eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Totally disappointed.
Tennis game, there is no midfield. there are no faults nor the referee.
Perfect passes.
Are there long-distance shots? I have not seen one.
The change of cursor seems to remain the same

: good: 1 or 2 new animations, the physical ball seems to be the best. nothing else
sorry my english
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Did they say any word about the database? If they fixed the problem with the old EDIT000000.bin?
For some crazy reason, i expect versatile flexible editable leagues, that will be modified as hand-held fans, adding and removing 2nd and 3rd or 4th divisions at will.Plus all rosters capacity expand to 50 max and 2nd goalkeeper kits. Maybe i sound a little bit futuristic?? :P

Yeah dude. Your expectations are too high. Perhaps on Playstation 6
I really don't understand the disappointment, and at times, full on hate surrounding any new PES. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some eternally optimistic fanboy jumping on the hype train, and I'd love the same spectacular mega-budget overhaul as everyone else, but what do people really expect? PES has had a solid gameplay foundation for a few years now, and if they continue to build on it with, what appears from the outside, to be a shoestring budget given to them by Konami, then fair play to them.

If I think of the things that annoyed me the most about vanilla PES this year it would be - the near post crosses, awful UI, and horribly outdated transfer system and player values in ML. 3 things that all appear to have been addressed this year. After the PES video I watched the Fifa gameplay changes breakdown, and the very first one the man says is "we've really focused on toning down the defending to create more exciting 1vs1 situations this year".... ummm.... what? Really? I don't know about you, but I'd take having to see the same PES animations and physics over stupid gameplay changes any day of the week.
I'd love the same spectacular mega-budget overhaul as everyone else, but what do people really expect?

There are so many things in Pes that are outdated and many old issues still not fixed you can't say complaints are unreasonable. Nobody wants an AAA game budget, but Pes lately is so painfully close to an indie game budget. It feels like there are no more than 10 people working on it.
Wasn't this already doable in PES 2017 though?
I remember a shot of Giroud jumping for a header with his shirt not covering all of the back (but letting a little bit of the undershirt through), but maybe I'm wrong.
I really don't understand the disappointment
I really don't understand people who actually get excited when they change the menus, the absolute least most important part of the game (they need to function, that's all) - and yet, they advertise it as their #2 Master League "new feature" and apparently there are actually people out there who think that's great news:

If I think of the things that annoyed me the most about vanilla PES this year it would be [...] the awful UI

I don't understand that. But you are entitled to that opinion, as is every gameplay pessimist because passes are still perfectly struck rockets that doesn't represent reality etc. etc. etc. etc. - even if we don't understand each other.

What makes no sense is bringing up the other game's conference and saying "well at least it's better than that shite".

So what if it is? That makes it okay because it's the only choice we have? We laugh when they implement career mode cutscenes that everybody in the world just skips now because they're so pointless, but we're excited for the Konami version. It's just fanboyism, or at the very least, putting on rose-tinted spectacles and not realising how hypocritical we are.

Also, I mean:

After the PES video I watched the Fifa gameplay changes breakdown, and the very first one the man says is "we've really focused on toning down the defending to create more exciting 1vs1 situations this year".... ummm.... what? Really? I don't know about you, but I'd take having to see the same PES animations and physics over stupid gameplay changes any day of the week.
We're decrying them now for talking about gameplay and making an effort to change it (even if misguided)? As opposed to Konami showing something that looks identical to PES 2019 and supposedly demonstrating the new "revolutionary" gameplay features, yet we can't tell if they're even there or not?

Which, by the way, will probably be the case with the other game, and there's no gameplay footage yet for that reason I'd bet - but there are so many basic gameplay issues, stiffness and just ping-pong craziness with PES that yes, I am disappointed to see that the core of the game is identical again this year, and PES is the focus here, not what the other game does or doesn't achieve.

(This is me trying to explain myself to all the guys who "don't understand" why some of us are so pessimistic, by the way - not meaning to come across in a bullish fashion. I'm just trying to get across that, hey, "what do you expect" is a really lame attitude and the game has been stagnant since PES 2017.)

