- 30 January 2022
Could you explain, cause i am very curious to know. I did a big research sonce I've read your post, but without any success.
Urban Dictionary, which is the world-wide Gospel of slangs, doesn't have anything relative, except for the football term, we all know . taka
It was a term used by Javier Clemente first I think, sometime in the 90’s.
It means you are passing the ball aimlessly with no intent.
The phrase stuck and now people use it to describe Pep’s Barca and that great Spanish team.
Here’s Pep’s talking about it.
"I hate tiki-taka. I always will. I want nothing more to do with tiki-taka. Tiki-taka is a load of shit, a made-up term. It means passing the ball for the sake of passing, with no real aim or aggression - nothing. I will not allow my brilliant players to fall for all that rubbish"
"I loathe all that passing for the sake of it, all that tiki-taka. It's so much rubbish and has no purpose. You have to pass the ball with a clear intention, with the aim of making it into the opposition's goal. It's not about passing for the sake of it."
"Be yourselves. You need to dig into your own DNA. I hate tiki-taka. Tiki-taka means passing the ball for the sake of it, with no clear intention. And it's pointless."
"Don't believe what people say. Barça didn't do tiki-taka! It's completely made up! Don't believe a word of it!"