eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

Manual headers are a delight in 20. Felt like the basic ones went over the bar in the same arch about 90% of the time. Corners were 99% that way. But now I score all sorts of headers. Really enjoying manual passing and shooting on Professional.

Have you done any bullet headers yet though? Bit of a pet peeve of mine and I can't remember if that ever has been possible in PES.
I use manual shooting for a low driving cross along the floor or with a little height..

I also use l1 and the shoot button to place lower crosses from all angle’s outside the box..It doesn’t ark as much and is harder for defenders to head and easily clear..The ball is lower and more waist height..Great for volleys or getting the ball on the foot of a lunging forward.

There’s so many things in this game that the end user has to discover..

I'm saving manual shooting for when TP is too easy (as from all I've heard I do NOT want to use SS in the ML!). I haven't use it for a fair number of years, but I used to use L2 with shooting, quite a few versions back, to do Stevie G style driving long passes.
I did have a few, but never from regular cross. I only managed to get them from L1 early cross, as they pack more punch. Its rare tho, id love to see more.

I have managed it from the by-line. But it's needed a fast wide player so he gets to crossing position before strikers get in the box, they sometimes seem to time their runs a little too early from a cross unless you do it early, as you say.
...and has no data pack info next to it! :)


....so tasty!! yummy!!! :BOP:

edit: for this years PES i even opened my old DS4 controller and got it all cleaned up from the in- and outside!
icecream tastes so much better when the spoons are clean! :D

edit2: just noticed your question, @Mikhail , so maybe i can answer that from my point of view. the only thing i dont like about 2020, right now, is i have to force stop the update 1.2 every time i start my ps4! :D ...thats it for now!

Haha In my defence I did say it was dumb question :TUMBLE:
Haha I showed you the 2 games I played yesterday and @hitmanuk showed you 3 from his play.

So what your saying is we'd have to show you every match of the season for you to believe us? lol lets see if I remember to do that. But we have shown you proof but you chose to ignore it.
I showed two as well for my two games before jumping on Wreckfest, At least the two games i played were brilliant! Especially the Feyenoord goal the AI scored and my 2nd in that game. Second game i won 4-3 cracking two games. Im not sure why people are expecting the perfect football game here we have never had a perfect football game and never will. First time in 12 years weve had a good or great PES just enjoy it as next year it could be rotten and for the next 12 following years haha.
Your quoting is really confusing as you bolded a lot of my text as well!

Slide tackles are too many for the length of match. I see more slide tackles in a 10 minutes game of PES than I see in an entire 45 minute half of PL football. They (the AI) rely on it/default to it too much. I slide rarely in a match and it shows in the foul stats.

I start the ML with ML defaults. So the players range from 60-70. My youth team in the following summer had 12 players over 70 in it. Mostly all better than my current squad. I want my 16 year olds to be mostly worse than this. Starting around 60 at most (some start here) and so you actually need to leave them in your youth team for a few years and loan them out before they're ready. Your youth team does also have quite a few players starting around 60 and below, however, after 3 years, none of these, through quite stringently selected youth training have developed to be anywhere near a match squad and from their predicted graphs, none would ever develop above 70. The youth system at the moment seems to be balanced for your starting line-up already being in the 80s for each player. I want to have a reason to develop youth, rather than just swap out my entire team after the first window and end up starting mostly 16 year olds. However, this is specific to people playing with the ML default team. I know many want to play with realistic squads and so won't see this as an issue for them :)

You can create your own manager if you're on PC and happy to do a bit of modding (hence the 'easily' condition being in brackets).

I find that slide tackles are over used by the AI, which I don’t mind, the only thing that gets me is, I never get the ball after they’ve done their tackle, they’re always the 1st up to get the loose ball :RANT:
Your quoting is really confusing as you bolded a lot of my text as well!

Slide tackles are too many for the length of match. I see more slide tackles in a 10 minutes game of PES than I see in an entire 45 minute half of PL football. They (the AI) rely on it/default to it too much. I slide rarely in a match and it shows in the foul stats.

