eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

my classic teams for pes 2020 (PS4) :D
(download links updated and new Konami legends added although they are not in the videos)

classic Argentina
detail and download:

classic Brazil
detail and download:

classic Italy
detail and download:

classic England
detail and download:

classic France
detail and download:

classic Spain
detail and download:

classic Germany
detail and download:

classic Netherlands
detail and download:

download all together:
links for download a single team is in below of each video (if you open it in a new tab)
how many of these players are real? by which i mean legends created by konami
But having MORE than three kits per team AND being able to change shorts and socks individually per game? Come on, that's a priority in a footy game...?
I cant recall using a word 'priority' anywhere. I merely stated that in todays football - kits are mainly jerseys. Socks and shorts are varied from game to game, depending on the opponent. Not sure whats so shocking in saying that football game should have an option to alter kits between matches.
Especially since game introduced more zoomed out cameras, where some kits are somewhat clashing regardless of your choice and quite often im ending up with both teams playing away or a third jerseys to avoid confusion. Its a simple fix and its almost 2020. I could alter every bit of kits on Commodore 64.

There are priorities and there are useful changes. This is the latter. Like seeing a league table before the match during entry scenes in ML. Useful change. Only waiting 20 years for it now.. :LOL:

Ps. All good - im not that easy to offend, pal.
United have a home kit with black shorts in my PES at least - don't know if it was part of the PES Universe patch or if it was already there but the red of the shirt is more orangey than in the 1st home kit so it might not be Konami's work?

United played with black shorts last season, and had a shirt with a black gradient at the bottom. It grew on me but that's probably because we haven't had a great kit since Ronaldo left. Personally I prefer us with white shorts and socks than going red-black-black.
The Chevrolet logo screws up the kit IMO.
Used to think the older ones with Sharp looked so much better.
Same thing with a lot of other kits,how the chest logo fits with the rest of kit
The Chevrolet logo screws up the kit IMO.
Used to think the older ones with Sharp looked so much better.
Same thing with a lot of other kits,how the chest logo fits with the rest of kit
Yes, I really like when team looks like they put some thought into choosing sponsor. Like Wolves last year had "W88" and a big "W" on the chest. I liked it, it was cool. Coz, you know, "W"... coz they are Wolves.. with the W.. :LOL:
Now they have chinese takeway menu on their jerseys and it looks awful.. :LOL:
I am pretty sure that the whole foul system could be made better with a couple of lines of code. Just by lowering the threshold for each type of foul by one step. For example: Yellow card => red card. Getting a talk from the ref => yellow card. Obvious fouls that are now ignored => fouls.
Even with the last part ignored it would be a better system than what we have now. Maybe not great, but better.
Yes, I really like when team looks like they put some thought into choosing sponsor. Like Wolves last year had "W88" and a big "W" on the chest. I liked it, it was cool. Coz, you know, "W"... coz they are Wolves.. with the W.. :LOL:
Now they have chinese takeway menu on their jerseys and it looks awful.. :LOL:
1 special Wednesday meal!

There's so many teams with bad kit sponsors,especially all the betting ones,looks shit imo.
I had an idea for my mates and our Sunday league team to use the site we illegally stream some games from,Somali Cable as kit sponsors,might go for it next season:)
I cant recall using a word 'priority' anywhere. I merely stated that in todays football - kits are mainly jerseys. Socks and shorts are varied from game to game, depending on the opponent. Not sure whats so shocking in saying that football game should have an option to alter kits between matches.
Especially since game introduced more zoomed out cameras, where some kits are somewhat clashing regardless of your choice and quite often im ending up with both teams playing away or a third jerseys to avoid confusion. Its a simple fix and its almost 2020. I could alter every bit of kits on Commodore 64.

There are priorities and there are useful changes. This is the latter. Like seeing a league table before the match during entry scenes in ML. Useful change. Only waiting 20 years for it now.. :LOL:

Ps. All good - im not that easy to offend, pal.

Fair enough, mate. And I wasn't shocked at all. Just a little confused as to what people other than me look for in a football game.

I would have never even thought to think of pre-game shorts and socks selections as ingame options. But then again I rarely, if ever, watch real life football so that's probably a big factor in my ignorance.

'Keep calm - and carry on'.
Is superstar easier this year in PES? Do someone play on Legend and can say whether it's playable and adequate or not?
There's so many teams with bad kit sponsors,especially all the betting ones,looks shit imo.
If they cant get a 'cool' looking sponsor- at least they should think about colours and how it fits..
Take Newcastle for example. This blue writing on black and white jerseys is possibly the worst possible choice they could make..

