eFootball (All Platforms)

it artificially increases the responsiveness. It doesn't feel the same as pes 13 or 06, or fifa 15/ 18, there is still the delay.

In fact I have to play with +2 to even force myself to play it. But moving defenders, dribbling feels unresponsive asf.
Sometimes even when the ball moves slowly, the player doesn't stop the ball and it goes out of the field.

This is not something I enjoy.

Just saying. PES 2016 has already a short pitch, and long shoots were super effective so no need to build up to score. To me, a game should force you to build up, or try and retry to make long (not high lofted) pass again and again before reaching a position to shoot.
Well if your team have +- the same overall and you put it on higher difficulty of course. But 25 meters shoot with no defenders to block it at was about the keeper (weak in PES 2016, but to score it was one dimensionnal, long shoot again and again and on if you handle this well, you will score let's say 4 shoots on 10, the rest wasn't easy. Sad because the feeling was good. Fifa 15 was multi dimensionnal with crosses etc. but easy in either way)

Don't worry mate, i accept the difference of taste, i just told what it's my vision of a good or bad stuffs and why it's bad or good ;)
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I too cant play at default speed its unresponsive af. I think that the defending in this game is quite similar to pes18 beta where the larger part of it is to cover spaces, predict the path of the ball carrier and cutting passing lane. Try not to overuse the sprint button as momentum and inertia is important in this game.
And yes player's awareness is a huge issue. Sometimes the player does not react to the ball even only 0 metres away from him.

Just saying. PES 2016 has already a short pitch, and long shoots were super effective so no need to build up to score. To me, a game should force you to build up, or try and retry to make long (not high lofted) pass again and again before reaching a position to shoot.
Well if your team have +- the same overall and you put it on higher difficulty of course. But 25 meters shoot with no defenders to block it at was about the keeper (weak in PES 2016, but to score it was one dimensionnal, long shoot again and again and on if you handle this well, you will score let's say 4 shoots on 10, the rest wasn't easy. Sad because the feeling was good. Fifa 15 was multi dimensionnal with crosses etc. but easy in either way)

Don't worry mate, i accept the difference of taste, i just told what it's my vision of a good or bad stuffs and why it's bad or good ;)

I understand.

But to me, if I have to play on prediction instead of getting immediate response from the players, then I don't enjoy it. It's what it is.

And from the looks of it, it does seem like sports games are just going to become more unresponsive in the future since more or less they try to focus on realism and simulation. Same thing happened with WWE games. The controls just feels delayed and nothing like the old games from 1999-2006. This is probably end of the line for me, there is nothing left to play and it's been 5 years now since PES 2018.
I stop to read several comments out there and I don't understand why so much negativity in this efootball. The funniest thing is that online it doesn't take a minute to find an opponent...91% against, I don't play anymore, I give up, I already uninstalled and etc...and online is booming more than ever.

The game isn't all that disaster they're talking about, on the contrary, it's a potential to destroy the fox engine's PES with ease.

Anyway, nothing against it, but I'm still with the same thought since the first time I commented here.
Controls can change : only if it's necessary for the gameplay like R2 speed system, like analog 360 movement makes all of us switch to the analog stick.
Or a totally new feature to not misunderstand with an older one (like the L2 defending). Now i imagine if it was balanced, like the L2 stuff that i've read too effective i don't know
I understand.

But to me, if I have to play on prediction instead of getting immediate response from the players, then I don't enjoy it. It's what it is.

And from the looks of it, it does seem like sports games are just going to become more unresponsive in the future since more or less they try to focus on realism and simulation. Same thing happened with WWE games. The controls just feels delayed and nothing like the old games from 1999-2006. This is probably end of the line for me, there is nothing left to play and it's been 5 years now since PES 2018.
I understand too mate, but i replayed old PES from PS2 : you gotted to wait the animation end before the other was enchained. But it was a bit more speed in the execution : a mix between real life physics and "action" (that's why it's more "action football"). I don't feel it on Fifa 15. In my case Responsiveness yes, but let the player doing his thing first. But that's my vision of football/sports game let's say more "simulation" even if i hate that word, what i'm waiting for in terms of feeling : i want to feel the weight and power of the player.
Some are more based on others things, but to me it's the first fundamental to have for a sport game, all my favorite game have that particularity. Of course, AI, Left back who doesn't stay in attack etc. etc. well football stuffs, passing, shooting (which are also linked to physics that's why i like those games) are super important.