I start the ML with ML defaults. So the players range from 60-70. My youth team in the following summer had 12 players over 70 in it. Mostly all better than my current squad. I want my 16 year olds to be mostly worse than this. Starting around 60 at most (some start here) and so you actually need to leave them in your youth team for a few years and loan them out before they're ready. Your youth team does also have quite a few players starting around 60 and below, however, after 3 years, none of these, through quite stringently selected youth training have developed to be anywhere near a match squad and from their predicted graphs, none would ever develop above 70. The youth system at the moment seems to be balanced for your starting line-up already being in the 80s for each player. I want to have a reason to develop youth, rather than just swap out my entire team after the first window and end up starting mostly 16 year olds. However, this is specific to people playing with the ML default team. I know many want to play with realistic squads and so won't see this as an issue for them :)

You can create your own manager if you're on PC and happy to do a bit of modding (hence the 'easily' condition being in brackets).
I actually love how often the AI slides and fouls you! I hope that's not toned down in the next patch.
I did use Super Cancel on every corner till recently. I noticed that player positioning is slightly better and with Super Cancel I was actually "overshooting" my position. So I tried without and scored 2 last night. Hence I asked about Super Cancel.
I always use "dash" tactics, hit it more or less in the middle of penalty area and curve the ball like on free kicks. Its harder for AI to mark your players when they are charging in.
Everyone has their own way.
I never even tried Crowd 6 yard box.. ;)
yeah. i use far post or dash most of the time. sometimes i want to try something new so i choose another tactic.
when i have a player at the corner who can really bend it like backham, then i do curve balls! those seem to irritate the AI a lot. if the player aint got a good curve value, i try to play them balls hard and straight (LS up).
using R2 for high loopy balls is fine as well. i sometimes play them into the far corner of the pen area just to lay it off with the head to one of my mates closer to goal.
SC i use to get in front of the opponent. sometimes i use SC to steer away from the ball so i'm not attempting a header but a nice drop kick volley or the likes...!
btw: moving a player away, wich is not so natural to do for me, because i tend to walk towards a ball most of the time, brings a lot of nice contextual animations to light! there is so much stuff around positioning and when and how you work an uncoming ball!

I have managed it from the by-line. But it's needed a fast wide player so he gets to crossing position before strikers get in the box, they sometimes seem to time their runs a little too early from a cross unless you do it early, as you say.
yeah. wish i had more of those flying headers! and yes, i had 1 or 2 so far and they came after playing a hard early cross with L1! same as @Emroth as it seems.
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...yet you don't understand how to play to the ref's game...nice name-dropping, but I've nothing to be embarrassed about in the slightest.

You've just reiterated my whole point.
In real life and as a result in a soccer simulation video game you should not have to play to the referees 'game' ... a foul is a foul regardless.
Look at American football, Rugby, Ice Hockey, Basketball .... a double dribble is a foul, as is icing, as is hooking, as is a knock on, as is pass interference, if the rules state its a foul, its called a foul regardless of referee.
Soccer is the only sport whereby rules are determined differently depending on the mood or personality of the official in charge, you only have to look at refs giving one penalty, then not giving 2 or 3 more because they have already given one, it shouldn't matter, if its a foul and a penalty, it should be given.

I'm not here to squabble, or argue with anyone, its only a video game after all. I'm just interested in bettering the game, not having beef with anyone personally.
And as fouls are intrinsic to the sport and to the game and one of the biggest issues discussed all over social media, I hope the mods don't 'ban' fouls discussion as that would make a mockery of a PES forum (forum being the definition of a platform to debate topics of similar interest openly, and amicably)

My main point going back to the beginning was that I said I disagreed with you that fouls weren't an issue in the game, I stated that they were unbalanced.

You honestly cant watch that clip i posted earlier from twitter and tell me that being hacked down in the box that blatantly and being given nothing, which happens all the time, is ok ?

Hence my opinion that the game has fouls issues, contrary to your original statement.

If the mods want this dropped then happy to do so, just trying to explain my point, dont want you thinking I was 'attacking' you or criticising your enjoyment of the game, I wasn't, was merely trying to provide justified reasons why I disagreed with your statement, thats all. :TU:
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I probably spend way too much time trying to make the game look and feel realistic (no, I definitely do)..

