You are talking horse mate.I disagree completely.Take a closer look.Also really study the animation system and the way the players interact with the ball.The way the RB mechanic allows you to freely move off the ball.You can also contest loose ball nows.The variation on passing,trapping and how you can move on the ball with the RT trigger.
The ball doesn’t automatically stick to players and it bounces off heels and parts of the players bodies.
Been kicking around this industry for years now and a lot of things in this game are pretty reclvolutionary.It just hasn’t been done.
Yes it my opinion,but everything above is there and clear to see.
I've had a season ticket for 35 years at Anfield. I've played semi professional football, I've played in the FA Cup, The FA Vase. Ive played at Anfield, Goodison, Prenton Park and the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.
A ball does not move in that one paced way. No kick is the same. The ball is spinning, it curls, it bounces and moves across the turf in hundreds of different ways. Footballers DO NOT MOVE like this game. It in no way represents a realistic version of the sport. Goalkeepers do not dive in real life like that and certainly are not beaten by powder puff shots. In a real match, in elite sport if you passed a ball that slowly in a game you would lose possession 99% of the time.
By your definition, Sensible Soccer is realistic because the ball doesn't stick to your foot or Kick Off by Dino Dini and they came out in 1989 and 1992 respectively. It has been done before.
Your post is full of hyperbole and I think you know it.