For balance... It's always about "feel" with PES, and it may well feel much better in our hands. The AI may be better and it may stop Bournemouth playing like Barcelona. I doubt it, HIGHLY doubt it (especially because they're not talking about that), but it might.

But I can factually see my personal bugbears of 2019, nearly all gameplay related, are still there from the video (e.g. the player having the ball at their feet but taking five steps after you press an action button - the power bar appears - to actually hit the ball, by which time the opponent has won it off you, for no reason other than to give the defender a chance).
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Taking 1-2 steps to hit the ball after action button pressed.. especially when sprinting will feel supersresponsive as if playing first person shooter, i guess.
@Chris Davies
What I mean is that, yes, disappointments are totally understandable, we all want PES to be the best it can be, but surely you have to put things in perspective?

PES is nothing more than a yearly title to Konami that continues to tick over each year, whereas on the other side of the fence they're competing with an absolute financial behemoth, which is now not just an imitation of the sport, but it is firmly entrenched into it. See that article where they said people were taken off the development of Anthem (which had huge hype around it and was supposed to be a massive AAA money maker) to go work on Fifa instead because EA wanted their best guys on it? Can you really imagine Konami putting that amount of resources into PES? Not in a million years.

And lastly (and the same applies every year) - what is the point in getting either hyped or bitterly disappointed at this stage anyway? We've all been stung before, and we've all been pleasantly surprised before. Developers can say whatever sweet words they want, but it isn't until it gets into our own hands and we break the game apart, push it to its limit, and exploit the hell out of it, do we actually learn whether it's a good game or not anyway.

but Pes lately is so painfully close to an indie game budget. It feels like there are no more than 10 people working on it.
Exactly! That's the point, there probably isn't!
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There is no chance that anything will be improved significantly.
Rigged myClub to the max, and boring ML. Everything pretty much the same - 1000%.

But one simple thing they could do...Cut that infinite screens after the match. Specially in myClub.
Why not put all info in ONE screen, and if something demands an action, you just scroll to it, or - press one button for exit??? Really not that hard.

There are also stupid loading times between the screens. Not long like minute, but even few seconds are frustrating.
And you have 5 or 6 damn screens after one match!! I am cursing myself if I accidentally go to wrong screen, and then need to go back. That fuckin' loading time.

I am very pessimistic about the game. That gameplay looked bugged a bit, and I am sure that they will implement some stupid gamebraking bug at the start. They are doing it intentionally, there is no other reason to be that stubborn with AI low cross for example. To half ass fixed it, 5 months after the release. They put stuff like that on purpose.

I am 100% guarantee that there will be some crazy shit to repair MONTHS after the release.

Damn purple menus..E football..lazy bullshitting all over.

Hate the game, so much hate the devs, hate the management the most, BUT IT IS STILL NOT THAT BAD.
And I will buy the game, even pre order it for sure.

Oh yes, and the demo will be miles better, and then they will tone down the main game. You see, I know everything.
It is like they fuck us over for years, again and again :)
Perhaps the solution would be to bring out the game every two years with yearly DLC to actualise the game (rosters, divisions). If the game would be beter i would be ok to pay for that DLC.

That said, the reactions in this thread are completely over the top...to put things in perspective: watch Chernobyl.

Instead of excessively moaning do something positive and start a crowdfunding action for a really good game, I would gladly particpate…

Unless, we the fans do something, it will never become better...

Don't want to offend anybody, but reading all those posts is rather depressive...
I don't understand the general disappointment. Maybe we are expecting so much of a videogame.

It looks really promising for me. The game has returned to the realistic slow pace of PES 2014/2015. The animations and ball phisics looks incredible. The finesse control new mechanic seems to be huge deep. Maybe it should have more pass error (they are playing legends vs barça matches) and the collissions should be improved, buy they are still working on it, and tweaking a few parameters this could be solved.

