PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Agree totally with you shilts. . they're going to lose every license eventually anyway.

Lets hope it happens sooner rather than later, so maybe then, finally, it comes from their ass to their head, and they give us a fully customisable game(or x2 or x3 times more than now at least for a start)

a fully moddable game isnt quiet a good business for them...who would buy the next one then if it only offers gameplay improvements?

True, but it kind of works with FM. Every year there's so many lower league patches, and new league patches, and with that kind of database, it pretty much gives a completely realistic world football system. PES could do this for ML, yes they can.
Fully modulable equal bullshitty database without any rating system based on true life statistics, it's an open bar to bullshitty fanatics rating a bit like Chris Davies said.

But PES 2015/16 in terms of stats was the most wrong PES in history, before that it wasn't any problem at all (Iss Pro to PES 2014).
There were too many "copying" errors made by the Windsor team, i've already made a post about. I think they've got too much teams to handle for a small group of people, i remember they've included second divisions "on hurry" in may when they've rebuild PES 2015.

We need a proper way to rate players correctly, i see so many FM to PES converter but very mistaken on stats understanding.

For example Jumping Reach in FM (the higher a player can reach with his head in FM, his height will be in the equation) is not the same as Jumping in PES/Fifa (the higher a player can jump from the ground with his feet)
There is such stats there not in FM at all and will be in PES/FIFA because it's a managing game (only AI vs AI) like shot power, curve etc.
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Forget EA, licences and what not...the biggest threat to PES is Konami themselves. With the exception of PES, the company has completely withdrawn from the video gaming sector. How long will they support PES in the face of steadily falling sales?

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True,and you could argue they have done it to themselves..those sales where very vibrant and lucrative post pes6..

The Japanese are renowned for dropping liabilities and looking at sales against development and marketing the future doesn't look to bright..

Not that there hasn't been the support,just expectations not being met which leads to epathy and resentment.Theres every chance what you are saying will ultimately happen.This transcends well beyond licenses it's ultimately about quality and what a brand once stood for.
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Definitely would love to see a real shake up and some blue sky thinking..somethings that's fresh,offering a new learning curve and different control interface..

Something that's revolutionary,like pes was originally.

Feel like I'm playing less of a game on hardware that makes the ps2 seem like a steam train compared to the horsepower of modern console architecture..

Blue Sky thinking is exactly what Konami shouldn't be aiming for. They need to nail the basics before trying create something new and groundbreaking.

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one thing that I think in fifa is faaaaar better than pes, is dribbling without sprint ...

in this term on fifa it feels the ball is completely independent of the player
but in pes it feels only visual(and fake) distance between foot and ball ! it seems foot and ball are attached together in terms of programming ...
I don't know how I can explain this ... but the ball never will be out of control without sprinting ! unless the player get tackled(or etc) from opponent ...
aside the impact of proficiency of your players ... I mean something else ... just the ball and foot independence

EDIT: as I heard from testers 2017's dribbling is same (aside from defences abilities)
it seems pes team never has a plan to perform this in the game ...
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Forget EA, licences and what not...the biggest threat to PES is Konami themselves. With the exception of PES, the company has completely withdrawn from the video gaming sector. How long will they support PES in the face of steadily falling sales?

Sent from my GT-S7275R using Tapatalk

Best post in the last 5 years.

You cant blame EA/FIFA for the current state of PES. Konami is the only one to be blamed and EA only took advantage of it.

Their biggest mistake was understimating the tech evolution needed for the transition between two generations (ps2/ps3), wich required an investiment they were not willing to make, and now the their big mistake is a clear vision of what they want from PES, and whats making them failing so hard is their ridiculous attempt to "conquer" fifa fans or making a game more likable to a wider audiance that has almost zero learning curve.

No one cant come here and tell me that they CANT make a very good game that booth look and play good. The own recent history of the franchise show that they can make a game with some of the best graphics of sport games (pes2010), a game that look and feel realistic/organic on the technical aspect (animations amd ball physics) like Pes 2014, and game thats enjoyable/fun/varied like Pes 2013.

If Konami had a clear vision of what they want, we could already have that looks better tha Pes 2014 and play as good as pes 2013, and with Pes 2017 we could expect a boom in terms of graphics, presentation, atmosphere, menu, game modes, servers and anything else.

But what we see is a franchise that NEVER seem to be in a continuous evolution. Theres always something thats improved and things that got worse or its removed.
Best post in the last 5 years.

