eFootball (All Platforms)

Not sure if this is the fix you are looking for or perhaps you have already sorted this problem?


Nope this doesn't solve the problem.

It seems like the game detects the native resolution of your monitor and puts a hard max limit on the resolution based on your native res.

So if you try to super-sample a higher resolution than your monitor in eFootball, the game just ignores it and switches back to native resolution.
I am Going to upload a vídeo of a Full match that hopefeully helps You guys to see the treasure of a game that is hidden behind all those bugs.

One thing is sure, If Dudu is destroying assisted players while on manual, its because the game is beautifull and football oriented finally. Period!

I finally feel like I can play the finest real football instead of feeling like I am being raped on field with the crap childish dumb pressure and no bullshit goals with ridículous Quick forward passes with dumb 1-2 button held down.

This game is for sim lovers. An underpreciated rare jewel
I played a real life match the other night in the league I am play in.

I then played Efootball after, and then a round of FIFA 22.

To me, I like the slower pace of Efootball. The passing speed can be worked on, as well as the ball physics among other things, but I enjoy the slight delay it takes to realize who you will pass to next.
Ah it seems the refund debacle has already started :LOL: Good to see that their financial department still runs such a tight ship.

I am putting it here because it got downvoted to hell on r/efootball :LMAO:

Curious about that, cos I'm FUMA too, and I'm a bit underwhelmed with the low passing. In my games, if I passed around 33% to 50% of the bar, it traveled at a snail's pace, and if I put more on it to make it zippier, it lifts off the ground (like in recent PES games in general). So for the basic X pass on FUMA, it seems you can't play grounded passes without them being glacial. Is that something you came across and don't mind? (I know it's a concern of assisted players but I'm wondering about FUMA specifically.)

I don't mind a slower pace of game in general – I prefer it even. But not when it's achieved by making the passes so slow. Half of me wonders if they're just planning to bring in Sharp Kicks to seem revelatory by contrast.
Yeah the slow pace of the passes really bothers me. I'm actually happy with the pacing of this game, but the ball currently doesn't move in a realistic way to me. I don't want to be having to press R1 with X just to do a normal paced realistic pass. That would be very cumbersome.
Ah it seems the refund debacle has already started :LOL: Good to see that their financial department still runs such a tight ship.

I am putting it here because it got downvoted to hell on r/efootball :LMAO:

That seems ludicrous surely there is an appeals process, i would contact trading standards
Yeah the slow pace of the passes really bothers me. I'm actually happy with the pacing of this game, but the ball currently doesn't move in a realistic way to me. I don't want to be having to press R1 with X just to do a normal paced realistic pass. That would be very cumbersome.

When you say pressing R1 you mean R2 (the running button right? and this only when sharp kicks come in).

The ground passing system is slow even on Manual, i tried yesterday again and it´s a mess, even if direction wise is good, the power it´s all wrong. If i want to make a zip pass between lines it´s a nightmare, since the ball goes really slow. The only option you have is to wait that the gap is big enough to not give time for the defender to stick is foot. Otherwise aerial passes are good, and i would say through passes are good as well since they have zip to it.

And shooting, and this is the worst part for me, i played 5 more games yesterday, FUMA, and it still a mess. Direction wise its "ok", not great, and the outcome it´s almost the same power wise, the ball just floats. I already asked here for someone to show me a screamer from outside the area, no one did. I already search on youtube for just one video of a screamer on efootball, and i´m not talking volleys, i´m talking a real screamer like we could do in PES 5 and 6, It doesn´t exist. How can someone tell that this game is good shooting wise on the state it is now? Not even curled shots are good, they sometimes go on top corner, but so slow it takes all the enjoyment of scoring. 95% of this game goals are inside the area.

I dare to ask again to those who say the game is really good, to show me please some goals from outside the area with power and zip to it on efootball.

Goals like this, are at the momment impossible on effotball:
And shooting, and this is the worst part for me, i played 5 more games yesterday, FUMA, and it still a mess. Direction wise its "ok", not great, and the outcome it´s almost the same power wise, the ball just floats. I already asked here for someone to show me a screamer from outside the area, no one did. I already search on youtube for just one video of a screamer on efootball, and i´m not talking volleys, i´m talking a real screamer like we could do in PES 5 and 6, It doesn´t exist. How can someone tell that this game is good shooting wise on the state it is now?

I dare to ask again to those who say the game is really good, to show me please some goals from outside the area with power and zip to it on efootball.

