eFootball (All Platforms)

I haven’t got the time..And I’m not going to waste any,only to be ridicueld.It doesn’t matter to me or have I any point to prove.What ever I show you there will only be ten posts mocking me.Or showing memes or stock footage showing someone running the game on a low spec pc at ten FPS and players scating and deforming.Folk only want to see the bad.

Not only that.But the game will probably be butchered much like pes20 because of knee jerk reactions and this instant gratification mentality that is gaming now.

Everytime we get close to a simulation it’s the same mentality.Everyone wants the game they want.Things are broken,they don’t work.It doesn’t do this or that because I’m not prepared to find it or discover a different way of doing something.

People say they want change but do they really..Or do they just want to whine and follow the Hurd because things have to be spelt out to them.It’s the same with all the marketing behind this game.Yes it’s been shocking.But know ones thought to themselves maybe there just doing what they always do just in a different manner.I still believe this is going to be know different then a annual release.You just have the option of buying the elements you want and the game has been renamed.

I remember a time when ISS was rebranded and renamed to PES.It’s no different now and Efootball22 is still fundamentally pes20 using UNREAL and better mechanics,albeit with a different delivery model.Ive no doubt EA will rebrand and follow this model new year.
I dare you to show us please, all these innovation you see. Please record a video, showing the passes you talk about, the shooting you talk about.

And regarding to shooting not being a button command, i wonder what you will say when they had "sharp kicks" because those will be a button command, R2/RT, and they will make possible to hit dip shoots ( rashford shoot on trailer), and many other powerfull shoot. Just a button command.

But i will ask you again, since you repeat the same thing over and over, saying passing its not slow, shooting is great etc etc. Please show us, because i guess 95% of people here want to see the same you are seeing.
Maybe we have been all wrong for 25 years playing PES, or by watching games on TV or even playing outside on a real field, just to discover that the speed the ball travels in efootball while ground passing or shooting its the real thing, and what we play on the field and watch on tv (professional football) is just in +2 speed setting, and its nothing more than an arcade fest.

Read my post where i linked a video of long shooting screamers, and please show me one that look like those (speed wise), linking a video of one of your Real simulation sessions with efootball.
Right, all these wondrous features and moments on the pitch – if only there was some native utility allowing people to capture footage on their consoles and upload straight to YouTube. Such a shame we're prevented from seeing hyper realism! Guess we'll have to continue playing games with our uneducated eyes and our old playing habits, forever condemned to see faeces where there is really a shining gem.
People say they want change but do they really..Or do they just want to whine and follow the Hurd because things have to be spelt out to them.
Yeah, myself, I'm just here to whine and follow to the Evo-Herd. That's a very charitable view of those who don't see the revelatory totally-physics-complying beauty of eFootball 2022.

And I don't just speak for myself here. Naturally, I speak for the Herd.
Yeah, myself, I'm just here to whine and follow to the Evo-Herd. That's a very charitable view of those who don't see the revelatory totally-physics-complying beauty of eFootball 2022.

And I don't just speak for myself here. Naturally, I speak for the Herd.

I wasn’t referring to anyone on evo-web,because in the main you won’t get a more cultured crowd or people that understand there football.

Me and you look at the world differently.That’s the beauty.I’m from a different generation and what I do for a living means I get to test and experience a lot of the games you play at stages your never see.And in a far worst state then this demo.

That doesn’t make me right.But there’s no bias with me and I call it how I see it.
I haven’t got the time..And I’m not going to waste any,only to be ridicueld.It doesn’t matter to me or have I any point to prove.What ever I show you there will only be ten posts mocking me.Or showing memes or stock footage showing someone running the game on a low spec pc at ten FPS and players scating and deforming.Folk only want to see the bad.

Not only that.But the game will probably be butchered much like pes20 because of knee jerk reactions and this instant gratification mentality that is gaming now.

Everytime we get close to a simulation it’s the same mentality.Everyone wants the game they want.Things are broken,they don’t work.It doesn’t do this or that because I’m not prepared to find it or discover a different way of doing something.

People say they want change but do they really..Or do they just want to whine and follow the Hurd because things have to be spelt out to them.It’s the same with all the marketing behind this game.Yes it’s been shocking.But know ones thought to themselves maybe there just doing what they always do just in a different manner.I still believe this is going to be know different then a annual release.You just have the option of buying the elements you want and the game has been renamed.

