eFootball (All Platforms)

On the pitch, despite the bugs, eFootball (PS5) is a technically superior game to PES 2021 which was a better (yet equally boring) version of PES 2020 which was the dogshit version of the PES 2020 Demo which was a true gem. My two cents.

They did some amazing work on (micro)animations/transitions.
Konami should just pull the plug on this mess, delete it from the web completely. No harm done, no one paid for it anyway. Go back to PES and build on what PES2021 was. This is such a disaster it's just an embarrassment in 2021 to release such crap
The pics Durandil posted are truly something.
Yes I just saw them. Why do they release a game in this state is beyond imagination. The people in charge should be obliged to play the game in this state for 10h a day, 24/7 until the game have 4K/60 stable in everything, without being able to skip cutscenes, and having to watch everything as it is at the momment, while in background there’s a 75” screen just showing stocks going down, so that they think on their decisions on launching something on this state.
I gave it a few more games after initial tears and disappointment. Putting all hilarious bugs and overall graphics aside, the worst part for me are ground passes - if you are using X/A, it takes the ball two hours to travel 12 meters, but when you use :triangle:/Y - its a freaking thunderspeed
Don't always agree with TTB but his review of the game is on par with my views, especially when he mentions that some gamers are starting to like the game only because they feel they're forcing themselves to like it.
Would love to know what reasons a person would have to force themselves to enjoy a game? Enlighten me.
Correct me if I'm wrong. But does Durandils post mean that the build we are playing was completed in July? It makes no sense, why would they release a build from July in September? They must have worked on it since then. Also why wait a month to release a "fix" then release a big update 2 weeks later? The "fix" should be released asap
The seeds have already sprouted.It’s already three quarters there..A little optimisation and polish and what a beautiful foliage it will have..

I think this is already superior to Pes21(on the pitch).It’s just lacking alot of spit and polish.

Games modes and amazing presentation off the pitch.Well I don’t think that’s going to happen.Unless they’ve got something there not telling us.

It’s a bit like this demo,a enigma.I thought it was a stiff,clunky,lobotomised pes 20/21..How wrong I was..
Totally agree with you. I might have over emphasize issues in my post, but playing it more, it is becoming better and better. I enjoy every game I play, and just can’t put my controller down. This could be a football game I have waited for 15 years now, and just hope they don’t dumb it down because of bad feedback of those who want something similar to that shallow, boring, over-assisted, highly-polished mediocrity, you-tuber friendly 2021 game.
Would love to know what reasons a person would have to force themselves to enjoy a game? Enlighten me.
Loyalty to a brand/game like he said in the review some of us been playing for decades.. Me personally since 1998. I'm 40 now.. That's along time with many many memories over the years. However I'm loyal but not stupid, have had the trial of fifa 22 and ive enjoyed it. If this magic patch doesn't save the game I'll be switching over. Loyalty or not. My time is precious and I want to play something I enjoy
A few years ago, I would have bitterly disappointed. But BAL mode is utterly reliant on decent team-mate AI and from 2019 onwards, the AI has been absolute garbage. And it's still the same trash in eFootball, so having a BAL mode would be pretty much redundant anyway.
Sadly, it would also spell the end of the 11s leagues, like WAPES, which rely on BAL for the created players we then load into team match lobbies.

There could always be some other function for custom player teamplay, at a future point, but it's not currently looking promising at all.

We basically have one year left (presumably, they'll cut the '21 servers by then) and then it's goodbye. Sucks.
Would love to know what reasons a person would have to force themselves to enjoy a game? Enlighten me.
I won't say this applies to all those who are enjoying this eFootball thing, but at least for some: the game franchise forms a part of their identity to such a degree that they keep looking the other way when Konami do bad shit. It's been happening for years when it comes to subpar releases, microtransaction focus, lack of love to offline modes, etc.

You always get people prepared to defend it to the hilt, and with some of them you sense they would just crack too badly if they were to accept the game wasn't what they proclaimed it to be. This is why FIFA is always used as some lower standard (even if it's the better game in a given year), because it presents another (sometimes fictional) reason to preserve that identity: the game isn't what I hoped exactly but at least it's not that.

It's a bit like that thing where a person will see their partner flirting with others and all the warning signs are there, they're getting treated like shit really, but they come up with all manner of excuses to maintain that illusion that it's not as bad as it seems. Because the thought of being alone is just too painful.
did anyone tried steam AND Windows version?Really different Versions?Some other difference?

no, and what for?
im tired of playing the beta tester, not worth my resources.

coming from an age where games just went gold and then got one or two patches and that was it.

