eFootball (All Platforms)

Despite waiting 2 years, everyone would be happier if they ditched this disaster and just re-released the PES Season Update again with updated rosters.

It's legitimately the worst football game I've played in well over a decade.
I saw eFootball kit assets are the same format, so it should not be hard to slap them on PES 21, update rosters for online and call it a day. Even if it’s just to give them time.
What worries me the most, is that they cant even get the game to run smooth and responsive with its current low graphics. It really seems they hit into a wall somewhere along the line and they where forced to disable parts of the AI, collisions and many graphical filters just to get it to run.

I mean, it doesn't even have anti-aliasing. I am no game developer but the only reason for not enabling AA i can imagine is that it would make the game unplayable from a frame rate perspective. Fox Engine probably had way less overhead so they could get away with certain shortcuts inside the code.

If they are are this desperate then Konami really needs to hire a handful of experts from Epic for at least 6 months to optimise things with the team because currently UE4 just cant handle all the calculations under the hood.
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I personnally thrust what people from Windsor tried the more advanced version told me. As it was measured, and say "they're in the right direction but still some work". Collisions, and AI especially who was a bit lost on the pitch during some actions. NOTE: i talk about it now as i read it this morning from two guys, one isn't even a youtuber, on my phone. He wasn't even sure that the version he played would be liked, so... Well, i'll wait from a patch too like Klash, but i won't play it : i just don't want. Prefers to focus on PES 2021 editing, and my upcoming FIFA i will receive normally tomorrow from the post.

And i don't think UE4 is that hard to manage. Just the release is way too old, and the "newer" couldn't be released for delay reason.
But think what you want. Personnally i just can't believe a game with that bug level, i never saw that since i played 3D games. It's just too big.
Believe what you want but i just can't.
Now, instead of "believing" you can have a more scientific approach like "We got a version. Until the contrary it's THE version" but well science and VG, it works only with math.

And i can't tell if the basis is completely f***ed, as it's the first time in my life i saw a game in that state of advancement. But there's for sure modification on that build for just the sake of being.... At least "Playable" i think (my opinion) so it may cause many distortions glitches and everything we saw since yesterday
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PES2021 for me. Couldn't resonate with FIFA on enough levels to make the switch (and money) worthwhile. PES2021 has enough depth and good enough core gameplay that with editing, I can happily get another year out of it by which time either eFootball will have had 7+ patches and will be looking good or FIFA 23 hits the spot. If neither of those things happen, I still have PES 6 and PES 2021 to keep me happy.
Same mate. Are you on ps4?
What worries me the most, is that they cant even get the game to run smooth and responsive with its current low graphics. It really seems they hit into a wall somewhere along the line and they where forced to disable parts of the AI, collisions and many graphical filters just to get it to run.

I mean, it doesn't even have anti-aliasing. I am no game developer but the only reason for not enabling AA i can imagine is that it would make the game unplayable from a frame rate perspective. Fox Engine probably had way less overhead so they could get away with certain shortcuts inside the code.

If they are are this desperate then Konami really needs to hire a handful of experts from Epic for at least 6 months to optimise things with the team because currently UE4 just cant handle all the calculations under the hood.
All games are like this at the early stages of development.Optimsation happens throughout the development process and we the public never normally see games this raw or so in need of de-bugging.It’s very much like layering a cake.The version out there is very much a alpha.

There might be some truth that there is a better build that’s awaiting approval but take that with a pinch of salt.

It will get better and I’m sure a lot more polished but it could potentially be another year before it’s even up to Pes21 standards.

Just depends how far along the development road they are.
Based on reading a large proportion of this thread, I'm guessing the following has happened;

1. There was a change of focus midway through the 2 year cycle, with the emphasis moving to mobile. I believe someone said the new head of Konami actually was in charge of the mobile division before they got promoted
2. I would imagine this change happened some time last year, meaning there was much less time to try and build something half decent
3. As they decided cross-play was a key feature, that was one of the major obstacles to try and resolve. The gameplay essentially took a backseat
4. As mobile is the lowest common denominator, they worked on that first and then looked to upscale / improve for consoles and PC
5. They wanted to get something out close to the Fifa release date, so essentially drew a line in the sand to get something out by now
6. To get through the whole Sony / Xbox certification process, they probably had to hand over the code a few months prior to the release date. This would line up with the July code build someone found
7. The 'Windsor' code is a more up to date version, which has some of the key issues fixed

I'm in no way defending Konami (I have even bothered downloading it), but all the above would make sense to me. It's been a combination of balls ups at a higher level within Konami, then putting the pressure on the dev team to produce something in a very protracted timeframe.
Despite all the coments and negativity, I still downloaded last night and gave it a try with unlocked teams and match time. The first impression was actually good asking myself "why all the negativity?" I was enjoying the overall look and feel of it. Defending was complicated but then I thought "that´s ok! I just need to learn the controls..."

