WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

There's another thing that fustrates me a lot. It's ages since they say that double taping makes a lower cross to the first post and only tapping makes a farther cross. That's a LIE. You NEVER know where the cross is going and have almost no control over it 80% of the times. You see one player in the first post totally unmarked, you double press and it goes to the second post!!!! I really don't understand how it works, really, only seems to work sometimes.

Press down on dpad and the ball goes to the first post. press up and it goes to the second pod.

Nothing is inpossible..:)
Han said:
Great! How did it feel? :)
You see, there are a lot of things yet to discover :)

I already did read some other posts (drekkard) where I did not agree on many points but I don't want to jump in all time. Just know that a lot of things can be improved if you know how to do that.

I have done several high through passes in the game, the only thing is that you only succeed once every 10 attempts, and it seems to me too forced or random. In real life those passes are quite easy to do if the striker is unmarked and the passer has good skills, but in WE9 is way too forced. If there was a way to do it higher and to have less depth, it would be ok, but it's always deep and low. That's the problem.

I used to build very good plays in WE8I and WE8LE with lots of variety of passes. Now I can't. And yes, sometimes you succeed, but most of the times your best plays end pathetically without a solid reason. In real life it happens like that, but in real life you play for 90 minutes, and this is a game.

The Power said:
Press down on dpad and the ball goes to the first post. press up and it goes to the second pod.

Nothing is inpossible..:)

Believe me I tried and in master league the ball goes straight to the head of any defender. In human vs. human it seems a little more controllable, though, I reckon that.

I respect all opinions, anyway :)
Wel, I am not talking about the high passes you discussed, because you have already read my point about that. I found the responsness issue of you something to disagree. You are right, you cant do fast sidesteps because the dribbler dribbles slower, making it harder to dribble and that's just GOOD :)
The dribbling in the other games was much to arcadey and much too agile. In previous versions I can dribble with a bad player and that's not realistic.
Just enjoy the slower speed of the game. It's more realistic and it offers you an advantage to have more time to watch the radar! Take use of it and spread delightfull passes behind the defenders you found at the radar! :) Also (like I said before) KNOW your players: Know who still can do a good dribble and know who passes well etc.

That's what I wanted to comment on your responsness-issue ;)
Han said:
Just read what valentino asked:

My pass was exactly what he asked for!

And about your remark: this pass was not from very deep and passed near the penaltybox, not going straight to the keeper. What more do you want me to do to proof you wrong?? There sometimes is a point were you and actionhank have to admit that your judgement of this type pass is wrong.
I can made loads of other movies where I play long throughballs, short to the left, diagonal etc. but I am sure you keep complaining.
Just admit you like complaining about WE9. ;)
(or that you work for EA :mrgreen: )

Er.. sorry mate. YOU WERE IN THE CENTRE CIRCLE when you played that ball. That's rather deep if you ask me, so I'm afraid I don't see how you've proved me wrong at all.

Our point, all along, has been that if you are further up the pitch (say 30-20 yards from goal), then the L1 thrhoughpass will go straigh to the keeper.
The Power said:
Here we go:

A nice L1 +
pass from midfield near the penalty box to henry who make a great shotlob over dida.(on 5 stars) The trick is: You must pass at the right time(when the striker run forward)....so the pass come near the penalty area and not in the penalty area.


Nothing is inpossible :)

Near the penalty box? You were at the halfway line!

Does no one understand? In previous Winning Eleven games you used to be able to use the L1 through pass from much, much closer to goal than that.
Yea, I used to do the L1 and Triangle through ball outside the CPU box, if I was to do this in WE9 the ball would go 6 miles down the road. This only works if your in your first half then you have a good chance of getting to it.

I kind like the idea of having it a bit in-front of you, gives me time to outrun the defender (although impossible in WE/PES) and gives my players enough time to run into the CPU box (although impossible because they dont know how to make forward runs) but they took it a bit too far really.
ActionHank said:

Er.. sorry mate. YOU WERE IN THE CENTRE CIRCLE when you played that ball. That's rather deep if you ask me, so I'm afraid I don't see how you've proved me wrong at all.