I remember a time when ISS was rebranded and renamed to PES.It’s no different now and Efootball22 is still fundamentally pes20 using UNREAL and better mechanics,albeit with a different delivery model.Ive no doubt EA will rebrand and follow this model new year.
I guess no one will show you disrespect, or meme the hell out of it, if you can show us what you are seeing. Whitout examples it’s just preaching.
Just post a simple video of a goal from a 30 yard shoot with omphh and power to it that it’s similar to the video I posted. If you are on Xbox it’s easy, just save the clip, uploaded to OneDrive or something like it and share with us. Or even a video of a zip pass between lines, in a speed that looks like real life and have the urge to not get intercepted by defense, unless they are 5 meters away of the receiving player.

because what you state here can be said of any game out there, every game has something there that you can see as a positive, but if the game is not coded to bring that up along with other fulcral elements, when they change something it will break more that solve . I share some of your vision regarding to the movement of players, and animation wise they added a few new ones that make the game more contextual sometimes, but as a football game it fails where it’s more fundamental, and that is passing, shooting, and for a video game, responsiveness is key, hence they have to find the right balance to not reach FIFA levels but maintain animations with responsiveness . PES 5 was responsive, and had good contextual animations for its time and yet they programmed it in a way that you would have to work your ass in midfield, since it was more physical, whereas PES 6 was a more frenetic play, but at least they had (still have but not for nowadays standards) the fundamentals right, like passing shooting and responsiveness.

how can I call a game a sim wannabe just because of the pace of it, that if you analise well ,it’s due to exaggerated momentum and inertia at the cost of responsiveness making it really sluggish sometimes. Player awareness still have the same problems of previous PES. Shooting it’s worse and as dull as previous PES. Passing despite being more accurate still to slow on grounded passes. A game has to be consistent to be good and not have glimpses of what it could be.

If I cannot kick a ball like in real life, If I cannot pass the ball on the ground like in real life, what’s the point of a football game?
What do you all think are the odds that with the next update pressing START will be recognized in the "Press Any Button" screens?

Curious about that, cos I'm FUMA too, and I'm a bit underwhelmed with the low passing. In my games, if I passed around 33% to 50% of the bar, it traveled at a snail's pace, and if I put more on it to make it zippier, it lifts off the ground (like in recent PES games in general). So for the basic X pass on FUMA, it seems you can't play grounded passes without them being glacial. Is that something you came across and don't mind? (I know it's a concern of assisted players but I'm wondering about FUMA specifically.)

I don't mind a slower pace of game in general – I prefer it even. But not when it's achieved by making the passes so slow. Half of me wonders if they're just planning to bring in Sharp Kicks to seem revelatory by contrast.

I finally got a chance to play little a little more (I've been busy with work this week) since my earlier response, and I stand corrected here. I can totally see how a little more punch could be beneficial to the <50% passes.

I've been occasionally getting a grainy bottom of the pitch in some matches, like this. And I mean, bottom of the *pitch*, not *screen*. If I move upwards, such that the bottom sideline is not visible, this defect will not follow and it will be gone when I return. Similarly if I get into any cut scenes.

I'm enjoying the control scheme. I quite like that it's the same button, R1/RB, to cancel everything--shot, passes, free throws, etc.
The hardest change for me has been using the RS instead of R2/RT to let the ball go through your legs (you point RS in the direction the ball is gone right before you receive it).
Once you get a hold of it, it works pretty well, but it definitely took some getting used to.

RT pressure sensitive still giving me some fits, I constantly run out past the goal line before I can cross the ball, but I'm enjoying this change more than I thought.
My understand is that you can use RT for fancy first touch controls when receiving the ball, but I haven't really been able to ever get it work I don't think.

I think the controls are a net improvement over PES20+. But, to be fair, PES20 control schemes never had a real chance after the finesse dribbling from the demo was neutered in the release.
I, too, hope they don't ruin this with patches.

It clearly needs a lot of tidying up and optimisation,A given with any game in the later stages of development.It certainly goes with the territory.When your hitting so many platforms and scaling a project across so many devices.Ive little doubt the version we see later in the month and around the proper release won’t be this patchy or raw.That said.I can see why Konami wanted a marker.If i was one of the developers of this game.I would be quite proud of the work already done on this.It clearly shows there serious and have a real skill and craft when it comes to animations and the fundamentals.A cheap mobile port this is not.

Maybe naively they thought people would see the good,and not focus on the performance issues or the superficial.That said,I don’t blame the outcry or negativity.They should of clearly defined that this as just a demo and still a work in progress.Rightly many are perceiving it as a finished game.
They should of clearly defined that this as just a demo and still a work in progress.Rightly many are perceiving it as a finished game.
I mean, they boasted about it like it was a finished game, the ultimate true-to-life footballing experience... And then we got this.

Had they said "look, guys: we're releasing a demo, see if you like it and help us improve it" I'd have appreciated it more. They'd have been waaaaaaay better off telling the truth.
I can see why Konami wanted a marker.If i was one of the developers of this game.I would be quite proud of the work already done on this.It clearly shows there serious and have a real skill and craft when it comes to animations and the fundamentals.

Oh, we already know they are proud! "The final result was even more impressive than we had originally conceived".

And they should be. Strange they then apologized to everyone though. They could have just told everyone to stop whining and not seek instant gratification.
Oh, we already know they are proud! "The final result was even more impressive than we had originally conceived".

And they should be. Strange they then apologized to everyone though. They could have just told everyone to stop whining and not seek instant gratification.

I think it’s more a case of the certification process..They probably didn’t plan on dropping the build they did and had no choice.

Speculation of course.I don’t care how badly it’s marketed if they deliver in the end.And you’d be suprised how fickle gamers can be if expectations are roughly met eventually.
I think it’s more a case of the certification process..They probably didn’t plan on dropping the build they did and had no choice.