"disable fullscreen optimizations"

i tried everything, and believe me, i do game since the late 90's on pc, all this jazz does little to nothing (placebo, below 5% difference etc), cant fix a broken mess by the developer.

they need to introduce different vsync varients for pc as they did the previous years, i still remember from 2018.

the engine right now, is pretty much hardlocked and does not respond to outside changes.

it plays like it has 5 frames in the queue/rendering pipeline and picks those instead of the latest ones, nothing changes no matter what you do, go to "ultra" latency mode in nvidia driver etc pointless endeavours
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I don't think I'd go as far as you, but I think the game has potential as well. Though I'm, admittedly, less excited for it than I was for something like PES20 demo.

I fear that, like with every PES demo (which is what this is closest to), Konami's patches will largely work towards removing that potential (making the game faster, for instance).

I also suspect that awareness, collision, and physicality bugs (of which there are many) are not trivial fixes, and could take a long time. Consequently, I don't expect to see good single-player modes (or even an edit mode, which I miss badly) any time soon. As an offline-only player, this concerns me.

And I still haven't heard a good reason for removing manual runs other than "it's possibly hard to do it in mobile". If it, indeed, mobile dictating the gameplay, then my fears will have increased tenfold.

They also haven't done anything for FKs and PKs, which pisses me off a bit.

But I enjoy the game and I see the potential. Manual passing has been quite fun.

One meta-question: why are there no spaces in your posts after punctuations? Are you inserting some difference spaces that don't get rendered correctly on my end?
I dislike the game at 0 game speed but really like it at +1 game speed. Shooting is lackluster though
Don't always agree with TTB but his review of the game is on par with my views, especially when he mentions that some gamers are starting to like the game only because they feel they're forcing themselves to like it.

That sounds a bit disrespectful (and, frankly, lazy as an argument).

It's akin to the people in r/eFootball claiming a that others who dislike the game are just in it for the memes, haven't played it enough, are/or FIFA players trying to stir up controversy.

Basically, "you don't have my opinion, so your ability to think logically must be impaired somehow".
Sadly, it would also spell the end of the 11s leagues, like WAPES, which rely on BAL for the created players we then load into team match lobbies.

There could always be some other function for custom player teamplay, at a future point, but it's not currently looking promising at all.

We basically have one year left (presumably, they'll cut the '21 servers by then) and then it's goodbye. Sucks.
I was part of WAPES (Wearepes before, or still the same name, don't care) and we started to play on PES 2015 11 vs 11. No tournament. But when i see how successful it became, with teams from all around the globe when they re-started it etc. (even the one from Pesuni was participating), well, it's sad just for that.
Because BAL, well, it's a bit shitty. But the 11 vs 11 still online, so it's not impossible they plan something like that, with good servers this time.

But ftm, the fucking bugs are what they need to focus, i don't even know if it's doable as there's so many of it, then after they can start to really focus fully on Gameplay and the rest.

Also some guys seems to misunderstood "freedom" with stuff "not yet implanted/calibrated" at all. Rails aren't already put on the game it seems, that's how a game is +- balanced, or at least easier to put a balance on it.
Well future will tell. Ftm, i don't even think about it, just made like "if" the game don't exist anymore : i feel better like it. It's not (at all) impossible, but that half Demo completely unreleasable blocked me.

Don't care at all about the potential neither, needs evidence (like you for example, said : no need to check in the past, that's causing trouble between us and that's the last thing i want, i like debate but i hate when we clearly "fought" between us when we're all on the same boat in fact. Also been ignored for one day i wasn't very good, and just say one thing, i understand that everyone was pissed and feels betrayed in a way or another. I'm a bit sad that Helio8 got me ignored for nothing but a misunderstood for example : he said thing that i agree with. I probably said thing he would agree.

Well back to the game, yes, the evidence that the game is possible to be bug free is what we would need first. Nothing indicates it, what i see as evidence is they will try to correct the bugs from the 0.9 version. That's all, nothing about any other version already corrected, but another based on that version so there's perhaps some "try" on the game good graphisms like Durandil indicated it : but not included already or not functionnal, just done on a super PC, nothing yet included, just some images of what they're trying to do in a XX future and nothing more. As long as we don't have proof with it turning on any system.
Totally agree with you. I might have over emphasize issues in my post, but playing it more, it is becoming better and better. I enjoy every game I play, and just can’t put my controller down. This could be a football game I have waited for 15 years now, and just hope they don’t dumb it down because of bad feedback of those who want something similar to that shallow, boring, over-assisted, highly-polished mediocrity, you-tuber friendly 2021 game.
I feel Exactly the same the Very moment I touch this game.

Basic? Basic my ass. Basic is holding two buttons and win the ball só ridículously easy with no fouls and clean tackles almost the tkme, a game that hás almost no emphasis on positioning and its Just fast paced game based on Just Quick straight forward passes, countrr attacks after countrr attacks.