I'm really exited with the new finesse control. Its looks so soft and free. I can't visualize how it'll work but I'm sure it would be intuitive.
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Exactly. Liverpool should still be in Pes and new english team should be Manchester United. One step forward and two steps backward.Konami.
To defend Konami, it's not necessarily all down to them. If Liverpool don't want to re-sign then Konami can't make them.

We don't know either way so it's tough to lay blame, considering the mess that Dortmund made last year.
I'm all in on eSoccer this year,fuck ML and it's all myclub and PA3 for me #cantwait #hypetrain #epic

Ps did they present or show any ML on the Spanish/Portuguese stream?
It's pretty worrying that ML that they have mentioned prior to the stream wasn't mention at all (or very little).
They will show countless matches between now and the demo, and they will all be 1 vs 1 with no 1 vs AI lest we all spot the inadequacies of the AI. Then guys like 'free as a bird' and 'custard, or it is curdstar'?, will be spouting all over Twitter and Facebook about how great everything is.

Then the demo will drop and it will be 'reasonable' given our very low expectations and some will think its good, some will think its crap.

Then the big release day arrives and game will be speeded up and nowt like the demo, the woeful AI will be exposed, same goals by the AI, goalies that don't come out, or the killer unstoppable pass will be played by AI 4 or 5 times in every match.

After playing 10 or 20 matches you will realise that there are still no fouls, penalties, injuries or sendings off for the AI, let alone that the AI passing is still being 110% accurate every time and the big railway lines you have to run in will still be there.

20 - 30 matches in and it's game's a bogey, abandon all hope ye who enter in, then whatever version you have will be traded in or left to gather dust on your games collection shelf, until the whole thing starts all over again next year.

If you don't expect the above, buy it on release day and pay an AAA price for it.

However, if you suspect the above will happen, wait till November and get it for half price or less as a digital download and pay an A price for an A rated game.

I'm afraid for me PES, er ahem, e-football has not been a release day purchase for me for like 10 years, and it won't be this year either.

However, I am a truly optimistic person and that wee bit is still in me, the wee voice saying, maybe this year, maybe this will be the one, maybe the 'king' will be back....So I hang on to that and hope that I get pleasantly surprised, but I am definitely not paying over £50 to find out that I were right and Konami were wrong!
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The main thing is, you can "imagine" what it feels to play what you see. But you're not playing with your own "standards" (no assistance for some, higher difficulty, different formations, more or less based on building or agressive defending)

Never a PES stream or even a Fifa have represented what i'm playing. Plus, some people hire conclusion too fast like for example: no serie B/Liga 2 like this year, only cinematics changes in ML, etc.

But nothing, nothing have been announced clearly about IG teams, edit mode, and what they gives from info about ML is very light, but they needed two or three screenshoots to put on name on it.

They've been clear only about controls features, the rest is on mode "loading... Please wait".

My only biggest hope is about a bigger edit.bin... Well, i think they've learned from PES 2019 feedback and Thailand unplayable in any league that they should do a little thing for it.
It's a priority to be prepared for a larger leagues scale, as since PES 2019, they're searching to sign new leagues at any cost.
At least, from my point of view, from what they try to have (more and more league), it's the bigger priority in terms of database. They can't let it like it was, and i think they were only aware of this problem with PES 2019, but a bit too late.

But with PES Productions, we never know... They can fuck up things that nobody expected because they found the issue too late, and the thing is unchangeable.

Even if personnally i'm pretty optimistic about this one and only thing. They've annouced two month ago from commentators more than 104 or 124 (not sure about the number) new teams callnames.
quick thoughts


like that players are shielding the ball to retain possession
some nice first touch animations


its basically same game as 19,still same shite goals conceded

but as always its all down to ONE thing for me, if it is not scripted(human vs human online or offlline) i will LOVE it just like i did beta 2 years ago and demo last year, if it is still scripted i will hate it.
I really don't understand the disappointment, and at times, full on hate surrounding any new PES. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some eternally optimistic fanboy jumping on the hype train, and I'd love the same spectacular mega-budget overhaul as everyone else, but what do people really expect? PES has had a solid gameplay foundation for a few years now, and if they continue to build on it with, what appears from the outside, to be a shoestring budget given to them by Konami, then fair play to them.

