eFootball (All Platforms)

Could you explain, cause i am very curious to know. I did a big research sonce I've read your post, but without any success.

Urban Dictionary, which is the world-wide Gospel of slangs, doesn't have anything relative, except for the football term, we all know .

https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tiki taka

It was a term used by Javier Clemente first I think, sometime in the 90’s.
It means you are passing the ball aimlessly with no intent.

The phrase stuck and now people use it to describe Pep’s Barca and that great Spanish team.

Here’s Pep’s talking about it.

"I hate tiki-taka. I always will. I want nothing more to do with tiki-taka. Tiki-taka is a load of shit, a made-up term. It means passing the ball for the sake of passing, with no real aim or aggression - nothing. I will not allow my brilliant players to fall for all that rubbish"

"I loathe all that passing for the sake of it, all that tiki-taka. It's so much rubbish and has no purpose. You have to pass the ball with a clear intention, with the aim of making it into the opposition's goal. It's not about passing for the sake of it."

"Be yourselves. You need to dig into your own DNA. I hate tiki-taka. Tiki-taka means passing the ball for the sake of it, with no clear intention. And it's pointless."

"Don't believe what people say. Barça didn't do tiki-taka! It's completely made up! Don't believe a word of it!"
There’s this too.

There are two explanations as to why Guardiola hates the phrase. The first is pretty simple. The fast, direct style of football which so beguiled the world when Guardiola was at the Barcelona helm is actually known in Spain as 'El Toque' (the touch). In Guardiola’s homeland, the phrase 'tiki-taka' is used mockingly for possession without penetration.
It was a term used by Javier Clemente first I think, sometime in the 90’s.
It means you are passing the ball aimlessly with no intent.

The phrase stuck and now people use it to describe Pep’s Barca and that great Spanish team.

Here’s Pep’s talking about it.

"I hate tiki-taka. I always will. I want nothing more to do with tiki-taka. Tiki-taka is a load of shit, a made-up term. It means passing the ball for the sake of passing, with no real aim or aggression - nothing. I will not allow my brilliant players to fall for all that rubbish"

"I loathe all that passing for the sake of it, all that tiki-taka. It's so much rubbish and has no purpose. You have to pass the ball with a clear intention, with the aim of making it into the opposition's goal. It's not about passing for the sake of it."

"Be yourselves. You need to dig into your own DNA. I hate tiki-taka. Tiki-taka means passing the ball for the sake of it, with no clear intention. And it's pointless."

"Don't believe what people say. Barça didn't do tiki-taka! It's completely made up! Don't believe a word of it!"
I don't see anything offensive on it. We mean the same thing. Doing a lot of passing. Now if it's aimlessly or not, i assume it is subject to everyone's perspecitve about football and playstyle.

I have seen other teams, trying to play this passing-style, without success, like Bayern of Pep Guardiola, but they were criticised for the bad copy-paste.

But it's the first time, i hear that the "tiki-taka" term has a derogatory side, by itslef.
The biggest problem I have right now (as a manual player) compared to 2021 is I feel like the passing and shooting and dribbling just all feels so out of my control compared to 2021. There are things I like and I feel the smoothness of the animations is a plus that maybe was just a natural change from changing engine but its much harder to transfer your footballing ideas into the game compared to 21.

There was a real good feedback feeling from 21 at its best where you felt like the game did as you wanted it and you felt good for playing the perfect pass or dribbling past a man. With 23 your just fighting the game all the time and being forced to play certain ways rather than implement what you want which is a shame. This is all views as a manual player though and i'm sure the game is balanced around auto passing which to me looks very similar in playstyle to most pes games in the last 10 years.

Essentially I just cant play this game match after match like I could 21 because I just don't feel enough creativity is rewarding and it feels like a next gen mobile game more than a fully featured next gen console game and I don't see how this changes no matter how much they try and layer varnish on top of it.
After maybe ten games i must say that the new version is much better ,at least for me.
More responsiness that means i might be able to pass the ball before i get run over .
And even a better chance to defend against longball Haaland counters.
Im sure the topplayers soon vill find and easy way to humiliate me again. But for now i really enjoy the gameplay.
How do I play offline multiplayer (couch play) and increase match length to over 10 mins? How do I play as national teams?
The Hell happened tô this game?

I player last night. I was forced to play myclub with the default crap team. Very frustranting. Zero patience to build a team.

Today I played two matchs of quck online match. Although I think its a bit less worse than than a ranked match by default, THERES DEFINELTY SOMETHING DIFFERENTWITH THE GAME NOW in a good Way.


It feels Way more natural and made the pace of the game delicious!

People cant link Quick passes together. The ball bubles more, its much more natural.

Players physics feel better also, better center of gravity, they respond so well, you feel more int controle.

The match I played was so enjoyable.
OK let's be fair, as much as I don't like the game, I have to admit that there is still some improvement in the graphics compared to what we had before and now after the update :

Quite happy with the small additions. Thai League is available now, and they added adboards and balls in trial match for 2 teams of the same league 👌 Need to keep these improvements going

Finally something next-gen in efootball. 😁
I wonder if there will be other things in efootball 24 other than face and hair.
I dont understand why they are not advertising this much more. Thats a really nice thing and Konami didnt even mentioned it.
They advertising their card game all the time, but good things like this not? I dont get it.

I think it looks good on thick hairs/haircuts, but could look better on thinner ones. The Anti-Aliasing is not the best and produces some shimmering on the these type of haircuts. But still its a great addition!
I dont understand why they are not advertising this much more. Thats a really nice thing and Konami didnt even mentioned it.
They advertising their card game all the time, but good things like this not? I dont get it.

I think it looks good on thick hairs/haircuts, but could look better on thinner ones. The Anti-Aliasing is not the best and produces some shimmering on the these type of haircuts. But still its a great addition!
OMG... I was asking myself the same thing... I was having no idea that they fixed the player's faces and graphics overall so much. I sware I was thinking that Messi's image is .. Real Messi, a real Human, they trick my mind to think it's a real dude... The skin colors and the details are crazy good, look it close it's insane!

Well, not all players are not THAT good for all players but it's a sign that if they want, they have the engine and tool to do it!
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