Our point, all along, has been that if you are further up the pitch (say 30-20 yards from goal), then the L1 thrhoughpass will go straigh to the keeper.
I think you have another perception of a high through pass. :)
I find it long if I pass that ball from well on my own half to the player I now played to. From the middlecircle to where I passed now is a short pass in my opinion :) Dont forget the ball in my video landed well in front of the penalty-area, so I did not even cover 30 yards/meters; at most 20 meters.
What you mean is a chipped ball, no throughpass.
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Sorry about the caps just realised my caps lock is on.
In any case there is no bug in the :l1: +:triangle: , what some of you said...
It's harder, true, like big mouth above ( ;) :mrgreen: ) said, that's all.
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BK_83 said:
i would recommend getting pes5 instead of we9

djdavedoc said:
posted by djdavedoc
1 question is WE9 as annoying as PES4 can be overall? or is it enough of an improvement to warrant a purchase of PES5?


IMO, when compared to PES4, either PES5 or WE9 is a definite improvement.

As to PES5 being better than WE9, i have seious doubts, other than the fact there would be possible more licences, and the game being in English. Other than that I hope that the gameplay is fine-tuned slightly (unlikely).

Also, traditionally, PES series gameplay is faster than WE series, and that's not to my liking.

But I always get each version anyway, so makes no difference to me.

I had a great game of Winning Eleven 4 with a mate today. I don't think I'll be able to convince him to go back to 9. Honest!

Oh well, I just hope the next revision has fixes some of the problems. To the rest of you, if you're enjoying 9, then fair enough.
Han said:
In any case there is no bug in the :l1: +:triangle: , what some of you said...
It's harder, true, like big mouth above ( ;) :mrgreen: ) said, that's all.

Why people think it's more balanced when it can only succeed 1 time from 15-20 times?

Some other problems:
Sometimes when you just tap square the ball flies over; i wonder how the hell am i supposed to shot? I only tapped :square: ffs

And the Side step dribbling isn't effective at all; I can dribble with it but it just isn't effective…

Sometimes its impossible to defend 90*degress shots..

i really cant believe i will be playing this shitty game for another 6 months...
I don't think there will be much difference between PES 5 and WE 9.
Because PES 5 is PAL I am afraid the speed will be higher. That perfect speed is an important factor which makes WE 9 so great. I hope they will adapt the speed for the PAL version so that the speed is the same as in WE 9.
I hope PES5 is a little more speedier because i think the game needs it.
Ive seen pro evo on some videos and thankfully the gamespeed does look a little bit nippier.
It should not be as speedy as PES 4, because that is much too arcadey.
Speed at WE 9 is perfect; just compare it when watching real live footbal on TV.
Han said:
It should not be as speedy as PES 4, because that is much too arcadey.
Speed at WE 9 is perfect; just compare it when watching real live footbal on TV.

perfect? lol

playing 45 mins in 10 mins?

very realistic.. :lol:
Winning Eleven series is WAy better then PES !! i dont know how this guys really play PES and wait for it and patch it !!!
Winning eleven 9 sure better then PES5 before it commin out
Han said:
It should not be as speedy as PES 4, because that is much too arcadey.
Speed at WE 9 is perfect; just compare it when watching real live footbal on TV.

I agree, the only things they really need to sort is the tackling, free kicks and crosses as these are all pretty weak.

Tackling because it sometimes takes three or four to get the ball with all the stupid ricochets going to the opposition.

Free kicks, pretty obvious to most people when does the com EVER score? Stupid, plus I've only scored about 10.

And crosses should be slightly more dangerous.

That's about all they need to change IMO.
Han said:
"Through Ball
Press the /\ button to send a through ball through the defense, using the directional button to aim the pass.
By holding down the /\ and aiming with the directional button you can send the ball to a player father away"
This, of course works too for the L1+/\. Speaks for itself

Yes, for shorter distances you tap the button, but you do better to try that out in training first. That's what I also did....
holding a passing button makes the pas goes to the FURTHEST player, not further player. if 3 player on the same line, the ball will go to the 3rd player, u simply can't pass it to the 2nd player. and it is AUTOMATICALLY, not manual or depend on your holding time.
Han said:
I am working right now, but I proposed that yesterday already, but before I did make one, the conclusion taken overhere was that this passing was random, sometimes happening and sometimes not. That made me think such a video was declared as luck anyway, so no use to do that.

