eFootball (All Platforms)

Game turns out to be fun (ignoring terrible AI, graphics and contact physics) on +1 speed and broadcast camera. Response times are way better, and dribbling is actually the one thing this game does really well (the way you control players with small movements of the stick and dash button). Granted, more arcadey, but at least it's fun.
Yes, broadcast or customized stadium camera makes the experience completely different IMO. I play on 0 speed. It doesn't feel Arcady playing full manual to be honest.
Yeah the default camera is kind of terrible. Zooming in super close so you can't see your options on the pitch is not a good idea
Don't know mates, but Konami are too silent about their eFootball Roadmap & fixes development progression. It's the same shy deja-vu during those last two months as "please...show some gameplay!!!". EA already released a big update for FIFA 22 today (few GB) that fixes lots of things, and in this demo-like we don't have anything at all, not even a hint on what they are doing. Could this happen because those updates will be viewed as some demo update-like experiences?
Not even a day 1 patch from Konami.
Trying to live peacefully in the shadows, but that every week a new tearing story, does not let my brain rest in peace.

First of all, before starting, what's the deal with this "Sharp Kicks" everyone is mentioming. Is it so game changer? What is this? I am 35yo, and never used it in my life (i assume) , am i missing anything significant?

As for the recent Fox Engine Kojima fairytale, i have many facts to post here, but as i want to keep it as short as possible, i do not want to shock you and sorry to listen the news by me, but Kojima left KONAMI in 2015.

By the most optimistic calculations, eFootball production started in 2019..

We all knew, they could fine-tune some things in Fox Engine, but couldn't upgrade it totally, only small fixes. Those all were known for years.

Despite this limitation, we witnessed some big game to game transitions, like 2017 to 2018, some smaller like 2019 to 2020, etc, etc..

I mean, by the way it is presented, it is like implying that Kojima left KONAMI last week/month/summer/year. :(

My sincerely apologies..

Like I said in an earlier post, the stuff that's circulating over the last 24 or so hours is baseless speculation on the Japanese equivalent of reddit/4chan.
Konami changed game images in Steam





the "eFootball" series will be operated as a digital platform with regular updates, rather than new titles being released every year. As a form of "future game experience" that fits the soccer game/sports genre, Mr. Kimura said that the "eFootball" platform will not be limited to soccer games, but will also be a place for players to communicate with each other, an opportunity to exchange information, and

pes 21 is best i think
pes this year dissapoint
its very simple for Konami release data pack 8 for 2021 for the new season or release season 2022 season update. they can go away and release efootball 2023 once its finished properly. They will still make a boat load on 2021 update even if they give it free. Plenty of time to sort out efootball.
a new data pack for Konami would take little time, give it free, make money on coins. But i think they are to stupid, they see the money in PES, i cant see them dropping it
Well tomorrow is thursday, i bet efootball get new update.

Anyone miss this already 😂

■ Global Improvements
A variety of minor adjustments have been made to each mode to improve the overall gaming experience.
*Global improvements
A variety of minor adjustments have been made to each mode to [lessen the overall gaming experience] still making this the worst football game ever.
First of all, before starting, what's the deal with this "Sharp Kicks" everyone is mentioming. Is it so game changer? What is this? I am 35yo, and never used it in my life (i assume) , am i missing anything significant?
I'm assuming it's the same as the low driven lobbed pass (charge the pass & then tap) the likes of Pirlo could do back in pes 2013.
They never put it in any of the Fox Engine games.
Nearly a decade later it's resurfaced as a 'new' revolutionary, never seen before, game changing gameplay mechanic that every player can pull off.

Eat what u are served, and shut the f*ck up.
Ps. buy our pre order. #newcrowd
I'm assuming it's the same as the low driven lobbed pass (charge the pass & then tap) the likes of Pirlo could do back in pes 2013.
They never put it in any of the Fox Engine games.
Nearly a decade later it's resurfaced as a 'new' revolutionary, never seen before, game changing gameplay mechanic that every player can pull off.

Eat what u are served, and shut the f*ck up.
Ps. buy our pre order. #newcrowd
The video of it just looked like the pass that players do when they have the 'weighted pass' card.
I'm assuming it's the same as the low driven lobbed pass (charge the pass & then tap) the likes of Pirlo could do back in pes 2013.
They never put it in any of the Fox Engine games.
Nearly a decade later it's resurfaced as a 'new' revolutionary, never seen before, game changing gameplay mechanic that every player can pull off.

Eat what u are served, and shut the f*ck up.
Ps. buy our pre order. #newcrowd
it is in the previous 2 pes games it comes out automatically if you have a certain skill
I've honestly never laughed so hard reading this forum. It feels like we're a trauma survivors group, cast far and wide across a barren wasteland, tuning in via our radios, just trying to laugh our way through the pain.

P.S. I think I still like efootball 2022.
So do I on the PS5 but it’s sluggish. Some of the posts on here are very childish but I bet they’re being posted by blokes in their 30s & 40s.
So do I on the PS5 but it’s sluggish. Some of the posts on here are very childish but I bet they’re being posted by blokes in their 30s & 40s.

I tried it again tonight after not playing since launch day. Still like all the things I liked then, it just doesnt feel on rails, like how wrong defending an go if you dont temper use of sprint, enjoy how dynamic counters can be, how tactile sprinting is, the weight (ball physics are not very good, amongst other things)...but I got lots of stuttering and littering, espcially when in control of a player. Have you had that?
The video of it just looked like the pass that players do when they have the 'weighted pass' card.

it is in the previous 2 pes games it comes out automatically if you have a certain skill
All I know is, that if you remove something then rename it & add it back in... it's a revolutionary new feature that'll change football gaming forever. :BLINK:
Konami themselves state that it's gonna be too hot to handle, it'll make players faces melt off.
Don't hold your breath for massive changes coming soon. COVID has impacted Japan pretty severely because employees and companies are not equipped to work from home. Japan is still very archaic in some aspects. The patch they announced will probably bring the game closer to a proper released game, but it will take a long time to update and fix things that the community finds fault in.

eFootball will probably be in an OK state in 6 months. And by OK I mean it will be closer to the developers vision, that doesn't mean good or up to par with what the community expects.

This is just guessing btw, don't take it as fact.
I mean, by the way it is presented, it is like implying that Kojima left KONAMI last week/month/summer/year.

Nope. Even users who aren't developers or even had any kind of tutoring in Fox Engine, are able to tweak it even better than Konami e.g. Adding fog to weather conditions, improving lighting etc.

But when you are porting an entire engine including the core gameplay mechanics, into a brand new one, you need an entirely different level of expertise that Konami didn't seem to have at all. So they figured they'd just start from scratch.
Nope. Even users who aren't developers or even had any kind of tutoring in Fox Engine, are able to tweak it even better than Konami e.g. Adding fog to weather conditions, improving lighting etc.

But when you are porting an entire engine including the core gameplay mechanics, into a brand new one, you need an entirely different level of expertise that Konami didn't seem to have at all. So they figured they'd just start from scratch.
If starting from scratch why is Fox engine in efootball? Its a bolt on fix and they are clearly struggling in expertise. I'm thinking there stuck and relied on fox engine far to long
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