eFootball (All Platforms)

Oh, and they also fixed PES21's worst animation--the FUMA pass behind a player would cause them to try to intercept the ball with the heels instead of controlling them.
Why they never fixed that in PES21 is another story, but it made for some frustrating plays.
Unfortunately they haven't fixed it. Maybe it happens less often and you've just been lucky to not encounter it, but I have had it happen twice already.

Edit: @janguv beat me to it :)
Ugh. I can forgive PKs and FKs remaining the same, but how the hell do they not fix this?
Yea, I guess I've been lucky so far.
Playing a lot of 11s on 2021 made me realise the best solution is to be holding R2 as the receiver to face the ball and release it just before you get it. I don't know if you can do something similar in eFootball in terms of orienting yourself. But yeah, it shouldn't be in there at all :LOL: it's a groan-inducing animation.
I still don't think I know what "sharp kicks" are or how they will work. Is it just some extra buttons you hold to give the kick extra sauce or spin?
On this, according to the trailers I think it's an option to give your kicks some extra oomph, playing lofted diagonals, arching your body back to slice the ball a bit as you give it uplift, etc.

But from the playtesters, it seems you can apply the modifier to ordinary passes, which gives them zip too.

I can imagine it becoming very glitchy and cheesy online, if they speed up the play significantly.
The "high level" model looks okay, but even if they find a way to up the poly count, will they address all the asset replication? Can see the exact same models just a few seats away from each other. In a given snapshot, there can be 5 or more of the same asset on show, and that won't be the only asset duplicated in the shot.

The crowd isn't the most important thing to me, but I do think this is pretty immersion-breaking.
Has anyone else not played it yet? I don't have much time to commit to gaming and have been fannying around trying to get a new PC up and running, but just based on the comments in here have not bothered downloading it. I might give it a bash after the update if the feedback is good and there's some decent PC mods (already looking quite positive), just wondered if anyone else was in the same boat.
I stop playing it until they properly fix the game. RIght now it's not worth it to install, it's buggy as hell.

but if you like to see some stupid & funny bugs and want to make your GPU to be like Boeing 777i think it's worth a shot :D
I bought PS5 few days ago, bought and played FIFA22 .... I dont even want to download this and try it (PES fan since 2004) ... it is in favor of PES name and memories for me not to even try it for 2 minutes.
I mean really, nobody cares if you bought FIFA, or you do not wanna play eFootball 2022.
I mean, this whole discussion went south more then Konami did.
I thinks this is still predomineltly PES.For me it’s the realisation of what can be done on a modem engine.

I am a little suprised at the negativity,not from a pro Konami point of view.Because the marketing has been woeful,as has the communication and lack of real instruction when it comes to getting the best out of this demo.It’s clearly a early demo though and has been perceived rightly as a marker of a more finished product.

It’s just more manual orientated.The cpu isn’t always making the movements towards the ball automatically,you have to hold the RT trigger and use the RB button alot.I think we’ve all become accustomed to the Cpu doing so much of the basic leg work.When you first play the game players don’t seem to react as automatically as they do in Pes21.There’s just so much repositioning you have to do.I also believe there’s now a lot more subtlety in both power,direction and how you manage your team on and off the ball.

It’s not glowing positivity.Ive spent thousands of hours on Pes21 and I’m also heavily playing the very refined fifa22.I just really like alot of what efootball22 fundamentally does.It’s fresh and there’s so many things that havent been attempted or done before.The experience on the series X isn’t a complete un-optimised hell..In the main it plays really well.
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Looking at Durandil finds, i guess we have to wait about a year for the game to leave alpha beta phases, we will be going from 0.9.1 to 0.9.9 and 1.0 will finally arrive at the end of this season as efootball 2023 together with edit mode and master league from pes 21, and that would bring us on PES 21 levels. Any promised improvements, maybe by 2030 editions.

They even downgraded one of the PES legends Minanda to be stadium security post-retirement ffs


I wonder what Castolo is doing...
I thinks this is still predomineltly PES.For me it’s the realisation of what can be done on a modem engine.

I am a little suprised at the negativity
To me, it's all about bugs. Too much, i never see it even in an Alpha or Beta try version. And they release it like if it's nothing.
Killing hope of tons of people. You're "guessing" that it will be better, but you don't have a clue how the direction will go mate, or if those bugs are rectifiable at all : there 3 news found bugs every day it's played. And the LOD level is just incomprehensible.

But about graphisms, from what Durandil posted about the LOD change, he didn't do it by himself : he's a very good guy and not Konami sided or whatever or trying to sell the game. Like the one person in the crowd is LOD from a 720p resolution on Mobile. The other is probably for PS4 or PS5.
I thrust him personnally. He didn't remade himself the ugly PS1 LOD player, sure about it because i know him as he's well known in French and he's a trustful person.