Are you sure you want to see that without declaring it as random/luck? :)

Oh by the way, the new way is that you should face to the person you want to pass to and only then you press :l1: +:triangle:
In that order, at that way... then you see the miracle :D
like i just posten, Han. it is accurate, but it always goes further away (like my pic i post).

in bad position (not facing in right way), wrong foot, bad timing, the pass also delivered acurately (but further away).

i always face the right direction before launching a pass and i'm always a radar player (so i know if my striker is running or not). it's just... 10%. 9 of 10 attempt is flaw. 1 of 10 is luck (random accident).
Han said:
thanx :)
it is far away from the keeper. i mean the falling spot of the longthrough pass is now further away. can't pass perfectly to the man (even the lads are both in good position).

i more thing:
i really don't like the way konami make it "know-everything" about X pass. now X pass is like lecturing me. passing with X is like passing with /\ in previous series.

why does X pass to the fronter area when /\ is there? if konami praise MANUALNES, how come this to happen? i don't like my pass automatically aimed to fronter area, i want to do it manually like previous version.

now i can not know if my passer will pass right to the reciever or in front oh the reciever

and about pass that can not be done, i'll post it later coz i'm on vacation now (i'm now using an internet cafe's PC)
The Power said:
Here we go:

A nice L1 +
pass from midfield near the penalty box to henry who make a great shotlob over dida.(on 5 stars) The trick is: You must pass at the right time(when the striker run forward)....so the pass come near the penalty area and not in the penalty area.


Nothing is inpossible :)
the problem is, the passing is acurate, but always further away. now, it can be a good pass only if there is no oponent player in front of your player.

but it IS a flaw of konami. try passing with L1+/\ from wing side of penalty area, the ball will go out or will be catched by keeper.

the AI should pass it right to where the reciever can recieve the ball clearly, just like the real passer think. but it is not. and it is certainly a flaw.
drekkard said:
1) :l1: issues:
- If I choose MANUAL, give me MANUAL. Selecting players is worse than before. Sometimes the game just changes the selected defender ignoring you completely. That is very sad.
agree. i have been complaining it since WE8. i want total manual. it is a stupidity to invent semi auto 1st level when the manual method is semi auto.
- Sidebacks just aren't there most of the times!!!! Just like in WE8. They just disappear. It's time they solve this!!!
sidebacks are not in the side while defending. i just don't know how to make them stay in touchline coz the opponent's winger is there all the time. i'm not talking about man marking, but without man marking my SB should be more wingey than CB. but they are not.

I know it's impossible to have all things right, but it's 3 years without decent sidebacks (don't tell me I have tu put him on man mark. I want a sideback that plays as sideback BY DEFAULT.
- Impossible to do a first time :l1: + :triangle: because pressing :l1: before having the ball just changes selection. Aaaaargh.
- I'm still unable to do first time shoots in the area most of the times when the ball comes from a deflection, even if I pressed the button way before. The player tries to control and waste the chance.
total agree. i have been complaining it too since the beggining of PS2.
the solution should be: cursor will be change on release of L1, so when u hold L1 (and then pressing the other button) the cursor stay there.
4) PASSING: One of the key FLAWS of the game. Being a slower game and being a game based on accuracy and passing, one should expect some decency and accuracy in the passing system. It's not like that.
- As other people have mentioned, LOTS of passes go to the wrong direction. It's not a matter of accuracy, but direction!!!! That totally kills my experience, as I'm a big passer in the game.
- Besides, it's so stupid and unbalanced that you can pass straight to the feet of your striker who is 30 meters away but you can't pass properly to a 5 meters away player and you won't know why.
very agree. wrong person. i now know the method konami used. they pass to the closest player. no mater that your player in 45* position, but if 0* player is nearer, your X pass will go to the 0* player.

- There's another thing that fustrates me a lot. It's ages since they say that double taping :circle: makes a lower cross to the first post and only tapping :circle: makes a farther cross. That's a LIE. You NEVER know where the cross is going and have almost no control over it 80% of the times. You see one player in the first post totally unmarked, you double press :circle: and it goes to the second post!!!! I really don't understand how it works, really, only seems to work sometimes. Against CPU, it always go to the head of a defender, it's totally "scripted".
now the cross can be aimed. press up/down/left/right on the dpad. :)
- In 1 vs 1 situations, sometimes your shot goes the wrong direction and they should have balanced better the shoots relative to the position and balance of the player. It's highly unrealistic having those 90º shots that go in, it' almost impossible in real life to shoot like that without breaking your hip.
agree. after recieving a cross from right wing with X or /\ and shooting 1st touch, i always aim in right (coz the keeper in WE8LE always go predicting it left). but now it goes left no mater how i aim it to the right.
Concluding, they talk about more control BUT the result is,to me, a LESS
That's all. I know it's been sooooooo long to read, but I felt like I had to put all that properly here in order to show how the game is being stalled because of scripting movements and events.It's still the best footy game ever, but the main flaws are NOT solved from one year to the next, and that's a worrying sign.
good game is not about difficult control. good game about having comfortable (easier) control, but chalenging gameplay :)

and WE9 has ruined it all.
oh yes, 1 more problems. since WE8 actually.
i always do manual passes (the long manual pass more often) and i realize, sometimes the power gauge doesn't fill. i tot i misspressed, but then the ball was kicked.... wtf?!