You cant blame EA/FIFA for the current state of PES. Konami is the only one to be blamed and EA only took advantage of it.

Their biggest mistake was understimating the tech evolution needed for the transition between two generations (ps2/ps3), wich required an investiment they were not willing to make, and now the their big mistake is a clear vision of what they want from PES, and whats making them failing so hard is their ridiculous attempt to "conquer" fifa fans or making a game more likable to a wider audiance that has almost zero learning curve.

No one cant come here and tell me that they CANT make a very good game that booth look and play good. The own recent history of the franchise show that they can make a game with some of the best graphics of sport games (pes2010), a game that look and feel realistic/organic on the technical aspect (animations amd ball physics) like Pes 2014, and game thats enjoyable/fun/varied like Pes 2013.

If Konami had a clear vision of what they want, we could already have that looks better tha Pes 2014 and play as good as pes 2013, and with Pes 2017 we could expect a boom in terms of graphics, presentation, atmosphere, menu, game modes, servers and anything else.

But what we see is a franchise that NEVER seem to be in a continuous evolution. Theres always something thats improved and things that got worse or its removed.

I echo your views as I think will many and very well put..

It's tough when your expectations are viable and you see lots of great qualities in a game that aren't expanded upon or dropped all together without being fully fleshed out.Your right about tech and it's now back firing...the potential has been there,so has the talent..

To many half baked games over to long a period of time..
are we back on PES is dying / Konami is dead again?

God help us if FIFA is the only option left we will be here reminscing on how awesome PES 2016 was :D

Come on guys I am just as impatient for more news but this default doom and gloom is as depressing as reading the paper these days.
They fired Hideo which means MGS has a question mark over it. PT which was the horror game with him and Guillermo del toro creating it was scrapped and there were rumours of them pouring all their investment into pachinko and slot machines as opposed to Video games.
This was rubbished by Konami though.
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If Konami had a clear vision of what they want, we could already have that looks better tha Pes 2014 and play as good as pes 2013, and with Pes 2017 we could expect a boom in terms of graphics, presentation, atmosphere, menu, game modes, servers and anything else.

But what we see is a franchise that NEVER seem to be in a continuous evolution. Theres always something thats improved and things that got worse or its removed.
As I said a few pages back, Konami has produced the perfect football game. The trouble is all the individual elements are spread over the last decade or so.

With proper focus and direction we could have a PES that truly evolves each year, with the problems fixed and the good stuff made even better. Instead we have a series that flip-flops from one year to the next, going forward in some ways and backwards in others. As a fan it's been a frustrating series to follow.

Come on guys I am just as impatient for more news but this default doom and gloom is as depressing as reading the paper these days.

I'm not trying to put a downer on the build-up to PES 2017 but as far as I'm concerned, but rumours of Konami's almost complete withdrawal from video game production is the elephant in the room. I'm surprised nobody has really discussed this, and if nobody cares then that's fine, but personally I'm concerned for PES beyond the next couple of years.
They fired Hideo which so MGS has a question mark over it. PT which was the horror game with him and Guillermo del toro creating it was scrapped and there were rumours of them pouring all their investment into pachinko and slot machines as opposed to Video games.
This was rubbished by Konami though.

they just released a great baseball game in april,
Konami makes great games and has very talented people there.
PES is probably there worst game right now but with that talent, they can move some developers around to improve PES's state.

EA's the one to worry about, other than Fifa there sports titles suck!
I just need an improved PC version graphic wise.

I do think we might get something new for the PC version like them integrating the game with the workshop features in Steam. Bhatti hinted at this last year (still waiting for the NVidia event btw LOL). So it might come this year.
1st- No way Messi will be the cover star. Konami can't even afford to pay him. Plus it would be dumbest thing ever (even for Konami) to get a player they already had for 3 years a while back. I think they are looking for fresh faces. Like Neymar/Morata last year. Make sense if it's an Arsenal player since getting the license for that team is like the biggest achievement ever for Konami since they got the UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE license. Getting an EPL team? With EA all over the EPL? They must have had an erection when they got Arsenal's approval.