If I think of the things that annoyed me the most about vanilla PES this year it would be - the near post crosses, awful UI, and horribly outdated transfer system and player values in ML. 3 things that all appear to have been addressed this year. After the PES video I watched the Fifa gameplay changes breakdown, and the very first one the man says is "we've really focused on toning down the defending to create more exciting 1vs1 situations this year".... ummm.... what? Really? I don't know about you, but I'd take having to see the same PES animations and physics over stupid gameplay changes any day of the week.

Same here!
My expectations have been very low.

Plus, my perspective is coming from the edit section. I won't be satisfied with the vanilla version and I surely won't buy the console version.
The modded out PES 2019 in terms of looks and gameplay is one of the best footie games I have ever played!
Thx to incas, chuny, nesa, ginda, MTJ and everyone I forgot to mention.
That one with some tiny little improvements for the price of the PC version.... I'll take it!

Any yearly title like WWE, NBA, FIFA and so on only have minor differences year by year, so I don't really get it, when people say "looks like last years game".
Well, of course it does.

And those AI improvements on the tactical side.... they'll probably never get it right, cause all the players have different expectations.

My recommendation:
If you are an offline player, get a decent PC, mod the hell out of it and tweak it to your individual likings.
Sorry if this has already been posted - but a better video in 1080p.

I don't know about the ball physics. If you look at the ground pass here at 6:50, it accelerates quickly and then comes to a rather abrupt slowdown so that the winger can pick it up conveniently. IRL this would probably have been overshot.

Also, when they dribble I have this old PES feeling again, that the ball is stuck to an invisible stick coming out of their feet rather than being truly free.

If 2019 did one thing right it was the ball physics. Fingers crossed that this is just the video and that, when you are playing it, you don't feel it anymore.
Some of that stuff looks good, but the new animations always look good. The "on the ball" stuff always looks decent in PES. That guy has been making GIFs every year for as long as I can remember and it's always impressive when you first see it. The problem is it wears off fast.

The fundamentals are still the problem. Why have no real choice in assistance levels, why only give focus to "on the ball" stuff, would it be so hard to add new defensive mechanics? For example instead of just getting Iniesta they could have also got Azpilicueta and added some new close jockeying styles.

Where is the "context sensitive kicking"? I see Umtiti spraying perfect outside of the boot aerial passes over multiple players. Everything is just braindead easy such that it can be done by a 5 year old. How can a football game feel rewarding when there is no difference between players except for some bespoke animations.

Apparently even expecting to see features that are listed on the website is too demanding for some here. :CONFUSE:
Personnally my expectation are "moderated" i'd rather say.

We all know that FOX is a very good engine, but way too difficult to master without Kojima, about adding stuffs/graphical details, etc.
But no new engine before next gen, so i won't expect something totally different neither. The way it looks, yes, it's definitively PES 2017-19 with a better lightening, animations have been added but they couldn't change the whole system.
I loved PES 2014 as a base, but there was too much unmastered things on it, and long distance scoring was way too hard to masterise, aswell as header with no impact at all. And after the patch, there have never been a catch up bug so visibile (i use a mod for that on my PC)
But well, the global feeling of realism in terms of inertia, physics, even contact was really coming from the future.
PES 2015.5...just polished the menus, new ball each year, player faces improved, gameplay as well...from the Fox Engine I don't think they can squeeze better graphics.
But if you are a football addict videogamer, you will play pes cause if you look at the alternative football game, you have fifa...same shit every year as well with pinball gameplay for kids and now they have fifa street...but they had fifa street last year too, the difference was that they were playing on the grass.
Maybe next year they will release new version for ps5 next gen consoles with new engine.
I will pre order this year too cause I don't have a better football game with the gameplay as first priority...I prefer to play a more natural gameplay with 2015 graphics than other game with better graphics but arcade gameplay, anyway for me I don't think that fifa has better graphics...
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