Well, half way in my second match, I was already starting to feel furstration and then it hit me. Holy s#@t, this is impossible to play!! Defending is unreal! Super unresponsive, players don´t give a F$&k to the ball, inertia is gigantic, they take ages to react and then take ages to stop running. Dribling is not real too. It just gives you the impression that it's cool because CPU also suffers from the same lack of awereness and gigantic inertia. In that regard, this should be called "Super massive gravity soccer on Ice" aka "Jupiter Soccer Friendlies".

I used to be an addicted gamer, and loved it. I played all kinds of games back then on my PS and Xbox consoles all the time. Driving, Shooters, Horror etc, PES being the one game I was always playing at least an hour each day. Since the invention of massive online playing, all the games started to loose interest, because in about 10 years, I totally noticed the end of great adictive stories, and the start of online modes being related. To the point where the only game I was playing consistently was PES/Fifa. These two started to get worse and worse. They launched more and more scripted story guided garbage, and less content over the years. Last year's is the version I still currently play, despite rambling all the time about it when I try to enjoy my Master League. This year, they went too far, even for me, desperatly needing of a football fix.

It's beyound my compreension, this route of "online is the way", completely destroying what the pure gaming is. Gaming used to be individual fun, but also social MEGA fun. Calling friends over the place, having friendlies or tournaments whith great conversations and laughs. It was the proximity and the environment that made a great game even greater. Now, it's all online online online, it's all about social networks, it's all about easy profit with minimal investment. Online is killing what once was a great thing, rellying on the youngster's addiction to be "connected with the world" and I'm tired of it. At all levels.

To the ones who think this is a great thing, well... Wake up, open or damn eyes. You're not connected. Being alone comparing your skills against unknown players all over the world, is not connection. It's destroying relationships, it's destroying the need for good programing and lauching pure complete products that used to made us proud owners of great games. It's not just PES, it's the overall gaming that died. PES forums used to be a resource for finding new things, new habilities, usually great stuff about this game. For some long time now, these forums have been a place of rambling, unhappiness about a product, giving us proof that this is not enjoyable anymore. We, the pure gameplay lovers, were a minority in extinction. Well, this has done it. Konami is responsible for the killing of an Era.
7. The 'Windsor' code is a more up to date version, which has some of the key issues fixed
If a slightly tighter version of this is genuinely enough for some people - and I said yesterday, I can see this happening ("oh wow, they fixed the ball moving by itself, 10/10") - then... I mean. We get everything we deserve. We really do.
If a slightly tighter version of this is genuinely enough for some people - and I said yesterday, I can see this happening ("oh wow, they fixed the ball moving by itself, 10/10") - then... I mean. We get everything we deserve. We really do.
Yeah I'l probably give it a download next year, if it's at a point where it's reasonably playable
If a slightly tighter version of this is genuinely enough for some people - and I said yesterday, I can see this happening ("oh wow, they fixed the ball moving by itself, 10/10") - then... I mean. We get everything we deserve. We really do.
For what? If you talk about the "yes they fixed it! It's super!" i understand. It's not like fixing something wrong needs applause, it's something totally normal in a game developpement.

But if you talk about buying previous version, sorry but i liked the precedents, and i will continue to play it. I just said i liked it, without analysis, or giving them some reward on Twitter or a + in percentage, not my thing : i don't want them to think all is okay and got nothing to correct or change.

I don't think "we" deserve that. Some people yes. But no one i know was prepared to what we got now, or the decisions they took, at all.
In fact, i complained a lot on twitter about editing and errors in game more than anything lol.
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All games are like this at the early stages of development.Optimsation happens throughout the development process and we the public never normally see games this raw or so in need of de-bugging.It’s very much like layering a cake.The version out there is very much a alpha.

There might be some truth that there is a better build that’s awaiting approval but take that with a pinch of salt.

It will get better and I’m sure a lot more polished but it could potentially be another year before it’s even up to Pes21 standards.