2nd- I'll quote something I read from 'bangus' on the SG boards. I don't agree 100% but I definetely agree with most of it:

I said what I did about FIFA 17 "news" because it amazes me we have these exact conversations every year. It's like Groundhog Day around here every spring. Here's the facts as they apply to these games, for the foreseeable future. So that we don't have to pretend that FIFA will be any different this year:

Konami releases a broken ugly mess of a game, every year. They have 1/50th the budget of EA, so they try and jerry-rig the same broken legacy code every year, to see if MAYBE this year they can get the game to work and the animations to look right. But they never can and never will. The code for this game should have been trashed back in the early 2000's and the game rebuilt completely. And because Konami never did that -- never had the money to do it -- they're now left with a Frankenstein monster of a game, pieced together each year with dead and rotting bits of this and that.

Meanwhile EA laughs their asses off at Konami. And not because Komani can't get their shit together -- and Konami's ineptitude year after year IS hilarious -- but because Konami works so hard to try and release a game that looks and plays like football. Whereas EA knows they can just release the same regurgitated crap every year -- the same arcade nonsense that resembles hockey more than anything else -- and the money will still roll in. Because EA has done their homework. Gamers these days don't care about on-the-pitch football simulation, they only care about graphics and online achievements.

We're in the Donald Trump era of gaming, mirrors and grift and horseshit over actual quality and substance. And people fall for it because humanity's collective IQ is dropping with each generation.
Kirby can be on the cover for all I care.

EDIT: A whole lot of tweets on Adam Le Fondre's twitter

I recall either him or a mate of his is on here? Or maybe someone who's on here who's played with him on PES.
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are we back on PES is dying / Konami is dead again?

God help us if FIFA is the only option left we will be here reminscing on how awesome PES 2016 was :D

Come on guys I am just as impatient for more news but this default doom and gloom is as depressing as reading the paper these days.

5:15 "its like FIFA"

never thought i would say that, but that sounds promising :D

I actually liked watching that, although I felt very old!

I'm pretty sick of people bashing Bhatti, he does not write the code, he is enthusiastic about the product and of course he is bias, just as i am with my own employer.

Feedback so far has been very positive and will no doubt be an improvement on 16 that had a lot of flaws!
are we back on PES is dying / Konami is dead again?

God help us if FIFA is the only option left we will be here reminscing on how awesome PES 2016 was :D

Come on guys I am just as impatient for more news but this default doom and gloom is as depressing as reading the paper these days.

I'm pretty sick of people bashing Bhatti, he does not write the code, he is enthusiastic about the product and of course he is bias, just as i am with my own employer.

I actually ask myself if the biggest Bhatti bashers are actually old enough to have worked...
What i don't understand is that Bhatti gets all the flak and not journalists who have given PES2016 very good reviews.

A lot of spoiled brats in this thread.

AT THIS MOMENT, 99% of the criticism towards PES2017 is totally unjustified...
The only issue I have with Adam is the quasi-trolling of PC users. I know it's not his fault, but just be straight with us. Last year was just malicious.
I actually ask myself if the biggest Bhatti bashers are actually old enough to have worked...
What i don't understand is that Bhatti gets all the flak and not journalists who have given PES2016 very good reviews.

A lot of spoiled brats in this thread.

AT THIS MOMENT, 99% of the criticism towards PES2017 is totally unjustified...

Could not agree more!

I understand frustrations but let's have some balanced maturity in opinions and expectations.

It's honestly, one of the reasons I am less active but that is no reflection on this excellent site and the way it is run.

Adam confirms new legends and new presentation style in MyClub.

@5:00 did I understand this the right way?
"it´s like a different company (KONAMI?) between this and 2016.....big difference...."

Sounds good actually....let´s wait and see.
I hope this one is gonna make me feel excited again and make my fist bump in the air when I score.
Happened with PES 2013 the very last time...and a bit with 2014.
EA's dumb doing what there doing anyway, spending shit loads on licensing.
Instead of development, for better AI and game-play.
Not getting them shit, the community will just make PES fully licensed anyway at no cost to Konami....

Japanese are smart people..

Well, like a modder, kitmaker, ballmaker and a lot of things I already do it for PES, and others modders I know, do you think we aren't enough for do the work of Konami FREE?? It's so easy wait for the modders do kits and other things free for the people play like a complete licensed game, we are on 2016!! I not pay 40-60€ for a game I have to make it almost from 0 because only have gameplay, if they want our money, they have to make the things well and have better employers for have a better final game.

Changue you all the mind because accepting what Konami is doing with PES, less people gonna do it patches, kits, balls, adboards or other things, and you all know it this already from some years ago, alot of people stopped to edit the game.
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