Goals like this, are at the momment impossible on effotball:

The game is maybe built so that shooting from long range is connected to the "rising shots" that will come with the "sharp kick" update, therefore impossible atm. LOL!
You guys are still here, huh?
Where else then?

The game is maybe built so that shooting from long range is connected to the "rising shots" that will come with the "sharp kick" update, therefore impossible atm. LOL!

Yes its what it looks like. But thats just plain stupid, since the are many examples on the video i posted, of players capable of pull up screamers, even in tiny spaces, or curled shots with zip.

The "sharp kicks" mechanic if it works as they stated, you will need space to be abble to pull that, and it´s just plain stupid once again that R2/RT is the button to trigger it, since that will cause 90% of the shooting being a sharp kick, because when you are running with your player its going to be difficult to release the button, which will implie a slow down animation so that you can shoot a placed shoot without it being a sharp kick. The same for crossing, normally when you win space on the line you just keep running and make the cross with the running button pressed which will once again result in power crossing.

Even the curled shoot mechaninc is wrong, since they mapped the same fuccking button to "fake shoot feint", which results at in most of the time your shoot being canceled.
Looking at Durandil finds, i guess we have to wait about a year for the game to leave alpha beta phases, we will be going from 0.9.1 to 0.9.9 and 1.0 will finally arrive at the end of this season as efootball 2023 together with edit mode and master league from pes 21, and that would bring us on PES 21 levels. Any promised improvements, maybe by 2030 editions.

They even downgraded one of the PES legends Minanda to be stadium security post-retirement ffs


I wonder what Castolo is doing...
he's currently playing in the chilean league!


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When you say pressing R1 you mean R2 (the running button right? and this only when sharp kicks come in).

The ground passing system is slow even on Manual, i tried yesterday again and it´s a mess, even if direction wise is good, the power it´s all wrong. If i want to make a zip pass between lines it´s a nightmare, since the ball goes really slow. The only option you have is to wait that the gap is big enough to not give time for the defender to stick is foot. Otherwise aerial passes are good, and i would say through passes are good as well since they have zip to it.

And shooting, and this is the worst part for me, i played 5 more games yesterday, FUMA, and it still a mess. Direction wise its "ok", not great, and the outcome it´s almost the same power wise, the ball just floats. I already asked here for someone to show me a screamer from outside the area, no one did. I already search on youtube for just one video of a screamer on efootball, and i´m not talking volleys, i´m talking a real screamer like we could do in PES 5 and 6, It doesn´t exist. How can someone tell that this game is good shooting wise on the state it is now? Not even curled shots are good, they sometimes go on top corner, but so slow it takes all the enjoyment of scoring. 95% of this game goals are inside the area.

I dare to ask again to those who say the game is really good, to show me please some goals from outside the area with power and zip to it on efootball.

Goals like this, are at the momment impossible on effotball:
Shooting is abysmal in this game. The worst in all pes history
I am not a professional football player nor a game developer with an impressive resume, but I do have a huge cock and I think E-Football 2022, at the moment, sucks big donkey balls.

Might play a little of PES 2017 or 2018 again or perhaps dust off the old PS2. :)
I’ve given it another try whilst I wait for this damn FIFA 22 update.

A few people are saying that this has loads of potential etc. I’ve just played 2.5 matches. Had to turn it off half way through the third game (Series X).

This is awful. Where is this ‘potential’? PES 2014 had loads of potential. FIFA 07 had potential but ultimately fell short.

But this? It’s awful in every possible way. It’s a broken mess. There’s a reason why this is currently the worst reviewed game on Steam. Uninstalled, won’t be going back until it’s fixed in every single area. Which won’t happen because Konami.
I can see that the majority of goals in eFootball involve at least one pass in slow motion that should be blocked by at least one player, if not two or more, but alas most AI players are simultaneously blind & brain dead, before arriving at an attacking player. Then another blind man presses the shoot button and proclaims it a fantastic attacking play & goal and even posts the video to impress others!

Truly an underappreciated rare jewel for sim lovers.
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Looks like Ultrawide and Multi-monitor aren't properly supported. The cutscenes have black borders.

We need Kitserver for eFootball for the aspect ratio hack like we had with pes 08-13.
I get this overriding feeling it will be the same as most years.A lot of people will migrate over to fifa in the early days because of the instant gratification,goals galore,no fouls and fast paced end to end gameplay.Hyper realised with a compact pitch which is totally geared for goals.Despite all the improvements it’s still to easy to just get the ball in the final third and just turn defenders and score.The pace is to quick even on slow.Animation cycles are sped up,the ball sticks to the players and there’s barely any error.Presentation is off the scale though,as is the fun factor and level of refinement.It’s a great example of what can be achieved with a game engine over a period of 5 years.It is fun but it’s also relentless and when the cpu wants to turn it on and score,it will.Again and again.