Speculation of course.I don’t care how badly it’s marketed if they deliver in the end.And you’d be suprised how fickle gamers can be if expectations are roughly met eventually.
Definetly mate what a great job by konami 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
@HyperSports your remind me a lot of a past user that was always here on release in the past two years, only to disappear later.. digital design or something I think.. apologize if you are not him, but the way you argument things (and even your style of writing) sounds amazingly similar.

No..but I do remember reading his posts.

Wasn’t that user right about Pes21 and seeing a lot of the things in Pes21 that theknight then went on to document in his videos.And you can’t say Pes21 hasn’t been popular or has its devotees.Wasn’t he also banned for singing the praises of pes17.Which again is highly regarded.And the demo of pes20.

He wasn’t really wrong was he.
No..but I do remember reading his posts.

Wasn’t that user right about Pes21 and seeing a lot of the things in Pes21 that theknight then went on to document in his videos.And you can’t say Pes21 hasn’t been popular or has its devotees.Wasn’t he also banned for singing the praises of pes17.Which again is highly regarded.And the demo of pes20.

He wasn’t really wrong was he.
That's an oddly specific memory of the user's posts :LOL:

"I'm not that guy, but I do remember what he said about this and that game and how right he was"
No..but I do remember reading his posts.

Wasn’t that user right about Pes21 and seeing a lot of the things in Pes21 that theknight then went on to document in his videos.And you can’t say Pes21 hasn’t been popular or has its devotees.Wasn’t he also banned for singing the praises of pes17.Which again is highly regarded.And the demo of pes20.

He wasn’t really wrong was he.

A better summary is that he praised any garbage put out by Konami with hardly coherent and trolling walls of text.

E-Football is not just the expected outcome, but also the deserved punishment for this type of fan. Imagine having to defend this.
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When you say pressing R1 you mean R2 (the running button right? and this only when sharp kicks come in).

The ground passing system is slow even on Manual, i tried yesterday again and it´s a mess, even if direction wise is good, the power it´s all wrong. If i want to make a zip pass between lines it´s a nightmare, since the ball goes really slow. The only option you have is to wait that the gap is big enough to not give time for the defender to stick is foot. Otherwise aerial passes are good, and i would say through passes are good as well since they have zip to it.

And shooting, and this is the worst part for me, i played 5 more games yesterday, FUMA, and it still a mess. Direction wise its "ok", not great, and the outcome it´s almost the same power wise, the ball just floats. I already asked here for someone to show me a screamer from outside the area, no one did. I already search on youtube for just one video of a screamer on efootball, and i´m not talking volleys, i´m talking a real screamer like we could do in PES 5 and 6, It doesn´t exist. How can someone tell that this game is good shooting wise on the state it is now? Not even curled shots are good, they sometimes go on top corner, but so slow it takes all the enjoyment of scoring. 95% of this game goals are inside the area.

I dare to ask again to those who say the game is really good, to show me please some goals from outside the area with power and zip to it on efootball.

Goals like this, are at the momment impossible on effotball:
Sorry, yep, meant R2! Forgot that was going to be assigned to the sharp kicks.

Yeah, shooting is also suffering from those slow ball physics. All my shots are very floaty. R1 finesse seemed to be better than finesse in previous couple of PES versions though.

Went back to PES21 last Friday for my first drunken world cup coop attempts on this game. Scored a screaming rising shot with Jordan Henderson in a 4-3 victory over North Korea. I expect that's the kind of shot sharp kicks will produce based on the reports we've heard.
That's an oddly specific memory of the user's posts :LOL:

With just few more conversations, eventually he'll spill the exact days, hours, and all the emojis of that cool guy posts; but most important, and needs to be underlined: how cool, handsome and fantastic that guy "was". :WHISTLE: I'm getting jealous on his photorealistic-like memory. :LOL:

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I must confess..I am banksy,strangely enough,goodvibe stranger and digital by design.Sadly not curdstar(but that’s clear from my grammar..

I’m now going to ban myself…

Big shout out to all the guys that run this site and there dedication,time.It’s a great forum and respect for providing such a great infrastructure..I do love to read this site hence why I’ve re-registered.

Sadly I just can’t keep under the radar..

Warmest regards to everyone on the site your a great lot!..And Chris Davies,..I was wrong,you’ve provided a great service to the community over the years and I think your a top bloke.

Peace out and enjoy your favourite game this year peeps✌️
I must confess..I am banksy,strangely enough,goodvibe stranger and digital by design.Sadly not curdstar(but that’s clear from my grammar..

I’m now going to ban myself…

Big shout out to all the guys that run this site and there dedication,time.It’s a great forum and respect for providing such a great infrastructure..I do love to read this site hence why I’ve re-registered.

Sadly I just can’t keep under the radar..

Warmest regards to everyone on the site your a great lot!..And Chris Davies,..I was wrong,you’ve provided a great service to the community over the years and I think your a top bloke.

Peace out and enjoy your favourite game this year peeps✌️
THE Banksy?! I love your graffiti art, can I have your autograph mate?
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