Now, Graphisms are one thing, bugs and physics issues, contact, control, and what you're thinkin about "free" could also be because the rails aren't ready yet. You don't know. Every games needs "rails" (well not in passing, i talk in general), especially in football, just for the sake of having control of what they could add or remove as details or calibration without having a complete game breaker. "Rails" are something needed for the balance.
But if they make in the future a game that doesn't need it and found another way... Yes, i will be a total game changer for not only football but all sports games that will be inspired by the system. I don't believe that much they're able to do it to be frank, but well.

Ftm we don't know a fucking thing, as you can really give an opinion on a skeleton game, but a constatation of what it is. Well, except "it's unfinished, the game is totally bugged, it's shit" or "there's potential, perhaps a big one. But there's so much bugs that we don't have a clue if it's a matter of choice of if half of what they want to implement is not ready yet"
'' efootball does not look, act or present a realistic version of the sport, and the clear majority understand this. ''

Which football game looks real? PES 2021?

PES 2014 to PES 2021 is nothing more than a ping pong NO BREAK, FROM AREA TO AREA. They only not worse than the fifas from 2017 to 2022.
Edit: PES 2017, it was good from start to finish. 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020 were only good in the demo and until the first update (after fan feedback destroyed the game).
PES 2021 has been improved.
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To me, it's all about bugs. Too much, i never see it even in an Alpha or Beta try version. And they release it like if it's nothing.
Killing hope of tons of people. You're "guessing" that it will be better, but you don't have a clue how the direction will go mate, or if those bugs are rectifiable at all : there 3 news found bugs every day it's played. And the LOD level is just incomprehensible.

But about graphisms, from what Durandil posted about the LOD change, he didn't do it by himself : he's a very good guy and not Konami sided or whatever or trying to sell the game. Like the one person in the crowd is LOD from a 720p resolution on Mobile. The other is probably for PS4 or PS5.
I thrust him personnally. He didn't remade himself the ugly PS1 LOD player, sure about it because i know him as he's well known in French and he's a trustful person.

Now, Graphisms are one thing, bugs and physics issues, contact, control, and what you're thinkin about "free" could also be because the rails aren't ready yet. You don't know. Every games needs "rails" (well not in passing, i talk in general), especially in football, just for the sake of having control of what they could add or remove as details or calibration without having a complete game breaker. "Rails" are something needed for the balance.
But if they make in the future a game that doesn't need it and found another way... Yes, i will be a total game changer for not only football but all sports games that will be inspired by the system. I don't believe that much they're able to do it to be frank, but well.

Ftm we don't know a fucking thing, as you can really give an opinion on a skeleton game, but a constatation of what it is. Well, except "it's unfinished, the game is totally bugged, it's shit" or "there's potential, perhaps a big one. But there's so much bugs that we don't have a clue if it's a matter of choice of if half of what they want to implement is not ready yet"

Is it that buggy though on all platforms..Ive seen varying fluctauations in performance across the platforms,and it’s clear the pc version seems to be the worse offender,being the worse optimised version of the demo.But again that depends on the rig.

I can’t speak for the ps5 or older platforms because I haven’t tried them.

The rails are still there and I don’t think this demo is going to change drastically.It just doesn’t need to.Most of the work has already been done.It’s just needs a lot of de-bugging and optimisation.

There’s a great game here,you just have to find it.It reminds me of pes in the early days and how you used to have to learn it.I just think people want instant gratification now.There not interested in learnig the nuances or methodology of something different.This really is a very deep and playable demo if you properly learn to play it.
I've said this a thousand times here, but nothing screams "this is nowhere near finished" louder than your training mode just being a short unhelpful video.

I enjoy training, but it was never as needed as in this release, where the gameplay has changed considerably.
"may this series rest in peace".
+ The game starts.
- everything sucks , horribly ugly ,useless on the pitch.
The F2P model has ruined the game ,buggy ,sloppy and ugly ,this game is broken.

Not sure if I'd put "the game starts" on the plus side though.
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Had fun playing against Man Utd on top player. They have incredible players and the AI is quite unpredictable on this difficulty.
Just had to record this goal that they scored against me.

Sorry if negative, but all I see is 5 defenders & not 1 of them makes a move to either the ball or cover space.
I would demote my whole defence to the reserves for this much ball watching :LOL:

The worst part is you were probably doing your best to defend it and/or switch players.
Had fun playing against Man Utd on top player. They have incredible players and the AI is quite unpredictable on this difficulty.
Just had to record this goal that they scored against me.