Stadiums are a big thing for me. If it feels off, then the whole thing looks off to me. Like somehow the stadiums for Norwich, Villa, Newcastle and a few others look and feel super close to lifelike, but then you go to Everton or Man City or Liverpool and it just looks awful because it doesn’t look nor feel similar and, as far as I know, no stadium in the game is a realistic fit for these teams. It’s a surefire way to kill the immersion for me (Am I weird?)
You've just reiterated my whole point.
In real life and as a result in a soccer simulation video game you should not have to play to the referees 'game' ... a foul is a foul regardless.
Look at American football, Rugby, Ice Hockey, Basketball .... a double dribble is a foul, as is icing, as is hooking, as is a knock on, as is pass interference, if the rules state its a foul, its called a foul regardless of referee.
Soccer is the only sport whereby rules are determined differently depending on the mood or personality of the official in charge, you only have to look at refs giving one penalty, then not giving 2 or 3 more because they have already given one, it shouldn't matter, if its a foul and a penalty, it should be given.

I'm not here to squabble, or argue with anyone, its only a video game after all. I'm just interested in bettering the game, not having beef with anyone personally.
And as fouls are intrinsic to the sport and to the game and one of the biggest issues discussed all over social media, I hope the mods don't 'ban' fouls discussion as that would make a mockery of a PES forum (forum being the definition of a platform to debate topics of similar interest openly, and amicably)

My main point going back to the beginning was that I said I disagreed with you that fouls weren't an issue in the game, I stated that they were unbalanced.

You honestly cant watch that clip i posted earlier from twitter and tell me that being hacked down in the box that blatantly and being given nothing, which happens all the time, is ok ?

Hence my opinion that the game has fouls issues, contrary to your original statement.

I played competitive Basketball in 2 different leagues for a total of 6 years. The referees make a huge difference in how you play the game. However, Football (soccer) has far looser rules involving a lot more decisions being open to interpretation than most American sports. So they aren't even a good comparison anyway.

One thing the fouls in this game certainly are not is unbalanced. The same rules apply to the CPU as they do to us and this is why the AI fouls more than I do in most matches I play.

I've not said fouls aren't an issue. I just said it's easily manageable and not as extreme for me as it has been for others. People have said they play a game and the AI has zero fouls punished. This is absolutely not the case for me. Besides the collisions issue (players not pressing a tackle button not being punished) there is no MAJOR issue ruining the game, for me.
Anyone know how to win headers from corners?
Ive scored a few headers and a few volleys. What I do is select dash in, power up and curl ball in or out. As soon as it kicked press L1 and then I double tap shoot button on manual. Or on advanced power up and pull down towards a corner to head low
I played competitive Basketball in 2 different leagues for a total of 6 years. The referees make a huge difference in how you play the game. However, Football (soccer) has far looser rules involving a lot more decisions being open to interpretation than most American sports. So they aren't even a good comparison anyway.

One thing the fouls in this game certainly are not is unbalanced. The same rules apply to the CPU as they do to us and this is why the AI fouls more than I do in most matches I play.

I've not said fouls aren't an issue. I just said it's easily manageable and not as extreme for me as it has been for others. People have said they play a game and the AI has zero fouls punished. This is absolutely not the case for me. Besides the collisions issue (players not pressing a tackle button not being punished) there is no MAJOR issue ruining the game, for me.

Fair enough mate, PES has always had 'session variance' ever since the days of ISS, whereby the game played and felt differently session to session, its the only reason I can think of that our game experiences vary so drastically.
I guess 'agree to disagree' is the cordial route to take here.

FYI I love the rest of the game, despite the obvious tweaks needed, many of which I agreed with on your list you posted earlier, and ignoring the awful commentary and presentation, and the fact that the ML 'revamp' was just fluff and there are no player interactions or anything that branches off or decides ML story arcs, apart from that core game play is brilliant, for me (and thousands of others) its the unbalanced fouls which are ruining it.
Are you guys getting injuries in ML or in League? Im getting a bunch of minor ones (3days to one week or two) but im not sure if its because Inter or because my mod on PC is working. Pretty nice anyways
this guy is just trolling now, not going to engage just going enjoy the game and the fouls I win

I don't think he's trolling, I think he has a valid point, and as @Chris Davies asked everyone to stop demanding proof, i wont expect any screenshots etc but I'm also sceptical that anyone gets 3-5 fouls per game (which is still a ludicrously low amount) and every game.

