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"EFootball TM 2022"

Start: October 7 (Thursday) 11:00 am (scheduled)

End: Thursday, October 7 5:00 pm (scheduled)

Please note that online mode will not be available during this period.

This is from konami support japan on twitter
I keep seeing so many cool moments, so much that is off-rails, so many moments that are born entirely of a new situation simply playing out (I wont use the words emergent or organic, I'll be rightly asked to leave the forum permanently) that I can't help but like the thing.
How much of this is likely to be some commitment by Konami to make the game feel free and organic, and how much of it is due to the game being at an early stage of development where they've yet to tighten it up?

For years we've had better demos and betas than the release code; it's something of a horrifying thought, given how shambolic the game now is, but this demo-like experience could even be better than what the polished product turd ends up being. At least in respect of what you're describing as a sort of openness.
A hot fix today apparently. Someone here said it improved the graphics a little
No update mate, game stays 0.9.0 just checked it on my PC. If anyone need it, right now the game check this address for liveupdate


Maybe if we got new sider + updated netblock by @juce , i won't hold my hope for new sider though, Current state of the game don't deserve it, lol.
Some guy in the comment section of the Kotaku article said Famistsu gave a positive review to Efootball (eights and nines) 😂
This needs to be kicked to the ground. And then continually kicked.

It has been, at this point I don’t believe Konami will recover from this. I wouldn’t be surprised if they abandon EFootball in a year or two and came out with a new rebranded PES.

The damage is irreparable, even if they are able by some miracle after dozen of patchesmake the game decent( not good, decent) it will be too late. And if the release disaster was not enough, FIFA this year is getting positive feedback from players.
So that game will surely absorb a lot of unhappy Efootball players.

Its a disaster, and one that Konami will only be able to resolve if they kill this Efootball idea.
How much of this is likely to be some commitment by Konami to make the game feel free and organic, and how much of it is due to the game being at an early stage of development where they've yet to tighten it up?

For years we've had better demos and betas than the release code; it's something of a horrifying thought, given how shambolic the game now is, but this demo-like experience could even be better than what the polished product turd ends up being. At least in respect of what you're describing as a sort of openness.

Completely agree. I posted something very similar a few days ago about 'apparent freedom' in konami demos.

I'm talking as much about how the players move, and the way the game moves to different parts of the pitch. Assist level 3 feels more like how the pitch opens out on pes 21 manual.

One thing I've noticed is that despite the contemptible lack of tactics options, they do at least work very well. And moving dybala to a deep SS behind Ronaldo causes him to actually play like one, dropping into pockets, moving laterally, in a way an ss never quite did in pes 21.

It's strange at times. The game is a bizarre mess of underdevelopment, good intentions, toxic cynicism and little glimpses of genuine development talent.

Play against Bayern and at times the whole game takes place 30 yards from their goal, compressed in 30 yards of vertical space and you think...oh, this is modern football.

And when Gnabry and Coman and Muller are charging at your back line and you have only Chiellini and De Ligt backing off 30 yards from your goal, its genuinely quite exciting. But again, is it this way because the games a mess, or because it's designed with a wonderful mind behind certain parts of it?

I see your point completely.
Everything the ‘haters’ (realists) have said about Konami and the PES series for YEARS now have been proven right.

All the shit we’ve had flung at us for saying that Adam Bhatti was bad for the series, all the shit we’ve had for saying that Konami had lost touch with the modern gaming landscape, all the crap we’ve had for saying that PES hasn’t been good enough year after year after year.

This monstrosity (eFootball) was always on the cards. I admit that I didn’t think it would be THIS bad. But we knew Konami had that in them, we knew that PES was never returning to the golden era.

And yet we’ve STILL got people (a very VERY small amount of people) claiming that “Actually, this isn’t bad. FIFA is still shit LOL!”.

Brothers and sisters, forget about FIFA. eFootball doesn’t even register on EA Sport’s radar now. It’s not eFootball’s rival. No game is a rival of eFootball. It’s THAT bad.

I feel no empathy towards Konami or anyone who is still trying to find positives with this shambolic launch. Anyone who still feels that they have to support this awful company (Konami) when they couldn’t give two fucks about us consumers who have bought their game every single autumn since ISS Pro Evolution Soccer, these people need to ask themselves - why? Why do you feel that Konami deserve your support?

Fuck Konami.
My level of Italian is the same as Brad Pitts character in The Inglorious Bastards so I'm using google translate. However this sounds like an advert.
Now that the gameplay bugs have been fixed the game is even better and we confirm our impressions of a top-notch and more fun product than FIFA. The only flaw of this demo is the limited number of challenges that can be done, but we are talking about a version 0.9.0.

The high quality of the video game and Konami's prompt reaction in solving the bugs reported by users bodes well for the near future when the first full version will be released in November."

I cant even see a download registered on my steam, so I'm very sceptical
I hope KONAMI go bust or at least efootball fails terribly and no this isn't an extreme thing to say because they are literally ripping people off so that is what I wish upon them
Whoever wrote this article must be drunk or is this a satire website 😂

"Now that the gameplay bugs have been fixed the game is even better and we confirm our impressions of a top-notch and more fun product than FIFA. The only flaw of this demo is the limited number of challenges that can be done, but we are talking about a version 0.9.0."

It's the same buggy game from last week ! nothing new ! no gameplay changes, fix bugs or whatever...

Konami only updated the liveupdate to 07/10/2021, that's why they updated new available partner clubs 😂
Playing it now, I don’t know if it’s a placebo but it does feel better. Players are less sluggish it seems like a step in the correct direction. I’m not saying it’s the finished article, not by a long way but give it ago before you laugh me out of the building.
Ashamed of this stuff as an italian. Don't even give them clicks please lol.
they even went as far as comparing the situation with driving a ferrari prototype, wich will be even better (after fan feedback) once it goes retail!
WdaAF?! and its the director of esportitalia saying that! crazy! super crazy!
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