At least this is what I see on online games of pés 2021, and I dont see people being able to do that on this game. The result is I. Winning way more while playing all manual.

Teams are well organized in terms of positioning also.
Amazing details, truly but why we get this first:

View attachment 126376

then this:

View attachment 126378

they are standing on the flat carpet, why?
Well, all these " amazing " details are in very rare cases and situations! Most of the time, the game looks ridiculously bad. I'm sure that from PES 2014 if you try, you can do as many or even better screenshots.
Would love to know what reasons a person would have to force themselves to enjoy a game? Enlighten me.
For 15 years a grown man, every year anticipates release of a video game, watching forums, trailers, youtube gameplay, downloads early demo, and always somehow gets disappointed when game is released. First time I highly enjoy playing a game and see great potential and someone says it's not because of the game but because I like brand or Konami.

What a ridiculous statement.
I won't say this applies to all those who are enjoying this eFootball thing, but at least for some: the game franchise forms a part of their identity to such a degree that they keep looking the other way when Konami do bad shit. It's been happening for years when it comes to subpar releases, microtransaction focus, lack of love to offline modes, etc.

You always get people prepared to defend it to the hilt, and with some of them you sense they would just crack too badly if they were to accept the game wasn't what they proclaimed it to be. This is why FIFA is always used as some lower standard (even if it's the better game in a given year), because it presents another (sometimes fictional) reason to preserve that identity: the game isn't what I hoped exactly but at least it's not that.

It's a bit like that thing where a person will see their partner flirting with others and all the warning signs are there, they're getting treated like shit really, but they come up with all manner of excuses to maintain that illusion that it's not as bad as it seems. Because the thought of being alone is just too painful.

There's a guy who does mods for fifa games and he put out a statement this year on his website that says he will no longer be modding fifa because EA have refused to address the issues with the franchise. Paulvk something. Those of know who I'm talking about. I give him kudos for that. And you can forget about FUT YouTubers taking a stand like that. They are partly responsible for FIFA's demise by constantly kissing EA's ass their copy and paste formula and their greedy practices. So there are those out there who aren't blind to what is coming out from these corporations.

Konami aren't that type of company known for listening to their most most ardent supporters of their IPs so any expectation from them to do so is low.

We all want them to fix this game not only because we like PES, but also we need competition in this market and I sure as hell ain't be gonna hopeful for EA to change course and do what is right with Fifa. With a few gameplay enhancements, better goalkeepers, overall, Fifa 22 isn't that much different from last year's. If we don't keep applying pressure on Konami to do what is needed and fix this game, address the problems with ai, physics, graphics, Pc optimization, frame rate, button responsiveness, missing content, and other gameplay issues, then it's over.
Would love to know what reasons a person would have to force themselves to enjoy a game? Enlighten me.
It's like supporting a football team... No matter how bad they may play, they're your team and you'll always try and see a silver lining even in a defeat or in a bad performance.
We've been in love with this game for too long to accept it's been sent down the drain and flushed.
It's normal that we...
  1. want thisw game to be good again
  2. desperately try to see something good in it even in its current state
I for one desperately tried hard to find good things in eFootball before uninstalling it because, well, the downsides are way too many compared to the good things that, after all, I do see there.

Let's see if it gets any better down the line.
People forcing themselves to like the latest football game because it's the latest football game with the latest rosters is pretty much the brief history of both football games. :P

Both mostly garbage because of e-sports, microtransactions and stupid fut/myclub modes.

But of course anyone is entitled to like anything & truly believe that a garbage f2p mobile game with microtransactions designed for e-sports is the answer to all that and what we've all been waiting for!
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Why does it run so bad? It runs terribly on the PS4 and even on my PC that runs most things in 4k with ease it runs really badly and stutters all over the place. Smooth it is not which is just super jarring when Fifa 22 runs smooth as butter at 4k on the same PC.

Does it run this badly for everybody else? is there anything that we can do to improve it a bit (without uninstalling the game and forgetting about it haha)
I'm not saying that the point about loyalty doesn't apply to some people but a lot of us thought that PES 2020 and PES 2021 were terrible. Were the people who enjoyed those being loyal and forcing themselves to like them?

I'm predominantly an offline ML player and those two games were plain boring with the rare occasion of excellence. Meanwhile the online experience was tragic as always. Skill was the last thing you needed to win, FUMA players were at a huge disadvantage against assisted players, you had no protection against X + Square and the game basically played itself on assisted. That's no longer the case with eFootball 2022 online, due to more manual defending and better overall positioning. My judgement of eFootball is purely based online as it's the only option available to me on PS5, on FUMA with my (patient) playstyle I'd barely get a shot in in 5 minutes.

Each to their own.
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