WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

I think you can download the right codecs at www.divx.com
I compressed it with divx.
Oh and the pass was from a defensive midfielder, standing about 5 virtual meters at the opponents half.... he just passed the edge of the middle circle...
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that was obviously a circle pass... if not den the L1 + /\ pass would have been meant for the omf instead of the striker.. so it overshot.. btw that was not a proper L1 +/] pass coz the ball landed directly at the player.. not in front
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Yes, of course, I lost may way during the game that much that I did not see the difference anymore between :circle: and :l1: +:triangle: :roll:
Apart from the fact that you suggest I am a fraud.

You can go too far in your attempts to find reasons why I can do this and you cannot.
Very pathetic....
Han said:
Yes, of course, I lost may way during the game that much that I did not see the difference anymore between :circle: and :l1: +:triangle: :roll:
Apart from the fact that you suggest I am a fraud.

You can go too far in your attempts to find reasons why I can do this and you cannot.
Very pathetic....

that pass u made was not even a decent L1 /\ pass, comeon.. stop braggin
you said L1 + tap of /\ right, in that case(video), if u did tap /\, it would have been meant for the nearest player which is the omf instead of the striker. And by the way the high thru pass is supposed to land in front of the striker not directly to him
I am not arguing with you anymore. I have a reliable name at this board and I am not going into arguments like being a fraud. I expected from you that you would apologize for that, but you just go on with it.
Did you see a gauge-bar building up during the pass? It wasn't there, like it is with a :circle: -pass. Enough said!
Just face it, you can do the :l1: +:triangle: like that, if you use the right player with the right abilities for long passing.
ok i admit it was my fault... it was not a circle pass
but what im trying to say is, if you hold L1 and tap /\ from the video, that thru pass would have been meant for that omf behind the striker, in that case, the high thru pass would have gone ahead of the omf and concidentally landed at the striker... if you could prove me wrong by doing it again but without anyone infront of the passer but the reciever

peace out
I can do that. I did it just this way because Valentino asked me for such a pass.
It isn't that hard, just make sure of the following things:
-you can only pass :l1: +:triangle: in the direction your player is facing (important difference with previous versions)
- You most of the time go wrong if your passer has mediocre long pass attributes for passing. The passer in this case was an edited player and his values for passing were 86, 86, 90, 85. He also had a star-attribute for passing.
-Maybe I did not use the right expression for pressing the triangle; it was just a tad more than tapping it.... You can pass further as you press the triangle-button longer.
This way everybody should be able to do a good :l1: +:triangle: , as far as you do some practice of course...
I don't know the exact values from Beckham, but in real life he is very good in crosses, which is in fact a long pass. Beckham is generally a good passer, so, yes, I think he should be able to do the job.
The passing attributes must be around 80 or more, is my guess. If he has a star-attribute for passing (or probably playmaking) het certainly should be able to do that...
Zidane certainly can...
thanx alot Han for your explenation
many people where complaining about R1+/] this time it's sims more difficult then in previus we/pes games, but it's possible to lob throw by using R1+/]
can't wait till october to play this game
BK_83 said:
did i mention offside? i have seen tons of offside replay, and my striker was only an inch offside, sometimes i see that my player is level with the def but still given offside... this is stupid...
Have you seen some of the decisions given in real life? Theyre not always right ;)

BK_83 said:
about 6 stars, shooting system in 6stars is just crap... the diff btw 5 and 6 stars is that the AI for 6 stars is the same as 5 stars but they limit our ability. e.g. more than half of your shots are aimed at the centre of the goal even though u pressed down or up... YES im in a good position to shoot... not some 180 deg turn and shoot kind of thing

no no, i play on 6* and all my shots do not go to the centre of the goal, maybe your paranoid? i have just qualified for the 2nd round of the euro cup with latvia, drawing 0-0 and then 2, 1-0 victories, which i hung on for again denmark and slovakia.