Edit: for example, PES 1/WE9FE was very following that stuff of movement "needs to end" before starting another one, i loved it. But very hard to score at long distance : WE9FE corrected some of those stuffs, also defence issues.
PES 3 was good but too responsive > WE7I was slower and rectified it and became one of my favorite WE/PES. Same with WE9 and PES5, PES5 was way more direct, but still the best PES (not WE) to me. The best is WE9 jap version, and after PES 2008 PS2 version.

AI variety for example yes it's important. But less important than AI challenge for me to have fun. The way i play i very various as i like to create surprise so i don't really have issue about AI variety as they follow the way i play, i don't know.
But one thing is sure, Before i buyed PES since the 2015 like an hope, then the 2017 was good and fitted +- to my standard. Didn't liked PES 2018 that much but loved the 3 last version. Well in fact : 2017-2019-2021 (also i don't see that big difference with PES 2020 and PES 2020 demo... Just that the last PES 2020 Fucked up the player's awareness : the ball physics has changed but the players wasn't aware of that change and acted very very weird. It killed the game)
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I decided to clear my PS5 and of course I started deleting the recorded videos and accidentally came across a 4K video, a recording from the New Football Game Online Performance Test.
4K is still in process...

Ignore the mistakes I make, I was just trying things, I wasn't aiming to score or win.
Playing my 2nd game here at all, I don't even remember recording it, but what I remember comparing it to "Full Game" and what you will see is that the animations are far cleaner and smooth, all these bugs and glitching are missing, the passes are much better, shouting too, here you can actually dribble at speed .. Maybe you can not to believe, but you can change directions and not be on a rail from which you can not get out, at times it was more responsive and free. Dribbling is huge deal for me. I love dribbling and making skills when i can, but all this now in eF is painful as hell and no fun... if you have time watch full video.
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Just watched 5-6 minutes (enough to see the difference), and yes, there's no super bugs : everything is more "balanced" but still very limited, more than the previous version in eveything.

The only thing that is better on Efootball is / when there's no glitches / animations added, and passing less assisted.
A lot more animations but a lot of them that doesn't follow the rest of the engine in fact, i talk about Efootball of course.

But the rest, well, it doesn't look as awful, i never completely watched a game. I won't say i'm surprised, as it's like people sayed to me, below, reduced version of the older PES before since almost 5 years (for not saying it looks like PES 2015 in fact) /Edited. They told me it was awful, well, more "outdated". Mix between PES 2015 and 2020
Shoots are very very slow, no power too.
Just watched 5-6 minutes (enough to see the difference), and yes, there's no super bugs : everything is more "balanced" but still very limited, more than the previous version in eveything.

The only thing that is better on Efootball is / when there's no glitches / animations added, and passing less assisted.
A lot more animations but a lot of them that doesn't follow the rest of the engine in fact, i talk about Efootball of course.

But the rest, well, it doesn't look as awful, i never completely watched a game. I won't say i'm surprised, as it's like people sayed to me, below, reduced version of the older PES before since almost 5 years (for not saying it looks like PES 2015 in fact)
Shoots are very very slow.
Oh, mate i'm not saying its better that previous games as PES 2020/21, just saying its feel better that eF .
I decided to clear my PS5 and of course I started deleting the recorded videos and accidentally came across a 4K video, a recording from the New Football Game Online Performance Test.
4K is still in process,

Ignore the mistakes I make, I was just trying things, I wasn't aiming to score or win.
Playing my 2nd game here at all, I don't even remember recording it, but what I remember comparing it to "Full Game" and what you will see is that the animations are far cleaner and smooth, all these bugs and glitching are missing, the passes are much better, shouting too, here you can actually dribble at speed .. not to believe, but you can change directions and not be on a rail from which you can not get out, at times it was more responsive and free ... if you have time watch full video.

