eFootball (All Platforms)

I disagree completely.Take a closer look.Also really study the animation system and the way the players interact with the ball.The way the RB mechanic allows you to freely move off the ball.You can also contest loose ball nows.The variation on passing,trapping and how you can move on the ball with the RT trigger.

The ball doesn’t automatically stick to players and it bounces off heels and parts of the players bodies.

Been kicking around this industry for years now and a lot of things in this game are pretty reclvolutionary.It just hasn’t been done.

Yes it my opinion,but everything above is there and clear to see.
You are talking horse mate.

I've had a season ticket for 35 years at Anfield. I've played semi professional football, I've played in the FA Cup, The FA Vase. Ive played at Anfield, Goodison, Prenton Park and the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

A ball does not move in that one paced way. No kick is the same. The ball is spinning, it curls, it bounces and moves across the turf in hundreds of different ways. Footballers DO NOT MOVE like this game. It in no way represents a realistic version of the sport. Goalkeepers do not dive in real life like that and certainly are not beaten by powder puff shots. In a real match, in elite sport if you passed a ball that slowly in a game you would lose possession 99% of the time.

By your definition, Sensible Soccer is realistic because the ball doesn't stick to your foot or Kick Off by Dino Dini and they came out in 1989 and 1992 respectively. It has been done before.

Your post is full of hyperbole and I think you know it.
You are talking horse mate.

I've had a season ticket for 35 years at Anfield. I've played semi professional football, I've played in the FA Cup, The FA Vase. Ive played at Anfield, Goodison, Prenton Park and the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

A ball does not move in that one paced way. No kick is the same. The ball is spinning, it curls, it bounces and moves across the turf in hundreds of different ways. Footballers DO NOT MOVE like this game. It in no way represents a realistic version of the sport. Goalkeepers do not dive in real life like that and certainly are not beaten by powder puff shots. In a real match, in elite sport if you passed a ball that slowly in a game you would lose possession 99% of the time.

By your definition, Sensible Soccer is realistic because the ball doesn't stick to your foot or Kick Off by Dino Dini and they came out in 1989 and 1992 respectively. It has been done before.

Your post is full of hyperbole and I think you know it.

Ive worked in games programming since the 90s..Does that make me right,no..

Nor do your credentials or what your passing off as facts.

Just my opinion but the stuff I talk about is there.I’m not making any false claims.
Ive worked in games programming since the 90s..Does that make me right,no..

Nor do your credentials or what your passing off as facts.

Just my opinion but the stuff I talk about is there.I’m not making any false claims.
Have you kicked a real match ball and been involved in serious level sport?

You are coming on here and doing the usual - claiming people are stupid, they don't understand, they just can't see, they need to learn. its excruciatingly painful.

Im not saying you can't have an opinion, thats fine, but don't pass it off as fact. efootball does not look, act or present a realistic version of the sport, and the clear majority understand this. So stop treating people like they are fools. If you enjoy it great, but don't come on here rubbing people up the wrong way by trying to tell them that they are basically idiots for not seeing what you see.
Have you kicked a real match ball and been involved in serious level sport?

You are coming on here and doing the usual - claiming people are stupid, they don't understand, they just can't see, they need to learn. its excruciatingly painful.

Im not saying you can't have an opinion, thats fine, but don't pass it off as fact. efootball does not look, act or present a realistic version of the sport, and the clear majority understand this. So stop treating people like they are fools. If you enjoy it great, but don't come on here rubbing people up the wrong way by trying to tell them that they are basically idiots for not seeing what you see.

Am I though..When did I say anyone was stupid or wrong..I’ve never quoted people unless they’ve quoted me.I wasn’t even particuly positive about the game at first.

Ive also never tried to discredit anyone or say there wrong for being negative about the game.

I just have a more positive opinion now.
There's some serious gatekeeping going on here.

I'm genuinely jealous of you all's very interesting lives, but one doesn't need to be a professional football player or game programmer to pass judgement on the physics of the game.