Konami on the other hand have finally created a simulation again with physical defending at its heart and a learning curve.Tactics that now work properly,AI that is genuinely convincing.It closes space.Knows when to sit off,when to press.Goals aren’t easy to score and your forced to be patient and work the ball.Using the long ball and more varied lofted passes are a requirement.You can’t just rely on ground passes and keeping it short.There’s also a raft of tactical options that currently in the demo are turned off.The ones that are there though,work.You can clearly see it,even with something as simple as a quick counter.

Ive not read anyone talk about how good the motion matching is.Last night.I struck a bicycle kick from a cross and my player watched the ball the whole time,setting his feet perfectly by taking tiny steps back before the executing the motion.He didn’t slide back,and the whole process looked real and natural.I did catch the replay on my phone but can’t get the file to display even though it attaches on this site.I can show countless examples of long balls,how effective they are.As well as examples of the variation on crosses and how setting tactics to going at wide means you have forwards attacking dangerous areas in the box to receive the ball.

There’s also the improvements to manual shooting.How now you can hit low shots more effectively now.Ive also seen dip and curl and shooting is now more contextual.Based on the animation and player body and foot position.Not a button command.

There’s definelty more subtlety with the ball when passing,it’s more free and quick passes on manual between players creates more energy and momentum in the ball.Ive read people say it’s to slow.I disagree,I think it’s easy to overhit,underhit,and again.There’s a contextual element between the animation and foot position of the player,timing is key.

Another thing I also want to highlight is the amount of free kicks I’ve been awarded.And giving away myself.I don’t remember this many in many a year.Although the collision animations are choppy and clearly in need of a little tidying up.The system works and it’s quite refreshing to be taking a lot of free-kicks outside of the box.

This game needs quite bit of polish.Improvements to response,but overall it’s closer to a simulation then many a modern pes has been.I’m really impressed.Despite the wonky build we are all playing,there’s some real promise here.

Has it come in a era where instant gratification is king.Or is there still a place in the market for a more well rounded,intricate,representation of the sport,on the pitch.
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I get this overriding feeling it will be the same as most years.A lot of people will migrate over to fifa in the early days because of the instant gratification,goals galore,no fouls and fast paced end to end gameplay.Hyper realised with a compact pitch which is totally geared for goals.Despite all the improvements it’s still to easy to just get the ball in the final third and just turn defenders and score.The pace is to quick even on slow.Animation cycles are sped up,the ball sticks to the players and there’s barely any error.Presentation is off the scale though,as is the fun factor and level of refinement.It’s a great example of what can be achieved with a game engine over a period of 5 years.It is fun but it’s also relentless and when the cpu wants to turn it on and score,it will.Again and again.

Konami on the other hand have finally created a simulation again with physical defending at its heart and a learning curve.Tactics that now work properly,AI that is genuinely convincing.It closes space.Knows when to sit off,when to press.Goals aren’t easy to score and your forced to be patient and work the ball.Using the long ball and more varied lofted passes are a requirement.You can’t just rely on ground passes and keeping it short.There’s also a raft of tactical options that currently in the demo are turned off.The ones that are there though,work.You can clearly see it,even with something as simple as a quick counter.

Ive not read anyone talk about how good the motion matching is.Last night I struck a bicycle kick from a cross and my player watched the ball the whole time,setting his feet perfectly by taking tiny steps back before the executing the motion.He didn’t slide back,and the whole process looked real and natural.I did catch the replay on my phone but can’t get the file to display even though it attaches on this site.I can show countless examples of long balls,how effective they are.As well as examples of the variation on crosses and how setting tactics to going at wide means you have forwards attacking dangerous areas in the box to receive the ball.

There’s also the improvements to manual shooting.How now you can hit low shots more effectively now.Ive also seen dip and curl and shooting is now more contextual.Based on the animation and player body and foot position.Not a button command.

There’s definelty more subtlety with the ball when passing,it’s more free and quick passes on manual between players creates more energy and momentum in the ball.Ive read people say it’s to slow.I disagree,I think it’s easy to overhit,underhit,and again.There’s a contextual element between the animation and foot position of the player,timing is key.