Jesus.... Look at that ball-player interaction, the moves on the ball... Its soo good

For some It looks like its "too slow", for me its pleasing to the eyes and more realistic than the same predictable body turns.

Players dont need to always turn the body with the same predictable move with the ball under controle. They use Basic varied football skils, some of them seen in futsal (indoor football games), wich is Very used on the field.

Its Just on the whole New level.

I was so wrong into thinking this would be Just a mobile game. It is nothing like It.

The shit pes2020/2021 is só básic and predictable they look a Lot more like one.
Sorry if negative, but all I see is 5 defenders & not 1 of them makes a move to either the ball or cover space.
I would demote my whole defence to the reserves for this much ball watching :LOL:

The worst part is you were probably doing your best to defend it and/or switch players.
To be fair my defenders did cover spaces inside the penalty area quite well. They marked the two man utd in the box closely. One of my defender even tracked a player that made run into the box. It just that greenwood and wan bissaka outplayed me on the left side and cr7 finished the rest
Jesus.... Look at that ball-player interaction, the moves on the ball... Its soo good

For some It looks like its "too slow", for me its pleasing to the eyes and more realistic than the same predictable body turns.

Players dont need to always turn the body with the same predictable move with the ball under controle. They use Basic varied football skils, some of them seen in futsal (indoor football games), wich is Very used on the field.

Its Just on the whole New level.

I was so wrong into thinking this would be Just a mobile game. It is nothing like It.

The shit pes2020/2021 is só básic and predictable they look a Lot more like one.

Don’t get yourself banned dude..I think your right and your not the only one.

People are pissed and rightly so..And I understand why so many don’t want to spend over a week really hammering a 5 minute demo offline.There also very conditioned into playing Pes21 and how fifa plays(I was).Plus the technical issues negate the quality overall.

I found this game frustrating as hell..I thought so many elements were missing.It’s like a picture that comes sharply into focus once you click.And like you’ve said football on a different level.You spend so much time on this game holding the right trigger and using RB.It feels unnatural at first,but everything this game does is so initiative once mastered.The range of lofted and long passes exceeds anything I’ve experienced in any football game.As is how alive the AI and your teamates become once you flow.It’s the same with dribbling,trapping and how you can move your player with the stick.Same with using/holding down the right trigger and using RB in defence(Aswell as player switching)to use defensive midfielders or any player to mop up and chase down snapping forwards.The slide tackles in this game you can perform and the ability to tackle,use fouls as a weapon also hasn’t been done(the beauty is the ref makes calls alot).Also runs while Holding RT and using bursts of RB and how you can chase loose balls and command any player on the pitch.

I think a lot of people will come round once game time is increased,and we have all platform stability and a more polished product in are hands.

This game can feel jarring the first 20 hours or so you play it,with some of the bugs and the way the gameplay is so static until you learn and master the mechanics.

Edit..My advice to anyone is play via stadium camera and drop the circle.Manual passing and shooting.
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I didn't like PES 21 either. But I don't eFootball as well.

The controls just feel unresponsive, and that's something I've been talking about since the beginning in this thread. I understand why many people like delayed controls because it feels unrealistic to get instant response from players.

But for me, at the end of the day, its a video game and not real life. If my controls feel delayed, I just don't enjoy it. It's been like this since pes 19 or so. And if eFootball is a live service game with constant updates and it has delayed controls, that means there no possibility of ever getting responsive controls like pes 06/ 13 since there wont be any new game in the future.
I didn't like PES 21 either. But I don't eFootball as well.

The controls just feel unresponsive, and that's something I've been talking about since the beginning in this thread. I understand why many people like delayed controls because it feels unrealistic to get instant response from players.

But for me, at the end of the day, its a video game and not real life. If my controls feel delayed, I just don't enjoy it. It's been like this since pes 19 or so. And if eFootball is a live service game with constant updates and it has delayed controls, that means there no possibility of ever getting responsive controls like pes 06/ 13 since there wont be any new game in the future.
Have you tried playing on +1 game speed? It does improve responsiveness for me
It's not about condintionnement. I didn't played it and a change of how to play isn't bothering me at all.
But i only got big big doubt first : if the bugs (including the one related to gameplay) will be corrected
Second : How much time it will take. I could wait 6 months, if the basis in terms of physics showed us something "normal" at least.