Every time when I see videos with the NFGOPT I remember the guff and those statements of Koinami: Ohh this? Relax lads this is not the beta version of eFootball, those are just some assets of ours implemented to test our servers, nothing to worry about and nothing do with our majestic game. Then some articles with photo realism bullshit and the perfection in gameplay added more suspicions. In the end even that horrendous beta version was working better and more advanced in terms of enjoinment compared with what we've got months later in the demo-like polo experience. What a train wreck...
Yes yes bro, i understood we compare to Efootball. And i still don't get why that version is above the "newer" one.
I suppose they changed the system very very late like the R2 running i don't know if it's on NFG, and added stuffs but nothing was prepared, perhaps.
Was it the same system or more like the regular PES in terms of controls, running etc?

That could explain a step back, change of controls, and fucked that game (well truely looks like a PS4 debut game, or a late PS3 game like PES 2015 on PS3 or PC : same with higher resolution)

Edit: well if they released THAT even with PS5 graphism showed by Durandil, i would have said to go to hell too. But after trying. Here i don't even want to try, i understood.
It's like someone said "You never tasted poop. So how could you tell it's not tasty?" well, there's a lot of thing that indicates me that it isn't, the smell for example.
Was watching this video after it popped up on my feed:

Just look at the zip they can put onto their passes, even side-foot shots are often beating the keepers for power. I don't know how people look at eFootball and see realism, aside from the movement animation being more seamless than FIFA out of the box. This is perhaps due to the tech being used but largely I suspect due to the different design decisions and requirements with respect to responsiveness. However if you look at Matt10's videos for example, the differences are fairly negligble and it negates most of the erratic movements.

eCoinball looks like one of those charity matches with legends in their 40s and 50s.

Also I'm surprised more people haven't picked up on the size of the pitch in relation to the players and ball. To me it looks like there is constantly oceans of space, almost as if it's been done deliberately to increase the likelihood of 1v1 battles, it's odd because it was an issue the other game got decimated for in the past.

Ultimately, even if there is some painfully overdue ingenuity in the new mechanics I feel like it needs a year of work minimum to entice me to put the work in. I'm not 12 years old any more where I'll play a game just for the pure mechanics, if I wanted that I'd go and play Tetris.
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Size of the pitch could plays a BIG role in passing speed. As the game is divided by 90*10, but needs to have similar results as in reality, some focus on more passing speed, others on faster pace while running with and without the ball, or precison while shooting...
Time is very hardcore. Creating a football game with exactly the same size as a real pitch, could result in something that... Just doesn't looks like the real thing.
The best way would be, for building a simulation is first at least 6 minutes, a less bigger pitch, and to accelerate X stuffs by X percent. But you won't feel like the real stuff with that way, some things needs to be "erased" like focusing half on highlight, half on big actions. It's super complicated.
Far less an issue with 20 minutes Basketball game and i remember some games in top spin dured 35-40 minutes.
The two easiest to reproduce in terms of time vs reality, is MMA and Boxing : you can exactly put the same minutes for a round, some matchs could finish quickly, some rare could end at the, for boxing, 12th round.
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Also I'm surprised more people haven't picked up on the size of the pitch in relation to the players and ball. To me it looks like there is constantly oceans of space, almost as if it's been done deliberately to increase the likelihood of 1v1 battles, it's odd because it was an issue the other game got decimated for in the past.
DIdn't FIFA have the opposite problem: smaller fields, so more goals can be scored (presumably)?

Just looking at videos right now (different cameras, so not great comparison), I think you may be right that they are larger in eFootball (low confidence on that though).
I understand too mate, but i replayed old PES from PS2 : you gotted to wait the animation end before the other was enchained. But it was a bit more speed in the execution : a mix between real life physics and "action" (that's why it's more "action football"). I don't feel it on Fifa 15. In my case Responsiveness yes, but let the player doing his thing first. But that's my vision of football/sports game let's say more "simulation" even if i hate that word, what i'm waiting for in terms of feeling : i want to feel the weight and power of the player.
Some are more based on others things, but to me it's the first fundamental to have for a sport game, all my favorite game have that particularity. Of course, AI, Left back who doesn't stay in attack etc. etc. well football stuffs, passing, shooting (which are also linked to physics that's why i like those games) are super important.