Another thing I also want to highlight is the amount of free kicks I’ve been awarded.And giving away myself.I don’t remember this many in many a year.Although the collision animations are choppy and clearly in need of a little tidying up.The system works and it’s quite refreshing to be taking a lot of free-kicks outside of the box.

This game needs quite bit of polish.Improvements to response but overall it’s closer to a simulation then many a modern pes has been.I’m really impressed.Despite the wonky build we are all playing,there’s some real promise here.

Has it come in a era where instant gratification is king.Or is there still a place in the market for a more well rounded,intricate,representation of the sport.

Has nothing to do with "instant gratification,goals galore,no fouls and fast paced end to end gameplay" for me.

I would migrate just for the delayed response to player movements even when I'm not holding the sprint button. The other problem being the lack of teams and online focused game design [if it cant be modded, then I'm moving out].
I get this overriding feeling it will be the same as most years.A lot of people will migrate over to fifa in the early days because of the instant gratification,goals galore,no fouls and fast paced end to end gameplay.Hyper realised with a compact pitch which is totally geared for goals.Despite all the improvements it’s still to easy to just get the ball in the final third and just turn defenders and score.The pace is to quick even on slow.Animation cycles are sped up,the ball sticks to the players and there’s barely any error.Presentation is off the scale though,as is the fun factor and level of refinement.It’s a great example of what can be achieved with a game engine over a period of 5 years.It is fun but it’s also relentless and when the cpu wants to turn it on and score,it will.Again and again.

Konami on the other hand have finally created a simulation again with physical defending at its heart and a learning curve.Tactics that now work properly,AI that is genuinely convincing.It closes space.Knows when to sit off,when to press.Goals aren’t easy to score and your forced to be patient and work the ball.Using the long ball and more varied lofted passes are a requirement.You can’t just rely on ground passes and keeping it short.There’s also a raft of tactical options that currently in the demo are turned off.The ones that are there though,work.You can clearly see it,even with something as simple as a quick counter.

Ive not read anyone talk about how good the motion matching is.Last night.I struck a bicycle kick from a cross and my player watched the ball the whole time,setting his feet perfectly by taking tiny steps back before the executing the motion.He didn’t slide back,and the whole process looked real and natural.I did catch the replay on my phone but can’t get the file to display even though it attaches on this site.I can show countless examples of long balls,how effective they are.As well as examples of the variation on crosses and how setting tactics to going at wide means you have forwards attacking dangerous areas in the box to receive the ball.

There’s also the improvements to manual shooting.How now you can hit low shots more effectively now.Ive also seen dip and curl and shooting is now more contextual.Based on the animation and player body and foot position.Not a button command.

There’s definelty more subtlety with the ball when passing,it’s more free and quick passes on manual between players creates more energy and momentum in the ball.Ive read people say it’s to slow.I disagree,I think it’s easy to overhit,underhit,and again.There’s a contextual element between the animation and foot position of the player,timing is key.

Another thing I also want to highlight is the amount of free kicks I’ve been awarded.And giving away myself.I don’t remember this many in many a year.Although the collision animations are choppy and clearly in need of a little tidying up.The system works and it’s quite refreshing to be taking a lot of free-kicks outside of the box.

This game needs quite bit of polish.Improvements to response l,but overall it’s closer to a simulation then many a modern pes has been.I’m really impressed.Despite the wonky build we are all playing,there’s some real promise here.

Has it come in a era where instant gratification is king.Or is there still a place in the market for a more well rounded,intricate,representation of the sport.

I dare you to show us please, all these innovation you see. Please record a video, showing the passes you talk about, the shooting you talk about.

And regarding to shooting not being a button command, i wonder what you will say when they had "sharp kicks" because those will be a button command, R2/RT, and they will make possible to hit dip shoots ( rashford shoot on trailer), and many other powerfull shoot. Just a button command.

But i will ask you again, since you repeat the same thing over and over, saying passing its not slow, shooting is great etc etc. Please show us, because i guess 95% of people here want to see the same you are seeing.
Maybe we have been all wrong for 25 years playing PES, or by watching games on TV or even playing outside on a real field, just to discover that the speed the ball travels in efootball while ground passing or shooting its the real thing, and what we play on the field and watch on tv (professional football) is just in +2 speed setting, and its nothing more than an arcade fest.

Read my post where i linked a video of long shooting screamers, and please show me one that look like those (speed wise), linking a video of one of your Real simulation sessions with efootball.
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