I hit the angle of the bar with a falling diving header, and scored a great one touch passing goal, which i wacked into the right hand side of the goal, just shaving the post.

last week i was utter pissed off with WE9...it was the worst game ever.

however i thought, i only play it when im bored, not when i want to play it.

So i was in the mood for some WE9 yesterday and i did some friendlies.


The game felt so much better, i wasnt giving stupid fouls away, i wasnt just tryna run through with the attackers and play 1-2s like i used to on the ole versions. I varied my attacks and the game felt SOOOO much better it was unbeliavble.

I am now back in love with WE9.
Originally Posted by wilier
That's exactly my point... from very deep, it works ok... but nearer the penalty box, it seems impossible to dink a small L1 + /\ pass, without it going straight to the GK.

Originally Posted by valentino
Han: why don't you upload your replays that "midfielder pass it (L1+/\) to the striker and the striker control it perfectly".
i really want to see it.
no L1+/\ to wing
no L1+/\ from backline

only L1+/\ from midfield play to striker in the center position (not wing position).

Here we go:

A nice L1 +
pass from midfield near the penalty box to henry who make a great shotlob over dida.(on 5 stars) The trick is: You must pass at the right time(when the striker run forward)....so the pass come near the penalty area and not in the penalty area.


Nothing is inpossible :)
1 question is WE9 as annoying as PES4 can be overall? or is it enough of an improvement to warrant a purchase of PES5?

djdavedoc said:
1 question is WE9 as annoying as PES4 can be overall? or is it enough of an improvement to warrant a purchase of PES5?


Its more annoying but in a good way.
The gameplay against the cpu is more annoying because it is harder to get past each player and the cpu tends to sit on the back line more.

But it hasnt got many of the glitches that annoyed you in PES4
Ok, I've played 2 multiplayer tournaments and some ML sessions already, and I'mn ready to point out this game is a mix of crap and wonderful things. The problem is that the crappy things are more annoying than ever, and the problem is that WE series is getting LESS fun to play.

Cheating is CRAP and worse than ever. Not worthy at all and there's a big lack of features. I won't pay again for the single player. Konami is lying people with the single player mode. NOT FUN at ALL. The way the cheats interfere with the control and responsiveness of the players is so blatant... I would like to kill the programmer who did the scripts regarding that your better plays go to the post again and again (2 to 3 posts per game... WOW, how realistic is it, Seabass!) and the script regarding that on 1 vs 1 against COM keeper, it DOESN'T MATTER at all where you aim, the shot goes where the COM decides. This is utterly CRAP.

1) :l1: issues:
- If I choose MANUAL, give me MANUAL. Selecting players is worse than before. Sometimes the game just changes the selected defender ignoring you completely. That is very sad.
- In corners, you CAN'T defend properly because even if you selected a player that is in the best position to clear the ball, in the mid-air the game changes the cursor to a farther defender, thus giving clear way to you opponent to score.
- Most of the times, when defending, if you press :l1: (and no matter if you aren't pressing any other button) the selected defender does some steps forward, thus making the way for the opponent that the it's not possible to be caught by you.
- Sometimes if you press :l1: and want to select again the previous man, it doesn't matter if he's near or not, you have to cycle through irrelevent players until controlling your man.

- Sidebacks just aren't there most of the times!!!! Just like in WE8. They just disappear. It's time they solve this!!!
- It's so sad that we can't choose in corners and free kicks who is going to attack. I play barcelona and the idiot CPU always put Giuly in corners in the first post! I can't have Larsson there!!!!
- There's a lot of tactics issues that affect the whole gameplay, like the players packing in the box everytime and never coming out of it and so...

I know it's impossible to have all things right, but it's 3 years without decent sidebacks (don't tell me I have tu put him on man mark. I want a sideback that plays as sideback BY DEFAULT.

-Again, the game suffers big problems of unresponsiveness, now being worse than ever because of the automatic sidesteps animations that are so slow and prevent you from doing things quickly (specially playing analogue)
- Impossible to do a first time :l1: + :triangle: because pressing :l1: before having the ball just changes selection. Aaaaargh.
- I'm still unable to do first time shoots in the area most of the times when the ball comes from a deflection, even if I pressed the button way before. The player tries to control and waste the chance.