But that Demo makes me think about (again) two some options (more than two but example): One first is they (or HE) were okay to release even a Demo in that state / even the executive producer isn't blind as far as i know and don't care, and was proud of it > it means they're totally off in terms of what you call "technical"
Second: that they were completely shameless, and completely off about how the boomerang effect could affect the game, but they were all aware of the shit they puked on the 29 september with devs tears in tears eyes
One last : they're could be very very slow. Correcting a game is one thing, re-building a game is another. You can't do it in even one year. We perhaps think the game is like 6-8 month older, but it could also be 1 year and half/2 years older for real.

Also, as slow as they are, i understood that people can't and don't want to wait especially for a football game. Especially when you release a 2021 version with exactly the same graphics, not even PS5 compatible (well it was from last year so it's understandable) and visually the same more or less, except some animations added or changed, visuals are still important, in movement or not.

Personnally i'm not like all of you, to me PES 15 to 18 with one exception (17) were mehh, but PES 19, 20 (lesser with updates that killed the game) and 21 was the one that gives me hope, because technically and physically it was far more advanced, inertia, also even movements and faults.
Big difference since PES 2018 was the bigger pitch. But i prefers a game with big inertia and feeling of weight (not tanks just weight) than a game you can turn were you want with nothing took in account.
I replayed ALL games, and that's my conclusion, so it's not nostalgia. Pes 2019 was a corrected version of 2018 (with fault, shooting variations) for example. And the others gotted stuffs like Tight Possession and Agression that really changed the game about dribbling : some players were shit while running but good with slow pace. It was the same for every player before more or less : a mix with Ball Control and Dribbling. Same for agression, i notice some player with higher agression are more pressuring the one you got.

I also agree about the subtility about stats handling. It's easy to pass on a short perimeters. But not when there's two CMF around and you try a difficult pass in term of position. Also since PES 2019, you can try but passing or shooting in some position is harder, and if you're on a good position the pass can speed up.

Well, after, there's the overall feeling about the game you can't say that the 3 last game were shit and saying that PES 2015-16-18 were good. Retry them, seriously. There's not bad game, but or not as much balanced (PES 2016 bowling shoot so switch it, PES 2018 too easy to dribble and move resulting in higher scores+you could do whatever you want like if the referee is blind, but it's worth to try to see the difference) or not as much variety and very one dimensionnal... Except pass assistance (PES 2015)
PES 2017 is still good even with less algorithm in terms of physics, because it wasn't exactly the same engine : pitch smaller, they reached the very last version of that engine, a slight bit of variety in shooting (not as much as the next 1.5 engine, but with a smaller pitch... It's normal) and everything was superbly balanced. But in terms of moving, it's less realistic and faster than the post 2019 games in terms of weight shift (2018 again, got it, but it was still too fast in fact with the ball, too easy. More free some will said, but freedom can't overlap physics)
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As is how alive the AI and your teamates become once you flow.

Monty Python: The Dead AI Skit.

Mr. Praline: I wish to complain about this AI that I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.
Owner: Oh yes, the, uh, the AI... What's, uh...What's wrong with it?
Mr. Praline: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!
Owner: No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting.
Mr. Praline: Look, matey, I know a dead AI player when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.
Owner: No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'! Remarkable AI, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!
Mr. Praline: The plumage don't enter into it. It's stone dead.
Owner: Nononono, no, no! 'E's resting!
Mr. Praline: All right then, if he's restin', I'll wake him up! (shouting at the AI) 'Ello, Mister AI Player! I've got a lovely ball for you if you show...

(owner hits the AI player)

Owner: There, he moved!
Mr. Praline: No, he didn't, that was you!
Owner: I never!
Have you tried playing on +1 game speed? It does improve responsiveness for me
it artificially increases the responsiveness. It doesn't feel the same as pes 13 or 06, or fifa 15/ 18, there is still the delay.

In fact I have to play with +2 to even force myself to play it. But moving defenders, dribbling feels unresponsive asf.
Sometimes even when the ball moves slowly, the player doesn't stop the ball and it goes out of the field.

This is not something I enjoy.
Ok how on earth do I get rid of those ugly circles below the players?... And now there is no shot feint.. Is there any other tricks will are useful?
it artificially increases the responsiveness. It doesn't feel the same as pes 13 or 06, or fifa 15/ 18, there is still the delay.

In fact I have to play with +2 to even force myself to play it. But moving defenders, dribbling feels unresponsive asf.
Sometimes even when the ball moves slowly, the player doesn't stop the ball and it goes out of the field.

This is not something I enjoy.
I too cant play at default speed its unresponsive af. I think that the defending in this game is quite similar to pes18 beta where the larger part of it is to cover spaces, predict the path of the ball carrier and cutting passing lane. Try not to overuse the sprint button as momentum and inertia is important in this game.
And yes player's awareness is a huge issue. Sometimes the player does not react to the ball even only 0 metres away from him.
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