i tot i read it very clearly about making it ON in buton config "manual pass gauge always ON"
Fkin hell are you lot still going on about that. Jesus, there's more to life than a chipped ball in WE9. :roll:

Anyway, what I've found is that as CD already mentioned in another thread, the defences are a tad annoying. Seems that every opposition has a brick wall defence with them swinging from the crossbar.

Also someone else mentioned about the goalies, have to admit the CPU goalies are far better than your own. I had 20 shots (9 on target) and the CPU had 1 shot (1 on target)..............the score? 1-0 I lost. Reminds me of CM.

The free-kicks are very poor, you go anywhere near someone and it's a foul.

Also the advantage rule doesn't seem as good as before. If your player is fouled and it plays on, there isn't enough time to see how your player makes any advantage. I've saw my guy fouled and stumble and the time he get's his composure back it's ran onto a defender and they regain possession and no foul.

JimJoeC said:
I agree, the only things they really need to sort is the tackling, free kicks and crosses as these are all pretty weak.

Tackling because it sometimes takes three or four to get the ball with all the stupid ricochets going to the opposition.
Yes, I find tackling harder too and yes you sometimes need to tackle more then once because of the bounce. I think that it's a matter of good timing and I do not time well all the time, so that seems to be the problem. I need to practice more on this part. Having said that, I do not tackle all the time; I try to cover passing options more and if the attacker still try to pass that way I try to put pressure on him to play fast, making errors that way. I mostly win the ball by coming in front of the receiver of the pass and intercept the ball.

Free kicks, pretty obvious to most people when does the com EVER score? Stupid, plus I've only scored about 10.

Yes, I fully agree with you. Th CPU scores rediculously (spelling?!) often from free kicks. I have to say though that I score more from free kicks as well!
The trick seems to be that the gauge-bar must be pressed longer now. In the previous version you needed to release the shoot-button at about 40-45% and now it's more like 55-60%

valentino said:
holding a passing button makes the pas goes to the FURTHEST player, not further player. if 3 player on the same line, the ball will go to the 3rd player, u simply can't pass it to the 2nd player. and it is AUTOMATICALLY, not manual or depend on your holding time.
Ah! I see! Never noticed that, about passing the furthest player

(next post)


it is far away from the keeper. i mean the falling spot of the longthrough pass is now further away. can't pass perfectly to the man (even the lads are both in good position).

i more thing:
i really don't like the way konami make it "know-everything" about X pass. now X pass is like lecturing me. passing with X is like passing with /\ in previous series.
Isn't this contradicting your point that the X-pass is always automaticly?
In fact, I think it's only automatic in terms of the length of the pass.
why does X pass to the fronter area when /\ is there? if konami praise MANUALNES, how come this to happen? i don't like my pass automatically aimed to fronter area, i want to do it manually like previous version.

now i can not know if my passer will pass right to the reciever or in front oh the reciever
I think it's like this:
The whole passing system is renewed; the X-pass give you more freedom than before but pressing X longer still searches the farest player.
The normal X doesn't give the option to pass a certain length, but gives you more freedom in direction.
The /\ pass does the same as X but you can pass with any length you want.
In all cases you should face in the intended direction!
So all in all you have more freedom of passing and thus more freedom of doing wrong passes!
awww so winning eleven has always been slower than pes? winning eleven 9 is the first in the series ive ever bought, maybe ill stick to it if its slower beacause pes has always been far too fast. i just love the speed of this game you can play a slow passing game if you want or when your a couple of goals down you can up the tempo and go all out.

the only problem i have with the game is.. er.. nothing at the moment, maybe that i have 15 minute matches in master league because 5 or 10 minute matches dont really cut it any more, so it takes me a lot longer to finish a season.

what can i say this games about as perfect as you can get on this generations consoles. i love it.
Great idea. Im gonna start my master league tonight and ill make it 15 minutes a game. This will help cut out the 0-0 scores.

Im guessing that all your players also use up much more stamina too?
What could be more disappointing then play for no audience? And what could compensate that??? Nothing IMO...
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