4) PASSING: One of the key FLAWS of the game. Being a slower game and being a game based on accuracy and passing, one should expect some decency and accuracy in the passing system. It's not like that.
- As other people have mentioned, LOTS of passes go to the wrong direction. It's not a matter of accuracy, but direction!!!! That totally kills my experience, as I'm a big passer in the game.
- Besides, it's so stupid and unbalanced that you can pass straight to the feet of your striker who is 30 meters away but you can't pass properly to a 5 meters away player and you won't know why.
- Passes backwards have been totally messed up. That is a key thing in real football. Knowing when to pass backwards to a player that is running upwards. In WE9 90% of backward passes are wrong, no matter what you do. Pathetic.
- Aerial Through passes are futile. Enough said.
- There's another thing that fustrates me a lot. It's ages since they say that double taping :circle: makes a lower cross to the first post and only tapping :circle: makes a farther cross. That's a LIE. You NEVER know where the cross is going and have almost no control over it 80% of the times. You see one player in the first post totally unmarked, you double press :circle: and it goes to the second post!!!! I really don't understand how it works, really, only seems to work sometimes. Against CPU, it always go to the head of a defender, it's totally "scripted".

All in all a poor mark of the game in one of the most important areas. You never know the direction of the pass, and if I had a third hand, I would use it to cross fingers and hope the direction of the next pass is correct.

- In 1 vs 1 situations, sometimes your shot goes the wrong direction and they should have balanced better the shoots relative to the position and balance of the player. It's highly unrealistic having those 90º shots that go in, it' almost impossible in real life to shoot like that without breaking your hip.
- Headers are still too high most of the times, even if you pressed R2 to position and so.

Concluding, they talk about more control BUT the result is,to me, a LESS
controllable game, where it doesn't matter much the realism at all if you decide to play straight passes forward. You can still cross all the field with two stupid straight passes. I have a friend that plays a 4 2 4 tactic, being the 2 midfielders close to defenders and attackers respectively, so as if it was a 5 - 0 - 5. When he gains possession in defense he just passes straight forward without even watching radar and knows that 30 meters away a player receives the pass. They should have reduced considerably the ACCURACY of long ground passes because as it is right now you only need to pass straight and the game is not rewarding slow playmaking but fast counterattacks only (it doesn't matter really if your player is unballanced or not, the pass just goes to the feet of your target when passing straight forward).

That's all. I know it's been sooooooo long to read, but I felt like I had to put all that properly here in order to show how the game is being stalled because of scripting movements and events.It's still the best footy game ever, but the main flaws are NOT solved from one year to the next, and that's a worrying sign.
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I've just got to my second season in the Master league, and it seems old players just come back as seventeen year olds, the worse feature ever introduced in any WE/PES game. :( Why do they bother with the transfer system if you can just go to transfer market and get a team full of really good classic players for free? It takes the fun out of it totally and makes the game unreallistic. Ok, the Master League isn't a reallistic format anyway, but it was fine before they introducd this feature.

So I've now speant my first two seasons slogging away, trying to build a team to be proud of, just for the game to say 'Here you go, don't bother building up a team that you have carfully crafted to win the league, just go to the transfer market and have these really good players for free!'.

It just takes the whole point out of the game. I'm not really going to enter a bidding war for Ronaldo when I can just go to the transfer market and get Zola for free, am I? And you could say 'Don't bother buying these players', but if I don't then all of the other teams will. It would be much better if the seventeen year old players had random looks, random stats (That start fairly low), and random names. This way it would be more of a challenge trying to work out which players to sign rather than blatently knowing who is decent and who isn't. Duh.
In the old days of ISS Pro Master League there was no easy way of building up a good team to win. I loved it it was a challenge and even the gameplay was good. I will of course get PES5 PAL UK when it comes out.