Absolutely..Programming or a life time’s experience of football in the stands or coaching doesn’t make anyone’s judgement more valid..

It’s just opinion.I don’t claim to be more knowledgable then anyone else.Most of us have been playing football games for 25 years or more.
It's also weird to me that we treat the physics of this game as this single entity, as if devs just wrote down a single Lagrangian for game and everything plays according to that.

Some of the physics is bad, such as collisions, (and we shouldn't really need to figure out how to discount bugs, since it assumes they'll be fixed), while some of the physics is pretty good to me, like manual passing.

Source: I once took a freshmen level physics course
Absolutely..Programming or a life time’s experience of football in the stands or coaching doesn’t make anyone’s judgement more valid..

It’s just opinion.I don’t claim to be more knowledgable then anyone else.Most of us have been playing football games for 25 years or more.
Mate, I get that you like it and that's fantastic. But I don't see what you're trying to achieve here? Some of us hate it, some of us don't mind it, some of us love it or can see potential in it.

But you're just contradicting yourself or repeating the same things. I honestly think you'll just end up getting banned because like @superleeds1 pointed out, you're treading dodgy ground now - not saying don't post or don't enjoy it, because I'm not a moderator and you can do what you like. But don't treat people like they're stupid - we've ALL played it. It's free to play.

To me, it performs and looks like shit on BOTH PS5 and Series X. It's simply not good enough for a company who has made my favourite video games over the years. From beautiful, well crafted games such as Metal Gear Solid and Pro Evolution Soccer 5 to eFootball 2022. They've (Konami games) gone backwards at an alarming rate.
Is there some potential in eFootball? Some hidden gem inside the crap?
Maybe. What I know for sure is that after few matches I have lost my will to struggle with the clunky controls and the buggy animations.
It is plain disrespectful for Konami to have released a game in such a state. I don't care if the game might be good, I'll pick it up again if and when it will be good.
Is there some potential in eFootball? Some hidden gem inside the crap?
Maybe. What I know for sure is that after few matches I have lost my will to struggle with the clunky controls and the buggy animations.
It is plain disrespectful for Konami to have released a game in such a state. I don't care if the game might be good, I'll pick it up again if and when it will be good.
The only positive I can find with eFootball 2022 right now is the fact that it's free. So when (if) Konami do 'evolve' it over time, add stuff and iron out the bugs then we might have a good football game on our hands, again, free of charge.

Your seemingly daily (hourly?) reminder.

Please discuss the game, not each other. It's like The House of Tiny Tearaways in here at the minute. Which is the greatest television show of all-time (and I will die on that hill), but not what anybody logs into Evo-Web for. (FYI, the US version changed the title from "Tearaways" to "Terrors". No respect.)

Nobody's in a cult. Nobody's a shill. Nobody's a sheep. Nobody's lying about having played the game. Nobody hates the game for the sake of it... Should you begin to think this, please look up "opinion" in the dictionary for a reminder (or Google it - who has a dictionary in this day and age).

Continued comments about each other will lead to bans now, because this is a "third strike and you're out" scenario. We don't care if you've been a member for 5 minutes or 5 years. In the nicest possible way, grow up. Thanks!
while some of the physics is pretty good to me, like manual passing.
Curious about that, cos I'm FUMA too, and I'm a bit underwhelmed with the low passing. In my games, if I passed around 33% to 50% of the bar, it traveled at a snail's pace, and if I put more on it to make it zippier, it lifts off the ground (like in recent PES games in general). So for the basic X pass on FUMA, it seems you can't play grounded passes without them being glacial. Is that something you came across and don't mind? (I know it's a concern of assisted players but I'm wondering about FUMA specifically.)

I don't mind a slower pace of game in general – I prefer it even. But not when it's achieved by making the passes so slow. Half of me wonders if they're just planning to bring in Sharp Kicks to seem revelatory by contrast.

Your seemingly daily (hourly?) reminder.

