :PIRATE:
Mr. Ito says: :R1
Castollo and Sir Kazuki Ito the same? Oh what a blasphemy!!! :PIRATE:
:LOL: Really... on a quick glance (5inch screen) these pics look nearly the same!
All good my friend. I’d never mess with PES legends!
And i mean real LEGENDS!! Not the once Konami tries to sell me these days! ;)

Edit: but I now know I just went to far. Apologies.
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Long time offline PES gamer, since pes 1 i been stuck. A few years on ps3 i didnt enjoy it. But last few years its been good. Im 31 now

Havent bought the game yet, i will wait. Wont have much time right now cause of 2 small kids at home and new house.

But im really curious. Liked the demo even tho its hard to tell of such short version.

I really enjoyed 2019, could still play it.

So all of you that liked 2019, is 2020 a big step forward?

If you didnt like 2019 im not really intrested if u say its bad, cause we obviously got different opinions.
I don’t & didn’t like 2019. Despite this I tried to play it. Maybe I will continue my ML save some day in the future. After its final update and since it is a finished package now, lets say it is 6/10.

2020 with all its issues and while under early development still, it is already a 6,5/10. I want to go to 2019 and finishe my ML with Rangers, but I cannot.

I mean that either 2019 was so broken or 2020 is so good (choose what you want, both apply) that:

PES2020=PES2019+v , while always v>0.
Long time offline PES gamer, since pes 1 i been stuck. A few years on ps3 i didnt enjoy it. But last few years its been good. Im 31 now

Havent bought the game yet, i will wait. Wont have much time right now cause of 2 small kids at home and new house.

But im really curious. Liked the demo even tho its hard to tell of such short version.

I really enjoyed 2019, could still play it.

So all of you that liked 2019, is 2020 a big step forward?

If you didnt like 2019 im not really intrested if u say its bad, cause we obviously got different opinions.

For me it's the best PES in a long time - The first time in a few years that I have had those 'get out of your seat' PES moments. It seems more fluid than 19 to me.

Worth mentioning I only really play ML/Offline - ML could still be better, doesn't seem as immersive as it could be and a lot of the cut scenes get tiresome/repetitive over time. However transfers seem more realistic.

Im playing Top Player with 10 minutes matches.
Fired it up yesterday after a few days without playing. Won my five consecutive games on Top Player which I set as a qualifier for moving up to Superstar.

A very noticeable input delay. I actually went as far as checking the battery level on the controller (as if that makes a difference). The game is certainly faster and more frenetic, not necessarily more difficult. And while the deep defensive lines aren't realistic per se, the ubiquitousness is. Motherwell at home and Spurs away both sitting deep. It's not impenetrable though - patience and a well-timed ball into the strikers opens it up.

Fouls the same. The foul count wouldn't cross my mind were it not for this forum. Yesterday I had a game with 10 (5-5) which was the highest ever. The lack of cards and penalties, however, is different. Barely a card shown and still to be awarded or concede a penalty after a season and a half.

Nothing new here, just my take having moved up a level!
Quick questions. Apologies if this has bee answered recently or repeatedly.

I've heard you can turn off regens in ML.

If you do that, what happens in terms of new young players coming through? Is there a secret database of players is it randomised players added or does nothing happen and the population of the world just dries up ?

Cheers :)
Quick questions. Apologies if this has bee answered recently or repeatedly.

I've heard you can turn off regens in ML.

If you do that, what happens in terms of new young players coming through? Is there a secret database of players is it randomised players added or does nothing happen and the population of the world just dries up ?

Cheers :)

First I've heard of it!

Pretty sure the best you can do is change the retiring players in edit mode before the new season begins.
Fired it up yesterday after a few days without playing. Won my five consecutive games on Top Player which I set as a qualifier for moving up to Superstar.

A very noticeable input delay. I actually went as far as checking the battery level on the controller (as if that makes a difference). The game is certainly faster and more frenetic, not necessarily more difficult. And while the deep defensive lines aren't realistic per se, the ubiquitousness is. Motherwell at home and Spurs away both sitting deep. It's not impenetrable though - patience and a well-timed ball into the strikers opens it up.

Fouls the same. The foul count wouldn't cross my mind were it not for this forum. Yesterday I had a game with 10 (5-5) which was the highest ever. The lack of cards and penalties, however, is different. Barely a card shown and still to be awarded or concede a penalty after a season and a half.

Nothing new here, just my take having moved up a level!
I'm doing a league with fuma superstar and struggling as liverpool. Really enjoying it though only managed 2 wins 1 draw and 4 defeats, 2 of the defeats were down to me making bad GK errors rushing out. I did drop down to top level but it's too easy. Beat napoli 3 nil away and they only had 1 shot on target and there was a lot more space. Gone back up now. I also think the acclumalated fatigue is killing my players
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