The Power said:
Here we go:

A nice L1 + :triangle: pass from midfield near the penalty box to henry who make a great shotlob over dida.(on 5 stars) The trick is: You must pass at the right time(when the striker run forward)....so the pass come near the penalty area and not in the penalty area.


Nothing is inpossible :)
Nice to back me up ;)
Good pass, nice finishing.
BK_83 said:
you should have seen me bid fucking 20k for ronaldinho, 2k salary but he still rejects my team

Yeah but that's one of the realistic things... if Chelsea bid 40 mil for Ronnie tomorrow, do you think he'd want to leave Barca? No way. He loves it. So some players are programmed in WE9 to keep refusing to leave their club, whatever the money. Other players will waltz off at the first offer.

As in real life, players who aren't in the first team are much more likely to sign for you.
drekkard said:
Ok, I've played 2 multiplayer tournaments and some ML sessions already, and I'mn ready to point out this game is a mix of crap and wonderful things. The problem is that the crappy things are more annoying than ever, and the problem is that WE series is getting LESS fun to play.

Cheating is CRAP and worse than ever. Not worthy at all and there's a big lack of features. I won't pay again for the single player. Konami is lying people with the single player mode. NOT FUN at ALL. The way the cheats interfere with the control and responsiveness of the players is so blatant... I would like to kill the programmer who did the scripts regarding that your better plays go to the post again and again (2 to 3 posts per game... WOW, how realistic is it, Seabass!) and the script regarding that on 1 vs 1 against COM keeper, it DOESN'T MATTER at all where you aim, the shot goes where the COM decides. This is utterly CRAP.

1) :l1: issues:
- If I choose MANUAL, give me MANUAL. Selecting players is worse than before. Sometimes the game just changes the selected defender ignoring you completely. That is very sad.
- In corners, you CAN'T defend properly because even if you selected a player that is in the best position to clear the ball, in the mid-air the game changes the cursor to a farther defender, thus giving clear way to you opponent to score.
- Most of the times, when defending, if you press :l1: (and no matter if you aren't pressing any other button) the selected defender does some steps forward, thus making the way for the opponent that the it's not possible to be caught by you.
- Sometimes if you press :l1: and want to select again the previous man, it doesn't matter if he's near or not, you have to cycle through irrelevent players until controlling your man.

- Sidebacks just aren't there most of the times!!!! Just like in WE8. They just disappear. It's time they solve this!!!
- It's so sad that we can't choose in corners and free kicks who is going to attack. I play barcelona and the idiot CPU always put Giuly in corners in the first post! I can't have Larsson there!!!!
- There's a lot of tactics issues that affect the whole gameplay, like the players packing in the box everytime and never coming out of it and so...

I know it's impossible to have all things right, but it's 3 years without decent sidebacks (don't tell me I have tu put him on man mark. I want a sideback that plays as sideback BY DEFAULT.

-Again, the game suffers big problems of unresponsiveness, now being worse than ever because of the automatic sidesteps animations that are so slow and prevent you from doing things quickly (specially playing analogue)
- Impossible to do a first time :l1: + :triangle: because pressing :l1: before having the ball just changes selection. Aaaaargh.
- I'm still unable to do first time shoots in the area most of the times when the ball comes from a deflection, even if I pressed the button way before. The player tries to control and waste the chance.

4) PASSING: One of the key FLAWS of the game. Being a slower game and being a game based on accuracy and passing, one should expect some decency and accuracy in the passing system. It's not like that.
- As other people have mentioned, LOTS of passes go to the wrong direction. It's not a matter of accuracy, but direction!!!! That totally kills my experience, as I'm a big passer in the game.
- Besides, it's so stupid and unbalanced that you can pass straight to the feet of your striker who is 30 meters away but you can't pass properly to a 5 meters away player and you won't know why.
- Passes backwards have been totally messed up. That is a key thing in real football. Knowing when to pass backwards to a player that is running upwards. In WE9 90% of backward passes are wrong, no matter what you do. Pathetic.
- Aerial Through passes are futile. Enough said.
- There's another thing that fustrates me a lot. It's ages since they say that double taping :circle: makes a lower cross to the first post and only tapping :circle: makes a farther cross. That's a LIE. You NEVER know where the cross is going and have almost no control over it 80% of the times. You see one player in the first post totally unmarked, you double press :circle: and it goes to the second post!!!! I really don't understand how it works, really, only seems to work sometimes. Against CPU, it always go to the head of a defender, it's totally "scripted".