Please discuss the game, not each other. It's like The House of Tiny Tearaways in here at the minute. Which is the greatest television show of all-time (and I will die on that hill), but not what anybody logs into Evo-Web for. (FYI, the US version changed the title from "Tearaways" to "Terrors". No respect.)

Nobody's in a cult. Nobody's a shill. Nobody's a sheep. Nobody's lying about having played the game. Nobody hates the game for the sake of it... Should you begin to think this, please look up "opinion" in the dictionary for a reminder (or Google it - who has a dictionary in this day and age).

Continued comments about each other will lead to bans now, because this is a "third strike and you're out" scenario. We don't care if you've been a member for 5 minutes or 5 years. In the nicest possible way, grow up. Thanks!
Sorry Chris, House of Tiny Tearaways made me :LOL:

And apologies for the PES Cultists thing, didn't mean offence. I'm sure HyperSports means well.
Has anyone else not played it yet? I don't have much time to commit to gaming and have been fannying around trying to get a new PC up and running, but just based on the comments in here have not bothered downloading it. I might give it a bash after the update if the feedback is good and there's some decent PC mods (already looking quite positive), just wondered if anyone else was in the same boat.
Curious about that, cos I'm FUMA too, and I'm a bit underwhelmed with the low passing. In my games, if I passed around 33% to 50% of the bar, it traveled at a snail's pace, and if I put more on it to make it zippier, it lifts off the ground (like in recent PES games in general). So for the basic X pass on FUMA, it seems you can't play passes without them being glacial. Is that something you came across and don't mind? (I know it's a concern of assisted players but I'm wondering about FUMA specifically.)

I don't mind a slower pace of game in general – I prefer it even. But not when it's achieved by making the passes so slow. Half of me wonders if they're just planning to bring in Sharp Kicks to seem revelatory by contrast.

I can't say I've felt this issue at all. In fact, I'm quite enjoying the speed of my passes in this, even short ones.

One thing to keep in mind is that I only play against the AI, which never abuses L2. It's possible that against a better (or more annoying?) opponent who gives less space, I'd notice the speed issues at low power (I also play one-twos constantly though, so who knows).

I do feel that I misplace passes a lot less often with eFootball. With PES21, I'd occasionally (rather often, actually) end up passing to a nearby guy instead of the one at the far end, somehow I don't do that in eFootball.
I'm embarrassed to admit that the indicator circle may be helping here as well (yes, I do leave it on, and I rather enjoy it for now).

Oh, and they also fixed PES21's worst animation--the FUMA pass behind a player would cause them to try to intercept the ball with the heels instead of controlling them.
Why they never fixed that in PES21 is another story, but it made for some frustrating plays.

I still don't think I know what "sharp kicks" are or how they will work. Is it just some extra buttons you hold to give the kick extra sauce or spin?
Has anyone else not played it yet? I don't have much time to commit to gaming and have been fannying around trying to get a new PC up and running, but just based on the comments in here have not bothered downloading it. I might give it a bash after the update if the feedback is good and there's some decent PC mods (already looking quite positive), just wondered if anyone else was in the same boat.
I'd just check back on the next update on October 28th (IIRC). Probably won't change much, but who knows.

How much did you spend on a PC nowadays?
Oh, and they also fixed PES21's worst animation--the FUMA pass behind a player would cause them to try to intercept the ball with the heels instead of controlling them.
Why they never fixed that in PES21 is another story, but it made for some frustrating plays.
Interesting thoughts in general, but on this score - I played 5 games and saw this (woeful!) animation twice, I'm afraid. Pretty sure we're thinking of the same one. It's the animation from hell.
Interesting thoughts in general, but on this score - I played 5 games and saw this (woeful!) animation twice, I'm afraid. Pretty sure we're thinking of the same one. It's the animation from hell.

Ugh. I can forgive PKs and FKs remaining the same, but how the hell do they not fix this?
Yea, I guess I've been lucky so far.
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