Just depends how far along the development road they are.
Sure i get the whole development process and all and this might as well be a fork from say jan/feb that has been developed separately to become a demo release while they continue to work on the first 1.0 version that is set to be out november or so.

However, it strikes me as very odd that the graphics have been turned down as much as they have and STILL the framerate sucks. No amount of optimizations will be able to solve this because all gains from this point on will be offset by turning the graphics further up to the desired point of a next-gen game. This could prove to be a gigantic task, as people on high-end PC's are complaining just as much as PS4 users.
For what? If you talk about the "yes they fixed it! It's super!" i understand. It's not like fixing something wrong needs applause, it's something totally normal in a game developpement.

But if you talk about buying previous version, sorry but i liked the precedents, and i will continue to play it. I just said i liked it, without analysis, or giving them some reward on Twitter or a + in percentage, not my thing : i don't want them to think all is okay and got nothing to correct or change.

I don't think "we" deserve that. Some people yes. But no one i know was prepared to what we got now, or the decisions they took, at all.
In fact, i complained a lot on twitter about editing and errors in game more than anything lol.
PES has been simplistic dross for years now and the game never looks or feels as it should on the relevant hardware. PES 2021 with its yellow pitches and basic, boring, tedious Master League and cut scenes which make no impact on your squad or team morale.

But even with this, large swathes of PES players STILL preach on about how it’s the “best football game ever” etc.

So yes, we do deserve everything we get. We’ve put with up mediocrity for so long that Konami haven’t been forced to get their act together because you still get groups of deluded fanboys which won’t have a bad word said about their beloved video game.

And here we are. eFootball. A game which wouldn’t look out of place on an Xbox 360.
PES has been simplistic dross for years now and the game never looks or feels as it should on the relevant hardware. PES 2021 with its yellow pitches and basic, boring, tedious Master League and cut scenes which make no impact on your squad or team morale.

But even with this, large swathes of PES players STILL preach on about how it’s the “best football game ever” etc.

So yes, we do deserve everything we get. We’ve put with up mediocrity for so long that Konami haven’t been forced to get their act together because you still get groups of deluded fanboys which won’t have a bad word said about their beloved video game.

And here we are. eFootball. A game which wouldn’t look out of place on an Xbox 360.
There is a big subjective component in experiencing a video game.
To me this version of eFootball is an abomination, shouldn't even been released in such a state. But I would not kid or demonize people who enjoy it, I'm even jealous that they can find enjoyment in the game whereas I really cannot.
For instance PES 21 is a game I really like and still enjoy a lot. I've seen many shit on PES 21 and then praise FIFA gameplay.
To me PES 21 is better than any FIFA I've played. FIFA has great presentation but when it comes to gameplay it's not fun to me and does not feel like football.
If you add the limited editing options and the lack of national teams it's a no-go for me.
This Pes 2022 is a demo practically
Well, the worst demo ever lauched.
More like a new product being shown for the first time to investors, trying to convince them to finance the rest of the development. But Konami likes to call it "final version".
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All these memes and laughs about eFootball poor state only fuel and reaffirm the idea that many Japanese devs are not competent anymore compared to the West.

I think they should have a minimum of pride or decency, apologize and pull the game from stores until they get a working version.

The lack of credits from dev team signals nobody wanted to put their name or responsibility on this bad software product. Currently it’s something better to avoid mentioning on a dev portfolio.
All these memes and laughs about eFootball poor state only fuel and reaffirm the idea that many Japanese devs are not competent anymore compared to the West.

I think they should have a minimum of pride or decency, apologize and pull the game from stores until they get a working version.

The lack of credits from dev team signals nobody wanted to put their name or responsibility on this bad software product. Currently it’s something better to avoid mentioning on a dev portfolio.
They aren't? News to me, Maybe you're mistaking Konami being a miserable game developer for the entire country.
There is a big subjective component in experiencing a video game.
To me this version of eFootball is an abomination, shouldn't even been released in such a state. But I would not kid or demonize people who enjoy it, I'm even jealous that they can find enjoyment in the game whereas I really cannot.
For instance PES 21 is a game I really like and still enjoy a lot. I've seen many shit on PES 21 and then praise FIFA gameplay.
To me PES 21 is better than any FIFA I've played. FIFA has great presentation but when it comes to gameplay it's not fun to me and does not feel like football.
If you add the limited editing options and the lack of national teams it's a no-go for me.
PES 2021 isn’t better than FIFA World Cup 2010, FIFA 14 or FIFA 16 for me. It’s one of the most boring experiences I’ve had with my long football gaming history. Sure, it flows quite nice. But shooting is automated crap and every shot/goal just feels so straight and repetitive.