All in all a poor mark of the game in one of the most important areas. You never know the direction of the pass, and if I had a third hand, I would use it to cross fingers and hope the direction of the next pass is correct.

- In 1 vs 1 situations, sometimes your shot goes the wrong direction and they should have balanced better the shoots relative to the position and balance of the player. It's highly unrealistic having those 90º shots that go in, it' almost impossible in real life to shoot like that without breaking your hip.
- Headers are still too high most of the times, even if you pressed R2 to position and so.

Concluding, they talk about more control BUT the result is,to me, a LESS
controllable game, where it doesn't matter much the realism at all if you decide to play straight passes forward. You can still cross all the field with two stupid straight passes. I have a friend that plays a 4 2 4 tactic, being the 2 midfielders close to defenders and attackers respectively, so as if it was a 5 - 0 - 5. When he gains possession in defense he just passes straight forward without even watching radar and knows that 30 meters away a player receives the pass. They should have reduced considerably the ACCURACY of long ground passes because as it is right now you only need to pass straight and the game is not rewarding slow playmaking but fast counterattacks only (it doesn't matter really if your player is unballanced or not, the pass just goes to the feet of your target when passing straight forward).

That's all. I know it's been sooooooo long to read, but I felt like I had to put all that properly here in order to show how the game is being stalled because of scripting movements and events.It's still the best footy game ever, but the main flaws are NOT solved from one year to the next, and that's a worrying sign.

Agreed. Whilst the overall appearance is of a more complex simualtion of football, the reality is that this is achieved by scripting the "gameplay". The lack of control and the way that the cpu decides so much makes for a unsatisfying experience. There are so many really bad looking moments during every match.

The thing that worries me is that, whilst I used to hope that WE10 or WE11 on PS3 would probably have sorted out much of the scrtiped nature of the gameplay, considering the way the game has been evolving in recent years, I no longer believe this. I fear that all Konamai will do is make the appearance of an ever more complex game, but achieve it by writing more complex scripts whilst still restricting your level of control to ensure the general ebb and flow of a match goes the way they have scripted it. The actual gameplay experience and sense of true control will probably be as poor as WE9.
I agree that one player mode is pretty bad, it cheats you so much. 2 player however is awesome.
Passes backwards have been totally messed up. That is a key thing in real football. Knowing when to pass backwards to a player that is running upwards. In WE9 90% of backward passes are wrong, no matter what you do. Pathetic.

This is one point that has started to annoy me, whats the point of having a free player on the edge of the area when you back/side pass is going to go behind him everytime.

There's another thing that fustrates me a lot. It's ages since they say that double taping makes a lower cross to the first post and only tapping makes a farther cross. That's a LIE. You NEVER know where the cross is going and have almost no control over it 80% of the times. You see one player in the first post totally unmarked, you double press and it goes to the second post!!!! I really don't understand how it works, really, only seems to work sometimes.

same problem, even with aiming which part of the area you want it to go it still doenst go short. I now just tap it once and hope for the best
Drekkard, I totally agree with your post. Fantastic stuff to write such a detailed arguement! I've been tempted to go back to playing WE8:LE. The only reason I don't is because I really like the edit mode in WE9, and also the kits and things.
Great! How did it feel? :)
You see, there are a lot of things yet to discover :)

I already did read some other posts (drekkard) where I did not agree on many points but I don't want to jump in all time. Just know that a lot of things can be improved if you know how to do that.
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