Edit: for example, PES 1/WE9FE was very following that stuff of movement "needs to end" before starting another one, i loved it. But very hard to score at long distance : WE9FE corrected some of those stuffs, also defence issues.
PES 3 was good but too responsive > WE7I was slower and rectified it and became one of my favorite WE/PES. Same with WE9 and PES5, PES5 was way more direct, but still the best PES (not WE) to me. The best is WE9 jap version, and after PES 2008 PS2 version.

AI variety for example yes it's important. But less important than AI challenge for me to have fun. The way i play i very various as i like to create surprise so i don't really have issue about AI variety as they follow the way i play, i don't know.
But one thing is sure, Before i buyed PES since the 2015 like an hope, then the 2017 was good and fitted +- to my standard. Didn't liked PES 2018 that much but loved the 3 last version. Well in fact : 2017-2019-2021 (also i don't see that big difference with PES 2020 and PES 2020 demo... Just that the last PES 2020 Fucked up the player's awareness : the ball physics has changed but the players wasn't aware of that change and acted very very weird. It killed the game)

look man, tldr; I don't care if the player is moving in simulation mode or action arcade mode.

As long as the player movement feels responsive [which it does on fifa 15, 18, pes 13] I'm satisfied. Feels so good when they respond to my commands almost immediately.
No prob ; it's all about the feeling. You have a better feeling when it's super responsive, good. I got a better feeling when i feel to control a representation of an human moving like an human, that's all, as they're real human representation and not Kratos or a SF fighter, i can explain why it's not forbidden and neither insulting to you, it looks like you took it bad lol, don't bro, it's just a basic talk.

I just explain why, and on Wearepes we got more or less the same approach just saying that i'm not the only one with that approach, not the same as here i noticed.

Fifa 22 got that approach you seems to like, i just mention it if you want to try one day. No mockery at all or talking about the game : i brought it so...
No prob ; it's all about the feeling. You have a better feeling when it's super responsive, good. I got a better feeling when i feel to control a representation of an human moving like an human, that's all, as they're real human representation and not Kratos or a SF fighter, i can explain why it's not forbidden and neither insulting to you, it looks like you took it bad lol, don't bro, it's just a basic talk.

I just explain why, and on Wearepes we got more or less the same approach just saying that i'm not the only one with that approach, not the same as here i noticed.

Fifa 22 got that approach you seems to like, i just mention it if you want to try one day. No mockery at all or talking about the game : i brought it so...

nah I skipped fifa 21 and now 22 because the pc port is not on par with next gen consoles.

Given past experience, it might take EA until Fifa 27 to port next gen version on pc, so I will wait until then.
Ah yes you're a PC gamer, but the Stadia version is the same version as PS5/Serie XS no? Well it depends if your PC runs it or not...
But i asked what's the difference, that was the answer on the other thread Stadia = Next Gen. No one denied.
So there's 2 versions. It's shit that there's no Demo, at least on Steam to see if the game runs on your PC.

Well i'll never be a PCist as i'm an old fart, and got tons of reasons and preferences, i got it on PS5.
Ah yes you're a PC gamer, but the Stadia version is the same version as PS5/Serie XS no? Well it depends if your PC runs it or not...
But i asked what's the difference, that was the answer on the other thread Stadia = Next Gen. No one denied.
So there's 2 versions. It's shit that there's no Demo, at least on Steam to see if the game runs on your PC.

Well i'll never be a PCist as i'm an old fart, and got tons of reasons and preferences, i got it on PS5.

Stadia isn't pc, doesn't count. Infact, it's a streaming service. If I had to pick between stadia and a ps1, I'd pick ps1. So now you know, stadia is never gonna be an option for me.

I'd be happy to engage in a conversation with you about why I wouldnt get the game on stadia or why i straight up skip old gen pc ports, but this is efootball thread, so we'll have to switch to DMs or somewhere else :P
I stop to read several comments out there and I don't understand why so much negativity in this efootball. The funniest thing is that online it doesn't take a minute to find an opponent...91% against, I don't play anymore, I give up, I already uninstalled and etc...and online is booming more than ever.

The game isn't all that disaster they're talking about, on the contrary, it's a potential to destroy the fox engine's PES with ease.