Read above though, and it shows that everyone's game experience, even when playing with same players, same formations and tactics etc, can wildly vary, so theres no right or wrong here, just personal experiences.
You and @Negatrev get lots of fouls, many of others don't. thats fact.
Are you guys getting injuries in ML or in League? Im getting a bunch of minor ones (3days to one week or two) but im not sure if its because Inter or because my mod on PC is working. Pretty nice anyways

Playing on PS4, PES Uni OF, Starting with defaults in the EFL Championship, 5 games into season 2, not a single injury so far, not a single training ground or in-game injury, most players play every week without any noticeable fatigue, they only get dropped when their form is way down.
Are you guys getting injuries in ML or in League? Im getting a bunch of minor ones (3days to one week or two) but im not sure if its because Inter or because my mod on PC is working. Pretty nice anyways
I get injuries every few games, but like you say, it’s only minor stuff (like a bruised pinky) and they have to miss a game or two.
I don't think he's trolling, I think he has a valid point, and as @Chris Davies asked everyone to stop demanding proof, i wont expect any screenshots etc but I'm also sceptical that anyone gets 3-5 fouls per game (which is still a ludicrously low amount) and every game.

Read above though, and it shows that everyone's game experience, even when playing with same players, same formations and tactics etc, can wildly vary, so theres no right or wrong here, just personal experiences.
You and @Negatrev get lots of fouls, many of others don't. thats fact.
Do the AI slide tackle in your game? If so you must be getting fouls. If not then you need to work on your dribbling. That's where id say 80% of AI fouls come from.

Also note the ref plays on ALOT even when your not in a good position, I had 4 fouls by the AI in each game last night but would of been more if the ref hadnt played on.
Do the AI slide tackle in your game? If so you must be getting fouls. If not then you need to work on your dribbling. That's where id say 80% of AI fouls come from.

Also note the ref plays on ALOT even when your not in a good position, I had 4 fouls by the AI in each game last night but would of been more if the ref hadnt played on.

I'd say a few times per match but when they do they always slide with laser guided accuracy and take the ball and regain possession, One day when I get time I will make a video, not as proof, just as a comparison between game play experiences that shows all this stuff, laser guided slide tackles, constant fouls not being given, insane com pressure.

it really is astounding how everyones game can play so differently.
(and thousands of others) its the unbalanced fouls which are ruining it.

...this has been repeated a few times. The thing is, you are aware that people are far more likely to be vocal about a negative experience than a positive one. Also, I've seen maybe a dozen or so people talk about the 'bad fouls' in this thread, certainly not thousands. I've also seen at least 5 talk about how they see a reasonable number of fouls (and one who seems to get too many fouls for the AI! but I assume playing a longer match). But experience (my own in this game AND historic with PES) tells me that it's not imbalanced. PES 4, you could press and press and press. It rarely drew a foul, only sliding did. Then PES 5 came out. Suddenly, you couldn't just hold down press as you would foul the player pretty much every time if you didn't have clear access to the ball. People all over the place were complaining that the fouls were imbalanced, that they get done for fouls constantly and the AI just shoved you off the ball. However, do you know what happened? People learnt how the mechanics of physicality had been changed. How you now needed to be better at tackling well and how you needed to shield the ball. It was an extreme reaction by Konami due to the complaints on fouls for PES 4. But in the end, a welcome change.

I see this years release in a similar light (how many people complained about a lack of fouls in general last year?). R2 is different from last year and you need to use it differently. R3 is far more reliant on player stats and only works in rare circumstances rather than pretty much all the time compared to last year. Sprinting is harder to initiate when close to a defender as they jostle far more and force you to slow to keep balance. Players are too 'top-heavy' it seems and fall over a little too easily. This, combined with non-tackle collisions going unpunished, means you suffer far more from a physical challenge as if you don't get the foul, your player is also likely on the ground and out of that 'play'. However, the AI still needs to cleanly take the ball, it's just they have more leeway on how much they can muscle around your players (but you can do the same thing). The AI can also be fooled and dribbled past, sprinted past or on the rare occasion, flick the ball over their head. It's just a lot harder now. I welcome challenges like this that change the game and I'm enjoying it far more than last year. I think I only played about 5 seasons of ML last year (spread across a couple of saves). I stopped playing it before Christmas and only played it a little before release this year to remind me how it played. I've already played nearly 3 ML seasons and will likely start again if/when someone finds a way to put the Klashman tactics into a patch.