Just a little confused as to what people other than me look for in a football game
I watch a lot of EPL and apart from the fact that some kits look really nice with altered jerseys - it wouldnt really bother me much.
Main issue I have is with above mentioned kits clashing. I dont remember last time I've seen a match on TV, where neither team would wear their colours. And Pes is sometimes forcing me to do that. Its not a big deal, but it is annoying. Simple fix would be to add 4th kit to all teams, which would be just an altered version of main one.
I usually create and add 4th kit myself before I start ML, but not many have patience (or bother) to do that.
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To clarify my bit above, maybe it's due to English not being my native tongue, I'll never let anyone play the racism card on anything that's cleary intended to be a harmless joke, as silly as it might be. But there's a line between a silly joke and comparing us to the KKK which is where being silly and whatnot ends.
If they cant get a 'cool' looking sponsor- at least they should think about colours and how it fits..
Take Newcastle for example. This blue writing on black and white jerseys is possibly the worst possible choice they could make
Plus that Newcastle got a shit load of criticism for using a quick loan company as sponsor in a pretty poor area (were there's a lot of quick loans/debt)
Looks shit as well.
Jesus Christ I missed all the shots fired when I was typing my reply..

Off topic, but important thing to say IMO:

Pity it had to go down this way. I could just apologise, paste my snowflake gif and fefepes would still be here..
On a serious note - there is racism and there are jokes. Sometimes I think people who are offended by every little thing are the racist ones, coz any normal and balanced person would not see anything wrong in a joke.
I see my daughter growing up. She laughs along with her black friend, hold hands. One day she asked him 'is he still black when he goes out from the shower.' When she told me this I nearly fell off the chair in terror, but I didnt say anything. He calmly replied - 'yes. It stays like this. Its a dry colour'. She went 'wow, thats so cool'..
Its us, adults, who create racism. Its up to us to see the difference between real racism and fake one, created solely to cause division and hatred.
Always a pleasure coming in here for a for a laugh.
Anyway,"coming in" written on my swift keyboard on the phone translated to "chi Ming"
There's probably a joke there (given recent events) but I'm not going there....today!
That's what happens when I'm to lazy to switch from Swedish to English on my phone:)
Jesus Christ I missed all the shots fired when I was typing my reply..

Off topic, but important thing to say IMO:

Pity it had to go down this way. I could just apologise, paste my snowflake gif and fefepes would still be here..
On a serious note - there is racism and there are jokes. Sometimes I think people who are offended by every little thing are the racist ones, coz any normal and balanced person would not see anything wrong in a joke.
I see my daughter growing up. She laughs along with her black friend, hold hands. One day she asked him 'is he still black when he goes out from the shower.' When she told me this I nearly fell off the chair in terror, but I didnt say anything. He calmly replied - 'yes. It stays like this. Its a dry colour'. She went 'wow, thats so cool'..
Its us, adults, who create racism. Its up to us to see the difference between real racism and fake one, created solely to cause division and hatred.
Kids are curious,I don't think anyone would take it the wrong way if they'd get a question,no matter what it is, unless the person is a complete [insert something]
We'll put mate!
I am playing crystal palace against each team in the league (exhibition) atm while waiting for a new OF to drop!
Edited the whole EPL with @klashman69 tactics and just can’t stop playing! Thanks again man, for all the effort you put in the game and the joy you put in my heart! :WORSHIP:

Is it just me or is the playback quality of these Twitter videos absolute garbage?


This is the kind of picture I get most of the time - sometimes it gets a bit better, but still impossible to watch the full video in decent quality even if you rewind after it's fully loaded.

Edit - The direct link works perfectly fine
Is it just me or is the playback quality of these Twitter videos absolute garbage?


This is the kind of picture I get most of the time - sometimes it gets a bit better, but still impossible to watch the full video in decent quality even if you rewind after it's fully loaded.

Same here. It takes every video like ~10 seconds until its quality improves to non-potato levels.
Is it just me or is the playback quality of these Twitter videos absolute garbage?


This is the kind of picture I get most of the time - sometimes it gets a bit better, but still impossible to watch the full video in decent quality even if you rewind after it's fully loaded.
Yes, I think twitter is reducing quality to a point of laughable.. I've seen a fifa clip the other day and it was hard to believe how bad it looked. I'll try to find it, coz there is bad and there was this..
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