Anyway, nothing against it, but I'm still with the same thought since the first time I commented here.
Why do you keep posting with Italics pressed on?
Just look at the zip they can put onto their passes, even side-foot shots are often beating the keepers for power. I don't know how people look at eFootball and see realism, aside from the movement animation being more seamless than FIFA out of the box. This is perhaps due to the tech being used but largely I suspect due to the different design decisions and requirements with respect to responsiveness. However if you look at Matt10's videos for example, the differences are fairly negligble and it negates most of the erratic movements.
You also have to take into account 2 factors...

  1. The candid camera angle seen in your video compared to a broadcast camera angle absolutely will affect the perception of passing speed
  2. Every football game has a different interpretation of the pace and feel of everything in relation to football.
To my second point, last night I played eFootball, PES 2018 then FIFA 22 & FIFA 14 - All on PS4 back to back. And while I actually had a really fun night, I literally had a unique experience with every game in good and bad ways but ultimately a very enjoyable one overall.

Each game interprets football in entirely different yet relatable ways. My point being, there will never be a truly realistic, simulative football game, We must accept this or else we'll drive ourselves to @Chris Davies levels of suffering searching for football nirvana. 😂

(sorry Chris, but you used this phrase once in reference to FIFA 16 and I'll never forget it!)

(Also, Sorry Chris, you know I'm also taking a friendly piss out of your highly admirable enthusiasm 😝)
Stadia isn't pc, doesn't count. Infact, it's a streaming service. If I had to pick between stadia and a ps1, I'd pick ps1. So now you know, stadia is never gonna be an option for me.

I'd be happy to engage in a conversation with you about why I wouldnt get the game on stadia or why i straight up skip old gen pc ports, but this is efootball thread, so we'll have to switch to DMs or somewhere else :P
No prob, i just didn't know it was a streaming service. My bad, i wouldn't have purposed it (i wouldn't accept it neither lol) i just tried to send you some "ideas" if there's no game ATM and we don't know about Efootball (could be like Ikki the Phoenix, Joaquim... But also Alfred Chicken too) and i'm a bit in the same situation.
If even i could play on PES 3-4-5-6 on my living room, but also PS3 version, it would be perfect. I got a PC running it and a as good TV just on the side of my PC small monitor.
But just the fact to still on the room i'm working when you got a big 4k and a confortable seat to play or watch TV that i never used more than 20 hours in 3 years...
A bit sick of that room, i want my confort to play. I thinked about buying a PS3 you know, who can run PS2/3 game so i can have all of them but well. Hard to found an old PS3 Fat version with Emotion engine and no issue regarding the region lock but well... (Well there's rares versions, but not sure if it use Emotion Engine or Emulation)
No prob, i just didn't know it was a streaming service. My bad, i wouldn't have purposed it (i wouldn't accept it neither lol) i just tried to send you some "ideas" if there's no game ATM and we don't know about Efootball (could be like Ikki the Phoenix, Joaquim... But also Alfred Chicken too) and i'm a bit in the same situation.
If even i could play on PES 3-4-5-6 on my living room, but also PS3 version, it would be perfect. I got a PC running it and a as good TV just on the side of my PC small monitor.
But just the fact to still on the room i'm working when you got a big 4k and a confortable seat to play or watch TV that i never used more than 20 hours in 3 years...
A bit sick of that room, i want my confort to play. I thinked about buying a PS3 you know, who can run PS2/3 game so i can have all of them but well. Hard to found an old PS3 Fat version with Emotion engine and no issue regarding the region lock but well... (Well there's rares versions, but not sure if it use Emotion Engine or Emulation)

Yeah, plenty of old PES games available to play. So in terms of gameplay, I can simply go back to pes 13/ 06 etc and play those.

But I guess, I wanted a proper next gen pes/fifa game that looked very real graphically and had a very decent next gen AI and gameplay mechanics. From the looks of it, EA and Konami seem to only care about milking money from online modes with its never ending microtransactions.

So I'm not expecting a huge upgrade for both fifa and eFootball like we saw with ps1 to ps2, ps2 to ps3 to ps4 generations. Konami and EA just don't care anymore.
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