Of course this is just opinion, some people love it. But the writings been on the wall for years with PES. The video game industry left it behind. Everything from menus, to commentary, to cut scene transitions is still so amateur and I’ve ‘grown out’ of playing PES (I still revisit PES 5 for nostalgia but even that feels too basic for me now).

I will remember the old days with fond memories. But it’s definitely time for PES to call it a day, and in a way it has. eFootball isn’t Pro Evolution Soccer. It’s a game I just don’t recognise.

And it’s good that people still have their favourite football games to go back to and enjoy, whether it’s PES 6, PES 2021 or FIFA 16.
Sorry for liked some games then. I know you don't like PES 2021 but i. To me, it's the best for PS4.

For the lowest denominator. But in waiting for something better on a higher denominator (that should have been Serie S at least)
I totally disagree personnally, "we", it's a no, people praising yes.
I just don't get the logic of "doing worste because some people praised the game" at all but whatever.

Yes i still believe that's the limit they can do with a football game on PS4, by keeping a certain degree of fluidity.
Fifa is still have the same engine too, and every year they received bad critics, and i saw tons of people quitting the game. But they continue.

I think the fault is not coming from us when you check that case. But the country permetting microtransactions and pack etc : it became more entertaining for the youth than the game itself in fact. Gameplay, if it's just playable, is enough. Adrenaline, that's what people with a certain age are searching.
So no, we're not responsible.

I won't feel sorry to like a game. I love From Software game, and they never deceive me, or create games which are less good than the previous. Just different games. Sekiro vs Dark Souls, incomparable for example.
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Wonder when or if we will get a response from Konami/Bhatti about this abomination of a demo release.
I very much doubt it. If he tried to appease the community and say "hey look it's a work in progress" he'd get hammered for it. If he came out saying "no really it's great" he'd get hammered for it. He's in a no-win situation
For instance PES 21 is a game I really like and still enjoy a lot. I've seen many shit on PES 21 and then praise FIFA gameplay.

This. Exactly what
PES 2021 isn’t better than FIFA World Cup 2010, FIFA 14 or FIFA 16 for me. It’s one of the most boring experiences I’ve had with my long football gaming history. Sure, it flows quite nice. But shooting is automated crap and every shot/goal just feels so straight and repetitive.
To you.

I don't like FIFA 16 more than another FIFA game, more than FIFA 13 for example, and i think the better overally is FIFA 14. Just my opinion. FIFA WC 2010 is too old, but at the time it was a lot about ambiance, the real feeling of a world cup. But better than PES 2021? I don't feel it at all. It's good games. But a matter or "what you wait about a football game": we can't all have the same view. Like i prefers the direction of Mortal Kombat (current) than Street Fighter (current). But both are TOTALLY different in fact. Not even comparable.
The issue for example in all Fifa : i can't feel the ball like in any PES even the baddest of all (efootball not took in consideration), shooting, passing, all.
Feeling. I FEEL what i'm doing, my relationship with my controller and what happen on the TV. And that's what makes all the difference.
Without counting inertia, physics of FOX.

Like you're a PES 3 fan too, it's a version i wasn't a big fan neither. WE7I and WE8LE yes. But my remind is that game was way too easy to score at the time.
I repeat : at the time. I wasn't a fan. WE7I corrected it. Just an example, but i already said, i give priority to physics than responsiveness.
PES 5 was less responsive than PES 6, everyone agree it's better. AI got less variety too : you can try and you'll see stuff you won't in PES 5.

But if we still in the time of VS, to me there's no comparison from PES 2017 to PES 2021 (well the 2018 is arguable, the less fouls from every version and attack balanced) when you put in the same like Fifa 17 to Fifa 21. But some people like it better., while you can compare in every area, PES is objectively righter. (just received the 22, so it will be time to really test. Surprised how fast, i ordered the game yesterday afternoon)
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Yet another major publication going to town with the release:

That's them simply reporting fact; wait until the reviews come in! I await them with interest.

Wonder when or if we will get a response from Konami/Bhatti about this abomination of a demo release.

I can't get over how much Konami rely on him. Totally thrown under the bus, a lightning rod. Their silence as a company on their official channels is is remarkable. That's not me defending the individual, more appalled at the business practice.
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