I apologise if people see this frame of mind as condescending. Thinking I'm saying that I'm 'better' than them at PES, or they're playing 'wrong' or that they haven't tried certain techniques. If someone comes here and complains that they are suffering an issue. I'll try and explain how I cope with the issue, or why it's not a problem for me. If it's advice you've already heard, or you feel you've tried and it doesn't work, then I'm sorry. I don't know what you've previously tried and can't make your experience match mine. But I also WILL share my experience, as there still the chance that it will help others and mean they enjoy the game more. You don't need to be upset by someone having a different experience. You can ignore/discount advice. But suggesting the advice is wrong/doesn't work isn't really constructive as it clearly works for me (and others, I won't claim thousands!).
I'd say a few times per match but when they do they always slide with laser guided accuracy and take the ball and regain possession, One day when I get time I will make a video, not as proof, just as a comparison between game play experiences that shows all this stuff, laser guided slide tackles, constant fouls not being given, insane com pressure.

it really is astounding how everyones game can play so differently.

On this. Is there a preferred approach to getting video from PES these days. It was Fraps back with PES 4 (the last time I bothered video stuff as we had the online league thing where we shared stories and highlights). Do you use stuff built into the graphics card drivers, or third party apps? Does it impact gameplay much (with PES 4 I'd only record replays as the live response was terrible while Frap'ing, but PCs have moved on a lot since then!). If it doesn't impact me much. I might just video a match as I play it. People can then see how the game goes and it might show something I'm incapable of describing correctly in speech. Plus you can all judge how bad I am at this game considering I've been playing it for just under 20 years!
On this. Is there a preferred approach to getting video from PES these days. It was Fraps back with PES 4 (the last time I bothered video stuff as we had the online league thing where we shared stories and highlights). Do you use stuff built into the graphics card drivers, or third party apps? Does it impact gameplay much (with PES 4 I'd only record replays as the live response was terrible while Frap'ing, but PCs have moved on a lot since then!). If it doesn't impact me much. I might just video a match as I play it. People can then see how the game goes and it might show something I'm incapable of describing correctly in speech. Plus you can all judge how bad I am at this game considering I've been playing it for just under 20 years!

I wont bother replying to the previous thread as we obviously have complete differing views on the fouls subject, was interesting that you mentioned PES 5 though, considered by many to be the greatest PES game of all time, and guess what?!?! It had 5-20 fouls per match, if you didn't learn to defend and time tackles right you was punished, which is what happened in the PES20 demo, then the kids that play online who dont like fouls because it ruins the non stop frantic online game play, complained, Konami bottled it, tweaked fouls and now they are unbalanced, and nothing like the demo, that's my final say on the subject,k whether you agree with it or not, I don't care, plenty share my viewpoint and im sure plenty share yours, but its there in black and white in Konami's own words that they changed the fouls based on feedback.

As for recording PES footage, I play on PS4, so its as simple as clicking the share button to save the last 30 secs/60 secs, 5mins, 15mins or 30 mins of footage, whatever you choose, to your PS4 HDD.

On PC theres a built in game recorder into windows, don't know how good it is, FRAPS always had a lot of overhead so often interrupted game play and dropped frames.
I use mac, I can remote play from PS4 to my macbook pro, and record footage on mac using Screenflow which is superb.
I wont bother replying to the previous thread as we obviously have complete differing views on the fouls subject, was interesting that you mentioned PES 5 though, considered by many to be the greatest PES game of all time, and guess what?!?! It had 5-20 fouls per match, if you didn't learn to defend and time tackles right you was punished, which is what happened in the PES20 demo, then the kids that play online who dont like fouls because it ruins the non stop frantic online game play, complained, Konami bottled it, tweaked fouls and now they are unbalanced, and nothing like the demo, that's my final say on the subject,k whether you agree with it or not, I don't care, plenty share my viewpoint and im sure plenty share yours, but its there in black and white in Konami's own words that they changed the fouls based on feedback.

As for recording PES footage, I play on PS4, so its as simple as clicking the share button to save the last 30 secs/60 secs, 5mins, 15mins or 30 mins of footage, whatever you choose, to your PS4 HDD.

On PC theres a built in game recorder into windows, don't know how good it is, FRAPS always had a lot of overhead so often interrupted game play and dropped frames.
I use mac, I can remote play from PS4 to my macbook pro, and record footage on mac using Screenflow which is superb.

Please note, changed <> imbalanced.
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